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Ironic to see the official Oregonian reddit account posting this when the story of the Goldschmidt sex scandal itself sat in the O's lap and went unreported, while the Willamette Week was the one that did all the work. Rest in Piss, Neil. You did good things for Portland and terrible things to a young woman who did not deserve to have you steal her life.


When he made his “confession” to the Oregonian in 2004, the Editorial Board characterized the rape as an affair. It wasn’t until a Steve Duin column a couple days later that the O accurately called it rape. They just love protecting powerful people.


That's the Oregonians MO. The PPB, PBA among other legacy power brokers always get endorsements and sympathetic stories.


Relabeling rape as an "affair " is unforgivable, at least in my humble opinion. I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, but if there is one, Neil Goldschmidt deserves a few years of burning in purgatory before he can move on to something better...(what a scumbag!)


Oh, hey. 2004. The same year the campaign manager I was working for sexually harassed, assaulted, or raped at least eight of us employees and probably some volunteers we don’t know about. While the organization was investigating, one of his politics buddies got him a job at another organization so he faced zero repercussions and got the equivalent of a promotion. Last I heard, he’s a foreign service officer at the State Department.


That’s horrific. I’m so sorry.


I’m the lucky one, he “only” tried to unbutton my blouse at a staff dinner. We were all between 18-25 and he was in his early 40s. BARF Edit: great job /r/Portland. *This* is controversial to you?


Steve Duin was one of the lone voices in favor of an expose when the O first heard of this. He spoke out. I respect him, one of the few reporters I respect.


Yes, Willamette Week is the best paper in the region by far and deserves community support!


Street Roots is a good one, as well.


Do they have any physical copies or is it only online?


You can usually find a vendor hanging around, especially downtown. The vendors are housing challenged individuals and I believe get to keep what you give them (or at least a large portion of it.) I know folks are down on homeless folks, but I encourage people to watch for the folks that are handing out Street Roots. It’s a good organization and the journalism is solid, IMO. [Here’s](https://www.streetroots.org/vendors) a link their vendor page which talks a bit more about how it works and where to find a vendor.


But doesn't street roots not pay the people selling the papers? I hear the lady running it has a major savior complex combined with a big artists ego and little evidence to show her advocacy has tangible results on policy.


I hadn’t heard that. If it’s true, that’s really horrible. My understanding was that they let their vendors keep most of what they make when they sell a paper. I don’t know much about the people running Street Roots, though.


Not at all true: That’s a shitty, completely inaccurate characterization of the director, who is an amazing, capable leader who has done great work there during an unprecedented explosion in homelessness and drug use, the likes of which this city has never seen. The SR isn’t Goodwill, FFS. The format existed decades before she came along and it remains an example that should be everywhere: It’s hard to be hired when you don’t live somewhere. Venders keep HALF of what they sell, the rest is reinvested in keeping the press open. The sales process offers a healthy way for unhoused folks to engage with the public in a dignified way. It balances the power exchange from begging to selling. I always, always buy a copy and take a moment to ask vendors about that issue. More than once, I’ve bought from writers who have a contributed articles and poetry. I don’t understand how the value of that isn’t obvious to everyone. Finally, SR has a specific mission to help the unhoused, like Sisters of the Road does, but they are not responsible for solving Portland’s homelessness. Isn’t that what government is supposed to be doing?


I am glad to hear this. I haven’t heard any bad about the organization (aside from the rumor posed by the previous commenter that wasn’t me.). Vendors seem to appreciate the organization and the organization does a lot of good to bring focus to many issues.


I’m glad. I get so tired of seeing people struggling and looking away not knowing what to do. Even though it’s such a small thing, it’s one thing that I feel confident is net positive.


Former...uh...housing challenged person here: I never sold Street Roots but the split is accurate, the shift in power balance is accurate, the paper itself certainly brings Street people a reason to be engaged in mainstream life and every person I've ever encountered that sells it is super proud to be doing it. On that basis I can confirm


Thank you, Nefandous_Jewel. I’m glad to hear that—and glad you were able to find your way indoors. I do agree also that it’s important to keep evaluating programs to make sure they keep up with growing awareness. (And maybe it’s time to raise the price of the paper, to keep up with inflation.) To paraphrase Maya Angelou, when we know better, we should do better. But I’m glad in the meantime to feel supporting SR is still good to do.


Actually, I think maybe a clarification of purpose may be in order. Five million dollars is a hellava lot of money. My impression was....at the MOST ....sellers of Street Roots could pay for a small storage room. Like generally it was beer money.... Nothing that would change anybody's life. The suggestions I saw elsewhere on this thread would.


Yeah, I don’t know enough about it to know if that number is accurate, or anything about how it’s used, though I know the people there are committed and don’t live extravagantly. I’m skeptical that’s the number they actually have to work with. I’m curious to find out, though.


Wow, what a shitty, completely inaccurate characterization of the director, who is an amazing, capable leader and has done great work there during an unprecedented explosion of homelessness and drug use, the likes of which this city has never seen. The SR isn’t Goodwill, FFS. The format existed decades before she came along and it remains an example that should be everywhere: It’s hard to be hired when you don’t live somewhere. Venders keep HALF of what they sell, the rest is reinvested in keeping the press open. The sales process offers a healthy way for unhoused folks to engage with the public in a dignified way. It balances the power exchange from begging to selling. I always, always buy a copy and take a moment to ask vendors about that issue. More than once, I’ve bought from writers who have a contributed articles and poetry. They’re exited to share and I always learn something from a point of view I wouldn’t otherwise see. I don’t understand how the value of that isn’t obvious to everyone. Finally, SR has a specific mission to help the unhoused, like Sisters of the Road does, but they are not responsible for *solving* Portland’s homelessness. Isn’t that what government is supposed to be doing?


An exploitive labor practice is an exploitive labor practice. Typical of non profit; the director makes 70k+ a year in a tax exempt organization that pulled in 5mil in donations alone in 2020. At best the vendors should be categorized commissioned employees (I'm unsure of the legality of that being as it's a non profit) if that were the case, the vendors would at least be guaranteed hourly minimum wage on days when sales weren't good, and basic protections like breaks, meal periods and sick pay; But they're not. We know the minimum wage is NOT livable within the metro area but even if we operate under that assumption, vendors HAVE to sell 20 papers an hour. And there's no real paper trail (which I support for the workers keeping their hard earned money) but how are these people gonna secure housing when there isn't documentation? If they are successful in putting that money away in the bank, then they technically are on the hook for the taxes. All people deserve dignity, empathy and access to essentials. I believe Keira and the organization believe in what they're doing, but I question if their practices are A)in alignment with labor ethics B) effective at lifting the most marginalized at risk population out of poverty. Or is it just a manipulative cycle.


Those are points worth discussing, and now that awareness and attitudes around this are evolving, I have faith the calls for change will get louder and this program will respond/expand as the city gets healthier again. It certainly deserves scrutiny. But I would hate to see it dismantled with nothing else to put in its place, particularly with our ineffective government. This isn’t the organization to do everything for everyone but it still offers some dignity. And 70k is hardly a greedy amount of money for someone in a position of that much responsibility. I assume the rest of that donation money goes to funding the program.


The people I’ve encountered at Street Roots are good folks. I’m not deeply involved specifIcally with Street Roots, I do know many who help the houseless and I was briefly houseless myself in Portland as a young person. I’ve never heard this.


> People walk in off the streets, go through orientation, and begin selling the weekly newspaper. Ten complementary papers launch their efforts, and then they purchase each paper for a quarter that they sell for $1, keeping all profits and tips. Street Roots works with more than 800 vendors annually, and about 75 percent of vendors are unhoused. Our commitment to getting money into people's pockets is straightforward: Income is an antidote to poverty. There are too many barriers to housing and employment, and we are committed to supporting people aspire to their best futures.


Nigel Jacquis is a savage mfr, he also took down kitzhaber and Sam Adams rape of a boy, he’s working on this current Kotek rn and won’t be long till her corruption comes to light ha ha


WW has a [story](https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/06/12/former-mayor-and-governor-neil-goldschmidt-dies-at-83/) on it by the guy who broke the original child rape story.


Yeah I figured they would - I kept refreshing their page to see if they had the story but it took them a lot longer to post it than I thought it would.


Ahhh, good ol' Nigel Jaquiss muckraking to see what sticks. That WW article also prevented us from having Enron 2.0. At the time that article came out, Goldschmidt was negotiating the sale of PGE to a bunch of Texas investors that were going to completely screw over Oregon's energy economy and Oregonians.


Credit to Sen. Vicki Walker for sharing the tip in the first place too. (I only just learned of her and hope she didn’t sit on it until it became advantageous…)


Why did The Oregonian suppress the story of former Portland Mayor and former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt repeatedly raping and ruining the life of a 13 year old Portland girl. Hmmmm…could it be because back in the day, one of Neil’s co-offending best friend’s wife worked in advertising at The Oregonian? Could that be the reason why The O sat on the story? OR because that same Oregonian employee was also the wife of a former Dep. DA under MCDA Mike Schrunk. A former Dep. DA that received diversion???? instead of a prison sentence like other child rapists? After he was seen by a limo driver doing drugs and having sex with a kid in the back of his limo? The former Dep. DA only received a 2-year suspension from the Oregon State Bar. The minor he raped was a client Willamette Week wrote had neurological damage at the time of the the former Dep. DA’s crimes against her. THEN you have to factor in what happened to the former Multnomah County Dep. DA’s unfortunate new neighbors one night in June of 2004, when the former MCDA Dep. DA went stumbling around their new neighborhood with a glass of red wine in his hand. The couple had run a sex Predator Check before writing an offer and closing on their new home in the former Dep. DA’s neighborhood. It came up clean. Imagine their surprise when the former Dep. DA. rang their doorbell, invited himself into their home and proceeded to spill his guts to the couple, admitting to going on dates with Neil and his 13 year old victim and having sex with a minor himself. If true, wouldn’t that make the former Multnomah County Dep. DA a serial offender? It was then (6/04), that no one but the new neighbors and Neil’s protectors knew that Neil’s victim was only 13 at the time of Neil’s rapes. Reporters would refer to Neil Goldschmidt’s victim as a teenager, as if that made his grooming and repeated rapes of a 13 year old less offensive and criminal? and the events as “An affair that will fade with time.” Penned by MCDA Mike Schrunk in support of his best friend, Neil Goldschmidt. The former Dep. DA went on to tell his new neighbors “She (the 13 year old rape victim) cooked Neil and I dinner, and she was every bit the woman (that statement left the couple to conclude Goldschmidt’s victim had been victimized by more than one man….again if true? one of them, a former MCDA Dep. DA multiple offender). When the former Dep. DA saw the shocked look on his new neighbors faces as their infant daughter played in the bassinet in the adjoining room, he went on to say “You know sex with minors is legal in some countries? EVERYONE knew”. One of the new neighbors said “It’s not legal in our country, state, city, county, or our culdesac. It’s time for you to go.” The former MCDA Dep. DA was shown the door. A short time later, his unfortunate new neighbors found themselves on the receiving end of anonymous threats and the wife, anonymous sexual harassment and in the legal crosshairs of the MCDA. You see one of the new neighbors the former Multnomah County Dep. DA spilled his guts to worked for Multnomah County and reported his neighbor disturbing admissions the next morning to his employer, an appointed Oregon State official. Within a year and a half of the former Dep. DA’s admission’s to his unfortunate neighbor’s, the husband was fired from his job, and was smeared in the press with false and stigmatizing statements by Mike Schrunk’s office and The Oregonian. The wife was anonymously harassed out of her lucrative career as a top real state broker with anonymous threats of rape, decapitation, being shot dead in the head, etc. The Portland Police Bureau which worked hand in hand with Mike Schrunk, with their union helping keep him in office, when presented with the evidence of the anonymous emails with traceable ip addresses, strangely said the death threats were not a crime? The couple knew it was retaliation, and that the false statements made about the husband were made to discredit both of them and to shut them up, after they reported the former Dep. DA’s admissions implicating himself and pretty much everyone Neil Goldschmidt associated with, including the MCDA’s office. The terminated employee filed a tort. MCDA Mike Schrunk ran to the ODOJ for protection. Mike tried appointing his childhood friend Ancer Haggerty as the deciding judge. The wife told her husband to have his attorney object because it was common for Mike and his friend Judge Ancer Haggerty to play racket ball together. Haggerty refused himself. A new judge was appointed. Her comments when she looked first looked at the violation of the plaintiff’s Right To Due Process was to say “Who did it? Because clearly his rights were violated!” A 7 year battle went on behind closed doors to try to clear the neighbor’s name, and for the MCDA and ODOJ to wear the Judge down and get rid of “The Problem” she would later state when she changed her opinion. She said “THEY (the MCDA, County Counsel and the ODOJ) asked me to make “The Problem” go away so I did.” Four corrupt judges on appeal ruled on their MCDA friend’s behalf. One honest Judge, Judge Paez, stood alone, after finding and stating on the public record that the MCDA and his office had in fact violated the employee’s constitutional right to Due Process. This was huge, but the public never was informed of the findings because the corrupt majority won. The corrupt MCDA won for a nano second. He resigned at the conclusion of that lawsuit, and as karma would have it, died on January 30th 2023 from Alzheimer’s. How many victims of former MCDA Mike Schrunk, Neil Goldschmidt and the judicial gang? Does anyone know? There’s a lot more to this story that no one will ever hear because no reporter has fully done his job. MCDA Mike Schrunk hid evidence of his and his pals crimes in a personal file drawer so when public records requests were made, certified letters with evidence of Mike’s and his pals involvement in crime stayed concealed. In addition to that, MCDA Mike Schrunk had public records law changed to seal information from the public which Oregon officials feel harms their reputations, even if it is true. Oh! Did The Oregonian ever correct the record? No.


The headline and phrasing like "only to see his record forever stained" and "he was forced to confess to statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl, left him shunned and unforgiven in the state he loved," are bizarrely sympathetic. He fucked a child. Edit - they've edited the second one. The invoice for my freelance editing is in the mail, O.


The Oregonian had the story for years (as they also had the Packwood story for years) and never said a word. What we're seeing is institutional. Despite everyone knowing, he still had a lot of friends in a lot of places. They're not going to kick their friend's corpse.


At least they included Ron Wyden’s comments, albeit after they touted all of his “amazing”achievements.


The Portland we've loved for the last fifty years doesn't exist without Goldschmidt. It should be acknowledged. Without him, Robert Moses' vision for us would have made this town unrecognizable.


Fuck Robert Moses. All my homies hate Robert Moses.


That’s the bummer about legacy: you don’t—or, rather, *should not*—get to keep public respect when you manipulate and sexually abuse a minor for years, leading to her mental deterioration and early death. Too bad. He deserves no acknowledgment, other than being another reminder of how we fail victims in this culture. I’ll focus instead on Oswald West’s ~~and Mark Hatfield’s~~ accomplishments.


A whole lotta Hatfield's private secrets went to the grave with Gerry Frank. They both managed to run out the clock with their reputations intact. The Oregonian did everything they could to extend Goldschmidt and Packwood the same privilege.


Good point. Edited accordingly. Thanks to Oswald Oregon’s beaches are PUBLIC! It’s so shocking to go to places that sold off beach access.


That whole article is wacky. It's basically "He was so wonderful except for the kid diddling bits"


Other than that one thing, how did you enjoy the play Mrs. Lincoln?


Makes their sam adams endorsement make more sense


I hate the term kid diddling. (Please don’t take this personally it’s not directed at you at all) It’s called RAPE. Historically using terms like kiddy porn and kid diddling was done to downplay the severity of what transpired but it does not change the fact that a child was sexually abused. Sugar coating it with “nicer” words doesn’t change that.


No no. You have it all wrong. He raped a child


Repeatedly and it really messed her up.


> Repeatedly and it really messed her up. That's not the only thing, he also showed up to her college dorm years later if I'm not mistaken.


Shit! Omg!


What the fuck


Wait...statutory rape of a 14yr old... When he was an adult? How is that possible? It makes it sound consensual.


His sheriff driver, who went and got the girl out of her high school classes and took her to the Hilton when Goldshit wanted her, largely skated on this. If that isn't trafficking and facilitating the rapes, WTF. Should have done time, too. See Wikipedia "Sheriff Bernie Giusto".


“But it was also during that time that he began a sexual relationship with an underage neighborhood girl” relationship?


But it was during that time he started raping a child.  Fixed it for ya, OLive. 


Looks like they're still editing this in real time. They've changed that part now. > This **was** obituary was written by former Oregonian political reporter Harry Esteve. Looks like they barely updated this for today's sensibilities and plopped up a file obituary for him with added details like cause and date of death. > Oregonian **eporter** Noelle Crombie contributed to this **reporter.** Just look at all the errors in both bylines lol. Embarrassing work, frankly. EDIT: Looks like the editor finally made it through to the end of the article and fixed those now, ha.


They got some real angry phone calls.


he called it 'an affair'


Yeah, and in "an affair" way of presenting it, it was rape


It's a bummer that all the good he did do for the public is overshadowed by this GLARING bad bad bad thing. But it is. Fuck you, Goldshit.


Damn. I know he looking up at us right now. Surprised he died of heart failure, seeing as he didn't have one.


My thought exactly.


Goldschmidt's victim died in 2011. May her memory be a blessing. May his name be blotted out.


Oh that’s awful, I had no idea. There really is no justice in this world


I'm thinking good thoughts today for her friends and family, who probably are going through some weird things today. And I wish both the former nanny and the former governor the after-lives they deserve.


What an absolute fucking tragedy, and what an absolute fucking monster. I deeply feel for the victim; he totally stole her innocence.


That’s a weird wording of that headline


I much prefer this rememberance of his victim instead. https://www.wweek.com/portland/blog-26366-elizabeth-lynn-dunham-may-12-1961-jan-16-2011-updated.html


he was a transportation secretary. let's put his ashes in asphalt so we can run him over again and again and again


On NE 122nd and Foster if you please.


There are scummier, more appropriate places where his ashes can be mixed into the pavement farther east, out by Gresham/Rockwood..


How did both of Carter’s transportation secretaries end up being pretty monstrous sex criminals?


just pound him in the asphalt?


“He spent his last years alternating between homes in Southwest Portland and the bucolic Provence region of France, where he pursued his passion for fine wines” and young girls.


Proof that karma is bullshit


I actually know where his house is in Goose Hollow (up on Kings Hill) Let's just say he wasn't suffering.


Was just reading that a Hollywood screenwriter and former Oregon reporter named Zabel worked with Dunham to write a screenplay based on her story and then sold it for television, but it was never produced. Was that what we now know as catch and kill? Seems weird that a story like hers -- which by all accounts she wanted to have told -- was never told. * edited to add that I don't mean Zabel did a catch and kill- but wondered who/what entity he sold it to.


It's weird that it was never produced, because Zabel was once head of WGA- West and even had a TV series. He's solid.


Oh no a pedophile died. Someone break out the worlds tiniest violin. 


The Oregonian called it an "affair" with a high school student when they put the story on their website twenty years ago. Much different tone and wording than calling it what it really was, repeated r\*pe of a minor. Respect to Nigel Jaquiss and Willamette Week for their reporting of the scandal.


How the article devolves into a fond remembrance is so despicable. The fact that we can't unilaterally just accept he was garbage shows what a way we still have to go towards fighting for justice for sexual abuse victims. Any good cannot "offset" his crimes nor should they even have to brought to the conversation.


It seems hard for the Oregonian to talk bad about this guy.


I thought he died a long time ago. Hadn't heard anything about him for so long. Guess he was laying low with his ill gotten wealth. Good riddance.


OPB's coverage was also pathetic. There were PLENTY of people who knew what Goldschmidt was up to, yet remained silent. That is the TRUE Portland.


Now that is worth an upvote.




RIP bozo


Good riddance. 


I was his nurse once when he was hospitalized a few years ago, didn’t know who he was until someone told me….that was an interesting google search.


Jesus, when you [read what happened to her afterwards](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2011/01/neil_goldschmidt_sex_abuse_vic.html).


Bye bitch


Rest in Piss, rapist.


Rot In Piss, bozo.


He deserves HELL.


It’s triggering to read this. Both Goldschmidt and those that enabled him (like the Oregonian) are evil.  It will happen again. Portland is a cesspool of unchecked power and privilege. 


^^^ So true about Portland being a cesspool of unchecked power and privilege. It’s the worst. 


May his grave site be marked by a portable toilet. child rapist POS.


Good. Rest in shame for the rape and early death of that poor girl.


I knew the victim when she was about 20 years old. She was so smart, witty, beautiful and full of life. I did not know this had happened to her until many years later, when the article by Margie Boule was published. It’s absolutely heartbreaking that her life was ruined by this horrible predator.   It’s disgusting that he and other called it an “affair”. It’s pedophile rape. I am so angry this happened to her. 


So the O is gonna just post this shit for the sub to proof read for them ? At least buy us coffee, mfs. How may times have they edited their article now, after commenters pointed shit out ?


Oh shit, I didn't realize he died. Thought it was weird to see articles mentioning him


Just another example of how horrible and corrupt Oregon’s politicians are. If they’re not being pervs, they are selling the state out to outside interests or playing pickleball with cartel members while they make special considerations for their legal drug business.


Blumenauer, Wyden, Kulongoski, and every mayor since he left owe him their careers. Without him, none of them get nearly as far as they did.


When I was right out of high school I got invited to a fancy party by the young girl he was buying an apartment for and sleeping with We thought it was gross but the money and booze flowed like water in a fancy place It was no secret about their affair to younger people


Who cares??


Any number of us are glad to know he’s no longer polluting Oregon with his presence. He was a disgusting pig who lived a much longer and more comfortable life than he deserved.


And yet here you are giving him space to continue existing online despite him being dead 🤣