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I think the biggest issue is a lot of people playing pred haven't played MOBAS. Mainly because a lot of League and dota players ( the biggest MOBAS ) aren't gonna stop playing those games for pred obviously some will play both but alot of the pred players are new or those who aren't have player paragon. MOBAS are very simple in concept but all the new players don't understand the roles and lanes. A lot will learn as they play but they need a better tutorial system because you shouldn't have to play games with people who don't even know what lane they are supposed to be in.


this game isn't newbie friendly at all. its the biggest drawback it has going for it. next to having a few broken characters that dominate the game way too hard


As a midlaner I learned long ago to never rely on anyone else's skill but my own. I'm thar doesn't mean I play selfish I just go into every game never expecting help. If it happens cool.


The game is easy. Most players don't know what they are doing. If you have any moba knowledge u can carry. 69.8 WR as an almost strictly solo player. If you're new, just enjoy it. There is no ranked just have fun. If you're experienced and complaining, you're probably not as good as you think.


This needs to be pinned at the top of the subreddit. Amazing post man I hope this reaches as many people as it can ❤️


I really wish the game had voice call outs like smite because sometimes I'm too focused on my 1v1 and trying not to die that I forget to look for pings and the message in the right side. So I don't notice that someone wants to do fang or prime, or that someone isn't in their lane.


Agreed. And a better system for calls and such. More akin to smite would be great.


Just had a Kwang choose support stealing all the last hits. Telling me I’m doing terrible. I mean the game literally shows you the people and crest to play as support.


Just had a 45 minute game that could have been over at 25m. I got the core to 1% while team were busy faffing around with enemy team in jungle. For the next 20 minutes was trying to get people to actually push the minion waves and pressure while I pressured another lane. Instead they decide to go do all the jungle camps and go back to base, wait for the minions to push back on us OR have little unnecessary fights in the jungle near no objectives. I think it's the same deal with any MOBA, especially league. If your team want to run it down and do stupid shit all game you just have to do it with them.


No you should all just be better


I swear idk why but it feels like most people in Predecessor never touched a MOBA in their life, probably came from 3rd person shooters thinking its just run and gun type of deal. I came from league of legends so i have the basic understanding of how MOBAs work which has helped me learn this game very fast. But im still appaled at how lost some people are. Im not saying you should know instictively what to do if you're new to the game but please, awareness is a great skill to learn and have both in real life and in game.


>I swear idk why but it feels like most people in Predecessor never touched a MOBA in their life, Look at gameplay screenshots of LoL and DOTA. Now do it for Predecessor. I think it's pretty easy to imagine why Predecessor (like Paragon before it) is some people's first MOBA.


This is a lot of people's first moba. Smite was my first moba and let me tell you I was a lost puppy when I first started playing it. Give it some time for new players to learn. Plus ranked is coming soon anyway


I've played almost every moba and I've ranked around mid gold to low diamond, no matter the moba, over about 12 yrs of playing mobas. Predecessor, bar none, has the most braindead playerbase I've ever seen. Like you said, they just run around the map, shadowing junglers, leaving solo lane at 8 mins to lane mid, supports literally try to cs, etc. Pred players are so lost as to how a moba is played


The biggest problem with this game imho as a new player that started playing when the console edition dropped is that a portion of the players only want to play when they win. People who are poor sports get frustrated when they have to complete a game they know they are going to lose. What makes it an issue is the game length. As someone trying to learn the game, I need to play games to completion even if we are losing. You will never get better just quitting the game once you know its a loss. A lot of gamers are sensitive and are obsessive with things like metrics, K/D, win ratios and this type of game which has a big strategy element tends to attract more of these type of players. A solution to this problem is to make different queues. There needs to be a casual pug solo queue where the role select is FILL for the entire team. To force people learn all the roles. Then you cant complain about what role you get or playing a role you didnt sign up for since you know going in its random. Make this mode required for new players for a set number of games. Gigantic has something like this where you have to play 10 games of Rush before it allows you to play in the Clash mode. Say something like 4 games per role before it allows you to join the standard queue with people that already know the game.


I think they should change being able to pick carry as support. Or support character as mid lane. You get put in a role and play those champions. Does it matter if someone has to play Support four times and they just picked twin blast.


Yeah this game is filled with people who just want to steam roll. Yet even in a match where you’re losing at first can swing the other way late game with better team fights and objective play


All it takes is one team wipe at 40 mins to put the enemy team on a 74 sec death timer and that's pretty much gg. Kids are too quick to surrender. They gotta fix the endless surrender spamming. Nothing is more annoying than that scrub who spams a surrender vote ever 90 secs for 40 mins


I think people forget everyone has different play styles too. If you ever played sports you know certain people play certain ways, the big guy with short legs and a wide torso isn’t moving like the guy half his size with legs like Bambi, some people are mechanical maniacs and just land abilities off cool-down, position great etc. some people play better further back and aren’t so good at aim. You’re sort of getting 5 random play styles thrown together, even pro players don’t throw 5 people together and win every tournament.


This is basically my thought process in any soloQ moba. Honestly you can't be mad at randos if no one wants to/can be on a team with you.


There are obvious basics though, like helping secure a kill if you can. It's one thing to abandon a lost cause but when you let the support die who just perfectly set you up for a kill, then you need to go back to bots and practice more.


I lose my mind when we wipe their team and then every person on my team go's back and sits in the fountain for 30sexonds looking at items.


Me: Omw to left lane, enemy missing mid, careful lright lane, attack left lane. Right lane: *PANIC LOCATION PING SPAMMING THE KHAIMERA AND GIDEON THAT SHOWED UP WHILE OVEREXTENDED* **DIES** **VOTES TO SURRENDER** My text box typically looks schizophrenic in the amount quiet there is from teammates. Paragon was my first and only MOBA I've played but sometimes it's hilarious to watch, especially since no one knows how to text chat.


the controller layout in this game is bad. You can tell that people who primarily play pc created the layout. For example the chat box on console fades out when no one uses it. it has the icons on the screen to tell you how to text chat but it should be permanently enabled somewhere on the screen. should always be on the screen. i play on console but i play a lot of mmos and use a chatpad thats just as good as a keyboard. And a lot of console players at least on Xbox use kb&m because its enabled on a lot of Xbox games. In other console games these things are usually made easy to use like mapped to the directional pad or u can make custom macros and fill them into a wheel. This uses press R3 and buttons which is clunky. Both Smite and Paladins have much easier to use console UIs for communication than this game.


I'm on PS5 and the chat box disappearing drives me nuts. I also hate the mapping of things like 'I need help!' not being faster or shorter presses is awful because if you're running for your life there is no way to stop using abilities and everything else to use it. I use a keyboard just for chat, but swapping to almost anything else would be better, like a scroll wheel where you use controller shoulder buttons for confirmations instead of face buttons. I did play a decent amount of FF14 and know from that alone, on controller, how intuitive these processes can be.


Honestly this is the only way to see how to play this game. If you are not full premade don’t expect to win.


I get plenty of wins playing with randoms.


Niche game with niche playerbase. Might survive. Probably not. Played it. Each lane basically builds the same. Maybe a tainted or a crystalline if you're losing to heals or magic. No build diversity. The fact mid isn't the ganker and most mids don't even leave their lane until lvl 8 and not 6 just shows how poorly designed this moba actually is. Majority, if not all other MOBA, jungle can build hard carry and still be viable. Not in predecessor. Builds rely on key items that if ignored are to your complete detriment. Jungle HAS to build overlord. Have to build crystalline because all magic just build pen. Not because it's the best build, it's the only build. Supports build time worn every game because you have to. This is from 30 hours of play time. Not a lot of time and I can decipher this bullshit MOBA. I still don't know everything about DOTA2 fucking 20 years later. The fact the game can't teach you this is going to kill it.


You’re cooked brother


The game. The game is cooked. Over cooked.


Majority of what you said is just entirely incorrect, the rest is just anecdotal evidence from bad or new players you’ve played with, and you yourself, just not understanding the game. “Most mids isn’t the ganker”??? “Each lane builds the same”??? “Jungle has to build overlord”??? You’re hate for this game comes from your own ignorance, crazy.


My disdain for this game comes from the experience playing it. Majority of players are low elo gold. The fuck you mean? If the majority of players are low elo who gives a fuck about the 200 of you playing in plat.


Seems you know less than you think lmao


That why it's on its' way out for the third time? Lmao.


But let me tell u.Many people in this game have 0 map [awareness.Like](http://awareness.Like) jungle in my next xp camp doesnt know wtf is going on the next to him and doesn't bother to [gank.My](http://gank.My) teammate behind me walking with me till lane then he decides to leave.İts not about knowing thoughts its about map awareness and teamplay.


Idk why are you getting downvoted. It's plain truth, most of ppl have no map awareness. Quick examples: - All enemies missing on the map when feng/orb is down, but carry still proceed to farm under enemy tower alone. Dies instantly, blames everyone else. - 4 enemies left, 1 mid and none right. Right lane just sleep and freeze lane. - Feng just respawned, all enemies missing, but ppl just wander around clueless killing jungle camps on the other side each on their own instead of just trying to contest fang. - 4 enemies down, one farming his lane, duo and jungle next to Fang with over 50% hp and mana just recall and die right after they go back to try to kill fang and get killed by freshly spawned enemy. - cherry on top, mid going to duo lane through 3 Wards pinging him on the map getting double kill cause they just got backdoored for free, if only map was something else than cosmetics, right?


Honestly, people should be checking the map like they check their rearview mirrors. Just that small adjustment to paying attention to what's going on where you aren't gives you so much information that makes you the player so much more efficient and better at team-based play. Also, WARD


You should be allowed to customize the map, like make it bigger, or reposition it. New players coming to Predecessor (and aren't familiar with MOBAs) would not realize how important the map is. I don't even think it's emphasized in the tutorial.


Happened to me last game, Murdock ADC myself as Belica for Support fighting twinblaster and Rev in lane as a duo. Bust them up really well but just can’t secure kills they have too much poke and we are out of mana ping to attack. Kha just chillin in the jungle full health and 2 lvls higher just farming away completely ignores us. We die he jumps in finally gets both kills, dies to a turret and continues to ping good job.


People in my games doesnt even come to help and secure the easy kills, just farms jungle near us and run away... For your game he still did something haha


Oh should have added he was in the corner jungle farm right next to the tower lol. Haha I feel you. Honestly I think a lot of people don’t know how to build jungles early on so they struggle on the camps.


I'll take some blame for wrong pings,and stickers. I use controller and they're assigned to my sticks do to the layout I use. I wish I could remap individual binds like a keyboard.


How hard do you press your stick? It never happened to me


My sticks are a little loose from shooters, so it's easy for me to click it without thinking.


Story of my life as a jungler: - On my way left lane (as the enemy overextended) - attack left lane I gank, the other guy doesn’t follow up / keeps farming. We end up not securing the kill. Me: surprised pikachu face


I have trouble with this sometimes. Im a midlaner. Jungle pings omw mid. Me and the other mis are both on our own side farming. What would you like me to do exactly? Go back under my tower in the hope that he moves up? Start engaging already? Or just stay in place? Alot of times if i stay in place and my jungle ganks, i dont have time to move up to do any damage, because the other mis already got back under his tower before i get there


For me as a jungler; if you are being attacked it’s for support / return refresh; that or a quick kill if possible. Mid levels the fastest for the first quarter. All is so depending and not dying if possible. If you have died more than twice in 5 mins, stick to your tower for a bit 🙏 just my opinion, hope it helps


If the other is under its tower then the jungler shouldn’t even be revealing his position. If not then you should turn aggro right before the jungler arrives so that the brawl and the gank start at the same moment.


- Calls for attack - Laner (s)has no mana and less then 20% health - Blames laner for not following up That scenario being the difference between a jungle that stat pads for kills and one that absolutely takes over a game. This is why Jungling is labeled expert and the difficulties of dealing with randoms.


Sure!  If I see my laner has no mana or few health point, I don’t call for an attack and I show I’m staying in the lane so that he can recall and come back.  Edit: laner not lander (autocorrect)


i jungle and lane and i wish some people would realize this is another way to take pressure off a lane and can help a ton. if im passing by i will set lane real fast and continue on my way, the amount of times i see people farming jungle while a tower is being stomped by minions with no enemy hero is way too damn many. if there is more important things going on i get it but if people are just farming it takes two seconds and you get some farm and deny enemy some progress.


It's not really a junglers job to protect the towers though. Harassing three lanes and farming is already enough. Keeping up on camps is literally what's going to get your junglers ahead. Expecting them to cover your lane is like a supp stealing last hits. It's just going to set you back as the game drags on.


Your not the one the warnings labels are for then lol.


I really laughed, because all this perspective information was from me observing being a jungle


It's always your fault no matter what. We try our best but no matter what it's always our fault