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Uneven stuffs and asymmetries are normal, dont worry. You only noticed them because you started to look yourself in the mirror more often after started gym. The upper trapezius of the right maybe is tight. Asymmetries remains asymmetries, but here maybe you do exercises with the right shoulder shrugged up. Focus on exercises form, scapula positioning, like scapula depression. De load the exercises and focus on these technique. ( i would do a lower trapezius isolation exercise too. Just to be sure that the upper trap dont overwork)


Thank you very much for your analysis I will do some research on what you said and try them out


The task you perform the most (monitor?) is slightly off to your right. Your head is leading and your spine and shoulders are following. Your spine is sidebent to your left and rotated towards your right. Your nervous system is fully mapping this posture roughly 3 times per hour so you can maintain balance and keep your eyes level. Move your primary source of work to the center of your body and line of vision and give it about 3 months. Via your neural pathways, your brain will map your new posture and you’ll be good to go.


Thanks for your input! I’ll look into what you said and try it out.


Best of luck to you!


Going to the gym is good but if ur not doing the right exercises it can be not very helpful for posture in the short term. But eventually it should help if ur doing a bit of everything Im not a physio tho so just based off two pictures of ur back i cant really suggest anything


I’d get a posture corrector. Only costs $20. Make sure to wear it two hours a day.


Do they actually work? I've heard conflicting information about them. The physiotherapist I saw said they will correct your posture but they will not strengthen the necessary muscles to hold that posture by yourself.


Yeah, I own one and I’ve been using it not just to correct my posture, but to stretch right and have the right position when exercising. It really does work.


Interesting. I might try one.




Nice and simple, I’ll look into that. Thank you


Anytime man