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A giant minion would be cool. Or a mini prime hero


I feel it would be incredibly hard to balance a hero like that. Plus we already have a lane babysit hero. Iggy


>Hey Preds (I don't think that should be what we call each other), Preditors (Child Preditor if you are under 18 years old)




I support this 100% fellow preditor


When I read your title, I just imagined a hero who would be able to transform into a minion to trick enemies and catch them off guard. That really is a funny concept. Would probably be near useless, but it is funny. Anyway, I have thought about being able to hurt your own minions before as a way to deny enemy players of gold/exp like in other mobas, but by the end, I figured either every character should be able to do it or no-one should. The way the game is balanced it can't really happen because if it's only certain characters or an item, it can cause a huge shift to a lane and be meta-defining (you could basically deny your opposing lane player exp/gold for an extended period of time). On the other hand, if every character could do it, the whole game's exp/gold system would need to be rebalanced. Even if killing your own minion still gives the nearby enemy player gold/exp, it could still be too much. You'll be able to deny them while they're not close, like after they've teleported back to base, before they return. Just by being able to kill your own minions in general would be OP.


There’s a hero in league of legends named “neeko” that does what you first described, it is in no way useless and actually very effective at catching people off guard and one shotting them before they can react


I haven't played LoL for an extremely long time so didn't know that. That's very cool. I didn't think it could translate well into a moba, but if you're saying it does, then that would be awesome. I'd love a trickster sort of character if it can be done well. Though not a moba, I loved playing as Spy in Team Fortress 2. The reason I thought it wouldn't be very effective is because Predecessor is 5v5 and you know which characters the other team is playing as, which means you're going to be playing extremely cautiously if someone on the other team picks a disguise character. In TF2, people would constantly check their teammates aren't a disguised Spy by attacking any time you pass or go near a teammate. The same would happen in Pred where you'll just want to attack everything to be safe. Edit: I just remembered Lifestealer in Dota 2 (haven't played that in a while either but I'm more familiar with it than LoL). While not exactly a disguise, he can "jump into" minions and possess/control them for as long as he wants. Even a concept similar to that would be really cool imo.


I mentioned this in another comment but a hero who affects minions would just be another split push character. Smite did right by making ITEMS buff towers, minions etc. Narbash is already extremely good and a nasty xp and gold denier bc he can guarantee minion wave to crash into tower by speeding them up and buffing their health by healing them Would love to see more items that do these things, not characters


I like the HotS system of conquered minions joining the wave. Might way unbalance the game if one jungler gets lazy though.


The entirety of the minion system probably won’t change as it’s the same across DOTA, LOL, and smite


Just expressing an opinion. I don’t expect it to change.


This sounds a lot like Abathur in HotS. He worked well for a game where you can scroll the map. Not sure it'd be that viable for a third-person game like this. You would have to absolutely jack up minions around you so that a single wave was noticably stronger and didnt get cleared by aoe, but then stacking a couple waves would basically be GG. I guess you could scale the power you provide minions? Still has to be a significant enough of a boost to be worth being a liability in jungle/fights away from minion waves. Idk. Seems like a neat concept that wouldn't pan out well in practice.


I love summoners so I fucks wid this and dota 2 has a character like this where you can passify minions putting them under your control. However I prefer the usual summoning of creating your own minions but the best of both worlds would be necromancy like yorick


I like where your head is at. Waves/tower would need a huge buff (which I think they already do anyway)


Fun concept, great idea. But the execution would be flawed, a hero based around minions? What happens when theres no minions? Wave management is only 1/3 of the game.


The idea could be strong early game and fall-off late game. Plus minions are essential to pushing core


Absolutely correct, but you cant push minions to the core if you’re dead from a team fight you had no way of defending yourself in.


I think this would be super fun


Well we're on the subreddit for predecessor, so... Predditor? /s


We all love predecessor so, predofiles? /s


Someone that focuses on minions!! Passive:Every kill you get (maybe assists too?) Spawns a siege minion at every tower (just for defending it so towers have more protection? clearly having a max so there isn’t 15 minions on every tower) Ability 1: Spawn 3 minions that help you fight objectives target them first (jungle minions, Towers, Minions,Fang/orb) Ability 2: Buffs depending on your nearby minions. if there is enough you buff their ATK speed movement speed and health, if your alone buff yourself with same stuff(weaker though) Ability 3: Heal yourself or your minions (maybe you could heal a LITTLE bit of a towers health maybe like 2% at a lot longer cooldown) Ultimate: summons a cage around you with a tower in the middle trapping everybody inside until you die or all your enemies die (it can be blinked out of and the tower can get killed) but i’m ass at the game so idk how balancing would go 🦏🦏 Edit for ability one: Maybe when you max it out you can spawn more minions? 4-6


I saw this post and thought someone copy and pasted my idea then i saw it was different, i’ll put my idea in a different comment


Sorry but this type of hero would be an absolute nightmare to balance, let alone all the AI interactions that would bug out. Fun to think about though 😄


What about it do you think would be the hardest to balance? I find it very similar to iggys turrets, which is why I am asking. *edit - second sentence*


Because if they’re passive buffs minions and you can “upgrade” a minion to target a player then essentially you’ll always win lane, or it buffs/upgraded minion or so ineffective that you’re outmatched by everything ORRR your character will be inherently useless every 30sec (however it takes minions to spawn) A summoner character would be cool, but not in this way I don’t think


I kinda like the U idea, maybe a summoner type of a hero like Yorick (LoL) could be interesting.