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If you have a car, I’d suggest a car bag and a “needed bag”. Put extra clothes, different baby clothes, extras in the car bag, bring stuff for you in labour and baby when born in with you.


THIS. I'm a FTM and not due until August, but I'm packing a bag for stuff I know I'll need during labour and straight after, a bag for baby, and another bag that we will leave in the car and I'll send someone back for in the event we actually do need it.


Is it too soon to pack?


Depends on you as a person! I'm 34 weeks and I've been mostly packed for a couple of weeks. Yes it feels early BUT I'm prepared and won't have to panic pack if baby comes early. BUT I know a lot of people feel it is too early. Just do what you feel comfortable with. If you're not ready to pack then don't. If it would give you peace of mind to do it now then go ahead and get it done!


Will follow your idea and get packed now xx


This is exactly what I did and a snack bag


100% this. I packed my bag expecting to be in for 6hours maybe one night. Oh boy was under packed when i ended up being in for 4 nights and an emergency c section. If you have the space have a normal bag packed and an emergency extra bag.


Really dependent from hospital to hospital and trust to trust, also whether you're in a SCIBU or standard maternity unit/ward. In both of my births (ETA: standard maternity ward), absolutely nothing was provided (including, in one case, food for the first 12 hours or so!) so even though it feels like you're dragging in the entire kitchen sink, most of it was necessary.


Thank you, this is good to know!


What the NHS provides will vary by hospital/area ask them in advance. Get your birth partner to pack everything (after you gathered it). I've still yet to forgive my husband for failing to find the massage balls I needed during labor- he swore they were not in the bag yet after birth I found them in the side pocket I told him to look in 😑.


I packed mine but made sure I gave my partner orientation!


I had my Husband watch me pack it, it wasn't enough apparently.


I packed into packing cubes and labelled them so my husband/mum could find stuff.


Thats actually a great idea! Will try to remember it in case we decide to try for another baby!  I gave good instructions to my boyfriend but we were both on 0% battery at some point 


Makeup. I thought oh I'll throw on some tinted moisturiser and mascara for the first photos with the baby. Ahahahahah ahahaha


A towel. The post birth shower is gross. The last thing my husband or I needed when we got home was to wash that manky towel. Crispy hospital towels all the way!


Both mine were c sections. Those bathrooms were so grim I decided I'd feel cleaning not washing. I went home 30 hours later.


This! I didn’t bring any towels from home because I didn’t want to have to bring them home to clean! Post-birth shower will be messy - I was happy to use and immediately discard the NHS ones. You may have to stay in longer than anticipated so do bring your own maternity pads (Lilets are good). Immediately after birth you’ll need to replace the maternity pads really frequently, so do bring a packet with you.


My hospital didn't provide towels so it must vary depending on trust.


We put a baby blanket in the car with the car seat, we absolutely didn't need our own in hospital. They also gave us a hat, though it was mainly to cover his funny shaped head until it formed more normally, temp-wise they basically don't need them. Nappies you do need, I think I took about 10, would recommend having a backup stash in the car (though realistically, if you're in there a while, someone is leaving to get more supplies anyway). I was given one maternity towel straight after birth, I only used about three total though before moving to slimline ones - which take up way less space in your bag! They did provide towels, but no toiletries. I wouldn't bother with a peri bottle, personally. And I took my haakaa but really didn't need to. I also didn't take my own pillow or bedding, or basically anything to try and make it more homey - different strokes for different folks, but would have added nothing to my experience.


A book. You don't need a book.


I’m a bookworm and absolutely agree. There is no way you’ll be reading during labour and after birth you’ll be too absorbed with baby to be able to read!


Yeah, none of the 'entertainment' list got used in my bag either. Well except phone charger.


I read a whole book, but I wish it had been a nicer book. I brought a really stressful, gory thriller and could have done with something a bit more lighthearted 😅


I took a kindle and read a whole book! Half while waiting for the induction to start and half 24 hours in once I’d had an epidural (granted I don’t remember much of that half, but I didn’t want to be on my phone so it was a good option)


I read loads when I was kept in after my 3rd😆


This reminds me that I finished the second half of Benjamin Zephaniah's auto-biography during my first 9 hours of labour at home. No idea how that came to be the book I had to hand, but by the time I got to the end I was on another planet anyway and maybe rather more on board by his final message of "one love" than I would have been otherwise, lol. It was probably the last book I read for like 6 months...


You probably already know this but I learned from experience that you don't need a yoga mat.


Yeah I would take it all. Bring a carry on size bag, they give you the first pad and will more if you ask but probably best to bring a pack. They will give you the little hat as soon as baby is born and blankets if you don’t have any but yeah, best to bring stuff! I think a carry on sized suitcase and a backpack is fine :) plus whatever your partner brings too!


I didn't need a hat for babe, they put one of the stretchy beige hospital hats on him straight after birth and when that came off I didn't bother with a hat and just enjoyed sniffing babes head. I never looked at the book I packed. I also packed my makeup bag so I could look cute in post baby photos, it never got taken out of my suitcase. I didn't care or have time to put make up on. I also never used my hand held fan, but I did lend it to the lady next to me on the ward.


NHS Hospital in London here packed a BUNCH & didn’t use half of it but what I did use - toothbrush/toothpaste - baby outfits NB/1 month size (I should’ve packed a preemie as well since baby was 3 lbs under what they estimated so NB was huge on her) - baby blanket - baby hat x2 ( 1 gets dirty right away since they put it on her when’s she’s out so blood will get on it) - towels / robe + crocs + one comfy outfit - bidet/pads for me (hospital does provide these if you ask) / big underwear (I had c section so ones that go over the incision) -nappies/wipes + ready formula bottles x6 WITH teats since my hospital didn’t provide bottles to pour the formula into or a fridge - LOTS of snacks/hydration & paracemtol & charger for phone


I have a list on my posts about hospital bag and there’s some good comments on there :)


My hospitals only provides 1 pillow and doesn't provide nursing pillows at all so they've been added to my list lol.


No need for towels and pillows unless you really want your own. They give you lots of towels, blankets for you, even postpartum pads. Apart from a blanket they didn't give anything for my baby. I am sure I was meant to return the blanket but took it home as it was the first one he ever used and I wanted it. We had our own but my boyfriend was getting the stuff ready when they said the baby is coming so he probably didn't took it out and thats why they gave me one. You definitely need ready made bottles of formula incase you stay a bit longer and you struggle with breastfeeding. And you can get a small bottle, pour whatever the baby will drink and keep the rest in the fridge. Then sterilise and next feed you can use the teat and bottle the milk comes in. And repeat. I didn't know this and was throwing some milk away and one of the midwives said to get a bottle. The had microwavable steriliser in the milk kitchen.


Any of those sort of birthing / labour outfits imo. Or really any fabric you aren't comfortable getting ruined / filthy and want to take home? Like who wants to use something once then take it home gross? No towels no labour gowns etc. Definitely use the hospital issue boil wash stuff for that


They provided the hat, they also provided that ready to feed formula, they also gave me blankets for baby. They didn’t provide nappies, pads, towels etc. I don’t think most of them will provide things for you, it’s mainly just baby.


I'd take everything you think you might need, with my second we were discharged pretty quickly, used a nappy and and outfit for baby and some clean clothes for me that's all. My 3rd I was kept in a week, used my whole bag up, so it's pays to pack as if you're staying because you don't know if you are till you do.


Clothes - I think I literally wore a total of 2 nighties the entire time I was there. I even drove home in a nightie with leggings underneath! It's so hot on the wards you'll want to wear the least amount of clothes possible. I also brought far too many baby clothes - 2 vests and 2 sleepsuits was enough