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1. I’m going to go fix that nuclear reactor so the facility doesn’t explode! 2. Oh wait I need to learn what a nuclear reactor is, how it works, how to fix it… 3. Nah I’d rather be doing tests because I feel good when I make tests for some reason.


The funny thing is you can see him going through this exact process during the boss battle lol > **Wheatley:** ["Did you put a virus in them? Okay, well It's not gonna work either! Alright? 'Cause I've got a *firewall*, mate! Literally, actually, that- now that I look... arou- There- there appears to *literally* be a wall of fire *around* this place. That's quite- It's alarming. To say the least...](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/9/96/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa06.wav) [In fact, I'm gonna have to take a break for a minute. Um. A pa-partial break during which I'll stop the facility from exploding while still throwing bombs at you.](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/e/ea/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa07.wav) [Alright, then. Let- let's see... Uh... 'Vital maintenance protocols.' Wow, there's a lot of them. **Um... Should've looked into this... earlier.** Well- Let's try this: [reading while typing] *DO THEM.* [failure buzzer]. Fair enough. Maybe- maybe it's a password.](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/7/7f/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa08.wav) [A, A, A, A, A, A. [NNNT!] No? Okay. A, A, A, A, A, *B?* [NNNT!] Hold on, I've done both of these. Skip ahead, skip ahead. A, B, C... D... G, um.... H. [DING!]](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/d/d1/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa09.wav) [Hah! It bloody worked! I hacked- I hacked it! Hacked it! Hacked! Properly hacked. Ha ha ha!](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/4/45/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked01.wav) [Now then, let's see, let's see what we've got here. Ohh! 'Reactor Core Emergency Heat Venting Protocols.' That's the problem right there, isn't it? 'Emergency'. You don't want to see 'emergency' flashing at ya. Never good that, is it? Never good. Right. Delete...](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/0/02/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked02.wav) [***UNDELETE! UNDELETE! WHERE'S THE UNDELETE BUTTON!?"***](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/3/3f/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked03.wav) Pure ADHD at work here.


Goold ole Aperture, setting the password to something really easy. Infuriatingly, Wheatley was like inches from figuring it out, but he couldn't focus on the protocols for long enough to actually do them. Which I guess makes sense, there's like ten million things going on and his brain can't focus long enough to figure it out.


Lmao, portal 2s mahor plot ending is just because Wheatley has ADHD


My guy procrastinated on tending to the nuclear core reactor until literally the last minute (boss battle) lmao


Given that all he essentially had to do, was press *any* button to continue...


But then there’s the vital maintenance protocols you have to scroll down and then there’s the part where you gotta figure out the password and then enter the password and then you gotta scroll through and find the reactor core heat venting protocols and it’s all soooo much work and why do all that when I could just get high off of tests instead? Much easier *and* faster rewards.


*proceeds to delete everything* ooooh shhhi-




Poor Wheatley. He wished that he spent the rest of his life working in manufacturing than in space where he'll only die when his power runs out... And he might have backup solar panels.


You're not going to believe what happened in 2015


 Hehe What?


In a lego game, he came back trough a portal


You mean Lego dimensions? I've never been able to play that game. I wish I could.


Reaching peak ADHD by not tending to the reactor meltdown until the last minute because I need to google what flatulence means.


Yep, i totally have adhd... *sigh*


So I’m basically a dysfunctional miniature murder bot. Just without the murdery part. That does make sense, actually.


unrelated but do people without adhd get this? cuz it happens way too often and idk if i should be worried


As someone who has ADHD, I wouldn’t know lol


damn :/


You still could be just a procrastinator, I don't have ADHD, prolly, and i get into similar situations quite often.


yea im procrastination personified but like, i was guessing *something* should be causing the procrastinating


Procrastination can be caused by past experiences, lack of interest, personality traits, like perfectionism, or a low of self esteem. But if you really suspect you might have an ADHD, I suggest to try out some online test, just keep in mind they're not really accurate, find some related online forums and if it only reassures you, go and visit a therapist! Could change your life for better! ADHD could be shown differently on everyone. Just don't self diagnose : )


i went to a therapist once and she told my parents right after the first session with 100% confidence that no, i dont have adhd kinda pissed that she knew so quick tho like, cmon, do a little research ma'am also yes i recognise some of my procrastination stems from unhealthy perfectionism and no interest


Well, if she's a known, praised therapist and not just someone who just came out of school, i'd even believe her. They're professionals after all, experienced with people with said diagnosis. On the one the other hand, misdiagnosis is a thing too. Being 100% right after first session is a bit strange, but who am i talking, i don't know how the conversation between you two went. Again if you suspect it, maybe try a different therapist? Maybe there's an entire different problem. You could even discuss the lack of interest of yours. God, i forgot we're on Portal subreddit


yea im gonna try telling the school councelor (is that the correct term?) about that doubt and see if they can help in any way. it may not be like, actual professional therapy but its somethin' honestly im very skeptical about her knowing so quick and not even giving any detailed explanations. also she didnt help at all and i ended up quitting so yea probably not the best therapist arround...


oh boy, i see... Then talking to a school counselor is a great idea! I hope everything will go well for you ; )


thanks! :3


You're the best, thewheatleywhisperer


…. and this is why I’m looking at Reddit. Lol I feel called out! 😂😅


I don’t think this is ADHD. Everyone does this. Wheatley just wanted Cool Reactor Meltdown Ambience for the final battle.


No, he was definitely alarmed by it and he even acknowledges the fact that he kept putting it off until the last minute and laments having procrastinated. > **Wheatley:** ["Did you put a virus in them? Okay, well It's not gonna work either! Alright? 'Cause I've got a *firewall*, mate! Literally, actually, that- now that I look... arou- There- there appears to *literally* be a wall of fire *around* this place. That's quite- It's alarming. To say the least...](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/9/96/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa06.wav) [In fact, I'm gonna have to take a break for a minute. Um. A pa-partial break during which I'll stop the facility from exploding while still throwing bombs at you.](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/e/ea/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa07.wav) [Alright, then. Let- let's see... Uh... 'Vital maintenance protocols.' Wow, there's a lot of them. **Um... Should've looked into this... earlier.** Well- Let's try this: [reading while typing] *DO THEM.* [failure buzzer]. Fair enough. Maybe- maybe it's a password.](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/7/7f/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa08.wav) [A, A, A, A, A, A. [NNNT!] No? Okay. A, A, A, A, A, *B?* [NNNT!] Hold on, I've done both of these. Skip ahead, skip ahead. A, B, C... D... G, um.... H. [DING!]](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/d/d1/Wheatley_bw_a4_finale04_wakeupa09.wav) [Hah! It bloody worked! I hacked- I hacked it! Hacked it! Hacked! Properly hacked. Ha ha ha!](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/4/45/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked01.wav) [Now then, let's see, let's see what we've got here. Ohh! 'Reactor Core Emergency Heat Venting Protocols.' That's the problem right there, isn't it? 'Emergency'. You don't want to see 'emergency' flashing at ya. Never good that, is it? Never good. Right. Delete...](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/0/02/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked02.wav) [***UNDELETE! UNDELETE! WHERE'S THE UNDELETE BUTTON!?"***](https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/3/3f/Wheatley_bw_finale4_hackworked03.wav)


If that's true, the wheatley whisperer has gone completely insane so they would not give a shit and keep theorizing (and have it make sense)


> I don’t think this is ADHD. Everyone does this. You probably have ADHD lol.


No I don’t. Everyone procrastinates.


Yes you do. No that's not the case. Get tested, for your sake.


I’m sure you’re a very intelligent person but I don’t want to drop a significant amount of money on an expensive test because someone on the internet told me to. You’ve only heard me say 5 things.


User name checks out


Every symptom I realise I have when I already know I have adhd I’d a new realisation for some reason