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I'm sorry... they're looking for people who "identify as low income"? So if I identify as a struggling filmmaker who squats in a loft in the east village with a washed up former rockstar/recovering drug addict in the late 90s, do I qualify?




I mean for real, how’s this shit not racist?. I mean fuck it, you can be whatever you want gender wise, so who’s stopping someone from identifying as a person of color?. How far back in my ancestry do I have to go?..




She was committed though, im looking for a much lazier approach.


It's just a box you check. If you feel you identify as poc, then go get your free bike.




Joke’s on you. There are already people doing this.


I mean most white Americans do have some African ancestry in their DNA. So it wouldn’t even be lying, just a very technical interpretation of POC.


Nah. I wish there was something cool in my dna report, but it might as well of said mayonnaise on white bread.


I’m .03% African!


I'm confused by that is it saying 75% of people choosen need to be POC or that all need to be?


it says the grant stipulates that 75 percent of people be POC. Not all. Its a grant that is specifically trying to help POC and low income folks. I assume that means 25 percent can be low income whites.


And 75% can be affluent POCs


Looking at it looks like everyone is supposed to be low income


Or at least identify as low income…


When I was in my 20s and lived in a shit box studio way out in the burbs because it was all I could afford with a 40 hour a week office job at OHSU somehow all of my burn out part time waiter friends lived in the nicest high-rises going up in the pearl because they under reported their income. Scammers always gonna scam.


They are. I think smart policy should assume that’s going to happen. *Rides away on a free ebike*


How do you document real life when real life is getting more like fiction each day?


When your living in America at the ~~end~~ start of the millennium


Depends on your skin color.




Yay! You qualify, u/wildwalrusaur!








That is the correct answer.


Lmfao! If you make this movie I will gladly pay to watch it! Great stuff!


Amazon = National Socialists The 2 day delivery is an excuse for their SS officers to patrol your neighborhood.


That's like so progressive.


It’s tech dystopian progressive. If you read into the whole thing, it’s not necessarily to help. It’s to get a pilot group to track data of riders downtown. They probably have ALL the middle class & high class riders via Nike apps, Apple, and fit bit. That’s like .02 a person. What they don’t have is data for the low income or bipoc community. Literally states that you’ll be required to track rides, give updates on routes, and come to meetings to talk about the bike infrastructure of the town.


How is that not necessarily to help? It seems like the goal is helping to create and build bike infra....


_cough_ horseshoe _cough_


The obsession with income and race in the program and this thread is missing a larger point. Riding an e-bike in Milwaukie or Hillsboro is suicidal. An SUV is going to run you over.


As a residential trash truck driver, these things are a nightmare. Why? While evaluating traffic and pedestrians, "OH hey, there's a bike, I've got enough time to make my turn. No pedestrians, cars (parked and otherwise) are cooperating." Suddenly, the bike is no longer 3 blocks away because it was traveling at 30 mph and is now right in my line of travel as I'm turning, causing us to be dangerously close to a very, very bad event.


This is valid af


Ya it’s tough. Commuters and Lycra enthusiasts don’t fuck with trucks, buses and heavy duty vehicles. E-bikers for sure have a different mindst


Hillsboro has some nice trails. Not sure if I'd want to ride the main streets but I'd say that in Portland too.


hillsboro has some really nice bike trails that aren't overrun with the homeless. those are the only areas though good for riding.


With the cost of living now, I identify as “Low-Income”.


💀😅 Me too!






It sucks trying to get any MTB trails in any part of Portland as somehow the trails need to be more inclusive.


How is this even legal?


Portland area..


Oh I get it, but there are still federal anti discrimination laws. They are just assuming that white guilt will keep people from suing. I'm not usually one of those people, but this really does defy the saying "equality isn't like a pie; someone else getting a slice doesn't mean you slice gets smaller". It should be based on income, not race. Who even thought of this program?


Should be for disabled people really. We need it most 🙄


Amen Brotha’! I’d completely be all for that!!!




For sure. Not saying someone deserves something more than someone else, but that’s a legit reason. How many handicap E-bikes have you seen?. I haven’t seen any. And I’m sure they’d be fucking expensive.. I wonder, being handicap and on a fix income, and let’s throw BIPOC on top, if they’d give you a bike for your accommodations..? 🤔


It could improve health for some people. I'm ok with some targeting of programs but I hate when the sacred groups go to the front of the line. It's because they don't find other groups like older or disabled sexy enough. Why aren't they fighting child abuse? Sexual assault? They are very myopic and self serving in their savior activities. Where are they actually helping people like we heart Seattle and Kevin dahlgren? I am "marginalized" by their standards in so many ways and I find it disgusting how some groups are sacred and others are ignored. My "intersections" would place me near the top of their hierarchy were I to play their gross games. I refuse and furthermore confront it.


Seriously, my electric mini bike has literally changed my life and allowed me to go places I would’ve never been able to go before. It brings me an incredible amount of joy and freedom.  Also, since disability disproportionately affects bipoc, they’d be accomplishing their original goal anyway without having to discriminate. 


Right? It would be freedom! And we are in general low income! It's like my local garden group spending all their resources going after the 5% BIPOC in our city who may not even want to garden instead of the older disabled people who they had been successfully serving. It's racist and stupid. I broke ties w them over their segregated affinity groups especially when they say gardening is supposed to unite.


> They are just assuming that white guilt will keep people from suing. Yeah, and this is a pretty much guaranteed win - depending upon the source of the money. This is completely illegal if it involves public funds, and basically every time people have sued over these blatant cases of discrimination they've won. > It should be based on income, not race. Who even thought of this program? Racist people. People who think that some races are better, worse, or more deserving than others.


Grants and scholarships are a specialized sort of money distribution program, aren’t they? Different from programs run by banks or the government. I remember once reading that David letterman funds a scholarship at his Alma mater for high schoolers who graduated with C averages. If you wanted to fund a grants program to give free bikes to 100 white guys named Shorty, you probably could.


No, dude, they just want to complain on reddit while other people actually do shit.


was this funded from our tax dollars? if it's private money, I would think they can do whatever they want.


PGE Drive Change Fund…. Brought to you by the same people who have raised our electricity rates by no small margin to fund bullshit like this.


Does half Egyptian count?


Only for half a discount


Egyptian is a nationality and we’re talking about race. so no.


What race would you consider an Egyptian


depends on the individual Egyptian we’re talking about. what race would you consider an American


Fair enough. Gopd point. Egyptians are pretty diverse looking


Is this why they are raising rates? Glad i get to support such diverse thinking while having exactly zero say. Sue the pants off pge!!


What percentage of bipoc would qualify? Asking for a friend who's 38% Great britain, 27% Irish, 21% Senegalsee and 14% Malay.


Just identify as BIPoC


And, not joking, anyone can be trans-racial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transracial_(identity) If you feel like you can be BIPOC, you are BIPOC, and no one can take that away from you. Just check the box on the form.




Contact them about it, i would love to know the response. 🤣


Irish are totally POC! A lot of them have red hair and were on the receiving end of colonialism. Just identify as POC and see what you get?


Good point.. are you required to give DNA genetics? I may be 25% north African does that qualify 🙄


yeah so those are nationalities. it okay, it’s hard. go ahead and try again


You are a racist, we get it, but try not to be too slow. https://preview.redd.it/ysazdrg2mksc1.png?width=1302&format=png&auto=webp&s=32174c5c6c9f0ae1abe838a8d695dff498a4c122


That's utterly racist. Thanks for sharing I'll report this


The good thing about identity politics is that, at a certain point, everything becomes self-identification. See? We're already at age and income level, objective benchmarks I didn't think we'd broach for a while yet. Once the process is complete, we get to feel good about doing dumb shit like this while not actually discriminating against anyone because we can all be everything whenever!


Your PhD in Postmodernist Studies is in the mail.


Unnecessary, I already identify as a doctor!


….. we grown black folks don’t want your bicycles. Keep them white folk activities to yourselves. We’re still getting acclimated to y’all’s obsession with farmers markets.


Question is : how many e bikes will be relocated into the bottom of the Willamette River ? Remember that free yellow bike program ?


> Remember that free yellow bike program ? Half the commentators in this subreddit weren't alive when this program existed, and the other half hadn't moved here yet.


E-bikes are racist. After the first one breaks probably


I guess we should all now feel great about our skyrocketing power rates.


An bike battery is about .5 kwh, and the price of electricity is about 16c/kwh. It costs about 8 cents to fully charge an ebike.


The funds for the program come from the PGE drive change fund.


For those unaware, the PGE Drive Change Fund comes from the Oregon DEQ Clean Fuels Program, which creates essentially a pollution-trading scheme/racket where DEQ gets to decide what is an acceptable carbon intensity standard for gasoline, natural gas, and other fuels, then charge a fee for anyone going above that standard. This fee is of course passed on to the customers, but the DEQ penalty gets to be used for whatever they'd like, and specifically named was the notion of giving money to the electrical utilities for them to squander on electrical infrastructure like car chargers. In essence, this is a backhanded and illegal subversion of Article IX, Section 3a of the Oregon Constitution which require gas taxes get spent on public highways, roads, streets, and rest areas.


Yeah... there's such a thing as over-correcting. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


Portland white savior complex. PNW “Anti-racists”continuing to become the exact person they claim to hate is hilarious and sad in so many ways. Lol. None of these people have the mental capacity to look in the mirror.


Lmao if you’re poor and white get fucked


So true lol 😆 what a shame. Portland is a shit show


If you’re poor and white you still qualify. I get reading can be hard, but the lack of comprehension skills in this thread is astounding. They didn’t say only people of color would receive an e-bike, all they did was acknowledge that they’ll prioritize their access.


I must be too white to be able to read that they are segregating the races and 75% of the bikes will go to people of color because of the color of their skin. Seems pretty racist to me to segregate a program based on skin color and not case by case basis. But what do I know I’m just an ignorant white person.


God forbid after centuries of white people being prioritized, and to the extent that the state’s constitution outlawed for Black people to reside in the state, that a program attempt to center people directly impacted by the legacy. The same fucking legacy that is the reason for Oregon’s small Black population and its wealth disparity. Jfc for being the “superior” race y’all are really fucking dumb and cry like a brat because you’re no longer the center of the universe.


Gets called out for clear racism and then goal posts me. Who is still alive from that era of it being outlawed? Nobody. Unless you’re pushing almost 200 years old. Everyone should get the same opportunity and it should have nothing to do with skin color. That’s equality. It doesn’t mean that stuff didn’t happen it’s just a step forward instead of a step backwards.


I didn’t goal post you. You’re just a vapid waste who lacks any critical thinking skills and thinks any attempt at progress exist in a vacuum and is devoid of any type of historical context that created the problem in the first place. No one gets the same opportunities because of the legacy of **CENTURIES** of legislative white supremacy. You do not get to stab someone in the back, lift the knife an inch than scream “we’re equal now.” You didn’t even fully remove the knife or care for the wound. Edit: for spelling


I didn’t do any of those things. Who did I stab? When? Why does that mean that services are divided by color now? Everyone has historical context. The people that immigrated here were oppressed by England escaped here and then had to fight a war where many died just to live here. Does that mean that the current day people in the UK stabbed us in the back? No because that doesn’t even make sense


You do realize segregation ended within the generation of your parents, grandparents, or even great grandparents, right? Shit Biden was born when ‘separate but equal’ was still law of the land. So, we’re not even talking about the fucking 1700s. We’re talking about white supremacist legislation that your parents, grandparents, or great grandparents benefited from, while Black people’s parents, grandparents, and great grandparents we’re denied. The Black-white wealth disparity is a **direct** result of the policies, one policy in particular: redlining. I’m sure if a program attempted to remedy the wealth inequality by investing in Black neighborhoods, you’d throw a bitch fit about that too. Who gives a fuck if you personally didn’t do the stabbing, you and your family benefited from the policies. Also, the bulk of people who live in the US today came after the Immigration and Nationality Acts of 1965. Ya know after the country could no longer allow *only* white immigrants. I can tell history wasn’t your strong suit and neither is critically thinking. Your present reality exist in a vacuum to you, completely devoid how it came about.


Yeah. Fuck giving bikes to non bipocs. Mama always said “give a bike to a middle class bipoc before a dirt poor white”. Words to live by. God bless you.


As a African American young women saying no whites allowed is purely racist 🙄 💀. Like wtf are we supposed to solve racism with more racism? Wtf ?


It doesn't say no whites allowed, if I were low income my ass could get a bike too. It's trying to solicit responses from people that the biking community doesn't normally hear from; since cyclists involved in policy are overwhelmingly white and rich, they're seeking the opposite on either front. All these conversations have really made me think about how insulting the usual phrasing is, though. If they're looking for diverse voices, they need to say that and explain why, rather than just group BIPOC next to 'low income' and not think about how that looks to y'all.


Can you read? They didn’t say no whites allowed.




Yeah, it's just like when they threw a bunch of support at the Black Girls Do Bike rally a couple years ago. And of course pictures of the event demonstrated it was overwhelmingly white folks in attendance. This is in significant part because the bike community has never bothered to understand the foundational objections and concerns of BIPOCs and women: that **visibility is not a good thing.** Imagine being a white bike rider in South Africa - anywhere a vulnerable minority group exists there's the possibility of being victimized when seen. So the safest course of action is to not be super visible. Everyone does this when they feel alienated in a hostile society. The concept is expressed over and over again by women and minorities who say things like "*I'm afraid of a white dude in a truck running me off the road.*" That's valid. That shit has happened in this town, multiple times. Using a vehicle as a weapon against someone you have animosity toward is common place and transcends race and gender issues. If you know that people have animosity toward your gender or skin color, well, act accordingly. The only folks not comprehending this straight forward concern are upper middle class folks who have so much delusional self-confidence (thanks to living a liberal utopian bubble) that they can't comprehend legitimate safety concerns, and so they blast right past them to uphold their childish hobby.




> though I get why people might think that To more closely elaborate - why it's a childish hobby is because it's only suitable for children. Some adults can make hardcore bike riding their primary mode of transportation, but those people tend to be mentally ill delusional fuckwits. In a utopian fantasy everyone can walk or bike to work, but in the real world, there's no way a reasonable person will commit to: - Live in Sellwood and bike to Nike (1 hour 20 minutes by bike, 30 minutes by car) - Live in Tualatin and bike to Adidas (1 hour 49 minutes by bike, 40 minutes by car) - Live in Happy Valley and bike to Kruse Way (1 hour 52 minutes by bike, 30 minutes by car) - Live in Hazel Dale, WA and bike to downtown Portland (1 hour 18 minutes by bike, 35 minutes by car) I'm not here to throw shade on the small percentage of our society that has the right conditions to bike to work - but realistically speaking, this is not a mode of transportation that most adults can use on a daily basis. Children, meanwhile, can bike to school. College kids bike to college, if they can't afford a car. But yes, in addition, there's a sect of this community that are adults and act like fickle unreasonable children.


More racism. Gross.


Fairly certain it's illegal to discriminate based on race. PGE? You sure about this? I can see an ACLU lawsuit.


I bet there will be some smoking deals on new e-bikes on marketplace soon.


Gotta love the racism 


I’m indigenous to Europe does that count? My color is lightly tan/white, do I get a bike? What a fucking joke


No whites allowed. Wtf lol


I love public utilities funding specifically and officially racist programs. This is the timeline we need!!


We All Rise? I don't think they know what the word ALL means.


it's bad enough to have a discriminatory benefit, then you gotta think of all the staff necessary to administer this garbage


This is fucking stupid. Not illegal, as it is a grant. I gotta get outta here. This place is Whacko-ville. Backwards.




I actually would love to qualify for this, unfortunately I am white (I'm serious, this is a bummer) :(


Just say you're part jewish and part arab


If they question it, start punching yourself in the face for added authenticity.


I, hereby, bestow upon you the title of BIPOC. For ever now hence forth, you shall be noted as a BIPOC. Congratulations, or I'm sorry.


Did you read the picture or did you just jump to “woe white people.” If you’re low income, you still qualify. Unless you’re with means and just wanted to moan.


The grant specifically states that 75% of the bikes are earmarked for BIPOC. How are you not understanding this?


Which means in a city that’s over 70% white, and more likely to have the means to pay for a bike on their own, they’ll make up a quarter of the folks who receive a bike. What’s the issue with prioritizing people who statistically like the means to afford a bike of history? This sub really wants to ignore the historical context that created the present conditions.


Woe is me the white man :(


if you are low income, you probably quality. The grantor requires that people be low income, and 75 percent of recipients are POC. That leaves room for 25 percent to be low income whites.


The Whites are are at it again with their guilt


If I keep losing money on DraftKings, does that make me low income?




Rude it to the strip club and porn store everyday.


Sorry, I don't "identify" as a racist


I forgive you.


stealing free bikes from white people is a already a popular pastime for low income adults in this city.


Its called reparations




As a white guy, I'd have to buy it.


I guess Beaverton and Aloha don’t rate


Can you post a link to this?


Its in the pic


/u/Astolfo424 , you are one major eye roll.


So asians qualify or are we white adjacent?


They white now


genuinely why is this sub so reactionary? i’m homeless but never ask people for money and get mostly read as a housed person…. like idk how does it hurt you that someone got a bike? it’s a fucking bike. take a xanax or something


https://preview.redd.it/y4u3z25nnqsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446b0d6c508e1489d35b0232c2413cade7f27766 This dude has an agenda


Perhaps you can improve your reading and comprehension skills sometime? Libraries are free.


I think dude has you pegged






Looking forward to seeing how triggered this makes people on this sub.


It's the same person who made that viral post the other day completely misrepresenting that yoga place's discounts policy and got the place 1 star review bombed from their 5.0 star rating they had for a decade. This guy's a huge rage bait victim constantly railing against wokeness. This sub is a real trash anti-woke echo chamber. The same people crying about DEI and CRT and whatever buzz word that pisses them off. It's good they have their safe space here I guess. The main Portland sub has some ridiculous comments here and there but this sub is 100x worse in the other extreme direction. I'll probably be banned here soon enough for exposing their bias, hypocrisy, projection, and lack of self-awareness. Lol


How was that business misrepresented? Literally only some people got a discount, and not others, based off skin color? Imagine if that sign was reversed.


Good Thing was taken as Bad Thing, the only possible reason being a miscommunication.


So many of the comments were complaining why it isn't based on income. [Oh look, it is.](https://www.yogarefugepdx.com/pricing) Convenient how OP omitted that part.


I don't think we are the type of people here that want to ban someone from having a differing point of view. As for thinking you're exposing some sort of alt-right propaganda ring, most people here seem to be democrats who are fed up with the extreme left hiajcking the city.


No, if you're complaining about woke this woke that woke woke woke constantly you are not centrist like this sub pretends to be. You are 100% conservative just like bigots like DeSantis and Trump. It's no coincidence they're obsessed with "woke" while this sub is also obsessed with "woke". Always trying to be a victim even about stuff like yoga and bikes. People in here really need to get a life and stop whining about every little thing. So insufferable. Edit: Also, OP has comments sympathizing with neo-nazis while constantly posting stuff meant to provoke and anger. Yup, that's not the conservative playbook and agenda at all.


No one has mentioned "wokeness" except you, friend. As for me being a Trump sympathizer or Republican, that is hilarious. Sorry you got your panties in a bunch for someone pointing out the hypocrisy of these establishments. They are virtue signaling 100% and it gets tiring having to pander to these types of people. Love, A black lesbian woman.


you can literally go down in the comments and find a screenshot that someone took of the OP blatantly saying that they would rather see neo-nazi tags in Portland than “woke” stuff. So who the hell cares about you being a black lesbian woman when you’re defending a sub that is harboring people like OP that would rather have neo-nazi stuff around Portland than “woke” stuff.


I am not OP. 100% of the other people here are not OP. I did not say that I support their view on neo-nazi shit. OP is not the sole representative of this sub. You are trying really hard to paint this sub as something it's not. Feel free to not make a conscious decision to visit it.


I do not frequent this sub, but the only posts that are recommended on my feed are ones that are crying about immigrants, the homeless, drug users, etc. Hell, the posts on this sub that get the most traction are ones that are talking about the topics I mentioned above. And if anyone tries to speak out against the posters, they just get downvoted and told that they’re “woke”. So you can totally believe that those people don’t represent this sub, but those people are the only ones gaining a significant amount of traction here and are the ones being recommended on to other people’s feeds.


Feel free to have reddit not recommend this sub to you anymore. It's easy. You'd rather play victim when you're literally the one doing it to yourself.


I’m not even playing victim, I’m pointing out how this sub is harboring hateful people but I guess you’re okay with that. So have fun being in your little bubble that is accepting to neo-nazi sympathizers.


It seems like a Reddit trend lately to hijack subs with opposing viewpoints.




Who is us?


Oregon has a pretty horrific history when it comes to treatment of BIPOC so it's the very least they could do. Always the very least.


You start giving out free stuff to non whites than


All the not-so-witty comments here are not so witty. Thanks for sharing, OP.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/kz6oft81nqsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07696ec2414a240d5d625ecf85de8aa6c75bced5




Your jealousy of the whites is showing.


25 percent of recipients can be poor white trash according to what the grant from PGE they mention stipulates. people need to relax. [https://bikeportland.org/2023/09/27/new-program-powered-by-pge-grant-will-fund-90-e-bikes-for-low-income-portlanders-379777](https://bikeportland.org/2023/09/27/new-program-powered-by-pge-grant-will-fund-90-e-bikes-for-low-income-portlanders-379777)


what makes you think you have the right to refer to us as crackers or White trash you racist piece of shit?


This is a great idea! It seems this subreddit only wants white and wealthy folks to enjoy a greener form of transportation. Y’all hate any project that attempts to be explicitly equitable. Y’all would prefer color blind racism where nonprofits allow a ‘free for all’ in which people of means will take resources and opportunities away from people who need it most. Change will never come if you do not explicitly address and target people most impacted by racism and classism, but y’all don’t want change, y’all want status quo. Same behavior just different year.


Yet youre still around arnt you?


Babe all you do is wail about how white people are no longer prioritized. You’d probably blow a cap at programs trying to help first-time BIPOC homeowner as if the white middle class wasnt subsidized by BIPOC for centuries. I truly wish the roles were reversed because you people, yeah you people, would not survive the actual violence that comes from racism. You’re crying over a e-bike program, go to therapy.


That still aint gonna make you white.


I don’t want to be white. White supremacy really got you thinking we want to be y’all. Don’t you have a patriot front meeting to attend?


Dont lie, its your biggest dream. Dont know about the "we" but you just seem jealous.


What is there to be jealous about?


they should be given grant money by the government and this should be nation wide initiative. imagine if people in rural areas of america can get out of their situation. many people are trapped in physically abusive homes because of lack of basic transportation and the resources available because of neglect. many can't even get out and vote. awesome idea regardless


I can instantly tell you are under 20 years old. You are the clay of the earth, you know, a moron.


People in Portland Reddit threads are such assholes about race.


Comment could have ended with "assholes".


For a minute I thought PGE were bad dudes. Nevermind!




Not entirely wrong but the cost to fill an ev is still a crap ton less than a gas tank (having had to roll 4.69 the other day). We still have low rates compared to other states. None of this means pge won't try to fuck it all up as hard as possible, but.. perspective and such.