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Shepard when he sees an unfucked alien in his presence: https://i.redd.it/e25a1ayiigvc1.gif




Not entirely sure on how either scales, but I'd imagine Commander Shepherd would win if he has everything available to him (weapons, armor, biotics).


Shepard pretty obviously


Depends on what class Shepard is. I’ll assume he’s the default which is Soldier. Soldier does have good temporary damage reduction, regeneration and is adept with all the weapon types in Mass Effect. That being said Predators on the other hand are masters of stealth and have highly advanced technology/weaponry. Shoulder mounted plasma gun, cloak field and serrated claws in addition to some other gadgets. It’s close but assuming Shepard is solo without any support Predator should win. Now if Shepard was something like a Biotic or Engineer I could see him easily beating a Predator.


Assuming Composite Shepard for convenience reasons (don't want to show my blatant Vanguard favoritism), it's Shepard. While the Yautja certainly has better stealth capabilities, invisibility is light work in all the games, so we can assume that either the Lazarus Project gave Shepard some anti-invisibility cybernetics, or they're simply constructed in an alternative fashion. Meanwhile, in terms of weapons and armor, Mass Effect simply just clears. The guns are all shaving off portions of tungsten as fine as sand, then flash-accelerating them (is that a real term? whatever) to several times the speed of sound. Shepard's armor is so good, conventional ballistic weaponry like we know today is literally useless against it (that's bullshit, but I believe it). In terms of CQC, Shepard fought a Yahg, but said Yahg was kinda a desk-jockey, so it's hard to say for sure. Like, you definitely throw around this guy that's easily triple your size, and Yahg society is really big on might-makes-right, but is he actually all that, though? Given the way he hurls the desk at you when the fight starts, I'm gonna say he at least has a pretty solid degree of super strength, so Shepard's stats should simply be better. You fought well, John Yautja, but you're not winning this.