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Something about seeing Chell chilling in the rain with a big smile makes me so happy.


she actually has headphones in and it listening to half-life ps2 main menu loop


LoFi hip hop radio - beats to test to


Exile Vilify


No I am valve and I am making portal 3 đź‘Ť


make it with 3 portals


Google portal revolution


Holy time travel!


Holy time travel, Batman!


Wait, has this actually just been a new response that’s dropped? (As opposed to a fake new response.)


holy hell


New dimension just dropped


*Reloaded. Revolution is the new one


There's so many mods it's impossible to keep track of them! /j


And just to think that IM making a good mod now... +1!


no. Portal reloaded.


Ok so there will be an orange, blue, and yellow portal. The blue portal will connect to the orange one, the orange portal will connect to the yellow one, and the yellow one will connect to the blue one. Wait never mind that doesn’t make sense, I’ll fix it later ig


It works if the portals are unidirectional.  It also makes it really dangerous to, like, stick just your arm through. You never get stuff back,  as anything that tries is Portaled forward in the color cycle


Unidirectional portals could be an interesting puzzle concept, though probably hard to implement in base Portal 2


Agreed. I absolutely ADORE Portal 2. It’s a fantastic game. Trying to top that honestly seems like it’d be a herculean task and I wouldn’t blame Valve for not wanting to try. And, besides, not every franchise needs a long line of games. I’d rather look at both Portal games fondly than have it go the route of other franchises where they just keep going until the property itself is tainted.


We all know how megamind 2 ended up. 


Exactly! In terms of favorite games, I think I got lucky with Psychonauts 2 (which both 1 and 2 are fantastic games btw, highly recommend.) I’m honestly not expecting anything like that to happen again, lol.


I heard about psychonauts, but never properly looked into it. If I have some time I will deffinetly check it out.


"Go make some new disaster... That's what I'm counting on..."


Honestly what could Valve do at this point? The story had the most epic conclusion possible with a portal on the freaking moon and Chell getting out. I guess I could list what I can think of as a possibility. Chell getting “outside” was just a way for Glados to contain Chell and then Glados left her inside but oh no Chell found a way out of the false room and now confronts Glados for a way to the real outside before deciding to finally kill her and destroy Aperture. Glados made a false room to test on Chell about what people are like on their own and portal 3 is a farming simulator with no portals. Chell really did make it outside and Glados left a prototype portal gun inside the burned cube that can put portals on new surfaces but is way more unstable forcing Chell to survive in the new world and simultaneously salvage for resources that can repair and maintain her unstable portal gun.


I think it would be fun to see a new game set in aperture, it doesn't necessarily need the big expectation of being a sequel, I really just want more puzzles to play around in


Goodness knows she’s worked hard enough for it


I do still want a portal 3 though lol, portal 2 is a great ending but there’s something about the valve humor that Portal 2 mods always seem to miss a little


"Accept the present and don't rely on the future"


Maybe Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 will just be one game.


That’s what I’m hopeful for, it’d make more sense in my opinion & finalize both stories.


Portal has already been finalized.


I wouldn’t say so, GLaDOS has made references to the Combine in ways which suggest she’s either fighting them off or being allowed to live in exchange for Aperture technology. On the other hand Chell has just been released into a world where civilizations completely collapsed & become infested with dangerous Xenian life forms. Next to the fact that she’ll probably be fighting those, she’ll also be wandering alone for a very long time unless she comes across pockets of resistance fighters or any Combine outposts, that’s assuming anyone’s even still left in the US. It’s possible that the story lines finish with the resistance using Aperture tech to finish off what remains of the Combine, with GLaDOS at the helm of humanities last stronghold, the Aperture Science enrichment center, also known as the only place left on Earth still capable of mass producing weapons, robots & energy tech, something the resistance probably wouldn’t wanna pass up, especially in their dire situation. The unreleased Half-Life 2 episode 3 was already supposed to take place in the arctic trying to find Aperture Sciences Borealis experiment.


That would ruin both series. Any chance of a proper crossover died with Portal 2.


I watched a video of the ending where the field was just a box full of screens then beat the game thinking that was the ending


So happy


Wait Cicierega??? Like the band Lemon demon???????????


what the fuck is she going to eat for sustenance




Portal 2 has my favourite ending in any videogame ever. Could they come up with a worthy follow-up? Probably, but there's no need to force it and I'm honestly happy with things as they are (especially since we still get a bit more of the world of Aperture every once in a while in the spin-off minigames).


I think portal 3 for lack of a better term would work as a chapter in a half life 3 game. Not a full portal story but just visiting the portal setting for the borialis. Maybe some interraction with GLaDOS. I dont think gordon and chell should interract tho. Much cant be extended with portals story character wise imo and i wouldnt want it to personally. I know time lines are weird but gman can fix that.


There will always be community-made content tho and it can be really incredible and really feel like an official extension of the game. With voice acting and everything. Like check out [this trailer](https://youtu.be/cXczxIIvXJ0?si=j0GLhuUT4HRm3qWv) for a mod called "Portal: Revolution"


Enjoy your short sad life ahead. We're counting on it.


damn, chell must be rocking a sleeper build to carry that big ass companion cube with her along the way, that shit must be heavy


I was always wondering, did she get out during the rule of the combine, or after?


This isn't the end. Of the portal story. It IS the end for Chell but im making a mod named Portal: Forgotten Memories. I really really need help with the music tho.