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Have your baby first and then decide. If you do it before and regret it after the baby comes, then your life becomes harder and more agonizing. Maybe spend as much time as you can with your Pommy before the baby gets here. She will love the attention.


Thank you for being a voice of reason you’re definitely right


Of course! Hang in there, I know how it feels to have that cocktail of pregnancy hormones swirling around, especially toward the end. Good luck with everything❤️


I think it takes time to grieve. Not different for dogs. If you are having a first baby- it’s a crazy time. Adding a puppy might put you over the top.


It’s our second child and I think our toddler on top of the newborn already sounds so overwhelming a puppy is not the right choice right now. Thank you


Definitely overwhelming. I still remember my furbaby was a terror when he came in, but it’s worth it now. He’s just a cute little baby


Sorry for your loss :( I don’t feel like you are going to have enough time and energy to give all the attention, socialization and walks a puppy should get. If it was me, I’d spend extra time with the remaining dog, try to cheer her up by doing things she likes and maybe even do some training to get her ready for the upcoming baby, to make sure she is ok with the newborn when he comes. It would be even more depressing for her if she felt replaced. And if by that time you feel like she’s still depressed and that you can fit in a puppy in this new life-style, then just go for it.


I agree with all of this thank you for your input💕


I would get a rescue but I’m not known for good decisions when it comes to pups.


I’d say definitely not before the baby gets there. You don’t know when it will be, so what happens if it’s on the day where you go get the puppy, or the day after? It would be a mess for everyone. If it’s your first baby, you and your husband will also be a mess for a while after. Make time to set your routine, get comfortable with the unknown, then you’ll know if you can add more to it. Check for a doggy day care for your girl. If she likes other dogs she’ll benefit from making new friends a few times a week. Dogs grieve the same as humans. She’ll need time to get better. Once you’re settled, you could also look for a pom that’s already an adult. You’d skip the potty training and piranha phase. Though you will be up every two hours, every night, for the foreseeable future, so taking a puppy out to pee at the same time might work.


This is a great suggestion for the doggy day care, she is very social. It’s our second child which would probably add another chaos factor with our toddler running around after a puppy. I think waiting is definitely the right choice, just needed to hear it, thank you!


It would be insane to get a puppy rn and your so strong for even considering that for your little 4y pom having a baby and puppy and not even willing but thinking about doing that for your dog right there is so selfless.But thats way too much on your plate. If your dog is unable to socialize with other dogs well or may be reactive this option will not work but put some investment into a SAFE doggy day care.And depending where you are I have a puppy in nyc and I would love to let your pom have play dates with mine.If you need any advice to support your grief or your poms please reply to this text 💗


If your first child is old enough to help then you *might* consider it but if your first is under 3 then no. It will be overwhelming for you but also for that first child who is now sharing your attention with a new baby and new puppy. It’s very hard for first borns under 3 (especially if under 2) to adjust to a new baby as it is. Sorry about your dog. Also I note it may be different if your husband works from home or something like that.


I would wait. I know you want one now and to help your other dog but I think it will be better once you have the baby and then can re-assess. You’re gonna have your hands and mind full once this baby comes along. So I think it’s better for the baby and future puppy to wait until they can each have their own attention from you.


Your life is already going to be chaos with a baby for the next year, so the puppy will fit right in. It’s a two birds with one stone kind of thing, so I say go for it; who wouldn’t want double the adorableness if they could have it?