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Do I need to buy the Sparrow bundle to get access to the Onyx Rogue variant of can I just purchase through her character and get both?


I thought they were shutting down???


When my big girl terra coming back i give you 10 buck for it


I’m getting kind of tired of this game just nerfing shit all the time.


PS5 version not working, p-2030 your game version is outdated. Please update to the latest version. Umm that’s what I just did.


At what time does this patch go live? European time?


When are skins being added?


Literally wrong and factually so. League had the formula down, so does Dota. If you want a dead game like paragon again stay bad at the game and cry for nerfs. If you want it to prosper its supposed to be based on the best players


Maybe I am a noob that thinks Belica is too strong, but doesn't anybody else feel that she deserves a nerf?


But again....no one plays them in high elo


Mori buffs! We love to see it. All hail the Swamp Witch!


Morigesh buffs. We love to see it! All hail the Swamp witch!


Fey's untamed growth should detonate early if hit by bramble patch or harvest nettles.


Dekker mains every patch: https://preview.redd.it/j8hngyowwixc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b78e10e47d56896df6b170548762a2686997ec6


where are my morigesh skins lol. She needs some love


As I said league of legends has got this down to a statistical science. Idgaf who it offends you are wrong. This is tried and true methods. Pandering to casuals in a moba is bad and kills games. Look at heroes of the storm, look at smite, LOOK AT PARAGON lol. Balance the items first not the Champs. In what world is grux or chimera oppressive if Fenix didn't revive them multiple times in a match. Fix morigesh and Belica, they need full reworks. Giving grim more stats won't fix him he needs more mobility or his shield actually giving a shield over his hp. Without that he's free food.


We’re getting a 6th item slot, completely reworked items , and a new gold Economy in the next patch - May 21st. You can start calling for item balance after that, because the game is going to change drastically in that date regardless. Individually balancing heroes has been working pretty damn good so far. Khai and Grux are oppressive even without Fenix.


Yet not a single top player uses them. It's like league, jinx is fun and great at noob stomping but bad at actually skill based play. If you keep nerfing things cuz low elo players struggle with it, all it creates is a toxic ranked environment where someone who shouldn't be in a high elo gets there. League has literally perfected the way balancing works and with over 15x this games roster of heros or items. It's not a discussion, this is just proven fact through many years of hard work from the moba industries best developers. It's ok to have an opinion but that opinion doesn't change the fact what they are doing is wrong and had never worked to better a moba. In fact, catering to low elo killed other mobas for that exact reason. No serious changes should even be made to heroes right now unless it's literally game breaking like Fenix or belica. We as players should WANT to see changes based on high performance. You don't go look up information on the internet to get some silver players opinion you look up guys like me pushing master to see what we play and how we build. For good reason. We play what's busted and good. Wich is why RIGHT NOW you can look at all the top players and all of them use drango, twin, Kira, and Feng. Carries and carry items are broken and with 6th items they will start killing pure tanks in literal seconds


This shinbi skin is atrocious and I main her . I really hope they get better at skins since epic ones were so good


God the shinbi skin looks terrible.


I don't like The Fey changes. Her problem is not damage. Having her slow up more often is fine, but she needs a real passive. I don't care if people think its "undervalued." In comparison to the other mage passives, its useless.


Lol yeah, I tried Fey for the first time (in predecessor) the other week and had to do a double take for her passive. Fuck where they thinking lol?


I want Audio Chat with Party Mates


I like this patch for the balance. Shinbi skin looks really silly, makes me embarrassed to see in my group chat when I share the link. Definitely not a fan of skin variants costing anything, tbh. Recolors should just be unlocked when you buy the base skin. Excited for the next patch!


Iggy is a sleeper and he got buffed 1v1 noone is beating him


Idk he still gets run down by shinbi or countess who can just chip away at him before going all in and killing him.


Yeh, I get this. But it's all about backing your damage. Everyone has counters and iggy struggles with burst. Far better in offlane then mid I found.


Still crazy to me Shinbi never got an alternate non-recolor skin in the original game


YOOO NEW SHINBI SKIN. That shit is fire 🔥


Unnecessary Zarus buff but I’ll never complain about a lizard buff


Back to back patches with Iggy buffs! I don't mind that they fine tune things one small step at a time. At least they're paying attention to what is too weak in the game. Ideally, all heroes should have some level of viability, even if just a niche.


nice some lil morigesh buffs


It feels unfair, I play the shit out of Morg and tend to bully Midlane (except gadget) and buffs feel like overkill


Finally a damn grux nerf. He was by far strongest hero in the game with a very high skill floor. Is it really too much to ask for a shinbi skin that has some clothes tho? Great changes overall. Happy to see some boosts to Grim as well. Only one I’m skeptical of is Narbash where it felt like his healing finally did something. Hate to see him go back to being just kind of there.


Idk if it's been brought up but I have a hard time reading the text on that background for mobile. [](https://i.imgur.com/Q2LaYRZ.jpeg)


Comon Omeda, people have been complaining about Shinbi regular skin being too much of a bikini and then you make another bikini-like skin? I was hoping for a much more different skin than a skin type of something she already has. Now there will be 4 very similar skins.


Haha when they add a fully clothed, badass looking Shinbi shin, I will play her. Until then, nah.


No fix for steel and other champs with leaps falling through the map :/


I can imagine they’re constantly trying to solve this, but it just isn’t as common as other bugs I guess. I’m level 8 affinity rank on Steel now, but I’ve not fallen through the map a single time. I haven’t fallen through the map a single time with any character in about 400 matches. It’s probably hard for them to pin down exactly what’s happening when it happens so rarely.


I played steel one game. Had a chance at a huge 4 man ult, only to fall through the map, die instantly, and lose the team fight... Haven't played him since


That honestly sounds hilarious, if that happened to me I don't think I could even be mad. Id clip it and keep it forever


We all had a laugh! Unfortunately I didn't clip it haha. Was still frustrated after it happened tho


Awesome changes, first MOBA and I’ve been loving it. Nice to see they seem to be pretty in touch with the meta, not all competitive game developers are like that


I love this game and will happily support it by buying one or two of the new skins :) bought the Countess one last patch


Don't understand the Khai nerfs, his problem isn't his raw numbers, its the fact he has a lock on dash, CC cleanse and easy to hit AOE stun. If you are playing in solo Q vs even a semi-competent khai, your carry is getting deleted out of every teamfight.


I don’t agree, Khai is easy to fend off if you have a competent support. Really easy to stun him out of his big moves. Crunch is broken surprised he didn’t get nerfed.


Yes but if your not fighting with a support your screwed I play cc support and nobody in the game is much of a threat when you stun and then out dps them. That’s pretty much the whole point of a support in this game, but he shouldn’t be that strong by his self.


crunch is strong but I think its premature to nerf him when he’s not even the biggest issue in his lane/jungle


Yeah, I don’t know. In paragon you had deck cards that could counter him with high CC Now it feels like if you don’t have the correct team comp he just rolls everyone


How is Crunch Broken??


Highest frequency of cc in the game, really good damage and durability, also has the most horizontal mobility , comes online early and really easy to snowball with He has pretty much very little downsides and everything he’s good at he’s arguably top tier at in his role.


His sustain is also an issue. He has the best objective control in the game due to the fact he can solo shit so easily. Like really right now I don't understand why you would play any hero as a Jungler other than Khai if you're interested in winning in solo queue. Oh and not to mention one of the highest win rates in the game as well as the highest pick rate.


Its actually insane to me that khai at *any point* in the game can just solo Fangtooth. If the enemy jungler is someone like Countess, he just gets it, no contention, unless duo keeps vision on it and rotates to it when he attacks it.


I love playing Serath and have actually had some pretty good success with her, think I'm sitting at 80% winrate currently. My biggest struggle has been trying to get teammates to focus jungle objectives with me. We could have just killed 2 of the enemy team and no matter how much I ping to attack fang my team is just tunnel visioned on their lanes. This problem always snowballs whenever I'm up against a Khai, simply because they don't have to worry about teamplay. They can just solo every fang for free and help their team out level mine.


This is likely why so many solo jungles just pick Khai. Pretty much every other jungle in the game needs help with Objectives before a certain point in the game - Khai just doesn’t. As such, if you aren’t in comms with your team and want to jungle - you’re crippling yourself by not picking Khai. In that sense, Khai is definitely not balanced. I’m happy they’ve been actively bringing him into a more balanced state, patch by patch; we’ll see how much of an effect this one actually has. I’m sure he could still solo fang the moment he pops.


Still no 6th item update? What’s taking so long 😭


6th Item, Casual game mode, Sound changes & new Hero are planned for 0.18 in three weeks.


Jesus a whole nother month? Ok 💀


Less than


Lol we both know it's going to be delayed like literally every patch before it.


Its coming with the next big update 0.18, releasing around the 21st of May. It will also likely include a new hero, gamemode, announcer, and improved sound mixing!


I was hyped when I saw Shinbi is getting a skin but bummed when I saw she is still wearing a diaper. Who's their skin designer?


"Fixed an issue where projectiles would play the correct VFX/SFX but the ability effect would not always apply as expected" is this a fix for the ghost abilities? Dekkers ball,narbs thunk..? God I hope so I'm tired of landing a thunk to someone's face and it's like it hits an invisible wall.


Yes this is to address ghost abilities


Thank you


You do know that all abilities have a max range. If you are just out of range it just disappears


You saw my original clip, sorry there's nothing for me to say to you, you refuse to acknowledge that it's a problem you're delusional. The CEO acknowledged it and they fixed it.


Lol im delusional because i never experienced your bug ok.


No your delusional because you saw the clip and said I missed when it clearly hit drongo, the thunk effects went off when it hit but didn't stun it didn't do anything. Now you're saying I was out of range, when he was right infront of me. Everytime I mention this you appear. Here it is again so you can see.https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/NkuUeFZUL0


Gotta see that Shinbi skin in-game 🤔, excited for the rogue bundle though! 😎


Supper disapointing patch, I was expecting something new but we just got store changes (implemented in a not user-friendly way) balance changes that are just number sifting and..... thats all Rogue skins are cool, Shinbi skin can be cool for who like it, but thats all, the game is the same and the store things that we got are not even implemented in a way good for the user


I agree, should revert the TB Ult nerf


Or learn to play the character instead of relying on a broken ultimate that did 5000 damage from the distance


Patch v0.18 will be the big one. They have said this multiple times. Not sure why you would expect something new or drastic until then


Im ready for some grim. Gone are the days of getting run down by every other carry support in the game.


Thank god they are slowing down ki he lokey made every other jungler useless due to him being so much faster in jungle so now other junglers can shine. Would love to see a buff with sevrog in jungle atm he’s useless in there


Cyber Kwang in Fault looked better. Shinbi should have pants or something other than a metal diaper https://preview.redd.it/zs96vulshgxc1.jpeg?width=1303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616a1d051b17c4a592bbf338372b7e288f811e19


I'm pretty sure Cyber Shinbi has like... chaps or something. You can see straps coming down from her metal... I hate that diaper describes it well. Nah, Cyber Kwang was Fault's first original skin and it looked like garbage. It looked like something a beginner Blender user put together in a day. I think the new Shinbi skin looks fine. I might have gone for like a body suit underneath the armor or something, but I don't hate it.


A variant with the bodysuit idea would be cool since I've seen the bodysuit comment a few times on this post I think. Could have the blue RGB lighting that the Energized Dekker/TB skins do.


Cyber Kwang is a cool concept. That skin looks really unfinished though.


As does the shinbi skin. Cool concept but not quite finished


How long is the timed variant stuff? I hope this isn't the fear of missing out update


Unsure, but in the patch notes they mentioned that you’ll be able to buy the variants separately at a later date


Even though I'd like a more mage-like or assassin-like Shinbi skin I do like this one alot. Finally something other than a color swap lol. Historic. Also it's cool that they didn't just make another characterless generic robot looking skin.


As a Shinbi fan from the Paragon days, I'm loving this huge W


Ah yes, more skins so I can show some support for my fav moba of all time. Long Live Predecessor 🫡


Predecessor will prevail 🙌🏻


#Buff Phase


You are DRUNK if you think phase needs a buff. If anything she should be slightly nerfed. That lance is oppressive if you’re not mirror matching lol


Skill issue


Why? She has a win rate right in the middle. She's a pick that only works in certain situations. I don't see what she needs that she doesn't have.


A cyber operative doesn’t have pants?? Modest Shinbi when?


Headcanon is she’s undercover lol


What's with you weirdos whining about seeing a bellybutton?


I’m sure it’s coming at some point. I also don’t mind that a lot her her outfits be less clothing due to her being a Pop Star and it’s pretty consistent with her character personality. Just like how Aphrodite’s skins in Smite are mostly showing skin. Makes sense, but I’m sure you’ll get a skin you’ll enjoy at some point.


Not a fan! Metal diaper and chaps.


All I want is a Shinbi skin where she has actual clothes and looks like someone who’s equipped to fight.


I am surprised they didn't do this for her first new skin. Makes me think they will never do it. Clearly many people have issues with her normal skin


On one hand I do think there should be skin like that because it sounds cool. On the other, she is a magical pop star that can summon her own personal shield so she doesn’t really need armor and her outfit make sense for what she is.


I understand that and it makes sense for her character. But I wish her core character had clothes for battle rather than just being a k pop star. Thought the same thing in paragon. I love shinbi, I love her kit, I just wish she looked like she was going to fight people rather than perform


I don’t think she takes it all seriously tbf. Again I would not be opposed to an armored skin and I’d probably use it too, I just think it also makes sense as to why she isn’t too concerned with that at default.


I mean we are talking skins. If countess can be covered so can shinbi


I'd rather this skin didn't show so much...skin. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. In all fairness, though, it's not at all inconsistent with a lot of cyberpunk looks so I'm not exactly baffled by the decision either.


- I love that we’re getting skin variants! Its great when you love some skins but not their colours (thank you for bringing back Alabaster Rogue Kallari and Onyx Rogue Sparrow). - The Rogue skins are as beautiful as they were in Paragon, and I love the new Shinbi skin, I know lots of people wanted her to have a skin with a different vibe, so this will definitely please them (though I wish she had some sort of undersuit on underneath the armour. - Grim changes sound great, he definitely needed some love without making him too oppressive.


Onyx usually means black so blacked out sparrow with cape?? God this is gonna be my favorite skin lol now I need something similar for Zarus


Yes! Alabaster Rogue Kallari is white! Definitely some variation for those who want it!


I think the skin variants are great but… Why did they just tell us, I bought the wraith shogun skin, what if I liked the blue one better. I just have to spend more money? Fortnite let’s you change the color of skins without additional purchase :|, just didn’t know the blue one was coming out maybe next time they should release all variants at once, have a free color changes, or at least a small fee, like 1-2$ to buy a different color. Just my opinion and thoughts.


1.) I also bought the wraith skin, and I still Happily bought the new wraith skin bundle anyway. Anything I can do to support this game & ensure it stays alive this time I will. 2.) Mentioning Fortnite while complaining about spending more money to support this game is a wild level of high treason imo lol. 3.) It wouldn’t be a bad idea tho, for a reduction in price if you already have content that’s in the bundle (not sure if they already do this or not).


You can only get the variant from the bundle so it doesn’t matter. The bundle will be discounted if you have the first version so you didn’t gain or lose anything.


>Why did they just tell us, I bought the wraith shogun skin, what if I liked the blue one better. I just have to spend more money? No because if you want the blue variant they are forcing you to buy the default skin and buy the bundle with the Spray that cost you 350 plat You can't buy the blue variant alone, so don't worry that Omeda fuck everyone equally :D


As someone who played the old game I just assumed that skin variants would continue to be a thing. Most of the returning epic skins had variants(still looking forward to the the ice version of the elemental rampage skin and the golden scarab armor for Grux).


I definitely agree that if you own the base skin, the recoloured variant should be much cheaper, or even buyable with amber!


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that a thing in paragon when it first released, I might be thinking of a northern game and mixing it with paragon or something


I actually cannot remember, but I believe skin variants in Paragon were locked to loot crates.


They were. If you won a variant version of a skin via loot crates without owning the skin, you still couldn't enjoy it until you purchased the base skin.


The patch notes say that if you own the skin. It is significantly cheaper..


The **bundle** is discounted. We have no idea whether that just means the 800 plat from the skin is taken from the price of the bundle I.e. the bundle is still 1,150 plat like the original if you own the skin (this is what they have done in the past if you own a skin in a bundle). Or whether it will be cheaper as in 300-500 plat. I hope it is the latter, but we will see tomorrow.


This is not true.i owned everything in the carry bundle but the drongo skin and got the bundle for 600 plat. Which is cheaper than judt buying the skin. They have dynamic buying. Also it sounds like the only way to get the recolor is through the bundle. They are limited.


The bundles got discounted if you own the skin of it, not the heroes. The heroes can be bought with free currency and some of them were free with the base game, you just get the dynamic discount if you owned the skins


The base price of the bundles (if you dont own anything) are 600 plat. You just paid the normal price for it…


Narb nerf is pretty painful, not only with his kit but also Crystal Tear mana regen nerf will make him next to useless cuz he will have no mana to do anything until he gets his 2nd item.


Good. He is too strong in lane for how strong he is late.


Hallowed Braid is back on the menu boys!


Yeah maybe req will be a better first item now idk. Crystal was my go to for the mana regen


Probably braid into tear will be good idk


Honestly I’ve been building braid into tear and never finishing it and having great success. I really only need the stacks for early-mid game regen. By 5th item I’m typically good to sell braid and respec that slot for some more utility.


What do you pick up? It doesn’t usually happen but with the 6th item update I’d be interested in knowing


It is super situational. I love Crystal tear, truesilver, boots. Then I flex depending on what my team needs. Frostguard if it’s basic attacks, tainted totem if we need anti heal, vanguard sometimes. Wind caller is fun and so is frosted lure.


Yeah, it could work, start getting the elegy stacks for that early mana regen


Kha and Grux nerfs?! Oh hell yeah. So tired of both heroes.


Kha needs buff not a nerf. Same for grux. Both are low elo monsters but hardly played at higher elo. This is not the direction the game needs to go. It's what kill3d paragon. Catering to casuals with low skill caps


its bad design, these characters are too simple to give more ways to tweak them without them being complete noob stomp characters. Grux is supposed to be a bruiser/tank instead he’s building straight attack speed and blinking on carries until he wins. Khai is just overtuned because of his Q attack speed, even higher elos he is doing very well.


Spotted the grux main.


If a character is oppressive where the vast majority of players engage with the game, you balance there. Absolutely zero sense in making Grux a better character to hang with for 1% of the player base while he’s already making off lane un fun for 90% of the player base


No that's factually incorrect. Your saying to make the game better you need to make it easier. That's stupid. Because something is hard doesn't mean it's broken, it means u need to get better. League perfected this. It's a set in stone process


Im in the upper tier of players on omeda’s mmr calculator I have played several genres of competitive games to the highest of casual comp levels For the vast majority of players, fighting against Grux isn’t something that’s hard, it’s something totally infeasible because they will never take the time to understand the game and interactions deeply enough to overcome him as he is for the last few patches. When game devs listen to only the top players, they become awful experiences for the casual player So if you have to choose between a single hero being non existent in 1% of matches and them being overly oppressive in 99%, you cater to the 99 See: Zangief in Street Fighter titles as the most premium example of why you don’t want to do what you’re arguing for They made him good for top players like one time in 2010 and fighting game fans still have ptsd against any grappler character


I'm literally top 2% you opinion doesn't matter


Lmao @ being top 2% in an early access game that just went f2p thinking that means anything at all


But you arnt there correct? I was also top 3% back in paragon as well. 10s of thousands of matches played. I get that people are upset about this but the truth is if you dull down the game for low elo players to climb all you are gonna do is create a toxic environment in wich low skill players will find their way into higher skill matches with players they dont belong with. Ranked is coming soon they already announced that, and they are making changes based on CASUAL players. That's ignorant and harmful to the game.


I straight up don't even know because the game doesn't even have ranked so it wouldn't matter either way. I've just been enjoying my time, showing new people the game, and not worrying about meta gaming the fun out of it in casual mode. What I can tell you though is that nobody cares or is impressed by your hours, matches, or top % in casual. Also no game will be successful catering to the smallest % of the player base. That would be ignorant and harmful to the game.


What a shit person lol


Well that makes 2 of us, so what now since my opinion matters under your nonsense rubric lol


Lmao. You, as a person with a shitty attitude and garbage personality, don't fucking matter.


Nerfing both heroes will actually make the game more challenging because the players that abuse them will have to either deal with the nerfs or play other heroes


You can't abuse what iant broken, literally no one in high elo plays that garbage so your low elo arguments don't matter


Lets get it straight, Paragon died because they didn't make money. They were not profitable despite having tons of skins to "chance on" in their shop. They made a moba-esqe game which grew to try to cater to the casual crowd more with the late-dev-cycle card changes, even going so far as to removing 'amber' in place of 'gold' because (and I quote from a podcast stream from a developer) "people get confused so we're simplifying it by calling it gold instead", which had very little to do with balancing heroes and everything to do with trying their best to drum up players as fast as Fortnite was growing. The viability of Khai and Grux are both needing buffs for higher tiers of gameplay, but are definitely overtuned for lower tiers, balancing the lower tier won't change their lack of inclusion in higher tiers any. That said, making it easier to deal with these characters in a lower ELO might help players stick around longer than getting their unskilled faces beaten in every game by khai and grux simply existing. There's no downsides to that. They're still relevant and usable by skilled players.


Well clearly it does since they are listening. You seem upset by the fact that your fictional rank doesn’t matter as much as you think it does


Thank goodness! I remember seeing a discussion on discord about him 2 patches ago. Someone was complaining about how his early game invades were too oppressive and the entire discord chat was pub stomping him saying “get good” and “ward lol. 2 straight grux nerfs since then. Sir, wherever you are, I hope you feel vindicated.


I remember that too 😂 like bro khameria absolutely terrorized the game


Distinctly remember the neck beards white knighting for their favorite noob champ.


I'm playing nothing but Grux now. You fuel me.


But I play Grux so I don't have to think :(


An oogabooga caveman like you wouldn’t even be able to fathom having to learn Feng Mao like I have. My IQ and brain is massive and I have applied months learning my superior intellectual character. I feel bad for anyone that crutches on Grux. I graduated from Yale when I was 4 years old and have 17 PHD’s so good luck buddy you’re going to need it


I’d be more upset if I knew how to read 


My dad owns a yacht


Yea but does he know Feng Mao tech? Didn’t think so. Tell your dad to stop being a loser


W changes all around