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Yes, the stock market is way up, unemployment is way down, and violent crime is down, as well. However, ask any gullible and easily manipulated red-hatted Trumpleton how the country is doing and he will tell you it's awful. Reality is a concept that means nothing to their kind, sad to say.


Stupid is as stupid votes


This 2018 stock market lost all of its gains for the year In December. This was before Covid. So anyone who wants to say this is all because of Covid, if this happened just one time under Obama or Biden Republicans would never stop talking about it.


And then in April 2019 it gained it all plus a slight extra. The biggest drop was just after COVID started. Source: https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-STOCKS/xlbvgwyzmvq/trumptimeline.png


Right. So Trumps slogan should be 2 out of 4 years ain't bad? My point being, if the stock market has a few bad weeks under Biden people jump all over it, never mind the last 2 major crashes happened under Republican presidents. Whether it's "wall street got drunk" (because of rapid deregulation you oversaw) or Covid, or just a December no one can explain, how you can come out of all this claiming your the best party for the economy is beyond me.


\*A 30% murder spike in 2020, under Trump, was the largest single-year increase in more than a century. \*Trump Oversaw The Largest Annual Drop In GDP Since 1947 \*The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016. \*Trump's Tariffs Cost American Companies $46 Billion Between 2018 And 2020. \*Under The Trump Administration, The Poverty Rate Increased For The First Time After 5 Years Of Declines. \*Trump’s Signature Tax Law Almost Entirely Benefited The Wealthy. \*After Factoring In Inflation And Fringe Benefits, Between 2016 And 2019, Wages Actually Declined .22%. \*Home prices rose 27.5% \*And The Price Of Oil Rose 32% During Trump's Last Month In Office. Republicans blamed Biden. [https://trumpresearchbook.com/en/home/trump-issue-reports/economy](https://trumpresearchbook.com/en/home/trump-issue-reports/economy)


Yeah these facts are why I’m voting AGAINST Trump in November


Can’t stand the dude, but let’s use facts in discourse. Don’t need to stoop to his level to prove a point. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/05/30/no-trump-didnt-increase-the-debt-more-than-any-president-fact-check/70252480007/ “Using Treasury Department data, the total public debt, which includes intragovernmental holdings and public debt, increased by approximately $7.8 trillion from the start of Trump’s presidency on Jan. 20, 2017, to when he left office on Jan. 19, 2021. Under Obama, however, the public debt increased by about $9.3 trillion from when he was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, to when he left office on Jan. 19, 2017.” “At the end of fiscal year 2016 − three months before Trump took office − the debt was about $19.5 trillion, according to historical fiscal year debt data from the Office of Management and Budget. That number increased to about $26.9 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2020 three months before Trump left office, marking a $7.4 trillion increase.” “Some economists believe the debt-to-GDP ratio is a better metric for gauging debt increase because the nominal levels of debt do not matter as much as how much debt the nation has as a share of its output, Primo said. Which president ranks first in this category would depend on the method of calculation used but Trump would not have the highest figures regardless, Primo said.”


Don't know why I have to constantly say this but, Obama was dealing with the worse recession in US history! No way you don't grow the debt dealing with that! Trump however inherited a economy in full recovery, With a stock marked going up! You can not compare the two.


He still didn’t “double the debt” regardless.


He wasn't dealing with a recession! Why is this so hard to understand?


Argle bargle Argle bargle. Doesn’t change the fact the meme is wrong on that account. He didn’t “double the debt” and of his 8 trillion in debt he added, 3.6 trillion was added with Covid legislation. Regardless. Facts should be used and not hyperbole. No one likes people who have to lie to get a point across. That’s one of the many reasons we don’t like Trump.


I didn't mention the debt, so you're arguing with something I didn't say... However..."The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion." https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/


This was meant as response to the main post. I didn’t realize I hit reply someone so angry on accident. And again, 21 is not double 14.


And again, I never said it was, so again you're arguing with something I didn't say... and adding "someone so angry" for some unknown reason?


Then why bring the debt back up, to prove my point?


You said your comment was a "response to the main post". I'm not interested in a bickering match. You said you made a mistake, then continued to argue with something I didn't say, move on. Get over it.


Yet you still managed to bring the debt into the conversation in your reply. Which I’ve yet to figure out why, except to bolster my point. Again, I appreciate you for proving me right.


I appreciate it.


But Hunter's laptop...


And penis!


I swear that's all these airheads know, this exact phrase and nothing more.


And People still want this ass clown back in the oval office?


Also like a million people died from his mishandling of Covid. Our standing in the world is irreparably damaged. He committed so many crimes (that we know about) and enriched himself and his family.


His base is nothing more than a bunch of trailer park simpletons that only know the price of menthol cigarettes and chewing tobacco.


I think most of his supporters can tell you exactly how much Sudafed a catalytic converter will buy........


Full of it or has no clue what they’re talking about


Even to the extent that any of this has to do with COVID, it cannot be understated how badly Trump botched the federal response to that pandemic. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of deaths can be attributed to his ineptitude and malpractice. So, too, did the economy suffer a significantly worse impact because of his buffoonery.


So many first responders and and healthcare workers died, including my family, friends neighbors and  former coworkers as a direct result of Trump's delayed, botched response and then putting his incompetent, unqualified son-in-law who had no business being in the White House to begin with let alone in charge of the single most severe global event that has happened in our lifetime.   How anyone is remotely okay with the sheer level of  incompetency that his administration showed is beyond my understanding. Not even in the worst case scenarios in horror movies did the government ever behave as incompetently as Trump's White House Administration did during a real life crisis. Not even fiction ever  imagined that level of incompetency could even be possible for the US government.


I don't disagree but I think it's a bit disingenuous to cite the loss of jobs and market losses under Trump without mention of CoVid. Trump may have botched the response badly but he didn't cause the CoVid pandemic, which tanked both the market and jobs for many people.


I think I was clear about that in the first sentence. Obviously the pandemic would have resulted in deaths and economic downturn no matter who is President. Trump's, though, was just about the worst Presidency in which it could have happened.




Ok so Trumps economy failed because of Covid. Bushes economy failed because of the housing crises. And Clinton's, Obama and Biden economy's all survived their entire term and came out way higher because of dumb luck. But somewhere in the multiverse there's a world where republican economies didn't tank so therefore the Republican Party is better for the economy? It's like my grandma used to always say, "the only dimension that matters is the one you're living in" . (She was a Thanos supporter but that's another story). You can blame the loss on things that were out of your control but you don't get the win.


Trump was a disaster on every level. Just saying that these two economic indicators (jobs and the stock market) were severely impacted but something mostly out of his control. I believe Presidents often get far too much credit and blame for things they have little control over. Joe Biden didn't cause inflation or a rise in gas prices yet he will be credited or blamed for how they trend closer to the election.


Again I'm only saying that if the democrats economy success was only theoretical we probably wouldn't have a Democratic Party. That if a 911 or a COVID happened on a democratic watch. Republicans would never stop talking about it.


The stock market likes a **stable** government. Trump’s administration was anything but stable. Tariff wars, antagonism of our allies, praise of totalitarian states, do not engender confidence.


Please don’t leave out the close to a million Americans who died. 100% attributable to criminal mismanagement of a crisis.


What about the tax reform he put into place? Give to the rich and take more from the poor.


He also bankrupted multiple businesses. It was a huge red flag.


Trump ran the economy like he runs his business


What about having more Covid death percentage wise versus every country in the world


So I guess we didn’t win win win and get sick of winning and say ‘Mr. President. Please stop with the winning. I can’t take any more.’


WINNING 😂🤣![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


My 401k balance says Trump sucks!


Don't forget the 400k americans dead from COVID he failed to do anything about


This is why we fight! Mentally, emotionally, at the voting booth, every which way possible under the sun! I can’t stress this enough!


But he’S thE bEsT BusInEs man of aLL tImE?!


This is SO SILLY. It totally neglects to mention the “yuge” tax breaks that the 1%ers got under the orange cheeto


And if we elect him again as president God forbid that happens it’ll be 10000x worse than anyone can imagine and be all our fault that future generations will look back disproportionately on us


Derrka derr! Don da Con! I’m voting Biden 🇺🇸 Harris 24 and voting out all Republican candidates on the ballot


But have you bought his new shoes and bibles?! /s




D A U M N !


I hear fans of say literally the opposite. I contractors hear he bright jobs to America, lowest unemployment rate, and some other shit every time. I would appreciate some sources for this data because you haven't given any and I'd like to know the facts before arguing with trumpets


I dunno. He got me to drink bleach and I survived Covid. Losing all my senses seems to be worth it.


Where meme?


The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. Trump Left Office With A -0.5 Percent Job Growth Rate The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%. Trump Oversaw The Largest Annual Drop In GDP Since 1947 The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016. Trump's Tariffs Cost American Companies $46 Billion Between 2018 And 2020. Under The Trump Administration, The Poverty Rate Increased For The First Time After 5 Years Of Declines. Trump’s Signature Tax Law Almost Entirely Benefited The Wealthy. After Factoring In Inflation And Fringe Benefits, Between 2016 And 2019, Wages Actually Declined .22%. The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. And home prices rose 27.5% The Price Of Oil Rose 32% During Trump's Last Month In Office. Republicans blamed Biden. https://trumpresearchbook.com/en/home/trump-issue-reports/economy


That’s really important information about politics. Where’s the meme?


for national debt, -2.9 million jobs and stock market, how much of that was caused by COVID-19


I don’t know where they got these BS statements from? But this is made up. Every middle class American with a job and investment accounts would know that these claims are not accurate. The stock market did not go down under Trump. But it went up more under Biden—because he favors corporate profits.


It doesn’t say “the stock market went down under Trump”. It’s called “ reading comprehension “.


So how does a daily thing matter? Why is it even in there? How is one day “worse than the Great Depression?” Sounds like you are using the type of language as someone that would lie and mislead to someone else in jail. Because a single day can’t be worse than the years of a Great Depression.


Biggest increase was was Obama with $7.66 Trillion increase. And, was and increase of 64% compared to Trump's $6.7 Trillion equalling a 33.1% increase. Loss jobs and insurance was due to COVID restrictions causing businesses to close and be unable to support employees and customers staying at home. The S&P 500 dropped, just after COVID started, to just under where it was when Trump took office. The Dow Jones had a total return of 56% not a negative. Maybe do some actual research instead of blindly following something posted by a party support group. Tired of people from both sides posting things with out actually doing even a small amount of research just because it fits your agenda. Sources: https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225 https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stock-market-performance-under-president-donald-trump-dow-jones-sp500-2021-1-1029987163


Obamas increase was about 9.3 trillion. Trumps saw a 7.4 trillion dollar increase. Now one could argue that for a single term president, that’s a lot of debt acquired, while Obamas was spread out over 2 terms.


Eh. The economy lost 2.9m jobs because of COVID. The fact that every president uses selective logic to characterize the previous administration doesn’t mean it makes any actual sense. Be careful of taking credit for job gains because you also have to take credit for losses.


That’s why Trump supporters always say “in the first three years of Trump’s term, …’ But that really doesn’t help - the first three years were just a combination of Obama and Biden’s economy from their second term.


It really doesn’t help either way. Taking credit for things that really don’t have to do with your actual policies is not a fundamentally honest way of presenting yourself.