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any official confirmation of this or is it still just rumors? was really hoping it would last until '27


Facts I need more time smh


Is not over until the fat lady sings.


Cayman GT4 dead from endurance racing too?  no more GT4 from the Sports-Cars-constructor-turned-influencer-lifestyle-company? 


They stopped making the GT4 last year.


But they're still racing the homologated GT4 in the GT4 class. Once that runs out, they won't have a GT4 car anymore.


They should make ice version of next gen 718


They will, this isn’t news. Everyone knew the next gen was imminent.


But there wont be new ice


Porsche will absolutely still offer an engine. It’s Porsche. They are simply adding EV to the lineup.


But we talking about boxter and cayman




Its EV only


They will also have ice. Base might be EV, but if you think Porsche isn’t going to also offer ice on this platform, I have a bridge to sell.


How would they offer ICE, on a brand-new EV skateboard platform, that has no place for engine or transmission?


Obviously it will be on an architecture that allows it. You will 1000% be able to buy an ice cayman in a couple years.


Yes, in 2035, when all lineup will be EV according to CEO, minus 911 which he plans to have run on experimental eco friendly fake petrol that you won't be able to buy anywhere anyway. My guy, they said that they will transition all lineup to ev by 2035


Yeah, well, for years they’ve been saying they’d stop offering a manual transmission, but all they’ve done is charge more for them by leaning into the lie. It’s Porsche. I don’t believe their brand strategy involves dropping ice from their non-911 options. There will always be an ice option, they’ll just charge more for it.


Yay!!! A heavier and less engaging sports car! It’s what we all asked for


I am so glad I don't need to shift my cars any more! What a relief. Now I can really engage with texting while I drive, or in the next Porsche, be driven by a car that drives itsself. Porsche, there ~~is no~~ (are) substitue(s).


The “character” in an electric car is its infotainment system


my dealer has no more allocations for gts 4.0. only available if someone backs out.


They already stopped building the GTS 4.0 in April, so any allocations there have already been built or are BS.


Maybe for Europe, but not for other markets. People here in the US have build dates after April.


My GTS, here in the states, just started production last week. Hoping to have it next month!


In 15-20 years from now, all performance car manufacturers will look back at this period of electric cars as insanity. Just like how watch manufacturers think that Quartz was the future in the 1980s before realising that mechanical is the way forward. Non performance cars may continue to be electric, but high end cars will go back to ICE eventually. That’s my bet for the future.


>Non performance cars may continue to be electric, but high end cars will go back to ICE eventually. That’s my bet for the future. You're joking? The only way for performance cars forward is EV, otherwise they will lose to a 30.000 mum SUV in "performance" Engineers have been saying since forever that EV is the way for performance, ever since 918 came out as hynrid, it was a sign that from traditional ICE they can't pull any more performance.


Exactly. My model Y Tesla is in many ways more fun to drive than a Porsche. You can’t beat low end torque and the weight distribution on an EV. Plus they will continue to drop in price and have almost no maintenance. ICE won’t be able to compete in 10 years. Just need the charging infrastructure to catch up.


What about those $25,000 battery replacements after 10 years? 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s like never actually happened. And most ICE cars are pretty much junk after 10 years so I am not sure that’s a good point anyway. Sure a Porsche you drive 5000 miles a year might be but that’s not the norm.


There's 12-year-old teslas with 400.000-600.000 km driven, that still have well above 70% battery. And that's first every generation EV. Since then battery chemisty has improved drastically. Realistically EV batteries from 2020-2024 could last 40-50 years easly.


I don’t know where you got that 40-50 year figure. Maybe that’s state of the art and not commercial, because a whole Google page keeps referencing 10 years, especially for temperated climates like along the Canadian-USA border. And if any gen1 Teslas still can do 70%, those would for sure not be in any harsh climate areas.


I heard an introspective allegory from an ice cream man. Apparently, Schwan’s did a study on the cost/benefit of the number and variety of ice cream flavors and its impact on sales. The majority of ice cream sold is vanilla by far, so why not just make vanilla? Why make all those other flavors? Seems like a waste of time and money to offer 31 flavors if most of your sales are vanilla, right? What they found was that if the only flavor available was vanilla, sales plummeted. But the more flavors they offered the more vanilla they sold. People may choose vanilla all the time, but they like a choice. Rather than reduce costs, if the only flavor you offer is vanilla, sales will decline overall and so will profits. Offer a bunch of flavors and costs will indeed increase, but overall sales and profits will outpace the increase in costs.


This decision was forced upon Porsche by the European Union and the German government. Trust me, most employees are furious about it.


Come October 2025 Porsche is dead to me.
