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Best content I've seen here in a while, but Elyrion and Hoodrick should definitively switch places. Elyrion literally is the most environmentalist tribe on the square


yeah, but these junkies carry the title of being vain, and they underpay their ~~union~~ unicorn workers, thus more aligned to the center. tbh I see their reforestation efforts as more of an attempt to *return to monke* rather than to *help thy neighbor*


Tyrannical leader! Cult of Personality! Centralised banking! I won’t stand this slander on our mighty and benevolent leaders, our lords and saviours the gaami saved us, opened our minds to the way of the ice, our ice bank is not made for profit but as a grand display of what our might leaders can do created in the location they first appeared before us, providing us with gifts to remind us of the majesty of our saviours. The livelyhood of us Polaris citizens has improved greatly since the gaami came to us, tell me have any of your so called “beloved leaders” have provided you with adorable beings who hum a happy tune as they spread and skate along the frigid beauty of the world Unbelievable slander


[dis you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psbe-Ptxsmg) 👀


No, that was Frank, Frank disagreed with the rule of our lords and fled our ice sheets None of us saw him after that but we heard one of the gaami helped send him off to Bardur as they are forgiving and understanding leaders even to those who turn their backs to them


aight, perhaps i treated you guys too harshly tho I do not see why you would regard a reserve bank remark as a criticism or why you would suppose its goal is profit rather than achieving macro-ice-nomic objectives set by your overlords edit: damn I forgot you guys are also literal [tankies](https://polytopia.fandom.com/wiki/Ice_Fortress)


We have observed your tribes, most of the time banks are run off of greed for personal profit, even if you do not see it, especially in Luxidoor. We see this, as clear as ice However I apologise for assuming you saw our monument the same way, we shall give you some turns free of ice as recompense for our hasty accusations


*cool*, I didn't realize you were *chill* like that


Pol does have centralized banking though undeniable


Not to mention how both Polaris & the USSR have winter as their best allies (Not exacly related to being authleft overall, but still an interesting similarity)


Holy shit, I knew I was Zebasi!


based and ~~watermelon~~ cantaloupe pilled


* Inspired by [u/\_Shepard\_Commander\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/_Shepard_Commander_/) * Polytopia Chad Art by u/Adept_of_Blue


holy hell those polytopia chad faces are glorious


also all four starter tribes being in the center is pretty cool


In the name of the Yādakk ~~(cult)~~ tribe, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with what this sinner wrote about us. We gave the entire square the single most useful technology: the almighty Roads. Do you know how much did we have to sacrifice to build them for you, so you'll be able to travel such distances, even through the dark and at times scary forests? So you'll finally get rid of those goddamn bugs? So you won't have to cut the trees and worsen climate change just to move your Oumajis? So you'll reach that final lighthouse that your explorer failed to and left 1 fog tile there? So you'll reach that 2/3 kills 4 hp swordsman before it heals or becomes a veteran? And you dare calling us a crime syndicate? You dare to say that we sacrifice our security for profit? This is our craft. We've been building roads in humility our entire life. And I can tell you that we have never even thought of doing something illegal. We're just humble guys who want nothing but a bit of appreciation for our hard work. Back when roads cost you 2 stars, we were barely able to save up for a week or two of vacation a year and now, even though they cost 3 stars, we can't even afford a vacation at all because the cost of all materials skyrocketed due to the inflation. We're happy that we have regular meals nowadays. We didn't sacrifice our security for profit! We sacrificed it to do a good thing. To help other Polytopians develop. To help them explore the unknown. To break the limits. To provide you the sense of freedom you can only feel on that beautiful road. It ain't much, but it's honest work. So please, don't be rude to my fellow Yādakks. (edit: thanks to u/linksbedrockthe2nd for the idea)


>mfw the horn trading company (monopoly with its own merc military) >mfw the ürkaz (criminal organization seeking to establish economic dominance) >mfw the infrastructure you build for the same-day amazon prime delivery is used against you by the enemy to conquer you quicker


>mfw the horn trading company sorry, what? >mfw the ürkaz I'd like to clarify that I was talking about the Yādakk people and not those evil rebels that call themselves Ürkaz. They were excluded from our community for their actions a long time ago. We're disappointed that many ~~people~~ Polytopians think that they're tied with us in any other than historic way. We're also disappointed that many think that they're better than us just because they supposedly have a cooler official Mjuzik. We've been actively trying to eliminate, or at least mitivate, their illegal activities and disband the gang for centuries, ever since we found out about them. >mfw the infrastructure See, this is another thing. We build the roads for everyone to achieve economic prosperity, safety, faster travel and overall making your life easier... and you unthankful Imperiuses, Bardurs, Oumajis, Zebasis, ~~Guezatalis~~ Quetzalis, Luxidoors and even Elyrions abuse them to then backstab us, thinking that we are the evil ones because you saw some criminals looking like us. But they are from the Ürkaz gang, they're not us! And so while we suffer under the never ending attacks, they thrive in their hideouts, still doing their illegal activities. We tried to explain this situation, but it didn't seem to work even a bit. So I hope that at least you will listen and agree that we are being discriminated. I hope that you'll stop incorrectly thinking about us as a born bad tribe. And if you do so, maybe we'll invite you to see the wonders of outlr nature, cities and - of course - our majestic roads.


You should have labeled the axes.


Can you please dm me or post the chads? Would love to have those


here's the [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/LVOZhjX) to the full-sized image posted by the [original creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/Adept_of_Blue/)   but I do have the individual png versions if you want   edit: [link](https://imgur.com/a/txujW4a) to the png versions




Quality post.


Polaris and Cymanti should swap places Cymanti is litterally a hivemind


pretty sure being a hivemind makes it let authoritarian than a personality cult


My “which sub am I looking at?” moment


Best post I've seen on reddit in a while, if awards still existed I'd give them


You are a national treasure, friend.


thank you for the kind words, friend


Why is this the first fanart I’ve ever seen of Polytopia And why is the bugs pink? Aren’t they lime?


the political compass marks the authoritarian left quadrant red


You will not eat the bugs, you will BECOME a bug