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Lateral pelvic tilt is a quackery. It s not a cause of pain. Probably there is a dysfunction or weakness that is the real cause of pain, you could try Core exercises, middle glute exercises, they should help in muscles imbalance


My hips are mostly back to normal. I realise my body was compensating for whatever was tight /spasmed so I am working on pelvic tilt exercises I will look into these other ones. Other than this I'm generally a fit person, who hasn't been exercising for the last couple years (not counting walking and biking) so would you say if I just went to a gym and did some resistance training/swimming/yoga it would help?


Yes it would help, these activites will give whole body benefits. But maybe you could need something more specific. Most painful problems in us, regular normal people, maybe someone more fit maybe someone less, (not people with severe issues), are caused by "dysfunctions" usually made by: - mobility issues - muscle weakness or poor control One cause or even both. Some specific ideas for you can be Hip Mobility(internal and external rotation mobility exercises - a good source for these is SquatUniversity on youtube), middle glute strenghtening (clamshell on floor, and exercise more dynamic like squat with a band between knees), and core strenghtening (like mcGill big3 or alternative for abs, side obliques abs, lumbar muscles). Generally SQUATUNIVERSITY talks a lot about hip or low back issues so I would give it a look. What is hard to tell to people is that they shouldnt focus on their body in the mirror. Asymmetries were already present, just you ve never noticed them. The pain have some others reasons