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Eagle syndrome?


what parts of this exactly made you think this person has long styloid processes?


I have very similar symptoms. Been trying to figure them out for a year now and eagle syndrome is the closest I’ve found. Related to the blocked diapraghm/feeling lower half is dis attached/jaw becoming wider/mood changes & panic, breathing, twisted neck & postural issues, even the automatic processes thing


right. so you've had xrays to confirm or rule out? or you just think you might have it and as a result you're suggesting other people might have it?


Why are you being rude? I just offered it as a suggestion for them to research - nowhere did I say it is 100% the issue. Personally I’ve been discussing it with my doctor. Was just trying to help.


I cant help about the multiple issues, maybe some physical, some mental, some just the results of anxiety o mental ones. (It s not the stomach that protrude, it s just the skinny fat body that is so common, it s just the belly fat tissue. Only to write an example of something that it s not a real issue.) But the sedentary is the first big enemy for joints. Most chronic pain are caused by sedentary, inactivity, prolonged sitting. So you ll really and greatly benefits from a physical healthly activity tolerated by your body. It will give benefits both physically and mentally. Yoga,  pilates, walking ,swimming, cycling, could be light activities examples. Then about your specific joints pain, you can need some specific exercises for some specific dysfunctionts or muscles imbalances that your body has now, developped in years of sedentary. Can you write here the exactly joints pain issue that you have? Because the big post in very confusing. Have you forward head posture? Postural Kyphosis? Rounded shoulders? Hyperlordosisi or hypolordosis, or valgus knees or others postural issues? They can help in diagnose the dysfunctions. (Google can help you to reply  the questions)


I don't think it's skinny fat; the big belly seems to result much more from unnatural positions of my spine. I particularly notice this because it's only visible on days when I am very tense, and those are the days when the symptoms are strongest. When I am very relaxed, this bulge disappears and it becomes flat. So, I can pretty much rule out that it's fat, and I can also rule out bloating or anything similar


Ok but it was not the point. Dont consider everything a problem, but instead focus on what you can do to improve the posture, joints pain, lifestyle, health etc. Focus on the solutions, For each spine posture issues, you can do exercises to correct/improve them.