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Seriously. But not always for jungle, could be any lane. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a dude on my team that was 0 and 5 telling me or someone else that they suck for not helping them when they are the ones making stupid decisions and are clearly the ones that suck. Ugh, so frustrating. And the quick chat “GoOd jOb” from them whenever they die. Ughhhh 🙄


whenever I play mid, our jungler refuses to gank, even when the enmy is on our side of the river, even when the enemy is right on our tower doorstep. **Every.Single.Time.**


Haha I used to complain like that, but now I’ve seen the power in patience and keeping pressure with minions💪


new to the game. literally my second game as offlaner i get spammed “shinbi diff” by my teammates. i thought the game community was gonna be better than league but im already getting proven otherwise


just had a match where 2 people selected support, and 1 offlane on ready-up. picked carry, and got to pick first. the person who got jungle picked Argus and came duo lane....


I came from playing league and all my jungles get \*too\* addicted to how well I set up ganks when I play Dekker mid or Support, lmao


As someone who doesn't play jungle but does ward I'm wondering if I am placing the wards in the right location. I'm usually warding based on where I want them.(closer to the entrances to my lane from the jungle so I can see the enemy jungler when he gets close) I don't think this is very helpful to our jungler though. So junglers chime in!


This my life


I have no issue with jungler not coming when we’re constantly pushed up. I have a problem with jungler coming, staying by fog wall, then turn around and farm, when Twin and Bélica is pushing past the river 🙄. Or whenever Fangtooth just came up, and Jungler decides to back and go to Prime lane instead of prepping to obtain or contest fang.


They stay near the fog wall for a possible gank. Try and amd bait them towards your jungler


I feel 90% of the time I get ganked by jungle and my jungle on the opposite side of the map when I say defend right 25 times


My issue is my teammates never rotate its so weird to me. I will be pinging typing nothing ever lol. So I just do my own thing if my team ints they int I don't even care anymore.


I’ve had people die 2x in lane before I even fully clear my camps and say “no jungle presence?!”. Like…can I please just clear my camps before you start bitching?


$eric the goldfish on eth network Elon has a new pet ifykyk


*me when I play the jungler*


I thought these posts were jokes until it actually happened to me today. My duo literally commited all 4 points over and over again then blamed me (jungle) for not teleporting across the map at all times to help them like I don't need farm, objectives, or to help other lanes. Some people just ruin the fun of playing this game.


It’s MOBA 101. “When in doubt, blame the jungle”


Welcome to MOBAs. Lost lane? Jungle fault. Lost game? Jungle fault. Your grandmother died 16 years ago? Jungle fault. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Everyone always says it is regardless though.


I'm convinced ADCs don't know they have wards


This one, this one knows what they’re talking about. Spot on.


What people don’t realize is that by doing what is mentioned in the middle of the image, you’re not just harming yourself and your jungler, you’re making it much easier for the enemy jungler and will make the enemy jungler snowball. This will only make it worse for your own jungler. Please: 1. Ward 2. If you don’t know where the enemy jungler is, don’t overextend. 3. When your jungler is about to rotate to your side of the map, let the enemy minions push towards your tower so you give your jungler the gank advantage. 4. When your jungler is about to come in for the gank, start the fight before the jungler crosses the fog wall. It will distract your opponent and allow that few seconds where the enemy does not notice the jungler ganking.




I'm at lvl 2 and mfers getting murdered and blaming me lmao. God it's SO annoying your meme is absolutely spot on.


I agree with the sentiment of this post, but you used this picture wrong. The second picture would be you doing stuff to yourself to bring about your own downfall.


Yeah, it’s the laners about jungle


Lmao accurate


My Motto is ABS. ALWAYS BE SHOVING ITS A PVE GAME TIL YOUR WAVE IS FIGHTING WITH YOU. Just shove your wave, give your wave an advantage in an identical neck to neck wave battle (usually isolated waves) this is how you split push. The amount of games you’ll be a giant ass kicker when you realize this is astounding. Literally haven’t lost one game if I shove waves and fangtooth is taken.


I dont even like jungling in pred, and I still do better than half the people I see take the role. It gives me an excuse to use rampage and do decent at least though.


My friend got me into the game he had several games completed and he developped sooo many bad habits. Over pushing, not focusing on last hits, dying repeatedly and swearing that its just a bad day. I couldnt muster the strenght to tell him he might be the issue lol


The other frustrating thing when you are jungling, if the duo dies 2v2 without getting ganked, it is still jungle’s fault🤡. I only start getting annoyed if I get ganked a lot of times and my jungler doesn’t atleast gank once in return, or if they don’t try to gank even after 20 min


Counter argument, a lot of people suck at jungling. This isn't a predecessor issue though, its a moba problem entirely.


As a duo lane fighting for dear life, after getting harassed by their jungler and mid laner, lane pushed to our side (prime for ganks), and our mid and jungler is happily ganking offlane many times already. HELP ME MY BROTHERS.


I don't play jungle, just lane. That said, you come and fail, gank? No problem, good try. You never show up because you are busy elsewhere? Cool, I'll play safer and hope you are setting up another lane or getting some solid farm. You show up with what seems to be the sole intention of taking one or two of my waves and then dip? Imma see red.


Had a khai come to my lane(offlane) at 3 minutes yesterday and just steal a whole wave as I was freezing it close to my tower. I was pissed.


As a 7 year Smite veteran who mains JG. Yea. It's not as bad on Pred yet, but as the game hopefully continues to gain more players. It's all downhill.


Main jungle here....yup


I love getting “jung diff” in the chat whenever I get locked into the jungle role without wanting to be jungler lol I know the concept of every role and my main roles are support/mid/offlane. It’s just hilarious when others say those things without even trying a different role and throwing whenever they get a role they don’t want


Just played a jungle game recently where we had a greystone offlaner that was having a tough time. Died a bunch early and was behind, constantly trying to surrender and pinging I need help every second. As a jungler you have to make decisions at the expense of certain team members. He was salty I didn’t help him as much as I could but getting fangtooth or gimping the enemy carry was more important than a gank I can’t get to in time across the map. It’s really frustrating. I lane 80% of the time but having jungle experience makes you much more tolerant of your jungle. I find it best to call for ganks when your jungle is nearby, it’s usually not productive to have your jungler traverse the whole map for a gank setup that likely won’t be there once they arrive. I see MOBAs as everyone having a job within a team. You need to fulfill your job above all else. The junglers job is to farm efficiently and gank efficiently. If another teammate is failing at their job, jungler sacrifice his efficiency because the laner is struggling. Otherwise you wind up with two weak team members rather than one. Everyone should play jungle. It makes you a better laner and better teammate once you learn that jungling at base level is an impossible task. You can’t catch all the balls, you have to pick the most important ones and let the others fall.


Most junglers just suck... They don't gank, even if i freeze my lane... They don't call if they gank..


I've seen some offlaners get mad that I take the 6 camp in the jungle. That BELONGS to the jungler. Not the offlaner. It happened twice. One howie said I am stealing, and a Grey said Cancel That


I agree partially. As a jungler if you aren't ganking lanes that are pushed you are failing. You can't win all the lanes, but you should be able to help balance off one losing lane.


A Riktor support called me a garbage jungler after duo lane was dying REPEATEDLY. I called them out for overextending, not paying attention to pings, and having no map awareness. He said nothing else for the rest of the game and we ended up winning because they stopped being stupid 🤗


As a jungle main, this is the most accurate thing I've ever seen in this sub


jungle diff!!!11


My cycle is losing a game cuz the carry and support fed from overpushing constantly but they flamed me as jungler. Then next game I play carry and my support pushes wave til we die every time lol


Omg literally [trying to explain this to someone here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/smYot8QPZQ)


My jungler alway suck never gank or help push lines


I would never want My jungler to push my lane wtf


Need help git gud


Found the guy who just mindlessly hits the minions pushing into enemy tower wondering why he always gets ganked. He's right here guys


Delete you game noob


People get mad because they don't know how dumb they are lol


These are our teammates


Delete u game lol


It's like this in any moba loool


League, Paragon, Pred, my goal as jg is the same. Dragon/Fangtooth is my job, everything else is gravy. There's also a huge difference in helping a good lane become great, and keeping a bad lane from committing suicide. Pick your win conditions, and stick to them


If you don't place wards and complain about getting ganked out of nowhere then it's 50/50. I don't play too much jungle but it's not that hard for even me to preemptively call out where i think there jung is going based on knowing timings in the game. Even then i don't know how many games I've had as jungle where i call to be careful because based on timings i think their jung is probably looking to gank Xlane, so i comm it in game, but my team doesn't have wards and dies anyway even with like a 10second heads up.


Sounds about right


Also, understanding that if your jungler is under leveled that asking your jungler to come to a gank only results in feeding. Allow your jungler to level and jungle.


This is an important point that isn’t said enough. It’s better to ignore a call to gank when you’re behind as a jungler to farm safely otherwise you’re just going to die if enemy jungler shows up.


Yep. Every lane losing, no one nderstanding any lane mechanics, isn't looking at me falling behind because I tried helping them but they blow at combat Jg diff *Checks MMR after game *1000mmr noobs talking shit


MMR literally does not matter, My gf has played 2 matches and Won both, by MMR standards, shes better than HALF of the people by default. So mmr is just a wacky number, but the rest is correct


Over time it does matter. It's an objective standardized measuring tool applied to all players. Is it valid? Maybe Is it reliable? Yea You're trying to argue an exception. Don't be daft.


TLDR: Newer players think mmo is everything. Actually players don't give af about mmo they just play Im just stating that so many people base their 'skill' off of MMR which starts us ALL equal, you lose you go down. You win, up. But do MANY think just cuz they win a FEW they're god, then complain when they get a normal match and lose because their teamates MMR doesn't match theirs when they've played 40 hours and stil losing DR


As a jungle main this is my life... people overextend while I'm on the other side of the map, die, and then complain that I never gank. then when I'm over on their side, they're still pushing. Especially early game, I'm not going to push past the river for the hopes of a kill, get them on outside and I'll punish them, but the inverse just isn't true. Another thing to note, once fang is up, offlaners need to understand that a good jungler is going to stay close to fang, that's a junglers true objective not a gank. But yes, a jungler can't be everywhere at all times, and people need to adjust for what that means to their own plays.


I'll use the lane advantage to farm enemy jungle


Well said. I just want to add that, yes, even though the learning curve can be steep in a MOBA for the one role you’re trying to play as it is, *play the other roles too* Experiencing the challenges that other roles face and the natural timings to their rotations will help make you better at your own role. Especially jungle. Playing jungle should help everyone realize that lanes get ganks only when they set up ganks and that they need to consider where their own jungler is (not just the enemy jungler) before pushing enemy tower. Playing jungle helped me to realize how VITAL farming and/or stealing jungle camps are to stay relevant when you DO gank lanes. And thet ganks are a result of your good farming and rotation and not, and this is important, *THE SOURCE* of a jungler’s farm.


I understand the importance of a jungler, the role just isn't for me. I don't like running around in the jungle, instead of attacking the lane.


I agree with most of this, I'd also like to say that as a jungle the value of showing up to a lane with the mindset of forcing the enemy to flash is so underrated, simply getting a flash down on an enemy can sometimes make all the difference in how that lane goes for the next 5min. Even if you can't secure kills when you gank at least try to get enemies to flash away so that they are in a risky position if they want to challenge your teammates. Did this to a enemy Grux last night, he started diffing my offlaner so after the 3min mark i made it a priority to take his flash off CD and it made all the difference, he went from running down my offlaner without a care to sitting back and giving up a couple last hits on wave becasue he was afraid I'd show up and he wouldn't be able to get away


Oh I play every role, I just don’t main a specific one. I’m a very experienced MOBA player


It’s funny you mention that, because I’m actually the *most* experienced MOBA player that has or ever will live. AMA


I bet your IQ rivals that of a Feng player


My IQ is a divide by zero error. Blessed 🙏


Any idea why crunch likes to punch so much?


Love language is fist. Blessed 🙏 Edit: receiving fists (receiving gifts) Edit2: acts of serv-fists Edit3: physical touch (yeah) Edit4: words of a-firm-face-hit (affirmation)


I guess I did reply to your post, but I just meant my comment for anyone reading. I remember you did mention that you don’t even main jungle.


No no. You hit the Nail right on the head