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He either DID have sex with a pornstar, and then paid her off to keep her quiet to influence the election. Or he didn't have sex with her and paid her off anyways, which makes him the dumbest businessman ever.


If you followed the trial, he definitely did have sex with Stormy. He’s a pathological liar and uses constant word salad to manipulate his followers.


>If you followed the trial, If you did, you're better at it than Trump was. He didn't follow the trial and *it was his fucking trial!*


I was awake during his trial longer than he was. 


He was thinking really hard /s


You're already more qualified to be president than he is.


There’s a potato in my pantry more qualified to be president than Trump is.


I bet the potato won’t try to give cabinet positions to the sprouts


Sprouts who were denied security clearance.


Nothing but the best compost! 


Hold up. Compost is hard working and extremely beneficial to humans. Please don’t besmirch compost by association.


Potato 2024! Just kidding, I'm voting for Biden (or whoever the Dems put up) no matter what.


It was the most he could do from acting up and getting himself jailed


He doesn’t care about what actually happens, only what he says about it…..remember; they have alternative facts, as they so well put it when this nightmare started with climate denier Trump, who thinks he could get people inspired into making a covid vaccine by talking of the disinfectant properties of bleach during a press conference


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I know he did. I was more commenting on the absurdity of him saying he didn't, and still paying her... which his mouth breathing followers believe, and then in the next breath say he's a genius businessman.


I'm rather surprised Trump didn't sue Stormy for defamation before the election. We all know he would have lost that suit if it had gone to trial. But in typical Trump fashion he would have dropped it after the election and it no longer mattered.


If he had tried suing, the case would have had to go through discovery and it would have come to light that she wasn't lying about anything, thereby screwing himself. He's really stupid so I betcha he wanted to do it but was advised not to.


Trump has instigated multiple ridiculous lawsuits only to drop them at a later date before discovery gets underway. It generates headlines when the lawsuit is filed. The dropping of the suit generates far less press. It seems like many times the point of the suit is to get headlines or to harass the defendant, not really to win the case.


It's completely insane to me that he can just get up and lie during a presidential debate and suffer zero consequences.


Apparently it works because I saw a letter shared signed stormy Daniels saying she didn’t have sex with trump and MAGA shared it as truth. But she was paid to deny it so what did they expect LOL


Or he just lies so frequently and so reflexively it doesn’t even matter.


>Or he just lies so frequently and so reflexively it doesn’t even matter. Yeah I doubt there's a huge distinction in his mind between the truth and lies, he doesn't seem to care


With the pathological, the truth is secondary, what matters is what they want you to feel/believe. In a sense, he doesn't know what he's saying - he's trying to get the crowd to feel a certain way and will keep throwing his greatest hits at the crowd until one works. That's as close as he gets to positive reinforcement, so the cycle repeats. He's not lying (oh he definitely is) - because that's not important, whats important is him feeling better, and he just puts words out there for that purpose - if you thought he was trying to communicate rationally, look at his supporters and ask yourself if they're trying to hear rational communication.


It's not a lie if you believe it.


>It's not a lie if you believe it. To those that believe it, yeah. It's still a lie though


Seinfeld episode. George costanza helping Jerry pass a lie detector. It was absolutely a joke!


With Trump it is more if he just makes some shit up that happens to be true, he is still just making shit up.


Imagine being Melania and being expected to believe these lies.


She doesn't really care, do you?


She probably thanked Stormy Daniels for her service.


Stormy is very happy, after all,she made $ 65,000 a minute.


I hope that outfit is her entire legacy.


Well don't forget "fucking Christmas" and the rose garden. I'm sure there's others.


Imagine the lies he told her at the start of their “courtship” anyway. “Sure babe, I’m single…and all those 13yr olds in my appartment are throwing themselves at ME. You’ve no idea how hard it is for me to try and dissuade them from having sex with me. Even after me buddy Epsteins finished with them. Strange how they all have a horse throat though, almost like repeditivly saying NO wears you out or something like that?!??” “Buuuuut anyway, if you let me put it in, I’ll guarantee you a green card. You just gotta let me do it once. Pleeeeeease!!”


Did you used to write for Playboy magazine ?


Nah, I had class. It was for Hustler 😂


I imagine it’s like breathing for him —Thanos


That's his special power. Trump lying again is a dog bites man or bus plunge story. It's so common we've just gotten used to it.


Clinton just keeps watching and thinking "Damn and I got impeached for a bj".




Is this one of those things where she was retired by the time he did it, so technically he didn't have sex with a porn star, just a woman that used to be a porn star?


Bit of a logic trap there isn’t it, Donnie?


"I'm not a puppet, you're a puppet".


ArT oF tHe DeAl


She is a porn DIRECTOR, sir... he had sex with a porn DIRECTOR (who also starred in porn).


Why couldn’t Biden have just said that?


Imagine paying 140k to a pornstar and not having sex with her. Seems to me he got screwed anyway.


Art of the Dumb


Shart of the Deal


Are you talking about when Trump sharts at [1:16:22](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=T7_W3XJbgvpxkGcT&t=4581) in the CNN feed? Turn up the volume, right after "too much money. (audible wet fart!)It's tremendous!"


OMG YOU CAN TOTALLY HEAR IT! He doesn't even break stride...also explains Joe's face for a few moments, too.


Almost spit out my food 🤣😂


Like this is what I wish Biden would have thrown out there. Like, "so you paid her to say you didn't have sex with her l, when you didn't? That's just bad business" Like I would love to see the random words out of his mouth to deal with that


Imagine maybe or maybe not having sex with a porn star (that would have had minimal consequences if he did) and then paying her off which is a loss of $140k and then getting in legal trouble for that. I’m baffled about why she was paid off. It would not have had any consequences for his campaign if people knew he was out here having sex with porn stars.




Look at you, we got a real fucken Columbo here boys.




Honestly the alley cat line made me literally lol


He shouldn’t disrespect the alley cat with the comparison.


He’s lost the all powerful alley cat caucus. It’s Joever.


It is ok. The Florida pussy was never going to vote for Biden anyway.


My cats a reformed alley cat that followed me home and now sits on a lap almost all day. He’s a good boy. Trump is not a good boy.


Yeah like I literally want a shirt that says that


People who complain about biden’s performance should read the transcript, a lot of his answers were spot on.


Minus the we defeated Medicare line.i can't recall if he ever finished that thought because they called time real close to that fumble. His words were great, his volume, tone, and cadence were weaker.


I have found that reading the transcript for most debates/interviews helps understanding what is being said. It also really drives home the insane world salad that comes out of Trump.


Yeah, at one point he literally said that his supporters burned down cities because his brain did that weird thing where he switches from one topic to another without making a transition.


I'm reading your comment... actually, i read a lot of comments here on Reddit. A lot of great ones. You know Reddit was actually founded many years ago... Years is a strange word when you say it. The A i silent. Ever noticed that? I always say. And believe me - I say a lot - but I always say ... not it's true - many beautiful words. That Reddit was - or is... Im not so sure any more. But it was a great place where people would say. They'd say "Donald Trump should have been in the Avengers.". Im not making this up. They wanted me to be a super hero in a billion dollar franchise. ...it's true - because they compare me to a super hero. *applause through the roof* Should I call Marvel? Or DC? I dont know. Maybe I should? They are probably trying to call me. I haven't checked.


Nobody reads the transcript. Biden needs to be mouthing "liar", "projection", "puppet" whenever Trump is lying / projection/ or butt-smooking Putin. The mic is off, not the camera. If something is not true, his head should be shaking a clear nope, and his mouth reciting a "liar". He doesn't need to spent much time on rebuttle, just "another lie from that lying piece of shit over there". You don't need to be nice, the turd in Trump's adult dyper is worth more to America than Trump himself is.


If you can’t articulate your vision on TV, who gives af about the transcript. No Regular person or undecided voter would read the transcript.


“Your vision on tv”, yeah, washington and lincoln were so good at that.


It's lunacy that you're being downvoted for saying the obvious. Who the fuck reads a debate transcript?


“Who the fuck reads a debate transcript”, yeah, why use your brain when you can use your *feelings*.


People watch debates, they don't read the transcripts. Has nothing to do with brains or feelings


Some of us go on substance not sensationalism, but you seem to be happy in the latter. Little advice, maybe stop pretending to know what other people are doing, you really don’t.


>Little advice, maybe stop pretending to know what other people are doing, you really don’t. People watch the debate. Almost no one reads the transcripts. You don't need to read a transcript to get the substance. But I get it, the only way to remotely cover for Biden's awful performance is to focus on things that we have never before had to focus on... Like the transcripts.


Wanna know what I hear, “I prefer HOW someone says something over WHAT they said.” Which makes sense, style over substance, not really caring what was said, not phased at all that the other guy just sat there and lied because he said it with gusto. Do you realize what that makes you sound like; an uninformed superficial voter. Sad.


Sooo you think Biden beat medicare? Or you think Biden killed it when he turned an abortion question into one about migrants killing women? I'm sorry but style has always been what Americans prefer. If it were about substance, Biden would never have made it out of that 2020 primary as the nominee. > Do you realize what that makes you sound like; an uninformed superficial voter. Sad. No shit, electability was Biden's selling point in the 2020 primary, there is nothing more superficial than that. Weird how you suddenly have an issue with voters.


I have referred to him as a feral cat before (so I’m actually pretty glad Biden sees things similarly to what I do) due to his episodic behavior ie wakes up every day just to pick fights and deny doing this he couldn’t help himself from doing in the moment. The guy doesn’t have any foresight relies on just yelling “no i didn’t” as his ace in the hole.


You can imagine him as a kid covering up his ears with his hands and yelling "nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah". Actually I can imagine him doing that now.


“We killed Medicare”


Then why pay her off with an NDA? He must think everyone is as stupid as he is.


He's been seeing a lot of evidence to support that theory unfortunately.


That's his voting base. People who are taken in by smooth-talking charlatans and believe people who pause and reflect on what they're about to say are weak.


Confirmation bias.


When the hell is trump smooth talking?!


He probably makes sense to them.


Yeah his usual method is just to threaten them into silence.... maybe that only works for him when the victim is a thirteen year old girl he already raped.


Imagine.. he could have used NFTs


> He must think everyone is as stupid as he is. Everyone that supports him is stupider than he thinks they are.


But he did have sex with a minor by force…..


That’s called raping a child where I’m from, Former President of The United States of America Donald John Trump raped a child… allegedly.


He bragged about how he would barge into the dressing rooms on constestants at his pagents on Howard Stern's radio program. Four teen Miss American contestants said he did that to them.


*”If they were having his [Biden’s] last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden.”* -Mark Cuban




Where wad this said? I think I missed something.


The Epstein released documents He also forced two minors to blow him and he got upset at them and treated them afterwards But ... No one's talking about it so


This was my second favorite part of the debate. The best part to me was when Trump couldn’t remember the names of the two terrorists that were removed during his term.


He claims he caught the biggest terrorist ever. When Obama got Bin Laden. He’s such a dumbass. 


That is where CNN should have cut off the mics, switched away to the fact-checking desk, and stated that unambiguously Trump just lied. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he paid to have sex with an adult film actress. They should have done that for all fifty of the times Trump baldly fucking lied. Imagine if Biden was sprightly and energetic and just kept saying, "Donald Trump killed his first wife. Stabbed her to death. He did it. He definitely did it." Would everyone just be like, "Wow Joe is tough, Joe won the debate!" No. So why in the absolute holy fuck do we keep giving this orange fucking pants-shitting idiot the same benefit of the doubt.


Because we care about facts, the other sode gives no fucks.


Sorry, but an alley cat has more morals than that shit bum trump.


"I never had sex with a porn star" "That's true because I don't think Stormy Daniels is a star. Therefore, she is not a "porn" star. I guarantee that is how he thinks.


She was also directing porn at the time, so he's probably patting himself on the back for having never been accused of having extramarital sex with a porn DIRECTOR.


Biden's resting bitch face not aging well is the worst reason to not vote for Democracy in November.


Biden: it's still sex even if she couldn't feel it and you couldn't ejaculate.


I happen to have an orange barn cat. He would never stoop so low as to be comparable to that Cult Leader. Kitty may only have a couple brain cells but he’s got morals and scruples far beyond what the shameless kid diddling rapist thinks he has.


My favorite moment is when you hear him at 1:16:22 on the CNN feed let loose a quick wet fart after saying "Because it's too much money. [(SHART)](https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=2CRnXxBsmHRwGA2t&t=4582) It's tremendous!"


When he was talking about how much money was brought in by the tarrifs I wanted to scream, "And who paid those tarrifs? The USA citizens did you fucking moron!" What a weird thing to brag about.


Ironically, the question was what will you do Americans struggling with drug addiction? Answer:💩💨


My favorite part was where he shit himself so violently that the mics picked it up.




I think it’s at 1:16 or so, on the official CNN video (so you know it hasn’t been altered or added), Trump is talking about tax cuts. He says the line ‘he couldn’t do it, it’s too much money,’ and he shits himself loud enough for the mic to catch. He also pauses just a split second before continuing. For a brief moment, he was projecting shit out both ends.


I remember when: I did not have sex with that woman was the death knell of a president.




I thought the funniest part was after Biden said the thing about carrying his own golf bags, then looked at trump and said “think you could do it” hahaha


Yes, Mr. "I don't pay my contractors for work they do on my property" went out of his way to pay a porn star who did nothing.


He couldn't argue the molestation bit because Carroll could drag his ass back to court.


Biden looks rightfully disgusted by Trump. Maybe he did so poorly because Trump is stinky and it was distracting


Trump can get revenge by suing her for slander, against which “truth” is a defence. I bet he won’t.


No he can’t


Why not? If it’s been injurious to him, and is untrue? He wasn’t president when the “slander” occured. Explain


He paid her hush money after fucking her? Case closed


I guess you got me on that 😉


He did have sex with her. Before then it was 12 year old girls. But the #SaveTheChildren are no where to be found…


The guy famous for not paying his debts and stealing money from charities, paid a pornstar $130.000 and made her sign a NDA, because he had not sex with her? Sure.


The problem is not his dumb supporters. They aren't going to change their votes. The problem is our friends and family who do not vote. Get them out to vote blue.


Just put in the tip! And that doesn’t count. 😵‍💫


How dare Biden impinge the morality of alley cats by comparing them to Trump!!!


>Number three, the crimes that you are still charged with – and think of all the civil penalties you have. How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night – and – while your wife was pregnant? >I mean, what are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat. Everything that Biden said. The only thing Trump denied in that was having sex with a porn star.


Anyone else believe that he could pass a polygraph with ease? At this stage of the game I don’t think that he knows the difference between truth and fiction.


Joe, don't insult cats, please.


This is far worse than paying $130,000 for sex. He paid $130,000 for what?


Biden ought to run an ad with all the Trump assault allegations to the tune of “Not Like Us” by KL.


I especially like that in this exchange Biden also brought up the fact that he sexually assaulted a woman in public, just before saying he had sex with a porn star, and Trump's response was to deny the sex with the pornstar and completely omit the fact that he sexually assaulted a woman in public.


Are we still pretending that the sitting presidents visible senility isn’t a massive issue both politically and administratively?


That was the only sane moment by Biden.. TBH


Biden is too nice. He needs to be an asshole back.


When you put it on a ledger , it is fact that you did it. FuCking idiot , he wanted to get a tax right off on it


My favorite moment is when Trump literally shit himself.


Look they both look old. But trump blatantly lies so well whereas Biden just can't believe his shit is still going on. He trusted he could connect with the gop initially but that hope was quickly dashed and for some reason the Democrats still don't seem to have really figured that out.


We've come a long way since: "Ich bin ein Berliner."


Maybe the qualifier in the latter is “a”, he would prefer to be acknowledged for having what he calls sex with “many” porn stars? And to the former point, alley cats worldwide howl in protest at the comparison, they have principals.


Just like how he did not have sex with *four* prostitutes.


https://preview.redd.it/wkkljhfmzoad1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf37e7f82c5ae09d2dea18f113bfa62168bc5a51 Mine would be this one


media needs to forget Joe’s age! which one wants to save democracy? certainly not trump🤮


Are we forgetting Melania's portfolio of porn?


I liked the line about Trump not carrying his own golf bag too.


He had sex with Stormy. He called that sex, his performance and tiny mushroom made it laughable. As a porn star she’s had sex with REAL men, not big, orange turds with little penises.


"I did, however, have sex with an alley cat."


That’s an insult to alley cats.


I wish I **wish** Joe had followed with "She made it sound like date rape".


Yeah ok. My favorite part was around 1:06: https://youtu.be/mqEEFvr9keI?si=EmBiMBVVsXvfdzQ0


No just a 13 year old


The part where he admitted to colluding with the Kremlin as a private US citizen really gets overlooked.


Omg quick step down! /s


Biden makes an incoherent point and Trump lies. Quelle democracy!


The part where Harris becomes the Democratic candidate for President. 


Well literally he didn't have sex with a pornstar. For me the most magical moment was every second that Biden was able to finish a sentence... Oh wait. He didn't finish any sentences actually xD


He did tho. . .




Sure did.


You realize the debate was 90 minutes long right? There was more than the 4 or 5 clips you saw of Biden fumbling his words on your conservative news.




These are things I don’t care about. They might as well take more golf in the next one.


Did he or did he not have sex with Stormy?


Doesn't matter. However, he was found guilty of breaking laws to cover up hush money payments so she wouldn't make it known before the election that they had sex. I suppose this doesn't necessarily mean they had sex, but it doesn't make a lot of sense otherwise.