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Go to blue. I do this all the time. Once u hear "minions are spawning" u stay there till the count on the blue is 15. U put a ward and start heading to red. From red to blue is 15 seconds. Well 16 if you're directly on the blue but if you're outside the stairs it's 15. Trust me. Also tell your due or offline, whoever is on blue side, that if they see that ping for them to rush towards blue and you do the same.


Just my two cents? Your offlaner does his job (staying alive) and you kill the enemy carry instead of your blue. Win-win. But seriously the top rated comment is the correct strat


He only good at low elo


If you want to that you have to do a high-risk high reward play. Step 1 Let your team know your invading red. So if you fail they can either rotate and kill khai or that you might die. If things go south Step 2 Know how to use dagger correctly it will instantly kill any jungle buff when the notch is red on the health bar. Step 3 Buff spawn at 1.45 giving more than enough time to ward his red or you sweep for early game wards and sneak thru mid river. Step 4. Hide under red buff pillar. Listen he dagger early or not or if he use hack already. Step 5 Steal red buff Step 6 fight or flight. If done right, you have two choices kill him or leave. Most Jungle try to fight you but your lvl 2 with a damage buff and he is one on CD and lower health than you. So choose wisely since your crunch id leave. He will be down a lvl and won't be able to clear as fast you plus you have tabs on his red and know when he will go there


I’m going to condense every book i read in here into 1 thing that is basically the entire summary. Have a good team that pays attention. Good luck finding that before plat or even diamond. 🥲


I ward blue right at 1:10 and head to red and I usually get there at the exact moment it spawns. If jungler invades I usually ping it like crazy so that solo and mid can converge and take him out. Works about 60% of the time


Ayy I'll take it 😂


Start blue buff. Better to get it and be slower on clear then him getting it and getting XP +gank+ invade.


This is way more consistent than trying to rush there after starting red. Half the time you make it there in time to watch them smite it, making your first clear even worse. If you’re not partied up, you start blue against kallari and khaimera. Laners rarely collapse from lane to contest in mid elos


Yup. I kinda want to high Jack top comment because this is exactly what you do lol.


Already got for the Blue first, ironic the red is actually better on long distance, don't take Khaimera on alone ever as a jungle. And yes he is imbalanced, a few of them are very imbalanced, it was one of the defining factors of the loss of the last game.  It's great that you can have amazing players who can overcome a creature that's literally made as a self speed& attack buff And a off tank as well. But most new players will be casual players, and the imbalanced characters will just make them not want to play any other characters which is why everyone just left, that and the ridiculous penalties for DCing a crap game with a bunch of F9's 


Skill issue


Khaimera isn’t unbalanced, he’s very strong early game and he’s very strong if you don’t counter him. He gets obliterated if you do. Khaimera has literally 0 ways to escape combat, he requires life steal to survive, his whole kit is based around diving people and attacking to heal through anything he takes (which is why he’s so strong early game, he can’t be countered because you need specific items to shut him down). However if people build “Tainted” items he gets melted. You reduce his healing by 40-80% depending on how many people are fighting him and he’s got no way to run and no way to fight. I used to think he was OP now I always build a “Tainted” item as my second item and Khaimera isn’t really a threat after that. If he dives you he just dies. Edit: If building one item (that’s also a general solid item) can hard counter the entire kit of a character they’re not unbalanced. If items didn’t exist he would be crazy but with items he’s strong but not even close to OP.


Just clear blue jungle first. That way, khai won't get it, and you can use your red to gank lanes rather than waste it farming jungle camps.


Ward blue buff at 1min then go to ur red If the khai goes for ur blue hopefully ur team should collapse on him If ur team don’t collapse on him, as soon as u finish ur 2 camp go straight to his blue buff Plus when ur lvl 6 crunch u can invade jungle a lot more, cuz if u get caught by enemy u can double dash out


You go out of base directly to your blue buff and wait there until 1:00, then you start your back, shortly before you disappear you set a ward, now in base exchange your wards with sweeper and head to your red buff, you should arrive roughly 5 seconds before it spawns, check right side of the buff (just look down from above) and then start your red. Do your normal rotation, if you see the enemy jungler on your blue (on the ward you left there) you head immediately to their blue and take it. At least that's how I go about things.


If u place ward when blue has 15 before spawning you can walk towards your red and it will spawn right when u get there. I do it all the time. It helps because it leaves the ward a bit more time there js


I'll go back to exchange for a sweeper immediately because I am an idiot who forgets to change it with every back and is annoyed that he he still has wards 20 minutes in. :(


Genuinely helpful, I didn't even think of placing a ward during recall😂💯


How does one "exchange wards with sweeper"? And is the normal rotation for red side be Red buff > 5 camp > 2 camp?


In the shop at the top you have 3 tabs: Recommended, All Items and Vision. Under Vision you can switch between sweeper and wards. Yes, that would be the correct order. In full: Red Buff -> 5 camp -> 2 camp -> before 2:50? go to 4 camp, after 2:50? go to river buff and then 4 camp -> blue buff -> 3 camp


This is awesome insight thank you so much


Splendid! Thank you for sharing knowledge! I'm not exactly new to Paragon, but new to the jungler role as newbies seem to leave it while hogging my usual offlane role. This'll definitely help me get better at jungling


This is the way.


This is the way.


You need to either be sure your team will help...if you are not sure - counter invade. Ward river path and make decisions accordingly.


> You need to either be sure your team will help Lets be honest, you'll never be sure of this unless you know the people you play with it.

