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No skin is good enough, almost none (except 1 think) changes animations, almost all of them are recycled from Paragon, overpriced and most of them recolors.


Support the game or end up wishing it was still here


Oh I mean I got the $100 edition I just wish some of these skins were a bit more affordable so I can pick up a few even on characters that I rarely play on


That's a fair point! I think I would rather have the game here and pay a little more per skin


Love not giving a fuck about cosmetics


I'd agree though iv seen multiple people with the skins already lol


I’m glad people are buying them and supporting the game just wish they were a bit less


Word is the skins are being outsourced to be made. Probably high to pay them.


They're resell stuff made by epic games at full price this is wrong and don't support that.


My only gripe with the kallari skin is that it should be priced as a rare and that it feels a bit stiff, I wanna see that cape flow in the wind and fly up if I'm falling down, you know, more physics.


Bruh it’s a free game


It's ok to be priced out. I just hope their model is sustainable.


Luckily, this game is still at a point where the devs will change things as they see how we react. I feel the same, def waiting for these to go on sale at the bare minimum.


Yeah, it's too expensive They have new VFX which is cool, but the model changes are of a 800 plat skin, having new VFX should not increase the price from 800 to 1600, seems too excessive


100%. It seems even after they reassessed their skin prices/tiers they at times overvalue by a tier up the skin value. This should be a 1200 plat skin. And that’s ignoring the whole reused asset component. I understand it still takes dev time to transfer these skins into the game and I’m okay with paying for skins that I’ve already once upon a time paid for in paragon. With that being said when I see them charging as much or more for them than Epic did for those same skins it does irk me a little.


I can get more and better skins in fortnite with this money and Epic is a multi billion company lol. Stop this bs please omeda before it starts. Dont embaress yourself


This stuff is more of a donation than the actual skin. It's because you want the game to prosper, not be ause you think a single cosmetic is worth $20+


I'm happy to see a post made about it because, yes, the devs need support. Yes, these skins are dope. However, they're not worth 1600 Plat. That's $20 CAD for a cloak over Sparrow's default, and now she shoots red instead of gold. It's the same with Kallari's; except with Kallari, I can't tell what VFX had been changed since she always had purple effects. Zarus' epic skin changed almost everything. Skin tone, some of his actual body, armor, weapons, effects. That's what an epic skin should be. The rogue skins based on visuals alone are more akin to uncommon tier skins for 800, but I would've expected them to be rare tier for 1200. I'd pay that The weirdest part to me is that the new Shinbi skin (which i did buy because I like it a lot) is 1200 despite adding way more gear to Shinbi than the rogue skins do for Kallari and Sparrow. Sure, Shinbi's doesn't have new VFX, whoopty doo, her base VFX are great. The rogue skins aren't even Omeda original designs, where the Shinbi skin is. You'd think they'd charge more for their own work, ya know?


i bought the shinbi skin as well, its an original skin by omeda. I thought they did alot of great things such as new weapon, eye visor, hair color, armor. Worth 12$ all the way


Now imagine you live in Brazil, where it's costing around 130 reais, which is about 10% the montly salary of a minimum wage worker here. I'd love to have that sparrow skin, but bro...


Skins are cool and all but how is a default skin with a hood worthy of being an epic? Meanwhile you got the krampus looking riktor skin that comes with its own unique visual effects and drastically changes how the character looks and thats a rare? Don't get me wrong most of the skins in this game are great but they need some serious reconsideration towards the rarities and prices (Also give us a way to get platinum for free 🤫)


Take my money, I want this game to survive this time. Hell I'd donate if they set up a gofundme page, as long as it's going towards the game idc


Amen ❤️


I'm probably wrong but I think it's just how pricing is done, starts expensive as people who can afford will pay that, then once those people have been captured then they would lower price to capture next audience & so on like with PlayStation's I guess


Quite happy with my Onyx Sparrow. Happy to support. I missed Paragon something serious so again, happy to support Predecessor.


I’m also happy with Onyx Sparrow. I never got her back in Paragon so I was excited to be able to just outright buy her in Predecessor.


❤️❤️❤️ Everyone that buys skins is a chad in my book


No capes! (edit: someone hates the Incredibles)


Pricing for this games cosmetics is a lil high imo but if people are willing to pay them more power to them, hopefully there’s a good amount of cosmetics attainable through ranked


Games never release skins as ranked rewards. it’s only ever going to be titles, banners, icons, sprays, recall vfx and jump trails.


I bought the kallari one cause it’s cool and I want to support the devs, but also the shinbi one is badass but I’m awful with shinbi sadly


People still acting surprised by free2play pricing in 2024. It’s cosmetic, don’t buy it, you don’t need the fancy hats.


Helldivers is a 2024 game and has fair monetisation One thing doesn't have with the other, Omeda have bullshit prices because they want and they give 0 fucks about the players, as they demonstrated with the paid affinity system, the contract system, the lack and refusal of free currency for months, absurd random prices for more than a year, and the bundles with exclusive locked content Being a 2024 game doesn't excuse them to have shit monetization


He said free to play games. HD2 is not one of those.


Your critical thinking has failed. You are trying to put a market value on virtual art. It’s like going into an gallery and being upset that the painting you don’t need coats $10,000 because you paid the admission price. These skins could be two millions bucks, it wouldn’t matter. You aren’t entitled to fancy hats in a virtual world, you aren’t entitled to your personal favored pricing, and there is no market standard.


I hope they release a free set of clown skins so the rest of us can dress up as people who’ll pay for cosmetic items in a free-to-play game. 🤡


Idk about other people but I have a lot of disposable income and I budget myself a specific amount for entertainment(movies, games, books, etc.) a month, I throw some dlc/micro in if it’s a game I really like 🤷‍♀️ Way I see it, if I know I’ll get 10 hours of enjoyment out of looking at my fancy $10 hat then it was worth $10, and so on. That said, I understand **I don’t need any of this shit and I’m just paying to look at a pretty picture**, and that has no inherent value besides the value the individual places on it.


seems alot for an 8 year old skin that was already made for them?


Yea but… exclusive recolor so I feel special


What's worse is that the variants cost $10 more ontop of the base skin


I have the wraith skins and the Cobalt is only 300 plat


Compared to games like valorant and forknife you're getting a deal


The skins are definitely not worth the money, most of them are just recolors of the original, if they actually made changes to the appearance of characters like rampages casual skin, I’d be more inclined to think about buying them.


Support the game! I didn’t hesitate to buy the mega bundle & the Wraith bundle as soon as the update was done. Long Live Predecessor 🫡




A good cape, of high quality fabric, well worth $16


Money is excessive in general to me.


Eh i spent $100 on pred today idk bout you hahaha


Keeping the game running for us, thank you for your service. Also if that comes off as sarcastic it's not I loved Paragon and was so fuckin sad when it shut down because I'm a console player and my only other real choice is Smite and I've but stuck with it for over 7 years, please keep supporting the game so I can keep enjoying it *PLEASE!!!*


Paragon was my favourite game and i have spend a lot money on it for skin but have lost half of my money when epic refund cause i have bought skins with pre paid card then im not gonna bought those skins again bruh.


Yea i suport the game and have disposable income so i dont mind the price. They already adjusted prices and gavee free plat once.


Damn buy it for me then dad 🤣




I spent about $50 idk why you’re getting downvoted for supporting the game, this sub is weird sometimes lol.


It’s still early. The cosmetics will get much better. Right now we are just supporting.


>It’s still early. The cosmetics will get much better Then just put higher prices to the better cosmetics and put a fair price on the current cosmetics >Right now we are just supporting. Still no reason for Omeda to milk the current supporters, they can sell things to people that are supporting them without being this greedy


In fairness to Omeda, they have done plat refunds for skin price reductions.


And that was a nice thing but also the right thing to do But after doing that and all the price reduction thing, they have released overpriced skins again, so we are in the same spot that we were at the beginning with the bad pricing


Players should know what they are getting and feel like they are getting good value for their money when they decide to support the game. That's not my philosophy. That's Omeda's philosophy. The only phase in this game that should involve supporting for its own sake is the psychic scene girl.


I mean, the game is free to play. These cosmetics are literally the only way that they can make money outside of people buying the founder bundles. I sincerely doubt that any cosmetics are going to be purchasable with amber. They are pretty expensive, I'll admit. Maybe the non-bundle-exclusive skins themselves will be cheaper in the future.


>I mean, the game is free to play. These cosmetics are literally the only way that they can make money outside of people buying the founder bundles This is not an excuse for egregious and predatory practices. Besides, the issue isn't the skin prices themselves, it's that the rogue skins don't match the asking price. There needs to be consistency when it comes to skin tiers, and they had mostly fixed that until now


Agreed, but I would buy nearly every skin in the game if they were priced better. With prices where they are, I will be spending *much* less and probably only getting a skin or two for my main. I want them to make more money but this current model won’t get me to keep spending.


Go look up how much money they made on presales, as well as got the Epic grant. They made like 10x what they anticipated with that alone. The games over funded. Skins could be a better price


Where would one find this? edit: Just asking for a source, man


um at this point wouldnt be a100% sure however maybe their website some of their earlier posts. maybe even on here somewhere


Here’s the thing. The cheaper the cosmetics are the more likely I am to fork over a few bucks for it. And I’d imagine that applies to a lot of people. When you price things right you make more money. Especially when the thing you’re selling is an unlimited digital asset. Like if there was an option to pay 20 bucks for access to all characters, I’d snag it in a heartbeat. Thats 20 bucks they aren’t gonna make otherwise, because I’m just gonna grind out the heroes I don’t have.


Isn’t one of the steam DLCs a thing that unlocks all 29 chars?


This is my mentality. I bought the highest edition of the game when it dropped, I'm more than happy to support. You toss a few skins out priced a dollar or two a pop, I would have bought a few by now. The issue is, me and a lot of others like me, don't want to pay 20 bucks for a different skin. Especially given that a lot of these skins are direct leftovers from Epic. I just can't justify that to myself or my family. I already have the hero, it plays just fine with the default skin. At the end of the day, the big aspect for these F2P games is that their target is whales, so those of us that don't buy won't make much of a difference, because they know they'll get a few that pay hundreds of bucks for the skins.


I would like to see the market stats, and whether the whales really offset the people they’re pricing out. Theres probably a middle ground somewhere that a skin is reasonable but they still turn enough profit off the whales.


Well then they would buy more skins. Each role has 8-15 heroes that are all plenty viable, AND you aren’t guaranteed to get that role every time unless it’s a 5 stack. Even if the whale is just playing offlane, $100 would get them a skin or 2 for every hero, rather than a skin for 1/3 - 1/2 of them. $20-$30 a skin bundle works for fortnite and cod and such, because you can use the skin every single game, and the gameplay doesn’t get stale; your game changes based on your weapons that you get, not what skin (hero) you pick


True but people really only buy skins for their characters they like in each role for the most part so with limited sales, they probably make more money with this pricing, not saying they shouldn’t be cheaper but I get it.


Let me simplify it further: I spend more money when I can get more things for it


Yeah for sure, it’s understandable to some extent for sure


Good thing you can speak with your wallet. If you cannot afford it, or disagree with the pricing, then you can simply not buy it. If barely anyone buys skins then the price will change. Right?


Yeah and hey if this is whats required to fund the game then so be it ❤️ Just kind of wish they were more affordable personally


Nobody is forcing you to buy it to support the game brother


Both skins have vfx changes in addition


What's with this bundle sh\*t? We can't just buy individually???


You can buy the skins individually What you can't is the chroma, the Spray, the icon and the banner


Yes you can (unless you want the recolor version)


Now 55$ for 2 skins its crazy. They should just lower the price for mid tire stuff , they should focus on Legendary skins thats where they can get their money.