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Racing across Belmont and got t boned over. People driving like shit on those side streets during rush hour is unbelievable 


Dude, I walk all over this area of town and I can't tell you how many times someone has fucking raced up to one of the main streets like Belmont Stark or Hawthorne from a side street and barely stopped. Almost gotten smashed like 1000 times


I've almost gotten hit as a pedestrian by idiots like that. You can look both ways and cross as cautiously as you want, but there's always going to be some idiot not paying attention. Freaks me out.


Totally. And a separate-but-related issue is even if they do actually adequately stop they don't actually watch for pedestrians crossing directly in front of them before turning. They're only looking for cars on the streets they're turning on. I can see it in their eyes and actions every time when a driver has no awareness that I'm there walking across. I've just started walking behind the car that's about to turn because I can tell a disaster is possible since they have no idea I'm there. It seems backwards to put the onus of being aware on a pedestrian instead of the person driving a gigantic metal weapon but I guess it's the world we live in.


Isn't that wild? Ugh. I've almost been hit too many times in situations where I was totally aware of traffic, crossing safely, and doing nothing wrong, and some asshat in a 2 ton hunk of metal turns into the crosswalk without looking. I'll admit, I've sometimes lost my temper in those situations and flipped the bird. I'm just really tired of almost being injured/dying. Some of the cars are so tall and lifted that they don't even notice they've almost hit someone.


I feel you. I'm actually pretty calm and polite usually so I don't typically do anything in these situations. However, I remember one specific event a couple months ago when some lady was parallel parking (on Ankeny/28th) and was literally backing into me while I was on my bike, waiting at the stop sign to turn. I just kept walking backwards thinking she would see me and stop -- NOPE. Just kept backing up and would have totally run me over if i hadn't moved. Like I said, I'm pretty polite so I didn't do anything besides move, but there was another person on a bike there watching the whole thing. That dude went over to her window and punched it several times and called her a fucking dumbass. I sorta felt bad because she obviously didn't mean to do it (she was just being completely blind), but still... if you drive a car you need to own the responsibility of operating a deadly weapon


I was calm and polite until almost getting hit so many times by drivers not paying attention that something snapped in me and I decided it wasn't acceptable. Idk. Doesn't help that I've known multiple people who have either died or been pretty injured because of distracted/negligent drivers. My partner has been hit by a car while on their bike (luckily no serious injuries, but in one instance the car saw they'd hit them and drove off). I only ever lose my cool if it's very clear that a driver is being irresponsible, especially to the extent that either myself or others could have lost their lives. And it's not like I'm punching anyone's windows or screaming at them, I tend to just give them a death glare. 😂 I think that's just fine.


Driving like that in the city at any time is just pure evil. A librarian not too far down the street from there on Cesar Chavez died while waiting at a bus stop from a similarly evil piece of shit that flipped their car driving too fast. I wish the absolute worst upon the person driving the car like an idiot.


Yes and I knew her and seeing more stuff like this is infuriating


Not too far from where that Saudi guy killed a young girl, either.




Considering that the guy fled the country to go back to Saudi Arabia to avoid prosecution, it’s sort of an important detail.


"That guy" is Abdulahraman Sameer Noorah. He had "help" to "avoid prosecution". The young girl- Fallon Smart.


Wasn’t it direct help from the Saudi government?


Was he one of the many royals?


Imagine simping for the Saudis. Couldn’t be me.




It’s not racist to point out where someone is from and also point out that where they’re from helped them to flee


we really need better infrastructure to stop maniacs from driving like this


We need the kind of infrastructure that makes them find out when they fuck around. Right now traffic engineers won’t protect the sidewalk with bollards because “what if someone hits it with their car doing double the speed limit, they could die.” If it’s unsafe for the driver breaking the law they don’t allow it, but they consistently ignore the people that could be standing at the intersection.


100% agree. Why do our engineers feel so comfortable sacrificing pedestrians who’ve done nothing wrong rather than ever punishing drivers driving dangerously?


Maybe this is why they don't do that at 24th and Weidler. The porch of that house got plowed into again last month, this time with such force that the car almost went into the living room. Long straight stretches like that encourage idiots to show their colors and then OOPS: sudden turn! Someone took out a tree at the dogleg in 28th last week under similar circumstances. Just a a matter of time until one of those apartments gets slammed into. The city puts up bigger and bigger signs to be ignored, but nothing structural to protect buildings/people.


Better them than Fallon. I said it and I’m not sorry.


Some people REALLY should not be allowed to drive.I choose not to drive because I know I'm not capable of doing so safely. I knew someone who was hit by a car on Burnside that swerved onto the sidewalk. He was at work, taking orders outside. He got pinned against the side of the building. I hadn't seen or talked to him in a few years, but he was such a genuine and kind soul, and hearing he died like that is devastating and horrifying.


That driver was blazed drunk, this one's just an idiot.


Oh good thing our city doesn’t produce lots of blazed idiots. I agree with other posters that we need street calming measures (bollards, chicanes, narrow lanes) to deter this.


this intersection has bollards and an intersection island🫠


So the traffic calming spot with the bollards is what finally stopped the reckless driver from continuing to speed? Maybe there should be more things like that throughout the street that has so many commenters here exasperated by how fast drivers are on this road. Not just at this intersection, but at the points earlier in the drivers path where they felt emboldened to speed and where they continued to speed.


Further down the same road there used to be a mural of a rhino with a bunch of speed limit and cross walk signs on its horn. It's not a new problem.. those islands I'm referencing are the newish solutio - they don't work.


I recall that mural and was sad when it got tagged over


Is it Belmont and 24th-ish? I used to run over there and I can't tell you how many times I was almost plowed into by people trying to cross Belmont. Scary as hell.


That whole stretch of Belmont is scary, I drive home to outer se that way, everyday.  It's 25 and tons of crosswalks, lights, where the 2 lanes split to 1 is such a disaster.   People need to get it through their heads, there is no rush hour short cuts.  Darting around in these already narrow laned surface streets is just so stupid.


I had a friend ask me why I go extra blocks west on Morrison to 7th when we were going to Chipotle and I was like bc I absolutely need the protected left turn onto Belmont and the extra time to move lanes over. I’ve seen too many close calls in just 10 months here.




Plenty of cities at least ban parking within 15 feet or something of an intersection like that.  All those crosswalks on Belmont around 24 are just crowded with cars, it's hard to see someone crossing until they are *IN* the street.


It’s criminal that Portland doesn’t have the same code. “Vision Zero” is an appropriate name because you can’t see for shit at most intersections


29th, I drove by this earlier




A few weeks ago I was crossing Belmont a few blocks west of this location. I was in a painted crosswalk and I was on crutches. And yet a woman driving by could not be bothered to stop for me and just threw her hands up at me as she went by.


Just down the street I almost got creamed by a jeep doing the exact same maneuver. JUST GO TO 30th YOU NUMPTIES


Yeah I kicked a car that almost hit me in a crosswalk making a right and rolled through a red. Scared the bejeezus out of her and she starts yelling at me “I didn’t see you!” It’s like you didn’t stop and look.


For real


rode by this scene on the 15. how the fuck does someone flip their care there


I once saw a similar scene from the 15, it was closer to Crush bar. i thought "who goes that fast around here??" but r/idiotsincars showed me that this can happen when a car comes up on another car at just the right angle, with the cars shaped just the right way, so that the car just goes up and rolls right over!


It's usually when awkward tire on tire contact happens where you see lower speed roll overs


Speed. With enough speed, and a ditch, you can launch a car into the second floor of a building.


This is probably like the third time I’ve seen this happen on one of these low speed streets this year


As a biker, fuck this noise. This is where I normally cross 28th/29th and Belmont when I'm commuting. Most cars don't bother to stop for the crosswalk let alone speed like this.


Yup, I live on 27th and crossing Belmont during rush hour is like a game of frogger while trying not to flip off the people who don’t stop.


The car lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, spinning its wheels trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?


I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Foresters on fire off the shoulder of Terwilliger. I watched highbeams glitter in the dark near the vista house gate. All those moments will be lost in time.


I miss Rutger Hayer more now


You want to hear about my mother?


I read this in Dave Attenborough voice. 


It should be read in Harrison Ford's voice


Really, it should be read in [Morgan Paull's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Paull) (Holden's) voice.


I stand corrected I had my scenes mixed up


Dave was always one to explain why it was a tragedy of life and that intervention is rare among the crew, often leads to a worse outcome.


Yeah, it got weird at the end, like a fever dream.  I'm too high for reddit rn, tbh.


Nice job


That describes my life.


Side note, wtf is with the weird speeding in Portland? I live on Hawthorne and can't believe how many revving engines I hear racing between 15-30th at all hours, both cars and motorcycles. Just seems like a weird disconnect, doesn't feel like a city with that kinda culture but seems like I've seen/heard more in 2 years living here than in the 7 years I was in Seattle.


Because the police were butt-hurt about losing their funding and not only stopped enforcing traffic laws, but announced publicly that they were no longer enforcing them. >“We needed to create a stir to get some change, to get them [city council] to fund us back up. And I mean, that’s the honest truth. I know, that could make things more dangerous. I don’t know. But at the same time, we needed some change.” >~ Sgt. Ty Engstrom, *Portland Police Bureau* https://bikeportland.org/2023/08/08/portland-police-bureau-officer-admits-no-traffic-enforcement-messaging-was-politically-motivated-377939


To serve and protect, eh?


not according to the supreme court.


I’ve been trying to tell people about this and most of them can’t believe it due to the audacity factor… yet here we are. And the drag racing has become terrible and homicidal.


I tell people about that every chance I get. It got buried pretty quickly - so strange!


if this were still true, there would be zero speed traps. they are being enforced now.


Yes, they have started enforcing again, but they haven't been able to catch up yet. This article was from last year, and he's referring to the previous year or so. This is what has caused it.


Holy shit!


You should see people on NextDoor complaining about the 20 mph hardship. I mean, they really feel like they are being persecuted.


Speeding and make lane changes anytime traffic slows for more than a second. It’s infuriating!! I swear some people waste more time switching lanes than they would spend just slowing down to wait for the car in front of them to turn or come up to speed.


Any spot to cruise and show off will attract this. All the hot neighborhoods, all the hot straightaways with no stop lights. VROOM VROOM




[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I live near you so I drive on Hawthorne, seriously, I'm doing 20-25 mph and people are tailgating and passing me doing at least 35 mph. It's awful. It's a nightmare to cross as a pedestrian.


Man, tell me about it! Se 72nd south of Foster is like a drag strip day and night. People have to be doing 65-70. 2 fatalities this year and a couple flipped cars


Less intelligent people generally produce more offspring. There’s young and dumb, then you got young and dummer and finally some people are just entitled douches.


Exactly! It feels like Idiocracy was a documentary about the future.


It's a bunch of children doing it for their 30 followers on tictok


Your description reminds me of the *Onion* headline: “Idiot Goes and Gets Himself Hit by a Goddamn Bus”


That takes skill


They had been trying all week. Finally pulled it off!


How much of a moron can you be to actually flip a car where the speed limit can’t be more than 30 mph? Someone I knew was killed on Caesar Chavez last summer because of something like this. God dammit there’s just some people who we’d be so much better off without in this world.


Saw the aftermath of a rollover a few weeks ago at sw canyon court (the frontage road on 26 between zoo and sylvan exits), perfectly at rest in the landscaping on the northwest side of the intersection. How is this happening so often on these surface streets?


Speeding drivers


I don’t understand how people can speed on 26. There’s so many curves and quite a few that have poor visibility. No thank you!


Reminds me of the time I heard a crash and came out to see a car flipped in my front yard. Drunk dude hit my neighbors tree just right. Put only a mild gouge in the big tree. He took off on foot before the cops got there, but not before promising my neighbor the remaining beer in the car. Which I had to convince him not to actually take lol. That's evidence my dude. Maybe don't?


I’ve seen it on 28th more than a few times. Hate that crossing because poor visibility.


I've gotten in so many near-collisions there, not due to bad driving but like you said just poor visibility and cars going faster than expected.


Speeding is pretty bad at certain times on Belmont but even with cars going 20-25mph, when there is a car parked on the SW corner of a street the sight lines are terrible. If I have to cross Belmont I usually go up to 30th or down to 20th to get a light, or I will go to 23rd if I want to turn West onto Morrison - it's a lot less stressful crossing when the street is one way. Almost everywhere else I have ever driven it is illegal to park all the way up to a corner for this reason but Portland gotta be Portland.


Same. I live on 27th and unless it’s early morning or later evening I don’t try to cross Belmont unless it’s 30th or another metered intersection.


Should submit a request for a light to the city citing “Vision Zero” and this accident.


The problem is the sight lines on Belmont are so bad from the numbered streets that we need lights on most of them. They could mitigate slightly with a few one way streets or some lights having protected left turns. I’d argue that over crowded street parking is a major component to the problem here but it’s only going to get worse when the development where the laundromat was is complete.


That's it. We need to shut down Belmont to vehicle traffic until we figure out what is going on here. Somebody could get hurt.


This but unironically 😈


Yes please to Belmont walking district.


I second this. We should do this to Division, Hawthorne and Belmont. Maybe Sandy and Burnside too. I’m not sure how to restrict and divert traffic, vehicles still need to access the area. Ideally rush hour drivers should use 84 or Powell. If those Division, Hawthorne and Belmont didn’t have so rush hour traffic the buses would work really well, like when those lines were streetcar lines. I wonder how many people would switch to the bus if they were quicker and more frequent.


We don't want em on Powell. There's a couple schools.


Powell is literally a highway though. Definitely the most natural course to divert traffic east-west through that part of the city if we have to choose one.


This was posted tongue in cheek, but not ironically. We cede too much space to cars with virtually no accountability. Shut it all down until we figure out a way to transport people with putting pedestrians and bystanders at risk.


I agree, but what about all the people who live in the neighborhood there and have cars?


I live right there and have a car, close Belmont from 20th to Caesar Chavez


Fuck yeah then close it down if you say so. I live there too (I do not have a car) and I hate the traffic, but it seems like closing Belmont down to cars would just clog up the side streets and Stark, which is already fucked up enough.


close those, too?


We would need some way to filter traffic. Buses would still need to access those areas for that to work so some people would switch to riding the bus. Maybe redesigning the upstream roads to lead drivers to other roads. Like the I-5 interchange the on- and -off ramp connect directly to Morrison and Belmont maybe if that connection weren’t there fewer people would those streets.


Bring back the streetcars!!! Those streets in SE were built for them.


How is scary with the amount of people who walk and bike here. Had a friend who was killed at a bus stop because a truck hit another truck and that truck hit my friend. People just don't think about possible consequences for their actions and how you can take away a hold world that is another person with a selfish act. Hope no one was really hurt.


The brother of Denver Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon died in a car accident in Portland. Cant find any other articles about any crashes today so I wonder if its this one


First thing I thought of when I saw this. The news of his death was only made public an hour or so ago.


You can't park there.


["Why not? Is this not a reasonable place to park?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pp-X3_ZQT0)


Is it worth it? Let me work it, I put my thang down, flip it, and reverse it.


Dare ya to try and spell out the next line


.ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup I Of course, it's much harder to *say* than write it out...


It’s your frippinipisvenyet


Not the first time this year, either.


the only reason i knew about this is because my son came home from school and burst through the door saying, “MOM SOMEONES CAR IS UPSIDE DOWN YOU WOULD LOVE IT” 😭




You can flip your car anywhere these days, even Craig list


I've seen videos of crossovers rolling over at less than 10mph. They're turning and catch a wheel on something and . . .


The sun finally comes out, and people are literally FLIPPING THEIR SHIT




Honestly not surprised, morons love to blast through that stretch of Belmont like it's a desert highway not a neighborhood


a car managed to roll over in a one car accident in front of the 25mph, tree lined road bordering ft Vancouver. they clipped an old growth tree with a ramp like base, and it just flipped em over without hardly scratching the bark. this is not a comment on this image so much as 'lol cars'


I watched a car get flipped on the Fremont bridge last summer. Drifted into the northbound lane from the southbound lane, wheel to wheel with another car and it was instantly upside down and sliding across 3 lanes of traffic. Was crazy as hell.


wow! On a bridge! They were lucky they didn't go in the water.


It seems like no one talking here was actually there. I was - so here’s what happened: the car that got flipped was making a left turn. The car that t boned the car gunned it when they thought it was clear after the stop sign. Visibility isn’t easy at this intersection. I get that y’all want to spectate but accidents happen. The people involved and their dogs are all okay - that’s what you should be asking about. That’s what you should be caring about.


Thanks for your response. I for one am happy the people and dogs are safe. Fuck, how scary!


I swear it's always tails when I pick heads.


How in the what?


Oh shit, I hope that’s not my brain damaged sister in law


I live a block from here and this is the second, maybe even third accident this week!! what the heck is in the air? get it out


I used to live RIGHT there, and this doesn’t surprise me one bit to hear or see




Most impressive!


What is this New Orleans?


Honestly - I’ve never been more scared to be in a vehicle (let alone drive one) than I was in New Orleans. One day we drove past 3 separate accidents within all of five minutes on the freeway.


Ever been to Houston? Like New Orleans if everyone on the road was fucked up on lean instead of alcohol


I have not, but I have spent more time than I’d like to admit in Florida which sounds like a close second to what you just described.


Oh, that's easy. Someone inverted the phase. Just push the big blue switch next to the power connecter, it should go the right way after that.


noice 🤦‍♂️ hope they're okay people driving like tweaked redneck maniac bros on a murder rampage or seemingly cautious but actually BLIND AF Instagram Tesla girls there's no in between DOES ANYONE DRIVE NORMAL ANYMORE!?!?!? the slow drivers seem to be driving slow just to piss off the fast drivers who are driving fast just to piss off the slow drivers 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ **in the last week... I had to follow a car for 4.5miles going 5mph in a 45 because he REFUSED to pass the cyclist in front of him despite having the visibility to do so, meanwhile I'm three cars back so I can't do it without taking on too much risk passing the whole convoy. Cyclist kept looking back at him like BRO PASS ME, but there wasn't really anywhere for the cyclist to pull over either so we all just followed him for almost 5miles at 5mph in 45 🤷‍♂️ And --2-- got chased by a bald blowhard dadbod midlife crisis in an Audi when he ran a red light, almost hit me, and because he was paying zero attention whatsoever thought --I-- ran a red light and proceeded to try and run me off the road for a few miles and point finger guns at me while I called the police who of course never even called me back to take a report when I finally evaded the guy 😬 scary fucking shit --> and I'm not kidding about those Teslas. Be careful around those. Google YouTube videos of full self-driving and see if you feel safe driving around those things. I can't tell you how many times I've been around a Tesla for them to do something totally unpredictable, usually not something outrageously dangerous, but bad enough you'd get into a minor fender bender if you weren't paying attention. Pay attention. Whether it's the drivers like BMW used to be known for... or the self-driving I don't know but either way be careful around them 😆


Thanks for the Tesla tip. Check out Rivian crash tests for some craziness. They plow right through stuff 😳


oh I bet, they're pretty big and those batteries have got to weigh a million lbs, my neighborhood has a million of the SUV ones buggin' about


["Flip ya for real"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rntm3yDAQuM)


I often haunt r/New Orleans and between the pot holes and cones, and now car flips, it’s like we’re twins. Although I’ve yet to hear about finding a freshly severed and skinned goat head on the side of a road around here.


Pig head got parked by the door of the church I used to go to, so there’s that. It’s been a minute tho


This is the second car flip I’ve seen on this sub TODAY….fucking wild


I’ve seen it on N Killingsworth and in New Columbia. Nothing surprises me anymore 😅


If you were at the Bare Bones patio, you woulda had front row tickets to this shitshow!


I saw this happen right around the same spot (34th) on Belmont around ten years ago. What the hell are people doing? How do you manage that on a relatively slow-moving street?


My car was literally totaled in 2021 about 20 feet away from that very spot by a big SUV that side swiped my parked car, and flipped their SUV over in the middle of Belmont. Whoever was driving then abandoned the flipped over car. Never great to wake up to police knocking on your apartment door at like 4am…they didn’t disappoint.


I used to live just up the block and that intersection in front of Bare Bones had a wreck WEEKLY.


Similar shit every fucking night and morning here on Insley going to 82nd. Honestly all of the Lents area is just fucking loud speeders. My fence has permanent fucking dent in it since it’s in the corner


Bad traffic makes me flip too


Two weeks ago a totally wasted guy flipped his Audi at 43rd Lincoln after hitting traffic circle. Had to be going 50mph.


This happens SO often in New Orleans that it’s become a joke in the subreddit, but it still boggles my mind how cars do this.


P2P meth has really enhanced things round here


I wish there were cobblestones on Belmont again. Slow down or shake your car apart.




Rule 1.5: Advocating Violence or Vigilantism Advocating Violence: It is never appropriate to wish harm or death on another human being or to encourage others in to performing vigilante actions. OR This comment represents egregious aggression toward another person and sets a bad example for the sub.


I don’t think that’s their car


They were distracted when they tried to remove their douching products from the bag.


Was it a Subaru... again?


By hand?


And the one in Beaverton. Warm weather has PDX wildin out


Freaking amazing. How.




Was it a very tall person getting loaded onto the ambulance?


Probably a straight white male


Dumbest comment ever


Wrong. That's how the car was made.


Bad place for a car flip


Maybe they threw it out the window.


Only in Portland


Pedestrians are pissed because they had right of way…