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Hot take: They should change the name of the Wukong. There is like 4-5 moba games that has a monkey hero called wukong, isnt it kind of... generic?


That's kinda the point though. He appears in every moba as an annoying bastard with a different iteration for each one. It's almost like a moba tradition.


Well it is. I think its appealing to the asian market.


But I mean wukong is the mythical Chinese monkey man. It’s sorta mandatory that his name is wukong. lol idk what else he would be called besides hanuman.


They will be 2 of the last 3 originals, the third being borris. Zinx and terra should be next two in no particular order with two originals also being close to completion, so it could be up to six more months.


I’ve heard that it’s OG heroes every other update, so next hero should be an Omeda original, and the hero after that will be Zinx or Yin or Wukong or something Edit: I am incorrect, it is 3 OG heroes and then an original. So one more OG!


3 from paragon, then a new one


Thank you for the correction!


So we have one more paragon and then the original


Helol yea gimme zinx


Wasn't this changed at some point along the development to be less original heroes, in the short term? I could be wrong, as I know they increased the delay between hero drops. But if this were the case, we may well get another OG character before the next original. Personally I think it will be Zinx next, given the current shift away from tank meta (although still necessary heroes) I imagine Zinx would be a breath of fresh air and bring that back round a bit. She'd also be a good mid counter to the high burst damage mids that are currently steamrolling. However I would like yin most of all, miss my favourite carry - given sparrows current strength, yin would be a fantastic drop to counter her.


I don’t know, I got downvoted so I assume I’m wrong, but no one corrected me lol


Yin was my absolute fav. The cleave and pen was so good being able to attack multiple enemies including minions at the same time and her vault was comedy gold at times


I think the devs have done a pretty good job at balancing so far. I think they will execute on wukong for sure


Yin next major update. Wukong is banned forever.


What makes you think Yin is next?


Wait are we serious on wukong ?


Nah, they’ve said all OG heroes will eventually be in the game. I think a lot of people are just hesitant about Wukong because they worry his clone ability will be hard to balance


Devs have stated that Wukong's kit will be completely reworked when he is released. Won't have the same kit.


they gave Aurora the same bs, and gave her two passives


Sweet heart aurora had one damaging ability in paragon not 2


***and*** it's the same bullshit, ***and*** more


Damn you sound mad lol