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Aurora would use the 30 seconds of prep time to build an ice castle, nestle herself at the top and line the roof with icicles that would drop the second the 30 seconds are over while at the same time freeze the ground to make it slippery and make everyone’s dodge/reaction time slower. And on top of that she could use ultimate on anybody that even thought about getting close to her high up in her ice fortress. She could eliminate everyone with those 30 seconds of prep time


I’d probably give it to Sevarog or Serath. They deal with much more power than just magic.


are they all lvl 1? if there max build and lvl 18 id say sparrow? or mori..😂 i always answer with out reading more.


I'd give it to Gadget. Somebody's gotta! Sure! I can do this alone... Why not?


If he was on here....wukong...debate me




Khaimera infinite heals, suppression, leap and crazy fast attacks. Mf even got Grux pelt as a flex.


Iggy and scorch take the dub




It'd be one of a these: 1. Greystone, he literally shoves his soul back into his body to cheat death and recovers. He'd be pretty hard to kill in this environment without breaking the rules. 2. Zarus, isn't his lore that he's ascending to godhood or something with each kill he makes in the arena which is where his colosseum passive comes from? If you take away the gameplay constraints and he really powers up that way he'd be one of the finalists for sure if not the winner. His abilities and mobility would make it hard for most other characters to deal with him and he has the ability to recover significantly after each skirmish meaning he can fight a battle of hit and run attrition against characters that can't recover their wounds. 3. Revenant, Rev has the distinct ability to force people into 1v1's at will in an otherwise chaotic environment. This is a huge advantage and he can guarantee no one can interfere in his fight. Honorable mention to rampage but the literal second he enraged he would be everyone's target and die like some lesser kaiju in a pacific rim knockoff. He would just make himself the biggest target in the room and impossible to ignore and without a jungle to hide in he's pretty screwed.


Gideon is a literal god just saying. Man got bored of conquering space and decided to explore/ fight in Agora instead.


Serath wins, nobody could kill Sev but he expects Serath to be able to kill him. Also Countess cowers at her and her second form is pure powerhouse. Also she wears armor which helps in this situation, not like Spandex or whatever haha


Is there some lore I’m missing here


Yeah I’ve never seen lore for this game


Drongo survives in a chemical wasteland. He solos the whole roster.


He's still human tho last I checked, even phase could kill him,girly has light powers, telekinesis and can charge herself up lol.


Probably a fucking dekker. I swear this bitch is last alive every damn teamfight.


Here is my personal tier list. Based on each hero in the context of reality. Their powers are treated like super powers or like magic of fantasy. https://preview.redd.it/0r3ov0cq8s7d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a43203dfb2e554456ff1327378161d6b7bc84be With that in mind, most of the edge goes the the hulking masses of heroes. Whom most of would (as cyborgs) tank much of what others would throw at them. The biggest thing being the fact that many heroes are practically just humans with weapons and/or armor. This leads me to give the edge to more power wielding heroes, and the less human heroes. Guns in my opinion are only so helpful, especially against crazy broken magic. My personally pick for winner is Revenant. Who is basically just an eldritch god dressed as a gunslinger. He can pull himself and anyone else into his shadow realm and just slaughter them with his corrupted magic. That and his gun which gives him range, and which is also empowered by his eldritch magic.


The fey being no chance is surprising, she's like poison ivy but with a magical touch. She could deff last In the arena, she could also fly up and around at a pretty decent speed, I'm sure as well.


I love this and the thought you put into it. Funny that the debatably weakest character in the game is a menace in the real world. Your logic makes sense.


She'd arguably be immune to the attacks of melee-only combatants.


kallari hides until one is left. then pounces on the dying and exhausted hero, thereby winning the match.


I don't think she can hide that long like for ex if phase were to do like a widespread flash I'm sure she'd get hit or get hit by something eventually. Or maybe revenant would see her


Unless someone accidentally stumbles within range of her. She's going to have to play it like a stealth video game


Was just about to say this, damn haha


Wraith, Drongo or Murdock. Dudes literally have guns lol. They would just headshot other heroes, 1-tap and dead. It would be a Mexican standoff between those three. I give advantage to Wraith as he could more accurately hit shots at distance with his sniper and go invisible.


Bullets in a world like this might not be effective against a bunch of the heroes like for ex phase has telekinesis and can neo those bullets n send em back or disintegrate them with her light powers


Crunch is a giant hulking metal robot with a monster punch, can close the distance, and would easily 1 tap. Sev is a reaper of souls and would slaughter any mortal.


Some of the heroes are made of metal or might not have heads(Sevarog) so this doesn't really work.


Kallari or Wraith


Gideons ult is literally a black hole. Everyone loses the second he ults


Including Gideon.




Feng Mao. It's pretty easy to get his cooldowns to 3 seconds. He's slippery as heck. Just dance around the edge with movement speed/shield, dash around, when a few get low in the brawl, chain his Ultimate, hop out and runaway. He could also kite just about anyone in a 1v1.


Imagine that ultimate in a 40 man arena... Oh no


Wraith. Go invis at the start and let everyone engage. Snipe low hp victors and stay invis as much as you can. At the end when everyone is hurt, finish them.


What if Kallari is lurking in the shadows behind him though 😈


[That fight is going to be insane](https://www.reddit.com/r/antimeme/s/XfGSJLzLSh)


Aurora. That CC 😭


This Is probably the only good answer. Gideon's ult is also good, but channeling it with 40 people trying to kill you means you probably also die. If Aurora gets her ult off, the chain reaction in this scenario would basically be a guaranteed kill. And she can double jump and build a wall and just watch from above, away from any danger.


It is traumatizing...


Greystone lol. Can't kill that mfer with his ult


Gotta kill him twice in a row. Anyone you think that can do it?


I did it with Shinbi yesterday


No one knows how rampage got his name and it clearly shows. Mans would wipe out an entire civilization, hes survived centuries. A mere arena is nothing to a mutant frog.


Everyone is a gangster until Rampage pulls a boulder the size of his body out of the ground...


Thats what im saying, everyone chillin until he starts rumbling the ground and tectonic waves start splitting the earth.


If he comes in with the wifebeater skin on too, not a soul is stepping up to him.


Narbash , he just keeps running in circles healing


Why is this so accurate...


Crunch! Boop boop pow lunge to next hero boobity bopity pow on t the next lol


The one, two bop combo


Are we talking canonical strength here? Or are we keeping it strictly in-game? I love lore in games, so I'm know all about Paragon's lore. If Predecessor is using the same lore, then I'd give it to Sevarog or Gideon. Sevarog is the literal god of death in this universe, and Gideon can create black holes. If we're talking in-game, then I'm not sure, I don't know each character's strengths and weaknesses well enough to answer.


In lore, Sevarog doesn't want to fight Serath. Space Jesus is a good shout, tho


It can be either but for me it would be however I perceive their canonical strength in my imagination


Come on now. We all know it's Riktor. Have you done this before?


How come you have Riktor winning? I have not done this before haha


Imagine a Gideon ulting while the Viktor stuns everybody in that, afterward hook, Gideon, sinker


You talking like current in game or like a hypothetical lore setting?


Whatever you think makes the most sense


I say Iggy, he just goes to a wall and sets up his turrets. Nobody would target him, and he can clean up at the end.


Iggy will burn them all down


What if Steel doesn't like his little tower defense setup and decided to slam dunk on his head? 🤔


Then Iggy would sacrifice Scorch for the greater good to get away.


Then Steel inted himself out of the scenario


Or, OR! Multiple ranged heroes could each hit him with an ability while he's completely cornered himself with turrets, effectively taking out that late game threat fairly early.




Why Zarus? 🤔


Infinite scaling!!!


Fair point


I think Greystone for his ability to heal himself and also escape if being ganged up on.


Given enough time he could just keep reviving over and over 🤣


Bro, your imagination is something else no cap


Haha thank you, I think :P


No matter the amount of rules you put, the heroes who scale fast in early game will always have an advantage on the others.


Who do you have winning it all?


Grux. It’s always Grux. Unga bunga


Grux do be Gruxin'


He didn’t get those war chief markings for nothing!


One mark for each of arenas he won in the past years 😰


Dang, so only like…7 or 8, lol.


Let the ~~Grux~~ Hunger Games begin!


Gruxer Games


Grux or Zarus. Lifesteal, or healing and strong defensive abilities either in the form of crowd control or pure defense.


I can just imagine Zarus standing in the corner holding his shield up just daring someone to walk up


Well it ain't Sevarog


Sadly I have to agree with you. You would think a death-eater looking giant would be strong (gameplay wise). I am going to update the post to go off of how strong you perceive them outside of the game itself.


Well if we go with the lore of Paragon, he was a godlike being. *“A former godlike Ashur, Sevarog was cast out of Agora thousands of years ago and no longer remembers who he used to be. Now, he is gathering a team of chosen souls to replace the Ashurite pantheon and usher in an apocalypse.”* Sooooo my bets are on him.




This is a good point. Imagine getting sent at 50 G-force into a titanium wall. I don't feel so good Mr. Starke....


He'd be out of mana after 5 abilities, unfortunately.






They actually nerfed the crap out of this item with the 6 item patch. You should have seen it before haha.


Grux countess khai