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Iggy. Never played him in Paragon, didn’t like him on release in pred, but with melee heavy comps I’ve been picking him a lot with good win rate.


muriel. she sucked donkey d in the first couple patches. i think shes been pretty consistent since her buff. imo


Kallari. Honestly the character is great and I have no problems with it. High skill character and I also think that's great. In good hands, amazing. I can't help but sigh when I see one on my team. Good kallaris are rare. Every character is good. Every character has a counter. The player is the determining factor.


As a new player, I hated sparrow. And a slitghtly less new player that mains support, I now love the phase/sparrow playstyle. The phase ult compliments her really well along with letting her poke deep and still have a safety net


It’s fun when u Gank duo lane, I ult their carry into my duo and I deal with the support. Throw ur team a ADC delivery


Favorite character to play so far is Iggy but I've had much more success with Gideon. I think my most hated character to face is wraith. I have a vendetta against characters that can go invisible and just walk right up to you, I know it's a skill issue but I tilt every time wraith suddenly appears on my screen and nearly kills me in less than a second.


Ok misred. I just hate Shimbi. 16 year old k-pop star with no clothes or armor goes in close range beating your ass has 2 dashes a long range poke and a make way that heals. Oh and a Moragish global ult. Terrible character design. Totally ruins the lore of the game. Make her older and put some clothes and armor on her. They couldn't even get the cyber skin right. She is actually my most powerful character. Ive played her 2x and both times i was unstoppable. The character is actually op. Loved Riktor. Great design. Not over powered. Makes a difference if you hit your abilities. Just a good fun character with flaws. Fits the world.


Absolutely hated countess. Got better with the ability combos now I love using her. Still hate playing against her.


I tried this character one time in an AI match and almost lost to scorch 😂 this character is haaard. Def above my current skill level lol


She seems tough but imo she's actually very simple. Dash in drop your kit and if it's a bad situation or the enemy isn't close to dying then dash back. Rinse and repeat most of the time. Her life steal is crazy so a lot of times if you do get shit on you can find a minion wave and get enough health back to go back in to a fight. You gotta know your battles though. She is all about burst damage. Iggy is not a great matchup for her because if he has turrets setup you really aren't going to win against him without nearly dying yourself if your kit dump doesn't kill him or get him extremely close to dying. She's definitely not easy easy but she's actually a very simple character imo. Just a little tough getting used to her if you don't normally play glass canons.


Imo best as a jungler, her early game is one of the weakest there is. And she’s more than capable of farming jungle, and pop in on a lane and get a kill.




shinbi Her desing is an absolute mess. First time i saw her i was like, "A popstar that uses wolf spirit power? Who tf desinged this sh\*t?". And then i slowly realized this lady is the key to beating of my bane on the solo-lane; Grux. Then her gameplay slowly grown on me, now whenever i gotta go to toplane, i pick shinbi as a safe pick. (and there is like a 99% of chance to encounter another Grux toplaner.)


How do you beat grux as shinbi? Especially before you get your items? Very curious


Early game, you cant beat him unless the you got an early gank. Mid to late game, you can poke him down. Just protect the safe distance, and try to last hit your minions, with Q if necessary. If he goes all in, use your dashes to make some distance and keep hitting him with W and Q. Also remember to buy armor and anti-heal if necessary.


Now try blinking in and ulting a squishy into your team. If you get good at it, you can even time subjugate when they land so they can't blink away instantly.


Yeah dude I saw a Sev video and he just ulted the enemy into his homies and me sitting here like 😳. I respect heavy the Sev mains💪


This is my favourite trick to do when someone pushes me in when still laying, great comedy when it's someone immobile like a Grux


Yeah Im doing it but yeeting enemy to my tower more satisfying. :D