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to go after trump...is vague. How about just wiretap all his devices and search all his planes and locations based on the official knowledge that he's been abusing top secret material handling. It's official enough...impound his jet, have it dismantled to try to find the missing documents. Seriously it opens doors that aren't some hugely horrible ones. Also, investigate the supreme court judges immediately in the same way. They want a king, they can deal with a king...get the reminder of how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Seriously you have a basis for action here. I would also recommend that Smith be allowed to show the extent of damage done by Trump and that Biden allow US security services to report out to the public. Is having Trump as dictator worth keeping these secrets hidden now?


No trial possible? Then PUBLISH the evidence Did wonders with the Pentagon Papers


The court of law has failed. The court of public opinion is all that remains. Everythinf must be declassified and released. We need to know what information was stolen and who is was given too and how much money was recieved and in what forms.




We need to go after the messengers - propaganda news, it’s tearing the country apart.


Agreed no more opinionated and entertainment news. Just unbiased and middle ground reporting without an opinion or idea pushed on the viewers. This is actually law in a lot 9f countries




As we are in the reaping stage now, there was a WHOLE lot of sowing going on during Reagan.


Yes I know, reign is the beginning of tearing down our democracy and encouraging loco ideas


We have a right to protest for a reason. Not doing anything and just bitching online is no different than accepting POS supreme court judges and their whole Project 2025 plan, that these rulings are getting everything ready for. When and where are we going to protest this supreme court, and show them we want their corrupt and partisan asses out of power. Collective action time. in the meantime, try to ignore the culture wars we are about to get blasted with as their attempt to distract us. Trump needs to have his trials completed before election day. That's the most important thing of all.


The truth is no republic has survived this kind of crisis. Once you break the ties that bind its lost.


Yeah we’ve blown past the point of no return. Half the country is ready for civil war if their felon doesn’t win and the other half is apathetic. It feels inevitable at this point and idk how to stop it.


Half isn’t apathetic. A small percentage of that half might be apathetic enough to cost us everything but the whole half is not apathetic. Unfortunately the current leaders that that half has placed in power are proving to be.


This is how fascism works. The cat is absolutely out of the bag at this point. The only way forward would be to educate an entire globe about the personality disorders that are causing this... But those disordered people would take years to recover, if they even can. The truth is propaganda has destroyed democracy once again. Weird, you'd think after the last world war we'd talk more about the consequences of propaganda.


Except unlike past examples when countries fell, when America falls (project 2025 implementation) then the world's largest military is in the hands of .... The fascists. And if every country on Earth opposed the New America, it wouldn't matter. They're fucked. Imagine if Germany invaded Poland and started WW2 except Germany had more nukes and aircraft carriers than anyone else and could basically skull fuck everybody with impunity. The liberals wouldn't have won WW2 under those circumstances. But this time around if America becomes the fascist state, no league of nations could ever defeat it.


Fortunately for us the military brass and the pentagon types are less populist and more procedural so will 100% push back against a fascist uprising. That is the whole reason why the Heritage Foundation came up with Project 2025 and all of the Unitary Executive Theory believers want it to begin with. They're even already making lists of federal employees to publish who they think would oppose Trump's plans. It's not over until it's over.


We all need to be preparing ourselves, especially minorities and those of us who are apart of the LGBTQ community, to defend our lives & our country. A lot of these recent events and the things these MAGAts spew from their mouths are reminiscent of what the Nazi party were doing & saying before they destroyed Germany's democracy, and then installed themselves as Germany's totalitarian rulers. And your totally right about the "martyr or dictator" comment. We're at a point where tRump could commit a horrible unspeakable crime to a child, while on live television & then admit to it, and his PoS cultists would still support him. On top of all this, they have the nerve to call themselves Patriots, someone who supports their country. When in all actuality they are really **Loyalists**, someone who support a "ruler" over their country and it's laws.


It’s smart which is exactly why I’d never expect Biden to do it. We’re pretty much screwed.


They'll be ruled inadmissible if used against but if just released publicly there is no going back.


the sad part about our current environment is no matter what you find, the MAGA crowd will say it's planted\\ fake news\\ not real \\ lies... etc. no matter what kind of evidence that is released to the public, they will believe its fake. Remember, these are people that do not require evidence for their beliefs. They truly believe that as soon as we "get rid of all the gays" and\\or make all of Israel free of Arabs, their sky daddy will come back to earth and take them up to heaven with him and rain terror on the earth for all our sins, end times,, etc. It's bizarro world over there. I can't make this shit up.


Yeah. Those people are lost. Reaching them is impossible. Too far gone. Fuhgedaboutit.


Yeah. Fuck em. Just do some cool shit. It doesn’t have to hurt anyone. Oh, except the very rich. Take their money back and give it to regular folks. Robin Hood style!


While you aren't wrong about the maga folks, it's the people undecided and in the middle it needs to affect.


how many undecided voters do you think there really are? seriously? when the options are a convicted felon con artist who tried to steal the election in multiple ways including a deadly insurrection where 8 people died, including several police officers, suggested we inject bleach and nuke a hurricane... and the old democrat who is actually getting stuff done, well... as much as he can with an obstructionist republican congress unwilling to pass any bills that might help their constituents. edit: I'm convinced undecided voters are unicorns. I've never met one.


There are way more apathetic eligible voters who never vote than there are undecided voters. Those are who need to be reached and convinced to care.


What he's saying is, is that they HAVE decided. They decided they don't care.


Detain DJT on an espionage charge until tried. They did it to SEVERAL people over the years. They could Trump up the evidence if necessary, pun intended. The best way to prove a rule or procedure to be bad is to follow it. Trump has avoided conviction, and Biden can too. He should force the issue: Biden could say: "On July 10th, as an official action, I am issuing an arrest warrant for DJT for espionage (through a sympathetic judge), and he will be taken to Guantonimo Bay. I can't share the details of the evidence for the warrant because of national security concerns. Per the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, since this is an official action of the presidency, I can't be held accountable. If Congress wants to do their job as a balance of power against a corrupt RV driving court, they can and should pass a law to override the courts bad ruling and stop me. The ball is in your court, Congress. Do your duty. If you don't, I will follow through on the arrest. All Hail King Brandon." Don't you think the very next day, Congress would write that law to stop him? The Dems and Biden need courage. So what if 81 year old Biden ends up impeached or arrested. A supreme sacrifice he can make to correct the situation. But like I said, they haven't been able to nail Trump. I don't think they could stop Biden if Biden wanted to force the issue to demand change. Another thing he should do: appoint 4 more justices. When the Republicans try to create an amendment to plug this plot hole in the constitution, the Dems could say "we'll pass the amendment on limit of judges only if we add 10 year term limit in the amendment too." But it just seems the Dems & Biden don't have the courage or the imagination to call this bullshit out in a real way that would force improvements.


He will end up arrested anyway, as I am sure trump will do it for revenge. He might as well go down fighting.


EXACTLY! And let's be honest. Biden has lived his life. Just like Trump, by the time you get past the final appeals, they'll be dead from old age.


Lol yes, and he could turn the tables on trump, have his lawyers file endless appeals to delay the trial. Justice delayed is justice denied.


Until the SC finds some way to fast track that shit onto their plate and goes "Nah, Biden didn't say the right words and do the secret hand sign, so that wasn't an official act. He's not immune. See, now Trump just did it correctly, it was bigly presidentially and part of his job; IMMUNE".


He’s already been adjudicated an insurrectionist and you can absolutely make the case he’s a threat to the country and the constitution. Take whatever steps you can to keep him off the ballot, and while you’re at it, issue an executive order removing anyone who aided in the insurrection from the ballot also. Now if you need to pass legislation for cover you can do it. But he needs to use this to make sure trunp never gets anywhere near this kind of power. I get the feeling these options are being discussed. trunp is bragging about military tribunals, which is not only motivation but I would offer is even more just cause to remove him from the ballot as a threat to the constitution. He’s literally bragging about abusing his power and punishing his political enemies. That should be reason enough. I think we might see something like that down the line if it looks like there’s a chance trunp might win, which honestly I think took a big hit yesterday.


Who paid off kavanaugh’s debts and mortgage?


Who paid off Kavanaugh’s mortgage? #Why Putin and his All American #Billionaire Boys Band - Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow, Charles Koch, Elon Musk, David Green These billionaires boy band members are destroying our country and planet !!! Why? For one more dollar!


Yeah everyone is like "omg he has the ability to assassinate now" My brother's the SJ gave Biden a much more dangerous loaded gun. The ability to hit them where it really hurts. Their wallets. He can now reveal every ledger with impunity. Use the corruption to destroy the corruption!


This is the kinda action we need. But we won’t get because “status quo” or “rule of law” or some shit. Fuck going high - time to fuck some shit up.


Seriously. Wiretap every judges’ phones.


No nation has had this much foreshadowing regarding a putsch in the history of the planet. Here's that look the last boy scout has when he finds out that, "Wow, the fix really was in and they really are a bunch of fascists Hell bent on taking over and taking revenge." ![gif](giphy|wHE6Dd6RCVHQfjK5dy|downsized)


There’s less than 4 months left to act decisively and fast. I don’t have faith that those who have the power to stop this will do anything of worth.


"Guys, we can't use the political power that the fascists are building against us. That would be too mean." "Guys, we can't pack the Supreme Court, cause what if they pack it against us?!?!" " Get rid of the filibuster?? That's silly. What if they use that against us??" Yeah, doing nothing has gotten us no where. Either use the power the fascists gave you to stop this madness or prepare for a civil war.


The Supreme Court one pissed me off so much, because the logic is so wrong. Mfer THEY ALREADY PACKED IT AND MADE IT POLITICAL. What are you waiting for….


He wants history to remember how polite he was while he handed the country over to fascists.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


I got downvoted and criticised for suggesting this approach


They never had the option to pack the supreme court in the first place. They never had the votes to make it happen in congress.


The DNC has tried nothing and they're all out of ideas, because the DNC - ***SOMEHOW*** - still has not figured out that the Republicans are playing by completely different set of rules that allow them to exploit the hapless "Well, if we're nice to them, they'll come around" DNC.


They're kind of counting on the fact that the democrats will do nothing. If it goes like Germany, or Russia, or Italy, or a bunch of other places, America will be a one Party state within the year. Very likely trump will just designate the Democrats as a terrorist organisation. It's like the democrats are fighting with boxing gloves. Meanwhile, the Republicans brought an assault rifle.


Jim Jordan called for the left to uphold democratic norms. So, I guess that’s all folks.


The issue is that the DNC's voters and its donors want mutually exclusive policies. The DNC rewards its donors and feigns helplessness to its voters. If they wanted to fight for you, they would, they know how.




“and” prepare for civil war


Seriously, the democrats always taking the high road has gotten us absolutely nowhere. Now, especially, is not the time to go on about our morals and prance on willy-nilly, because the fascists sure as shit won't give a damn about them if they win.


Typical spineless Democrats, hamstringing themselves when new rules have been put on the table and they refuse to avail themselves of them, when the Cons are going to avail *the fuck* out of them. If you're in a knife fight and someone throws you each a gun and your opponent picks one up, you don't make a speech saying that the introduction of guns is very dangerous to our democracy. *You pick up the fucking gun.*


Stack the court and redo EVERYTHING NOW!


Sure let’s take the high road, Biden loses the election, and Trump makes FULL use of his newly acquired immunity. America is no longer a democracy. Is that really how you want this to play out?


DNC says yes. That's why they ran Hillary then Biden twice.


I was so mad when they ran HRC. I’ve been downvoted many times for saying this. But she was the most unelectable candidate they could’ve run. Same thing happening now. I voted for her, I’ll vote for him. I’m sure many of us have and will but we are not the ones needed to win this election. The top dem operatives are so fucking out of touch


Nacy Pelosi and her husband are like 2 steps from being republicans. Insider trading asshats like them fucked us all pushing for these weak centrists trying to court republican votes. There were worse candidates on the field at the time but she was pretty bad, her best quality was her Husband and he spent as much time with Epstien as Trump




Abuse power to fix the problem and then make amendments and changes to close the door behind him so no one else can ever abuse power again. It’s the only move.


Executive Order: “the findings of this SCOTUS ruling are invalid after this Executive Order” *Use the stones to destroy the stones*


I was thinking more along the lines of The Dark Knight when Batman has Lucius Fox uses that technology that turns every phone in the city into a surveillance camera or whatever to find the Joker. Fox doesn’t want to use it, but will this one time and then tender his resignation. “When you’re done with it, enter your name”


Concur, don’t sleepwalk into fascism again


Exactly, "use the stones to destroy the stones". Anyone that thinks Democrats should use the power just to enrich the party or hurt the GOP is both a disgusting partisan-hack and a short-sighted moron. Such people are just as much of a problem as the MAGA republicans they \[rightly\] denounce and rail against.


Can we just abolish the position of president or make it a figurehead position? In the modern world one person simply shouldn’t have the power they already had, let alone this new unhinged power.


I agree. There are many things he can do to combat this that do not involve assassination.


Biden Executive Order- No person convicted of a felony shall be allowed to run for political offices of any kind. 'Nough said. 🎤 🫳


The problem is that everything we have in this country is a "Gentleman's Agreement" to do the right thing and nothing to counter that. We follow the rule of law even when it's absolutely rotten to its core, to who's benefit? Who says we must follow SCOTUS decisions? A Gentleman's Agreement. If Republicans/MAGA/SCOTUS are in the middle of a coup then why follow rules if they aren't going to? There is no peaceful solution to a stealing of power. MMW: Even if Biden wins, SCOTUS is going to install trump as a dictator. What do we do then? Piss & moan and take it up the tail pipe, is what. Because we refuse to come down hard on Fascists and try to preserve this "I told you to go to bed so you have to accept it" -type of mentality. The time for civility towards domestic terrorists is gone.


> The problem is that everything we have in this country is a "Gentleman's Agreement" to do the right thing and nothing to counter that. This is more true than people think, and what's the point of honoring the Gentleman's Agreement if your opponents won't? The agreement has been broken, so stop abiding by it.


We had a 'Gentleman's Agreement' for Presidents not to run for more than 2 terms in office until Roosevelt broke it it Because Wartime. Six years after Roosevelt died, the formal Constitutional Amendment was ratified forbidding more than 2 terms in office for Presidents. What is necessary at this point in time is for Biden to abuse the fuck out of his powers as president, and force Congress to create formal limits to those powers that are more in line with historical norms. If Biden achieves anything progressive in the meantime with his overreach so be it, but at this point we demand that he does something worthy of impeachment just to remind people that Presidents shouldn't have absolute power. To re-establish the tradition.


About 10 years gone by my reckoning, though it's entirely possible that my perception is skewed by that being when I was 18 and getting angry.


Faith based system.


Biden Executive Order - SCOTUS has now been removed, and this level of court will no longer exist. A new SCUTOS (someone else can figure out the acronym) will now be the highest level of court. They will not be "lifetime" appointments, and a whole bunch of other rules to make sure this current situation doesn't happen again.


I was thinking he should just get rid of all the justices that voted for this, since they've obviously never read the Constitution


I'm not in the USA, but to me there's been a years long battle with the SCOTUS, so destroy it all, and rebuild it in a way that will not allow it to be as corrupt, and for as long as it currently has been.


We have the right. It's in the constitution, but the people have to unify and say enough is enough. Which unfortunately we are Americans and many of us can't see past our own shadow, let alone unify for a just cause.


That right there is the reason why America experiences change at a glacial pace.


Right. Hilariously, the current Supreme Court has also ruled that the Constitution doesn't count unless Congress has also made a law saying the same thing. So just remove the Supreme Court. People will say, "That's unconsitutional!" but did Congress pass a law saying you couldn't? Even if they did, the President is immune anyway! And in the end, is it more unconstitutional than saying that the President is above the law, or any of the other heinous shit this Supreme Court has been doing?


Not enough said. The issue still exist and you literally only addressed Trump and maybe a few other of his ilk. Don't get so distracted by the problem that Trump poses that you forget to address the issue itself.


It's not within a president's powers to alter the Constitution, which is what that would be doing with regard to who can be president. An Executive Order saying that would just be ignored.


Having immunity from prosecution doesn't make his executive orders have any more authority than they already did.


None that are quite as fun, though.


I don't know, I think legally changing Mike Johnson's name to Reek would be pretty fun... officially of course


Could Biden make Johnson eat his own Johnson? I think we, the people, would like to know.


Why do you want that man to go hungry?


Sounds OFFICIAL to me -- let's do it!


"My name isn't Mike Johnson. It's *Reek*!" Does he get his dick cut off, too?


How about arresting the conservative Supreme Court Justices on trumped up charges? That'd be quite fun.


Immediately appoint new ones - officially of course - and send the old ones under terror charges to Cuba. Then wait for the trail, it could be a while.


Wouldn't even have to be trumped up charges. Thomas has been bribed. I think they need to follow the money that paid off all of Kavanaugh's debt. I think every email or other communication to Anthony Kennedy and his son and every outside contact to both of them, their finances, and whatever other records.. I have no doubt the same is true of Amy Barret. Every single one should have every record and account they have, every communication and presume they are corrupt and Biden should be impeach and remove them all


Plus they all lied under oath when they said roe v Wade was an important precedent and then first chance they got they overturned it. How important is precedent to these people? Well not important enough to cite any precedent in this immunity case, that's for sure! They literally are making up laws out of thin air!


But only one that makes the point in such a spectacular way that history will remember it for centuries.


He could easily write a law declaring felons ineligible for presidential office. It's an official act.


Well he could do a Trump, and just hint to such a thing. Afterwards pardon the person, call them a patriot, national hero, and what ever else.


Occam's Razor, the simplest solution to a problem is to just make it go away.


Biden should, twice a week, use some elite military team to kidnap the Supreme Court justices and bring them to Denny’s, IHOP or whatever’s open at 3AM. Twice a week. Different place each time. Until they rethink their decision.


I like the way you think. But let's make it a Waffle house.


Downtown smoke shop. At night.


That would be entertaining, especially if Kid Rock shows up and starts a fight.


Only if their phones and wallets are confiscated in the process.


Yeah, I wouldn't advocate for Biden to do anything that's outright awful. However, I think they should think about some creative, technically illegal, but morally/ethically justifiable actions that Biden can take to knock Republicans out of power and make them regret giving the president immunity. One idea that comes to mind is, what if you declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization and national security threat? There's got to be a lot of official acts that can flow from that. And someone's going to say, "But if you do that, then Republicans can do it back next time they're in power!" The thing is, they're going to do it the next time they're in power. It's becoming a life-and-death issue that they need to be kept out of power, and booted out of positions of power. The Republican presence in Congress and the Courts has been destroying the country. The Republican Party genuinely attempted to overthrow the government, and this ruling is intended to destroy democracy. Stop pretending that Republicans are honest brokers who will follow the rules, and recognize them for the threat they are. And then get rid of them. Trump is threatening mass deportations of Latin Americans, I'd propose we instead of mass deportation of Republicans. Send them to Russia, where they want to be anyway.


That's **exactly** the type of shit I'm talking about.


This energy. It's really getting to the point where blood is going to get shed. They will never stop at trying to control us.


Biden is gonna die being "right" while we're dying because we can't see a doctor.


I mean, let him pull the most badass moment in presidential history and obliterate the dude. He's gonna die soon anyway, so even if there was no presidential immunity, the trial would take too long, and he'd die a "free" (not in jail) man.


The supreme court made themselves the arbiters of what is offical business and what isn't. I think we know what they say to anything Joe does.


The Supreme Court has made themselves the #1 target of the King they just coronated. He just needs to do it before the king they want gets in.


The Supreme Court has violated their role and their oath, and should be summarily dismissed. They are not legitimate.


Very true but they can only be impeached by a super majority. Let's hope the Dems can get enough control to sort the court out.


Sure but that's why I want him to abuse it to help people. Let the Supreme Court rule against actions he takes that actually improve people's lives, see how that helps the Right.


We're deluding ourselves if we think we can defeat this threat by playing fair. Look at what the nazis said about taking over democracy in Germany. About how if democracy is weak and stupid enough to allow them to take it then it deserves to die. That is exactly what these chuds are thinking. By refusing to even try to meet them at their level we are ceding the future of the country to fascists. FDR had to step outside of some of the normal guidelines to get the right to behave. We need that again. We need someone to put the court in its place and to ensure that moving forward no one president can decide it's fate. We need someone to make sure the DOJ isn't weaponized as a political weapon but to administer justice and punish crimes. We can't afford to believe that if we just mind out manners the growing fascist threat will just pass us by and leave us alone. Even if we win in November they're going to attack the government.


Don't remember where it's from, but the quote "Taking the high road gives you a wonderful view of the other side winning" rings alarmingly true in US politics.


Agreed. If he doesn't and we can't manage to keep that mother fucker out of the White House, that's it. We won't have another election. Trump made that absolutely clear the day he told people at a rally they just had to vote once and they wouldn't have to again. At no point in time is that ever acceptable and I have zero doubt he meant it. The idea of him calling for military tribunals and public trials for Mike Pence and McConnell... by who? And what specifically for? Pence refusing to commit treason? Which crime of McConnell's, when there are easily legitimate ones we know Trump doesn't give a fuck about? McConnell made sure he wasn't held accountable for anything and wasn't removed form office after being impeached. He made sure Trump was installed in 2016. He made sure they manipulated the court so they had a 3rd seat to fill. I don't doubt for one second that he arranged the payoff of Kavanaugh's debt that mysteriously was all paid off at once. I'm sure he led the arrangement to get Anthony Kennedy to retire so Trump could fill that seat too. He did far more to get Trump to this point and to permanently put the GOP into power to push for the end of democracy, so Trump’s issue with him is nothing more than McConnell acknowledged he was guilty despite protecting him from accountability and Trump got his panties in a twist.


Sorry. Henceforth it is no longer "Biden" or "President Biden" it is now "Emperor Biden" until the SCOTUS removes the "Official Acts" interpretation that makes him a God-king. I mean, really, let's call it how it is. And Trump and Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson are now Reek 1, 2 and 3. "That's Official!"


Get rid of the electoral college


just gotta get that two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and easy peasy!


Personally, I want to see him remove all those who made this claim, then have the rest of the SCOTUS officially declare a new ruling that presidents, henceforth, don't have full immunity.


Assassinating (or imprisoning, etc.) Trump would not be particularly effective. Generic R likely does *better* in the upcoming election than Trump does. Trump was never the actual issue, he was a frontman and "lightning rod". The actual issues are - in no particular order - the Conservative supreme court justices, certain Republicans in legislative power, and certain Conservatives with significant media control.


And it isn’t Trump that Biden should target. That is counterproductive. Take six justices on a forced tropical vacation. Suspected of undermining our democracy in service of foreign interests. Same with the heritage foundation members. GOP senators that visited Putin on 4th July. And billionaire donors to groups associated with Russia (NRA and the GOP ). Leave Trump out of it. Suddenly those groups who have been pushing for a dictatorship may feel differently. Let them resign, gift excess wealth above $10m to treasury, and then let them go. And suddenly checks and balances will be back in fashion. Regardless of who is president.


>we all know the Republicans never will Exactly. They'll cry loudly, but that's what cowards do. When they don't have anything to gain from politics, they'll go back to whatever the fuck they were doing before or go sell used cars or be a trad wife.


The high road has always been a trap laid out by people like Trump


When they go low, you remind them that freedom loving americans never forgot how to mud wrestle!


How about just being arrested for treason? The evidence is pretty damning.


IS IT ‘ridiculous’ tho?


Agreed. They don’t even technically have to abuse anything. The 14th amendment exists for a reason and they have said and done more than enough to label them as seditionists. Remove the cancer while we still can.


The best proposal I heard is for Biden to forgive all medical and student debt as a start -- then Republicans in congress will be willing to work with democrats on legislation that limits immunity.


Its also not taking the low road when you're doing something that has been made legal for you to do. Driving 55 when the speed limit has been upped to 80 because it always was 55 is plain stupid.


Biden should make conservatives regret that they wanted Trump having those powers by using them the same way. Forget Project 2025, implement Project 2024.




Exactly this, remove them or force them to change the decision. The immunity comes down to the discretion of the courts, so if he were to go after Trump, they'd just say he couldn't. They can't rule if they aren't there, "out" on official presidential business


>the immunity comes down to the discretion of the courts Irrelevant, because immunity means protection from consequences (which happen later, often much later due to the speed at which the courts move), but allows for actions to be taken immediately.


I can't believe we're having this discussion, but can we charge SCOTUS with contempt of court? Oath of office? the constitution? Other? This immunity clearly goes against the spirit of democracy and our constitution. (The states rights folks are gonna be bummed when Trump starts sending federal troops to states without permission, previously an act of war--federal invasion). Especially damming is the timing. Clearly this is directly related to Trump's election interference and constitutional process disruption as he told hoards to "fight like hell" before they stormed the capital and tried to hang mike pence. Holy shit, it's unreal that Jan 6 happened and it's leader could possibly be the next POTUS. Wtf is happening to the rule of law in this country?


Sure, just charge them with 'fucking around with democracy'. The President can just pardon himself for officially making up laws.




I agree it’s probably a trap, but as the chief defender of our democracy I do think he should have those 6 justices arrested for abandoning the constitution, abandoning their oaths of office, and sedition. I think we’re in a break glass in case of emergency moment and SCOTUS just handed him a hammer.


Sometimes you have to trigger the trap to make sure it can't go off on some one else.


Don’t forget that perjury is apparently no longer a crime when so many Supreme Court justices lied under oath about Roe being “settled law.”


"Donald Trump is no longer a citizen of the United States and can not run for president. This statement is an official act of the President of the United States."


Loool, banishment.


The trap is that we do nothing about it and change is too slow, thereby giving the worst people the most power.


Given the new immunity powers granted the President, Biden should use Executive order to Ban convicted felons from being President. We can't have a convicted felon and sexual predator in office that can do whatever he wants.


Nice idea, but Trump could challenge this on constitutional grounds, and you can bet before election day, this would make it to the Supreme Court. And then...


And then modify the language a little and do it again so they have to consider a new case. They rule in favor of Trump again, then do it again, ad nauseum. Keep wasting their time so they can't unravel our democracy any more.


SCOTUS can make their ruling, let them enforce it. The president can tell them fuck you he’s not allowed to run. Why? Because I, the president, fucking said so with the powers YOU gave me!


He would have to replace some justices first. By force, as there is no plausible and legal way to do it. And that is effectively a putsch. Mind you, I am not saying he shouldnt do it.


I'm sure they're having conversations about what to do if they lose the election because then between November and January there'd be no reason not to let it rip - up until then I'd tread lightly.


This Supreme Court majority seems to be addicted to showing their hands at the wrong time. The Dobbs decision turned out to be a huge, nigh unmanageable problem for republicans. Now with this current ruling, their guy could face the wrath of an unchecked president, to say nothing about themselves.


Easy. Biden can just send his own electors. Today trump said when he did it it was an official act, so republicans are even cool with it.


I'm still not sure what Biden's best course of action is - the stakes are so high that this requires a bit more consideration than a Reddit comment - but you might be on to something... What if Biden just does *exactly* what Trump is now arguing was an "official act," worthy of legal immunity: attempt to ratfuck the Presidential Election. Copy one of Trump's many election related crimes, do it *now*, do it *openly*, and make it clear that you're only doing it to *force* the Supreme Court to rule whether the sitting President illegally tampering with elections is an "official act" immune from prosecution *before* the next election. If they back down and rule that ratfucking the election doesn't qualify as an "offical act," then great. Trump is still fucked for all his previous crimes. If it is, or if they refuse to provide a prompt answer, well... do what you gotta do to restore democracy, Joe.


Use immunity to do something to benefit the American people, instead of going after Trump (which would also benefit the American people).


I’m not American, but doesn’t the president have a sworn duty to uphold the constitution? If so, and this SCOTUS ruling is technically unconstitutional, in that the constitutions says a president does not have immunity by way of negative inference, then doesn’t Biden have a legal responsibility to undo the ruling by utilizing any legal means at his disposal? If so, then I would argue that he is obligated to use these new powers to reverse the decision, by adding new justices or firing the old ones and replacing them with hand picked new ones that will reverse the decision.


We need you here.


Protect America from threats, foreign and domestic.




They don't really give a shit about lines they drew though? Like how they said Obama couldn't pick a justice in an election year, then did it like a week or 2 before Bidens election. Or how they're just overturning old rulings, which are kinda like lines we drew in the past. They just don't give a shit


Just throw Trump and the 6 justices, plus Cannon into gitmo indefinitely. Appoint new justices that overturn this dumb shit and verify Trump may not be president due to the 14th amendment. Release the justices and Trump. Let his trials commence. *edited to correct spelling.


Bullshit. This is why Dems are in the position they are in now. By being hesitant and terrified little pussies when they should be on the attack. The high road nonsense is dead.


He should go after the supreme Court judges, make them regret their decision.


The courts will say its not official when biden does it and it's official when trump does it. The Robert's court loophole.


If the Supreme Court plainly said "Everything a president does is immune from prosecution" then I'd say go for it Joe. But it's clearly not what they said and everyone in these comments calling OP wrong and saying the democrats don't want to be mean and use the fascists toys against them clearly doesn't understand the ruling. Biden can call whatever he wants an official act it doesn't matter. The SC didn't define what that meant AND set the precedent that lower courts (which of course could mean ultimately back to them) decides what that means. If Biden decided to do ANYTHING more than he could do 2 days ago he'd be impeached and tried. They've been desperate for a crime to charge him with. We need to win in November and by a large enough margin in the house and senate, either stack the court or hope a few of them dies, and fix this ruling. That is the only action that should be taken.


So we’re fucked


Yeah, I completely disagree. I'm voting for him but if he's not going to fix it now why on earth would he do so after the election? Kamala maybe, but that's literally betting on 25th coming into play. Get on national TV, declare a national emergency at just HOW MUCH F'ING POWER YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW. Suspend Habeus Corpus, send the Senate and Congress home for a few days and sign an executive order making 6 of the justices new Ambassadors to Siberia and immediately appoint replacements purely to remove the **absurd** amount of power he has now. Have it all taken care of by the weekend. Why can't it be that easy? What are they gonna do? Sue to stop him? You've got to pierce qualified immunity that's months before it gets to a SCOTUS you will have fixed in 24 hours. Impeach you? The congress isn't in session. Hell he doesn't have to use my ideas, Project 2025 is fully public. I'm sure they've got loads of ideas. "Dictator for a day" indeed.


That comment is way too far down in this thread. People are letting their head cannons interfere with their grasp on reality. We all need to vote against Trump. That is the only realistic solution.


Now his sentencing is delayed 2 additional weeks. This is infuriating and unbelievably undemocratic. And while this old doddering fool "takes the high road" we're all gonna watch our country crumble around us.


Seal team six, stand back and stand by.


He should not abuse it, but his team should release a plan on how to use his powers to properly fuck the balance of power, all as official acts, which include things line imprisoning SCOTUS and congress and seizing funds from the RNC and any conservative super PAC Along with it offer a constitutional amendment that would make such things impossible and use the whole thing yo call on the majority in the decision to step down


So, as everyone keeps saying Biden is old so he won't spend much time in jail if SCOTUS rethinks their decision...lol!


Since [The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/trump-immunity-supreme-court/), we need to not only recognize the danger of abusing this power that could destroy democracy, we also need to recognize that Republicans will absolutely go on the offensive if they perceive that they are the victims of this abuse.


They’re already on the offensive anyway. How fucking dense must one be to believe that republicans won’t abuse this power regardless of how democrats wield it? All that would change are their justifications, which don’t fucking matter to any reasonable person anyway.


And they will be the first to abuse it sense they have no respect for the laws. Any of them.


The POTUS is only as immune as the SCOTUS determines. The SCOTUS just gave the POTUS unlimited power, *only as they see fit.* This recent SC ruling states the POTUS is immune from prosecution for *official acts*, but the judicial decides what are considered official or not..


>This recent SC ruling states the POTUS is immune from prosecution for *official acts*, but the judicial decides what are considered official or not.. That's not really the most important part of the ruling. If that were truly the extent of it, then it would still be very bad, but possibly not catastrophic. But that's not the extent of it. They also determined that nothing that a president does as part of official acts can be used as evidence against him for unofficial, criminal acts. So, as long as he uses official intermediaries, all the evidence linking him to the crime is inadmissible. He will be shielded from effective prosecution for any crimes at that point.


Wow damn..


Kyle Rittenhouse waiting for his next job defending white male Christian democracy!


They have already declared LGBTQIA+ people as dangers to children, have promised to lock them up as enemies of the state and promised that every enemy of the state will be EXECUTED. Project 2025 is a fucking nightmare and we all know DJT will do absolutely all of it because he's got degenerates like Stephen Miller already chomping at the bit to do exactly that.


Can you give me a reason why this SCOTUS will not simply appoint Trump as president after the election with some bullshit reasoning? I think it is obvious now that they dont care about the constitution or the rule of law.


> Republicans will absolutely go on the offensive They are on the offensive, if they are allowed to fully capture the exec branch it's over.


The republicans will use it when they get in power? They already have shown that time and time again. Taking the high road/ignoring the facts is how you got WW2. If democrats don't act b4 2024 we are doomed. The far right media is pro trump/nazi The far right republican party is pro trump/nazi The far right scotus is pro trump/nazi Most of the far right judicial judges are pro trump/nazi Tens of millions of people are rising to support trump and a new nazi regime and growing The far right republicans are stealing power in every state they can at whatever level they can turning most states, governors, and bodies of government in each state into pro trump far right nazi hellscapes


SCOTUS just put a loaded gun on the table between president Biden and a room full of fanatical sociopaths. Biden gets the first move. Does anyone believe he will do what needs to be done?


It probably is, but people need to see by example how absurd the ruling is before it could cause serious damage to our government.


It's only a trap if the predator missile misses the target more than three times.


It’s like we forget they’ve been trying to impeach him since he was elected. It’d be fun to see him get petty for once though, ngl.


He ain’t gonna do it. Despite what his debate appearance showed, he’s very clever.


This is such a dumb blanket statement. Stfu.


Do what's right, period. If Trump deserves prison, he should go to prison regardless of how it "might look". He tried to illegally reverse the results of the election


Mm... Maybe.. he could officially order four horses to run in opposite directions?


Liberals are the types of folks who believe that if they don't use the powers then they can shame Republicans for using the powers and that is an effective tool to curb the abusive power.


He could do something for reproductive rights


45 is a clear danger to democracy, and the country. He tried to overthrow the government, and we were all told to be patient with the justice system. What’s the point of power, if one side refuses to wield it, in the face of corruption and an open intent to destroy the country for personal gain? Allowing themselves to be bound by decorum, and fear what the GOP will do later…when they have no fucking power…is a useless argument. I 100% disagree. This is the only time…the last time they will get this chance to stand up to the open calls for the end of the USA as we know it. Read Project 2025, and review the events, and rhetoric of the GOP. Theyre playing for blood, and don’t hold back. Why do you think stacking the courts, and giving immunity happened?


Fuck that full pump that shit. King Biden let's go


I think he should have everyone connected to the Federalist Society and the Hertitage Foundation fucking arrested and imprisoned. Declare them domestic terrorists because they are clearly planning a long term coup and have been enacting it for decades now.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


Australian here! Can Biden declare that a convicted felon can't be president?


His Majesty, the God Emperor King Biden will do as he pleases and is humble subjects must obey according to our lords, the Kingmakers of the Supreme Court.


Yeah guys. Don’t use the exact same power the opposition would wield unregulated against all their “enemies”. It would be beneath you….i mean us🤦🏻‍♂️




Biden is still the president for a few months if he loses. Wait until after the election to storm the ring. If he loses no transition of power until the 6 are removed and constitutional amendments are passed to prevent all this madness.