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You gotta expand who you play. I can play Sparrow, Riktor, Steel, Crunch and every mid lane character. You’ll never have to worry about wanting a specific role.


Just learn to play every role that way you’ll never fight at least on your end lol


No :)


I agree at least for ranked. I'd love it for standard but I understand that we don't have the population foe that yet. What's the point of ranked without a role queue? If the population is low at least let us select a primary, secondary, then fill if necessary if the queue takes too long.  If there aren't enough players for role queue then there aren't enough players for a ranked mode. Your rank, mmr or whatever will be wildly inaccurate unless you're a jack of all trades.  To use a made up person, what if someone is at a plat skill level in adc and jungle, but maybe gold support and mid and just sucks with offlaners and is close to silver in the offlane maybe. If they can't role queue to have a good chance at adc or jungle, and maybe gets 10 or so matches in a row where people foisted them out of their 3 best roles suddenly their rank and mmr are guesses at best. Any matchmaking without role queue is just speculation and inaccurate. It's fine for standard, but not for ranked. I keep seeing "just get better at more roles" man this is a game, not a career for most of us. Almost everyone is going to have 2-3 roles they're clearly better at.  I'm fine waiting for role queue, but ranked will be a joke with all the same problems standard currently has if it doesn't have some form of role queue.


Also, for the upcoming ranked matches, teams get to decide which heroes are banned for that match. So if your main hero on your only role is banned then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe learn a new role?? Diversify your options.


Yeah, just had a game where I “won” over the role And the other player just said “nope” and picked the adc.. 🙃 He was trash


Matchmaking times.


I now will happily play anything but ADC ( I find it boring and not very good at it). There is roles I prefer but I'll happily fill , learning new characters and roles. Helps me understand the role better for when I play against them or my teammates are playing it.


Man it should at least be first come first serve.😭5 seconds left in the que and all of a sudden some randoms picks my offlane and the game lets him have it. Aye man carry support idc what it gives me I’m picking the same character we finna have 2 offlanes no cap


But don't love when the person doesn't get their role because someone else picked it? So they quit or just go afk? LOL


Cant wait for those instant support games


Wait is ranked working rn? I keep getting network error


Still funny to see people saying there aren't enough players for this or that. Remember when people were saying the console release and influx of new players would solve all the problems? Matchmaking is still horrible. There's still no solo/duo only queue. Roll queue still doesn't exist. Ranked is coming in a limited test because the player base can't support queues for multiple modes at once. Sure, we got Brawl, and it's a fun mode, but even that queue is up to several minutes because the novelty wore off. So much for consoles being the savior of Predecessor.


Get gud play adapter


I Just want some Kind of punishment If people Pick a role and then refuse to Play it. Like, why is it allowed to Pick the Support role and then Just.. Pick a Second carry, wtf? Or, Like 9 Out of 10 Matches, where one lange Just has one or two extra Heros CONSTANTLY There. My Last Match, I picked Support, and then Just spent the entire Match Fighting the Carry, Support, Offlane and occasionally the Mid and Jungle. We completly stumped These idiots, thats Not my Point, but its Just so annoying playing against this random bullshit


I'm sick of these "I'm not good at support" losers. So they just pick whatever they want and usually ruin the game. That's even more reason for you to pick a support and learn.


To those stating the player base cannot handle role queue, I think y'all are forgetting that we're at over 1 million active players. That's plenty for role queue. Plus y'all forget that for roles that aren't played as much they could offer experience bonuses and additional incentives to those that play it. Not to mention what exactly would be a good amount of players? 2 million? 1 billion? How exactly are you determining what's enough for role queue? Fact of the matter is, you don't know how many players are needed, cause none of y'all have any data to support your claim. To those stating "just get good with any role", you ignore the underlying statement. OP wants to be able to reserve a role and play that role. For example, if I'm good at every role except mid, I'd want to play mid right? The advice to practice every role ignores the fact some people have a preferred role, or that people may want to practice a role specifically. Especially with the introduction of ranked, I'd expect a role queue to avoid situations where I'm stuck in a role I'm not as proficient in so that we have the highest odds of winning, as that's ultimately the goal. With all that said, I believe role queue is beneficial and should be implemented. However I want to make it clear that players should get good in every role.


I do have the intention to eventually play every role as I want to climb the ranks, already at Plat II and top 6.5% after little more than a month, according to [OMEDA.city](http://OMEDA.city), but with the addition of ranked that could very well change. Right now I just want to play/practice Jungle


n o Hated this shit with overwatch not every game needs it because players refuse to learn heroes or they cant balance properly


Exactly this. I stopped playing overwatch because being shoehorned into the roles i know, got boring. Waiting 25 minutes to try and play a role I'm not good at. Wasn't fun either when the enemy team was just no life dps anyways. This game, I fear, would take the same course it would probably end up a game I drop because I can't comfortably play who, or what, I want to play.




Gotta learn not to be a one-trick


I shouldn’t have to, should be able to just play the role I want


Lotta 'should's. Sounds a little arrogant/entitled tbh. You 'should' understand why there isn't role queue. Most people would not prefer longer q times for role q. It'll definitely not be a small increase in q time like you think considering how small the game still is. This isn't overwatch where there's tons of game modes and role q for ranked and still has short q times. You might wanna play ow if you're looking for that; or just learn the other roles so if two people have the same main role you won't be throwing bc you don't know how to play a role in ranked.


Right so seeing as you've got a high horse under ya, lemme explain. The only real reason why there isn't a role queue right now is because of a lack of sufficient players. Fine, fair enough. But when people decide to run it down or afk because they didn't get the role they want, or if people end up loosing the coin flip and playing a role they're not comfortable in, then they're not having fun. Competitive MOBA or not, Predecessor is a game and a game's primary function is to be fun and enjoyable. I find being able to play my main role when I want without worry fun. None of us should have to pray we're faster than everyone else and even then they can STILL select the role and take it. It's just a dumb mechanic, why forcibly create auto-fill situations. I'm not being entitled or anything for voicing my opinion and if you think that then you need to read up on what those words actually mean, I have nothing to be arrogant or entitled about


We all would like to play the role and hero everygame we want to but it’s not possible when there’s 9 other actual human beings playing with you. Like I don’t want someone like gideon mid but should we make a q for that too? Q so I get jungle AND my mid can’t be gideon? You can’t get everything you want everytime you want it in life when there’s other people involved.


When did I mention bans lmao, all I mentioned was how Role queue would do a lot for the game


Yea but you haven’t really thought it through tho.


>Competitive MOBA or not, Predecessor is a game and a game's primary function is to be fun and enjoyable. I find being able to play my main role when I want without worry fun. None of us should have to pray we're faster than everyone else and even then they can STILL select the role and take it. Buddy let's not start defining what a game's 'primary function' is lol; you play for your reasons and others play for their reasons. But as far as you having fun playing what you want without worry; that's fine but you have to realize, again, that others aren't the same, especially when you consider the scenario: in this case there's just not enough players for role q to be possible (I imagine it'll be upwards of 20min q times with role q. HotS has soft role q and has worse q's at times and both games have similar view counts on twitch). >It's just a dumb mechanic, why forcibly create auto-fill situations. I'm not being entitled or anything for voicing my opinion and if you think that then you need to read up on what those words actually mean, I have nothing to be arrogant or entitled about You're calling it a dumb mechanic and saying 'why forcibly create auto-fill situations' after you said you understood why it's the way it is lol. Low player count is the reason for the 'dumb mechanic'. And I said you're entitled specifically for saying the game 'should' work the way you want it to (with role q), and I was just saying it's pretty entitled to say the game should work the way you want. If you wanna now say you're just sharing your opinion that role q would be beneficial for whatever reason, then that's a different, non-entitled, story. Not complicated. The game doesn't have role q and whether or not it 'should' is most likely gonna depend on the player count, not on players who don't like not getting their roles.


I'll take a 10 or 20 min que...where I can literally just do something else while I wait. All day every day over wasting 40 minutes in a game someone decided to throw purposely because they didn't get their role.


Wait till you wait 20min for a q and 1 of your teammates dcs at the start. But I hear you. I think everyone would prefer role q, it's just the wait time isn't worth especially when you have to re q if something goes wrong.


Insta support ques? Sign me up


At least do it how smite does it and have a weighted role queue where the longer you go without playing your prefered role it increases your odds of getting it. It's a compromise which shouldn't increase queue times.


As said before, player base is the main concern with this problem. Overwatch added role queue at 2019, when they (claimed) they had 40 million active players. At that time, you could still wait for 10-15 minutes in qeueue for a DPS role... Can imagine how that math wouldn't work in anyone's favour if it were added to Pred...


I was never willing to wait 10 min for a match in overwatch. Once they implemented role queue I basically stopped playing because playing support every time got so boring. Role queue effectively killed playing dps for me and ultimately big reason I stopped playing and just played different games tbh


Happy to wait 2 mins for a queue than; - Wait 30 mins with someone spinning in base because they disnt get their role - Wait 40 mins in a duo lane mid with an empty lane elsewhere because somone didnt get their role Etc etc Game after game of peoplw being salty. Definitely killing the game for me


except it wouldn’t be 2 min queues


Actual brain deads just saying to learn every role. I want to have *fun* when I queue up. There are a couple roles I just don't enjoy. I would rather wait an extra few minutes to get roles that I do enjoy than spend 30 min slogging through the match just to not know that it won't happen again. Not to mention the roles people enjoy tend to be the ones they find success with. Matches are always higher quality when everyone is playing something they're comfortable with.


Just pick a role and play. Why does it have to be a fight in the pre lobby? Like why do people pigeonhole themselves in one role out of five. I don’t think I will understand.


I get bad performance anxiety and only really feel comfortable playing support or offlane.


I'm an offlane and carry person. But if I have to play with whatever role is opened, I'll do it. And usually play with 2 characters each


I only use one character. Murdock. I’ll take him Mid, Off, or Carry roles do not matter. Except Jungle. I hate jungle


On casual I don’t mind, but on ranked, I am def better at carry than jungle, so I wouldn’t mind a role que system for ranked so everyone can play what their best at.


I can see that but at the same time playing ranked a person should be strong at two roles at least. To account for the aforementioned pick situation, however Ranked would make sense.


Yeah I think maybe a primary and secondary roles might be a good way to do it


stop crying and learn every role


Ranked doesn't come out till Saturday


Que times are very long sometimes already. Depending on the time of day I can get 20-30 minute ques (NAE M3/GM mmr). Adding role que might make that longer… But at the same time, sometimes those 20-30 min ques lead to a draft dodge because someone gets stuck in a role they didn’t want… The higher mmr you are, the more important it is you get the role you are “good” at. As being forced into your least proficient role will be really bad for your team if the entire enemy team is on their “main” roles. If a support main that’s only jungled 10 times has to jg against a grandmaster jungler, your team is probably losing.


I know about every role, can play every role decent except maybe carry( I'm on console and I can't seem to do great compared to PC players) but there 100% needs a role queue and it's very annoying that people try to defend against it. Role queue should be added with an incentive to go support/any role with some kind of small reward for doing so. People wanting to go specifically for the most used roles might have to wait longer but that's the trade off for players playing roles THEY are comfortable in. If you don't want to play other roles, you shouldn't necessarily HAVE to. The vast majority of last role selections I see is support, so incentive players to choose it by rewarding them like Overwatch does.


You should know how to play multiple roles. That being said, i get wanting to play one specific role or character, but for ranked that shouldn't be the case. Queues arent that bad *now* (still waiting around 2mins, which is kiiibda high), but adding role queue would make it a lot longer


I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t want role queue. I really like that you select your role and can have rng decide when people want the same role. It will mean that you queue for support in 30s or queue for any other role for 7+ min. A lot of times idk what role I want anyway so I just pick based on what the team needs. I personally like the current system. Also queues for me are already 4-6 min on average. Really wouldn’t want that to be even higher.


You could just queue as fill.


If it’s anything like OW, that’s effectively just picking support in role queue which gets boring really quick.


But you said you currently pick what the team needs. That would be support 90% of the time. Not sure how it would change.


It would mean that I have no agency in selecting role and instead would always be given support as fill, which sucks. I like to fill what the team needs but I also like to pick my own role at times. Current system gives agency and allows players to pick where they want to go while making sure all roles fairly filled.


game needs a ton more players. with the amount of people complaining on her daily about que times it would be even worse with role que 😂


100% this. We can’t treat it like it’s a huge game yet there are some sacrifices to deal with until these things are plausible. I’m not sure if they’re marketing the game much though, feel like that needs some work. A lot of people never heard of it.


It feels like I run into the same players like every day lol


I do feel this can be mitigated with having primary and alternate, instead of picking one role.


I’d like a pick all the roles you want system. Basically the less roles you select the longer your queues. The only role I truly dislike playing is jungle so I’d happily select Offlane/Mid/ADC/Support which I’d think would help keep queues pretty short for those willing to flex between certain roles but not others.


I'd rather take a longer queue with the ability to play where I want to play than a short queue and there may be a chance I don't go where I'm in the mood to play


I'd play more if there was ranked and/or role queue or role specific MMR. As is it if I'm a good jungle and I get forced into another role, I'm not as good as my opponent (if that's their preferred role) so I'll queue less to a) protect my mmr and b) save myself from having awful games. It wouldn't hurt the playerbase at all to at least trial the option and see how it fares.


It's already being done in other games and the queue times are way higher. In overwatch the queue times for damage role can get ridiculous.


Right, and? I'd happily wait to get my preferred role. Or play a match in a role I don't like at equal mmr. Rather than 40 mins of a shit matchup.


The game doesn't revolve around you


I know, there's 4 other people on my team queuing at a certain rank and expecting a teammate capable of holding their own in their assigned position at said rank.


Always funny to see people act like they play the game for other people. We all play for our own enjoyment, and that's not selfish. I don't know the other people on my team, and I don't care about them. And I don't have the delusion that they care about me. If they did, they wouldn't let the adc kill them 31 times in a 40 minute match.


I don't think the queue times can handle it right now. You'd be waiting 10 mins for someone to queue for support. Once the player base grows a lot I think it's a good idea


Plenty of people will que support, it just won't be enough to offset the amount of all the others


League has a preference system. You order your 5 roles from preference, but you can get anything. If you don't get your top preference, you get higher priority next match. I think this could work. If anything, it will incentivise people to play support for faster queue times. Right now, there is no little reason to play support. With role queues, more people will pick it.


I could potentially see that working if it rewards support players


The game isn't big enough to work like that. You'll also have a very obvious problem. No one is going to queue support and you're not going to get matches


MOBAs are not overwatch. Learn multiple characters for each role and stop being a baby


Won't let you pee, and won't let you play your preferred champions either.


Thanks EnlargedProstate


Maybe you should just do what I did, and start learning other roles. I only started playing two months ago but I started as support, then I learned carry, now I’m playing midlane When I was playing exclusively carry I would have the issue of having to fight over it. And even when I won, the other people would just pick carry heroes in off/mid lane. Once I learned midlane, the stress of fighting over a role completely went away. I’d go into some games trying to play gadget and instead I’d have to “settle” for just being the carry instead TLDR: get good, learn other roles/Heroes instead of complaining that everyone else wants to play your role/hero


I'd rather have fun playing a video game.


Getting good makes the game more fun




Not everyone likes to play all roles, your suggestion is totally irrelevant, it may work for you. I myself may feel like playing a particular hero one day, and I only have time to play one game that day, then I should be able to do it. Now, do I agree there should be a role queue system? Sure why not, is it a game breaker for me? No. But I do find the question relevant.


The suggestion may be irrelevant to you because you are unwilling to change how you play, but I wouldn’t say it’s totally irrelevant. It’s definitely a potential solution for people who are willing to do what I did.


Your suggestion completely ignores OP's problem, the answer to ”I want to play a role and I want to be able to reserve that role” is not ”learn to play all roles, tHaT wOrKeD fOr Me”. If you say you want to go swimming on the beach but it is not suitable for swimming (which it can be if someone makes it), would you see it as a good suggestion from someone telling you ”Just go and take a shower in your bathroom, potato-potato”, nonsense.


This is great advice in theory, but this is my first real MOBA. I’m ass at carry and midlane (although I still play them sometimes for fun ngl), but I’m a top 10% jungler. So the game will queue me into good players and teams, most playing their preferred roles, and I get absolutely stomped. Don’t get me wrong, I still flex and I’m trying to get better, but a role queue would completely fix this.


I didn’t make this clear in my comment but this is also my first ever MOBA. And my MMR is pretty high considering how new I am so I also get into high level matches. Trust me, you should still try out the other lanes. You will get stomped for sure and it’s fucking demoralizing, but you will get better undoubtedly


Im terrible with melee characters... Got a recommendation for offlane? Thats the only role that really hurts me. I can use khai for jungle when I get forced to play it but when im forced into solo I prepare myself to be harassed all game by my teammates...


I find Murdoch to be a solid Offlane pick - gotta get those claws that give you movement so you can have two pops of speed on ya. Though I find Murdoch to really only be a good counter-pick to Aurora, Greystone, and any fool choosing a ranged Offlane pick honestly. Maybe try Kwang? Lots of ability to damage from afar with the sword throw. Offlane’s mostly for melee/tanks, so op’s “Get Good” comment stands lol


Offlane is like learning a dance. It might not look that hard at first, but it's actually fairly intricate. You gotta know when to just farm creeps and when to all in on your opponent. You gotta learn wave management and know when to freeze and how to stop the enemy from freezing a wave. Offlane is a battle of who can get more XP faster. You lose and you can get shut out of a match. I recommend watching JoeYoursTruly and trying to pick up some of his habits. He talks through his decision making so it should help you understand what he's doing and why. As for heroes, Zarus has always been strong and likely always will be. Grux can easily run down other heroes and his passive keeps him in lane longer than most. Kwang is getting buffs in the patch today and a lot of the items he uses for mage bruiser are too so maybe give him a try. Shinbi isn't a bad shout since you can always fall back to farming with ranged abilities if needed and she's annoying to chase. Aurora was really strong in the last patch and likely will remain quite strong. And shout out to feng mao if you prefer more of a hit and run style of character. There's a lot of good offlaners. Choose one you like, maybe watch a video or two of an experienced player playing that character, and then practice.


Good advice


Great advice... Can you teach me to dace irl aswell? 35 years old and prefer not to dance where people can see me 😏


Are you asking me on a date? 😯


I haven’t ventured too much into offlane/jungle so take this with a pinch of salt. I also am not great with melee but I guess we gotta learn. For offlane I try to use Shinbi since she can get in and out quickly/safely. I also use Crunch for similar reasons


When forced i pick crunch myself. I'll have to try shinbi next time. Thanks for the recommendation


Like I said, I do that, and I am getting better, but it’s gonna be a long-ass time until my other roles are as good as my jungle/support. Getting queued into people who know all the tricks and have practiced the role isn’t nearly as good a way to learn or have fun as queueing into people of similar skill level in their roles. ‘Just fill’ isn’t really a solution when filling means your team is now at a large disadvantage and you’re going to get stomped in your lane


That’s not the case though. Matchmaking is horrible right now and odds are whoever you play against will be way worse than you anyway, no matter the role. I totally get what you’re saying, we should have role queue and better matchmaking. But we don’t. With the way things are, there are plenty of ways to learn all the roles and characters without putting you or your team at a huge disadvantage. Don’t be scared to play the game, just play it. That’s my advice


So far, my opponents in lane are also plat or occasionally gold 3. It just hasn’t been my experience that my opponents are always worse than me. There are definitely not ‘plenty of ways’ to learn new roles. There is literally one queue, or bots. That’s it. The bots provide zero opportunity for learning, and the queue is a stompfest. I think you’ve missed my point - I’m not afraid to play the game. I DO play the game. I flex all the time. I play every role. But that doesn’t mean that the games are good.


you can play every role in role queue aswell


For sure, I’m not saying a role queue isn’t a good idea. I would definitely want that implemented asap. I just wanted to give my experience on how I dealt with the same issue/problem


You'd have to wait a lot longer than 2 mins for role queue. Especially if it was seperate from the regular queue. The games population just cannot handle role queue. That's why ranked is only for 8 hours on peak times Saturday.