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SteamDB Player count says everything: Predecessor at least **1,325** players right now **2,460** 24-hour peak vs Paragon **1** players right now **3** 24-hour peak


I was in same boat and yeah it’s great. Haven’t played a game this much in years


Is it worth the try?....definitely. form an opinion from there.


I asked exactly this same question a month ago. And since then I’ve poured unholy amounts of hours into the game. So I’d say FKC YEAH IT IS!!!


I loved Paragon, but Predecessor is just not the same. The game rarely gets balancing updates, and the meta is pretty boring. Grux was an absolute nightmare for months, not sure if they finally nerfed him. Also those problems: -SUPER toxic players no matter the level. -No creative building. Being a tank is not worth it. -Long games. Between 40 and 60 mins if you're lucky. -Long ability cooldowns. Some characters are not viable until late game. -Confrontational community. They don't accept criticism and shut down any opposing opinion. -Very few players left. Finding a game takes a long time. -Mirrored lanes. Paragon was more dynamic thanks yo 2 vs 1 lanes. Pred has 2v2 and 1v1. -Less characters somehow more unbalanced. -Supporting is boring, you depend on your team being able to do dmg. Tbf, this is a problem with every mova. The actual reason why I uninstalled is because the games are too frustrating. Even wins don't feel like a win, you don't get actual rewards and it's too hard to communicate with your team. At the end of the day I wasn't having fun anymore.


It's not bad I dint like the 3 card system from back then but I feel like building armor is worthless. I also feels like there are alot of people who DC and they are so aggressive, right now it's a small pool so you will play with the same people alot.


I do not agree. Building armor does do something. Just depends on the characters' scaling. At a point armor isnt what you need its health. People keep forgetting to build health with the armor. Edit: we also dont have alot of pen boosting cards. So what you are feeling could be intentional.


This game is way better than Paragon was. End of story. Initially I was just happy to play again but it's just so much better in almost every way. Can't think of anything paragon beats pred at tbh.


Lmfao you're full of it.


Lol maybe that's just my opinion but to me: The items are better than the 3 card system, they upgraded to unreal engine 5, the balance is pretty damn good (I guess before the 6 item patch..they do need a rebalance), they have ranked, brawl, 6 items, they added blink/flash and like 90% of the heroes from paragon are in pred. Otherwise to me, everything is just as good as Paragon. What do you think it's lacking on? Not trying to start any drama at all, genuine question


I think the free blink is one of the worst things about this game. It removes the penalty for bad positioning and allows some characters a free escape when their kit is built around making the choice to go all in or not go at all.


Its a 5 min cooldown. If you cant kill someone while their blink is on cd thats on you


Not the point but ok.


Its also believe it or not, not always your fault that you need to blink. Do you know how strong gideon would be if the enemy team couldnt blink? Jungle ganks on duo on an attempt to feed the enemy sparrow, etc. Blinks arent just a crutch for bad positioning and misplays


For sure, there are some legit reasons to blink, and that's why it should still be available as an item. But, the free blink does promote bad positioning, and it gives a free out for things like tower diving. Khaimera, for instance, has a kit that is supposed to be used to engage and stick to a target until either the target dies or he does. Now, he can jump into a bad fight and just blink out of it when it isn't going his way. He loses the punishment for taking a bad fight. It also aids in dragging games out when a team fight happens and, instead of securing enough kills to push an objective, multiple people can blink away and live to reset lanes or contest OP or Fangtooth in a situation where they should have been dead. Blink definitely has its place. I just don't think it should be free.


Underrated comment


Yeah I'll be honest the blink does change the game a bit and I wasn't sure if I loved it at first but the cool down is reasonable and pulling their blinks is a big W sometimes. I guess it depends on the person. All mobas have it though but maybe it should be tied to a crest or something instead of everyone having it by default. Can we agree it beats smite lol


It's really good and I think it will end up better than paragon hands down. They still have some time to cook. I personally don't mind the blink but yes maybe tie it to an item or even limit the total uses per game


It should definitely be tied to an item, and I say that as someone frequently saved from my own bad positioning.


IMO: The game is exactly the same as it was before, character wise and original map. You use amber to unlock the characters or you can buy them. They have adapted the items to a more LoL or Smite style. They added Brawl w/ 1 lane and it’s okay, you won’t get much for xp or amber to unlock other characters. They have updated the characters as far as nerf and buffs a couple times. All in all it’s the same game just named differently and run by a different company. Welcome back and enjoy the love/hate relationship of the game again. 😂


This isn't really true. It certainly feels very similar, and that's the important take for sure, but a lot of what you've said here is actually incorrect. The map in Predecessor is an original map. It looks and feels similar to Paragons monolith map, but it's different to the monolith map and obviously different to the legacy map too. We only had those two maps on Paragon and the one we have on Predecessor is neither of those. Likewise, the characters, whilst all very similar to how they were on Paragon, have also all been reworked to some degree. Some more than others, but not a single one is the same as they were in Paragon and it's more than just buffs and nerfs, with abilities being changed/reworked. But you are right in that it certainly feels the same as Paragon did and it's understandable how after such a long gap between Paragon and Predecessor it can be easy to think it is just the same game. It hits all them nostalgia vibes whilst, IMO, improving on the Paragon formulae in almost all the right places.


It's back as open beta. And it's as fun if not more fun than OG Paragon


I'll give you good and bad. The game currently is **great**. Its super fun, its got a solid playerbase, theres a good amount of characters and the item selection feels good. (even if they're a bit unbalanced) I believe its in a good spot to grow and it can pretty much become a real driving force when it releases if they fix a few current issues and get more characters in. That's the positives, now i'll give the negatives: * The balance philosophy of the devs seems to make it so that snowballing in Predecessor is quite difficult in terms of levels and CS. What this means is you can have over 6-8 kills against your lane opponent and you will still only have like **2 levels** over them. This makes it so a lot of games are honestly recoverable. But it removes a ton of fun from the average player for doing well. Towers/Objectives are basically the only real thing that matters as they give an unrecoverable advantage. * The character balance. Currently they are making the same mistake league did for a long time which is being WAY too lenient on balance changes. A lot of "**0.1**" here and "**0.05**" there. That does absolutely nothing but waste 2 weeks of players time not nerfing characters they already know to be OP. This has lead to a very very homogenous playing experience. * **51% of your games will almost always include: Sparrow, Khaimera, Grux, and Aurora** (With honorary mention of Gideon because almost every mid feels like shit so everyone basically plays Gideon, Gadget, or sometimes iggy with a duo jungler) Those would be the biggest problems of the game. TLDR: The lack of ability to snowball off of stomping your lane makes it so that the **kit** of your character matters a lot more than your laning performance. This in combination with **really bad balance** makes it so character selection is quite limited. The majority of people essentially just play OP because not only do you finally feel like you can swing a game, but you also get a good kit too. where a lot of characters... just have really bad ones.


Yup, last night the enemy Kira started 1-4, 2 assists. I was a Murdock who was 3 kills, 1 death, 3 assists. I had 12 more minion kills. When I was a level 10 he was a level 9. I finally pulled away in level when I was 7-1 and he was 2-7


>51% of your games will almost always include: Sparrow, Khaimera, Grux, and Aurora (With honorary mention of Gideon because almost every mid feels like shit so everyone basically plays Gideon, Gadget, or sometimes iggy with a duo jungler) I can say that this is caused by the "lack" of champions, there is a bit of diversity but if in the game there's a limited quantity of champs is normal that you always find the same one. In other mobas like lol that you have 100+, in ranked it's more probable to find "meta" champs that non. The more Champions they will add in Pred and the more variety of combination of teams you will see.


This isn't exactly true as our pool of characters is wide for almost every role except for support. Offlaners have a very large pool which includes the junglers, the junglers have a huge pool including the offlaners, and ADCs have 8 characters yet the large majority of games are Sparrow (She holds a dominant position of pick rate over the rest) (So much so that even normal matches will see **mirrors** of sparrow often). A larger pool DOES help because there are always people who will play something else. But we have enough characters for variance. The balance is just terrible so we don't. https://preview.redd.it/hnnz6rjc7z7d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=f80781804fbc171950446de28a32b9a8d2fb3039 Look at how that pick rate drops **off a cliff** the moment you get away from morigesh (Which is a popular character due to her kit allowing actual snowball). And remember. This is before we even have Ranked implemented on a constant basis. **This is the casual playerbase.** Khaimera and Grux are the only ones who have a plausible reason to have an insanely high pickrate. They are both **free** and arguably the best characters in the game in their roles. This combination means **EVERYONE** can pick them and everyone *does*. And look at the disparity of Grux vs Gideon. Both characters are free, both are good but Grux is VERY strong. so his pickrate is insanity while gideons is middling in comparison even though Gideon is no slouch either. Finally Aurora is very expensive and Sparrow isn't free. Yet she **dominates** the ADC pick rate. In a selection between **8 different carries** she holds **56%** of people's choices. Even when she's not free. That's not a limit of character selection. That's a problem of balance.


I see what you say, but we can say that in every game the majority of the people will pick what make them win, so in this case high%win rate champs. More pool of champions (with a bit of balancing obv) will spread out the pick% and the wr%. You even have to consider that earning currency to buy a champion is very hard right now so a new player will always go for the most wr% champs first and then the other ones. >A larger pool DOES help because there are always people who will play something else. But we have enough characters for variance. The balance is just terrible so we don't. Speaking about variance yes, we have it, but if you look for example at the midlane that have 10ish pickable champ, 3 of them (howi, gideon and gadget) have almost the same kit so in most cases the higher wr% will be the most picked. For the balancing part i agree, it has to be worked on, but it's not terrible. You have a bunch of champs that are a bit overtuned, but the rest of them are all in a good spot. In every moba there will be a little circle of overtuned champs and then the rest of them cause it's really difficult to make every thing fair and balanced (always remember that this game is pretty new and have a small studio behind, and sometimes even big dev fuck up some patches and have to make some sudden adjustment).


This is a pretty accurate summation of the game currently. Your games can really just come down too how fast you split pushed offlane, too how fed the enemy Sparrow is. Still fun.


good points i would add match making to the list of things that need work.


Go watch "Joe Yours Truely" or "Empti" on YouTube. You'll get a good sense for what the game is like. I don't play it but love to watch it.


Lmao, they do their own thing reusing the old assets. League is not so engaging considering left click right click, this game is both horizontal and Vertical. It allows for a higher skill-ceiling. WASD and Control over how you want to cast your skills. There’s a lot of personality in this game, and it offers exactly that. It’s in open-beta right now and I don’t believe any of us realize the full potential of this kind of game


Exactly like what you’re looking for I suppose hmm or midsing💪


It's not back, but it's free and decent. They have a lot of things to work on though.


It's free bro, it's worth your time


It is quite fun. If you play Sparrow.


What I can say from my opinion alone is that... I was really hyped about the game, waited so long for the release and as a former Smite Player, I was familiar with 3rd person mobas, so I was just hyped. (stopped playing Smite the moment they reworked Loki.. :( miss him to this day) fast forward, the game release, played it a bunch, got familiar with the roster and really really enjoyed playing with shinbi. and that's it, I still have it on my console, but for the past month, it didn't even occur to me booting up the game. It's just there, along with the afk players and trolls that probably took the fun out of the game for me. Still, shinbi's kit is extremely fun and the sustain she gets mid to late game is phenomenal!


The game itself is great, however they need to do more to police gameplay disruption in the community (intentional feeding/someone stealing your chracter/role bcs they didn't get what they wanted etc.)


Good still feel slightly “heavy”? Not sure how to explain it To me like characters feel like they weigh 3000 extra pounds And matchmaking can be a challenge.


No. This is not Paragon. If you go in expecting Paragon, you will be disappointed. That said, this game is ahead of anything Paragon could have hoped to be and is still growing. If the development irons out some kinks, it has a pretty bright future.


Matchmaking is currently horrible besides that it’s great


Judging by reddit, it's the most video game with a community even worse than LoL . Every game seems to have afk people, people who intentionally feed, don't do their role because someone picked their role, etc etc So I don't know if it's in a good spot. I'm too scared to log-on myself


That's so dumb of a statement that i'll not even engage, lol


Overall yes, its in a good spot, but as im sure others have mentioned, the most recent update has put tanks in a really bad spot. this is i think the first time omeda has made a serious error in balance, so thats a good sign. i think we'll be back in a good spot soon


Is it back yes. Is it fun yes. Is it in a good spot currently idk


450hrs since early access release, is good game.


Not at all


balance is off right now cause they just added more items aswell as made it so people can now buy 6 items, and changed peoples stats accordingly to try and compensate for it. Gameplay is nice, not many issues other than balance it abit wack, but is being fixed. And community is how any other moba community is. Abit toxic, but managable. Worth coming in to try out


It’s back, it’s better than og paragon. The old card system was horrible.


I feel like I'm the only one who liked it. At the very least I liked the affinity system. Probably not the best from a balance perspective, but I liked that it added to giving everyone unique identities by enabling different build options. However I completely agree that the card system giving players access to different cards/items really messes with balance in a MOBA when (skill diff aside) players should be on equal footing.


Is the only game I play when I have time to play video games. And that's rare as fuck. I also don't play multiplayer games or competitive games, and yet, here I am.




Jungle is currently in an abysmal state earning less exp than the rest of the game and balance in general is really i mean really bad atm, a slew of bugs. The game is still fun but so far from.what it should be




The game is in the worst place it has ever been in balance-wise. I am hoping things improve soon.


i dont know why this is getting downvoted. 78% of my games have khaimera and half the cast i dont even see


Game is in a good spot. Fan base is not, tread carefully.


GAME IS SO POORLY MADE - no ability to block bad players - the buttons trigger on their own - THE STATS LEVELS ARE TOTALLY OFF UNLESS YOU HIT THE BUTTONS THEY WANT  ZERO FREEDOM TO MANAGE YOUR RESOURCES THE WAY YOU LIKE  HORRIBLE LAZY DESIGN  SMITE was lazy made too unless so many exploits of game wrongly judged they finally stepped up to fix it. You are also forced to play with AFK “mercy out”.  I love The characters but this games has Some of the worst mechanics 


It's so good. Player base is sooooooo fuckin bad bro. Just people with no brain attached to their bodies. I just lost two matches in a row with twice as many kills as the enemy and my team just doesn't know how to finish a match.


That's because they released it without a decent tutorial or guide on how to play it.


Just to clarify: it's released as an open beta not a finished product. I'm assuming it'll have a tutorial with a proper release.


It's been beta for quite a while now. They continue to release updates so doesn't feel like they are going to do much else when it comes to helping new players


I can understand that. I've been playing MOBAs for 15 years so I do have that advantage. But to be fair I communicate all match, have 10x my team's kills and noone listens to me. I just hate mp games lately because of that. It's the exact same thing with Overwatch 2. Everybody wants to be ADC/CARRY. I blame it on the streaming culture and COD brain rot.


People can't see your messages because the game defaults chat to be turned off. So a ton of players don't even know there's a working chat. And the call out system has no audio so it gets missed a bunch


There is literally no information on how to use the ping system and its incredibly frustrating to use on console This is my first every Moba and the only way I have learnt is due to playing with a mate and partying up The lack of mic chat is a huge issue and I'm so bored of hearing how toxic it would be. Mics are critical for a team strategy game like this This is a very complicated game and there needs to be a far more in-depth guide for new players or else it is going to crash and burn


No, is not. Once you learn the muscle memory for the pings it is as easy as the PC version, for me. And I rather have no mic. If there was a mic, I would mute everyone, not going to play a game with someone chewing loudly, being annoying, etc. But yeah, there needs to be a better tutorial for new players.


Yes bro! Lack of mic chat is crazy. I get all that and I'll try to be less mad keeping this in mind when I lose haha. Good reminder for us MOBA vets to be patient.


You are the first person to agree with me about the mics. It's bonkers that we can't use it. If we can handle being told to fuck our mum's on COD, I think we can handle some frustrated Pred players haha


It would help so many new players. They will add it once it comes out of beta I think.


Yep it really would! Along with a proper guide that includes how to farm, what tower does, what the objectives are, what to do when, how each role is important. It is lacking so much at the moment for a new player and if they don't add it then we will continue to see afk's and incorrect role playing


Yup they outsourced that job to youtubers and twitch streamers


Yeah and that was a massive error. No new players are going to find that or make the effort to. It should be all in game.


I’m a new player that’s really fell in love with predecessor, the first 50 HOURS as a first time moba player are brutal


Yep and that's a massive issue


I am loving and hating this game so much 🤣 only thing I play since I found out about it a month ago. Balance is great imo, ADCs have the advantage late game, so the games don't last an hour anymore (rare) people will always complain about balance, noobs and randoms sucking in CASUAL mode ( I do too, some players are just braindead) BUT if you want the game to thrive and stay alive YOU NEED new players and lots of patience if you get stuck with them in matchmaking 🤣 its not the pro league making money, its casual, I try to type positive things like " chill bro , don't die and I will get us this win" "play slow I'll come help when I beat my lane up" the game is fun but it has that steep learning curve like every other moba, which is fun to grind for some people. You do get better and before you know it you are the one complaining about noobs too


the only thing thats bad right now is cry babies (toxic people)


This is the only game I’ve been playing on my SteamDeck for two months now!


Right. Happy it works fine. I had to make my own binds for paragon prime. Was kinda hard to remember. Sucks no cross save tho cus i have the pc account and con


I am not exactly sure what you mean with ”cross save” and ”pc account”, the game runs over steam


He means there’s no cross save from console to pc….


The meta is weird at this specific point in time and some things really don’t feel balanced. But its an amazing game and it 80% brings back the Paragon vibes for me.


in a few patches everyone will forget this patch just like everyone forgot the horrible paragon patches


Get in here! It's one of the best mobas on the market currently imo, even in its in-development state. The official Ranked system just started deployment, and is currently available to play on weekends as they check the data and roll it out. You won't regret it\~


It is a very fun game, in a good spot, with continuous updates. I played LoL Paragon, DOTA, and Smite and until Smite 2 comes out I prefer predecessor to all of those titles


Funny because I never played any other MOBAs either and I tried LoL but it never stuck however when I tried paragon in the beginning I loved it. The 3rd person camera angle makes such a surprisingly big difference for me & I enjoy playing predecessor a lot


So I never was a Paragon player, but I did play the closest MOBA gameplay-wise, Smite for many years. All I can is Predecessor is a damn good time.


What you prefer, and why? I used to play smite, basically first moba. I stopped playing and then predecessor came into ps5 and fell in love immediately because of graphics(obv gameplay too) now I’m at the point where I’m learning to make builds and haven’t think of getting smite 2 at all


I dropped Smite about May 2023 but had almost 10 years prior. It was basically 2 too many. So not speaking on the last year and much like you no desire for Smite 2. Main reason: I honestly felt they lost their vision on what made Smite fun for me. Lost confidence in their ability to balance and god design. Wasn’t all bad from 2021-2023, but not enough good. Finally got fed up and hung it up. Had my eye on Pred, got my old gang together and we been hitting it pretty regularly 2-3 nights a week. Hot damn this game rules.


I started hating smite the moment they increased the ttk in that ridiculous 9.5 patch. The more actiony perspective combined with high damage gameplay was such a rush, but then they made everyone tankier. Thankfully they very recently reverted that whole thing, so now it's fun again.


It’s a good game. The meta is a bit in a weird spot after adding a 6th item, however it’s to be expected. A huge change like that is gonna have some kinks to work out. They are slowing fixing issues but overall it’s a fun game.


The game is fun and doesn't feel incomplete despite being unfinished. I think the recent balance that the game has is really bad and some of those design choices are baffling (namely the best support items are just going hard damage because protections are bad) but even in this flawed state games can be fun.


I’m complete cheeks at MOBAs but I really liked paragon and now Predecessor….. I feel like the teammates I’ve had could’ve been more toxic cuz of how bad I am at the game but so far so good…. Not really toxic and honestly enjoying the game so far


Game is back, being developed very poorly and slowly. Play it, enjoy it f2p, hold off on financially supporting it for a bit and then reassess the more you play.


Not sure why you got downvoted so hard for that take. Poorly is subjective, but slowly is accurate. I love the game, but I find myself coming back every couple months, checking out the changes, then setting it aside again bc it barely changed. OP I think this take is the most fair. It's worth playing, but don't invest unless you really really love it, have taken the time to witness the update cadence, and believe in the direction the game is heading. Personally, I think they'll get there eventually, but eventually still feels quite a ways away.


This subreddit is full of Omeda glazers. People too narrow-minded to look past their own desires to see things for what they really are. They attach their love of the game to their own ego and feel personally threatened by adverse opinions. I’ll make it short and simple, yes pred is a beta so it is unfinished but the simple truth is that good games grow and do well and bad games dwindle and die out. I’m not saying pred is facing an existential crisis just yet, but the game is not doing well either.


pred fans have always been the biggest white knights, lol. i remember they were mobbing fault's steam page while it was shutting down. they are absolutely the worst. I do like this game, but boy is it still quite unpolished this far in. However, it is fun, and unlike overprime they didnt do stupid things like remove 4/5 stacks from general queuing.


Yes the game is back, and 100% in good hands! It's still in an early form but it's in a great state and the devs are extremely hard working and make sensible decisions the vast majority og the time. I'd highly recommend watching mugiwawa's beginner playlist on YouTube. It will teach you loads, I can't recomend it enough! Also ignore most of the people that are saying bad things about the game, the devs know what they're doing and are listening to feedback all the time on all socials and have a far better understanding and better point of view on the game and how to develop the game than over 99% of the players in the game. The game is alive and here to stay, the ceo rgsace a paragon youtuber, made this company with the Community to bring back paragon in the form of predecessor. Their goal is for the long run


I played the old Paragon til they shut it down. Found this about a week ago and have been having a blast. Took me a minute to get use to the new item system, but other than that it's been great.


The game is great. Don't listen to people who say the community is super toxic, or the game is super unbalance or dying etc. I played LOL for many year and i'm very suprise by how well the dev do the balancing of this game. It's not perfect, but you don't see crazy stupid thing like in league. Also, the community is mostly ok for a MOBA, it's not even close the toxicity of LOL. The game is slowly patched, but each patch move the game in the right direction. It's definitely a game to look for in the long term, and playing now is already great.


Nah, the community really is shit. People leave games and int far too often for how small the player base is. You'll routinely encounter the same douchebags that do it.


It's great. Obviously not a 1 to 1 copy of paragon but it feels pretty close. I you loved paragon you'll more than likely love Pred. Also, Pred is likely the last good faith effort remake of paragon with OP and the other one closing up shop. It's kind of now or never. Khai plays just like paragon, and he's still one of the strongest junglers, albeit slightly less so with his nerfs. Atleast run a couple for old times sake. I had such an amazing time playing shinbi and serath again, and have been loving diving into the other roles/chars I didn't play in paragon.


I’m loving it rn. I’ve been putting way too many hours in since this last update.


Balance isn't great but they had it absolutely mint for months prior to the last update, so I trust they know what they need to do to get it back


I really do enjoy it alot. I played tons of paragon and i play tons of this. If you liked Paragon, you will like this alot


The game was fun for a few hours but man does it get boring quickly. This game need a lot of work for it to be a lot more enjoyable.


Would love to get some constructive criticism as to why :)


Why? Isn’t this enough?


Welp, am at 100h and haven't even played all roles yet. I think its on a very good spot


That’s good for you then 👍


I disagree.. The game is in a very solid state right now. Most champions and items are balanced. Most champs fill their role and only their role. Kill times are damn near perfect champion. Diversity is nice. I want Wu back really bad and hope to see Boris. Also, don't deter new players, brodie, especially ones willing to learn the nuance of the game. Op, I say buy it if it does take off you could easily be top rank which has a lot of perks. Plus shit fun just like you remember, find me, TheQuixoticthekid.


Its fun but can snowball hard and the 6th item slot being added has made it unbalanced from its perfect 5 slot days


I kinda like the 6th item slot tbh, because I think it's good to reward good play, since actually ending games takes a while. It's nice when you can get stronger for a bit longer and enjoy your advantage for longer before your strength caps out.


The game having 6th items instead 5 has basically no effect on the game balance. Looking forward to your explanation


A whole plethora of adc items were changed because of 6 items being strong for adc’s


So they nerfed adc items to have 20% crit instead of 25% did you forget that ADC was op and had 100% crit on 4 items? The game is played with less than 6 items built 90% of the time. How could you possibly handwave 100 pages of patch notes into that almost irrelevant change




Some people have mentioned balance issues, and they are rightfully upset. But just to put that into context, before version18, balance was truly in the best state I've seen. V.18 introduced a 6th item slot, and naturally balance and scaling got way out of whack. I believe the Omeda philosophy is slow small changes in scaling and numbers over time. I'm not ditching the game because a patch is unbalanced. They had the game in a great spot before. They'll have it there again. That said, I don't know if the current state of the game is quite as bad as some of the doomsayera would have you believe.


No idea how long the game will be around but it’s in a good place right now, and the game is better than Paragon ever was. It’s worth playing


Honestly. The game is ok but the mechanics may need to get worked out more. Though the real question is if it’s a solid time sink? I honestly don’t feel like it’ll be worth while. I think there are better games coming out soon - Concord seems like it has great shooting but not sure if it’ll be MOBA. Marvel rivals which seems to be moba - actually looks like a good art style , which is cohesive throughout and the destructible environments may look to be promising enough to change the style of gameplay a bit


Mate what other third person true moba game are coming out that are better? U mention what is basically arena shooters.


Ehh I don't think it's been in a good place since V.18 There's some wildly unbalanced characters and items.


Dude I get what you’re saying but the game was stale prior to V.18


I think it can be made more interesting without making carries op though.


It’s free, games are found within a short time. There are newbies but they’re on both sides. It’s fun


It feels really solid and competitive. Very responsible controls and feels more like a MOBA


It’s fun. Some balance issues at the moment but that happens in every MOBA all the time after updates, especially big updates. They added a new brawl game mode which is a fun casual game mode and a great place to try out new characters or new builds. It’s like Arena in smite. They’ve also started to introduce Ranked. It’s currently only Saturdays for 8 hours which is a mistake in my opinion, and many others opinions. People are starving for real competition so we’re all hoping they open it up for more days or just permanently. Overall though, I’d say it’s deff worth it and a lot of fun. I truly enjoy it


It's Saturday and Sunday now


I feel it's dying a lil bit, playerbase wise, at least on console. Edit: Steamcharts reported a 16% drop of average players from last month. So unless you think the game is growing on consoles(I promise it’s not) then I think it’s fair to say the player base is dying a lil. Stats don’t care about feelings lol


Ah, look doomsy at it again


There's full cross play between all platforms, where are you getting the source for your statement?




Why are you linking me steam charts


I'm providing a reliable source for the declining playerbase.


Since 80% of the players is on Console.. its irrelevant


Where did you get that number from?? And also not irrelevant. Like y’all tried to tell me the game is cross-play, so a player drop in any demographic effects everyone.


My past 56 games on Omeda? I just check, i every single game, it was between 6 and 9 consoles. Our group play Silver 1 to gold3


So anecdotal data? Thanks just checking


Weird, my last 10 games have a much less than 50% console player total. My group ranges from gold3-diamond 3. I think the safest thing would be to assume the playerbase is 5050 console/pc because claiming anything else would be to do so without any real stats. If the PC player count is decreasing then so is the console player count. The game isn't dead in the water, the devs just need to get it out of beta and start marketing it before it does die. Once the playercount gets low enough and queue times start getting longer or the match quality gets really bed because they cant find 10 players of similar skill level to throw into a game then people will stop playing the game will fail.


What part of “I feel” seems like it came from a reputable source. I get you’re sad a game you like isn’t popular but you don’t gotta put words in my mouth. Also I said at least on console meaning specifically I think console players are playing less. Cross-play is irrelevant to the point I was making


That doesn't make sense. How can a game "feel like it's dying" on console if the game has full cross play? What are you using to measure your feelings?


People looking for group posts is a decent indicator of player interest. It’s down to an average of 4-6 while it was sitting at around 30 a month ago. Also surprise surprise some people turn crossplay off. Go argue with someone else kid


Why dont you just drop and leave since its dead to you anyway? All you have been doing is try to spread doom as far as you can. I dont get your Comments, are you try to kill the game? Every time i play , i get a game within 10 secs...


All I did was give my opinion and back it up with facts after I was challenged. No idea why y’all getting emotional about this, it’s not that deep. Games come and go. And Elden ring dlc dropping in 4 hours.. you really think I’m playing predecessor? 😂


I think you are poison to the Community and all you spread is doom without any suggestions


Denying reality isn't going to breathe life into your favorite game. The player base is objectively declining. It has a little bit of time before it sinks but the game needs to be marketed better before the queue times get too long for people to want to play. I think the devs are rolling out ranked and adding items to prevent this but splitting 4,000 PC players (8,000 est. with console) into 3 queues is going to butcher queue times. I already sit with my 5stack for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more) looking for a match. If it gets any longer then people will undoubtedly find a better use for their time. PS. I really want this game to be successful. I have started playing last December and have over 600 matches and got my way up to the top .61% of players. Denying that the game is declining in playerbase isn't going to revive it.


So it's not that people don't wanna play in a group, but it's the player population decreasing? What a dumbass logic and I'm the child? Ok lol.


People wouldn’t be looking for groups in a tactical moba..? Please don’t be delusional bruh. The more people playing the more likely it is some of those people would be looking for a group, the reverse also holds true. Do you understand that logic or do you need me to explain again?


It's doing well. One thing to bear in mind is they recently did an overhaul of the item list, the number of items, and how quick you can get them (gold production), among other related things. These changes have negatively impacted tanks a lot, so the time to kill is pretty low overall. They also reduced the time it takes to clear jungle camps so junglers are in lane more (good thing imo). What this means is tanks aren't as viable as they were. They began to address this in the most recent update but it was far from enough. The next update or two will most likely address the issue, so many players are taking a break until then. Outside of the meta, the game is good. Hop in some brawl matches to test shit out(:


how can y'all tell new players to not play this game and in the same breath wonder why is the playerbase so low as for the game itself, it's got a lot of potential, the updates have sped up recently and we've just had a massive patch that caused the current balance of the game to be a bit wonky but im sure it's temporary, still nowhere close to some of the horrible patches paragon had (remember 1-800 murdock? one shot grux? deathstalker kallari?) I'd say it's absolutely worth giving a shot, it's free and only like 15 gb


Me like it


Well it’s a lot like Paragon. Very poor management that will kill the player-base and the game if it doesn’t change.


It hurts me to say, but according to steam charts the player numbers are almost back to the players base it had during “closed beta”. People are not happy with the ever changing and reset of mmr. Makes crap games for the new players and makes crap games for more experienced players. So people are statistically taking a break.


You do know 80% of the playerbase are on console,? Ever since Ranked released, you group has been grown, up to almost 25 people daily know


Incorrect assumption. That’s steam only and they’ve already confirmed that consoles are (by a far margin) the largest player base. Steam is barely a slice of the picture.


I think people are just pissed they got a taste of ranked and can’t keep playing it. IMO, it was such a stupid way to do it. When I played ranked Saturday, I didn’t want to go back to casual Sunday AT ALL. They need to just drop that shit already and let the chips fall where they may


I’d reckon you’ve never released something to production lol


Ranked is Saturday and Sunday now


I literally just found that out. That deff makes me happy. Hopefully the following week is like Thursday night to Sunday night. And then after that it opens full time. I really enjoyed it


Unfortunately I work on Saturday so I didn't get to try it but Sunday I will definitely try that


When do the mmr reset ? Weekly ?


Did reset in last update. Example: players with 300 games are fighting against people with 2 games.


well you're not helping at all with this comment


The developers are frequently on this sub Reddit. If you want change, there is nothing wrong in being vocal about valid things.


But you are not making suggestions?


If you don’t understand from that text, that I am unhappy with the reset of mmr and that it makes the games more unbalanced now. Then I can’t help you mate


Well thats not a suggestion. Obviously, in a Beta, you have to reset mmr at some point?!


It’s feedback, you’re the one using the word “suggestion” mate. And no, it’s not obviously to reset the mmr multiple times in a beta. At least when you see the negative forum post of people complaining about this, lowering the overall fairness in games. It’s not good for balancing hero’s if the data threshold collected is from a prior 2000 mmr beating a 200 mmr player. And it destroys the 200 mmr guy. Who probably never picks up the game again


So? It's not his job to help the game


The game is also on epic games launcher, ps4, ps5 and Xbox series X - none of which show on steam charts


I use the "Looking for Groups" menu on xbox as an informal gauge of player interest. The lesser the posts, the more likely less people are playing. It's down to an average of 4 people on weekdays, where as it was at like 25-30 a month ago


Yes, that’s why I said “according to steam charts” https://preview.redd.it/fjerjdnw9r7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e8acda6d9e986bcd5bd6e0f7be040647a3aced I am playing on ps5 and if I turn of cross play. Tested today, it will literally not find a match. I quit after 12 min and turned cross play back on.


Well in every game i play, i got like 2 pc Players and 8 consols


Meh, Fortnite does the same thing on ps5 when compete modes aren’t on. Nothing to see here


Ok? I’m pointing out to other readers not aware of the distinction. And yeah that setting only pairs with other console (and I assume psn) players with that setting set, which is basically no one


Yeah I’m sure the trends are similar. Yeah we can’t see the exact numbers but who cares.


Despite some other comments this game is very similar to Paragon. This is actually a bad thing imo because that game failed, and Omeda needs to innovate something new and better. But currently, the hero pool is pretty identical with a few kit changes on some heroes. The map is very similar. The gameplay loop is quite similar. So if you enjoyed Paragon I do think you'll enjoy Predecessor, as it has not established its own identity as of yet.


Paragon didn’t “fail”. It was still in early access and the year ahead was bright. They announced tons of changes coming, then after Fortnite hit they couldn’t maintain their devs on both projects.


Didn’t the original brain behind paragon leave Epic and afterwards the game got dumbed down. Offcourse fortnite came along but calling the future bright is a huge stretch imo


To be fair it didn’t completely fail, Fornite did how it did so Epic shifted all resources


Fortnite had minor impact. Paragon failed because as a whole, it was managed like shit


For a new player you'll enjoy it. Alot of the high level players,creators, and long term players are upset right now but hopefully it's just a phase. Just understand this, the development is very slow, changes are very slow. Balance is probably in one of the worst states currently but shouldn't effect new players much




You gotta keep in mind this is not Paragon. Don't go into it with those expectations. Monetization is way worse. It uses a different item system, and the map is weak compared to even monolith. It's free, so you have nothing to lose, but it's easy to get nostalgia goggles on and ignore a lot of the issues.


I felt the monetization is leagues better, since we have no loot crates.


Maybe one aspect completely overwrites exorbitant pricing to some. But not everyone subscribes to the pred cult


It was before the .18 update. This update brought a lot of good things but it severely nerfed tanks. As a jungle main myself I liked building a few early damage items to gank and help my lanes get ahead, then build tank items to be an initiator and disruptor, this approach is not really viable in this meta and it’s really ruining the game for me tbh. 


It’s a fun game but don’t get invested heavily. We are currently in one of the worst metas the game has had in a long time. Even tanks die extremely quickly and there is a certain tier of heroes that is head and shoulders above many of the others most notably in the ADC category. Also the game currently has zero true on-boarding available for new players, I highly recommend messing around in co-op for a dozen hours or so trying different heroes and familiarizing yourself with items associated with that role because I truly mean it when I say the game explains little outside of a recommended item list but even that isn’t explained as to why those items are chosen for that hero That being said there is definitely enjoyment to be had and interesting hero kits to explore. I just would highly advise turning off in-game chat if toxicity bothers you. It won’t insulate you from the worst(throwing, blatant feeding etc) but it will give you some peace of mind. Also before going into PvP matches I would have at least 3 roles you are willing to play. With a lack of role queue it’s very hard to guarantee you will get your preferred role


JMocks.... I was literally the exact same as you (hated mobas especially the crappy graphics of everything else), except I was able to play OG paragon for months and had clocked 100s of hours into the game. No other MOBA scratches my itch and graphics wise OGP blew everything else out fo the water. I was devastated when OGP was shut down.... Yes this plays almost identical to OGP except this is actually better than the OG Paragon and has WAYYYYYY more potential. They are releasing things at a dripping pace but they are being released regardless. Rank just had its first release this past weekend on Saturday and they are already adding Sunday so Ranked is playable Saturday and Sunday because of the Audiences demand for it. Get the game, play khaimera, fall in love again... The OGP official remake is here and its here to stay.


Wait they added Sunday now???


Yep it's on their socials