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The title is confusing. When you read the article they imply that sanctions against MC regarding the FPP are likely so Richard Masters prefers to go to the Arsenal’s game.


rigged fc




That is a fucking dreadfully written headline. It makes basically zero sense.


Oh no. The owners of Oil FC might get a fine. How will they manage?


I know those are English words, but that isn’t helping the headline make any more sense


Looks lets be honest. They are going to get away with it. They wont be relegated or have any point’s deducted. Its most likely they will face transfer bans which is bollocks tbh. Man city are where they are because they cooked the books. Its not rocket science.


I expect them to be charged on withholding financial records because that's more or less a given but the rest they'll pay off


Transfer bans? I'd be shocked if they get punished at all! I'm 100% expecting "Man City acquitted of all charges" on the news any day now, while conveniently some news of Qatari investments in the EPL get burried by it


Qatari? Who do you think owns city?


Your probably right…


Which charge do you think they should be found guilty of? And based on what evidence? I'm intrigued


For a start, the ones UEFA found the club guilty for not so long ago.


The charges which were overturned by cas, in which report it said "lack of evidence" 11 times? Phenomenal shout. I think we should ban the other 19 teams from the league tbh, they've all broke FFP, I don't have any evidence but who needs it


No they weren't punished by uefa because they were time barred from investigating further. The premier league has no such time restrictions. They will be found guilty. The question is how small of a fine will they be hit with after they bribe their way through the trial?


Incorrect, not all of it was time barred, and as previously mentioned lack of evidence showed for 11 times. The time barring was part of uefas rules, don't you find it funny uefa mistakenly still punished them for those earlier years. Keep telling yourself it's guilty, I'll be back when they aren't found guilty so you can tell me they bribed. I can't believe we've still not held Liverpool account for them dodgy inhalers, absolutely typical that the scousers have bribed their way out of it as always!!


Coming from the guy that's defending the team that pays the refs in the prem


I'm not defending Liverpool? I'm just saying performance enhancing drugs should be the most severe of investigations!! This is why no one takes them trophies seriously, not only a COVID season but also on peds basically lance Armstrong


How to say you’re a man city fan without saying you’re a man city fan


How to say "I don't actually know what I'm talking about" without actually saying "I don't actually know what I'm talking about"


One hundred fifteeeen! One hundred fifteeeee-eeen! You cheating bastards! One hundred fifteeen!


"and the case will resolve itself in the near future.” this reads to me like its already been decided, they're just hammering out the details of how they sweep it under the rug without any consequences for CIty while trying to look like they've actually kept any consistency or accountabiity.


It’s not a coincidence that there have been several proposals to the league to replace point violations with financial penalties and other salary/spending adjustments. The reality is, there is magically enough time to try 2 teams multiple times and yet not enough to address the 3 major violations (of the 115) that are held against City. League knows that if they are bringing charges there is a clear violation, and are seeking explanation. This means there is a precedent with point violations and they know there is a massive undertaking to penalize the club. They will never strip the titles and award them to the teams that didnt cheat, but the reality is how do you effectively punish a team generating your league massive revenue on a global scale? There will be no result that is fair on this, and I am resigned to that. Fans of 30+ clubs will be done no justice.


Takes a lot longer when it has to be negotiated by embassies.


How much revenue would City actually generate on a global scale, as opposed to any other top 6 club in the same position and winning the same things?


The are clubs . Wiyh a membership. They should never be sold to anyone but someone local


50+1 is working, the bundesliga has been great to watch this season


Local is arbitrary


A 'Mr' would have really helped


Manchester City was not tried in court by UEFA due to a successful appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in 2020. Initially, UEFA had banned Manchester City from European competitions for two seasons and fined them €30 million for allegedly overstating sponsorship revenues to meet financial fair play (FFP) requirements. However, Manchester City appealed this decision to CAS, which overturned the ban and reduced the fine to €10 million. The CAS ruling found that many of the alleged breaches were either not established or time-barred, meaning they had occurred too long ago to be actionable under UEFA's regulations. Specifically, UEFA's statute of limitations only allows for enforcement of FFP breaches that occurred within the previous five years. This time limitation played a crucial role in CAS's decision to overturn the ban [oai_citation:1,Man City Premier League charges explained: What are they? What could punishment be? What's the timescale? | Football News | Sky Sports](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11679/12804623/man-city-premier-league-charges-explained-what-are-they-what-could-punishment-be-what-s-the-timescale) [oai_citation:2,When is Brighton vs. Man City? Date, time of 2024 Premier League game moved due to FA Cup | Sporting News](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/soccer/news/when-brighton-vs-man-city-date-time-2024-premier-league-game/92c4c234069f3ee4a587cf64). In contrast, the Premier League's ongoing investigation does not have such a time bar, which means older allegations can still be considered. This distinction between UEFA and Premier League rules is a key reason why the Premier League's case against Manchester City continues, while UEFA's case was dismissed [oai_citation:3,Man City Premier League charges explained: What are they? What could punishment be? What's the timescale? | Football News | Sky Sports](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11679/12804623/man-city-premier-league-charges-explained-what-are-they-what-could-punishment-be-what-s-the-timescale). Man city have been playing with fire for some time. They’ve cheated in broad daylight. I hope they get punished accordingly, rightfully. If they are not somehow, I wish for massive protest. City are ruining football imo.


CAS also found that all the evidence brought by UEFA (including the time-barred) showed no evidence of wrong doing by Manchester City. Most people tend to omit this fact. 


Isn’t there a working theory that the PL *is* in fact time barred as they are limited by UK law which has a statute of limitations of 6 years?


Correct. It's 6 years according to English law which the PL rules state as their jurisdiction. It is however 6 years from the date of discovery for cases of deliberately concealed fraud, so if they can prove that then they can go back further. But there is understandably a high bar for proving such a thing


> This time limitation played a crucial role in CAS's decision to overturn the ban The lie that won't die. 5 of the 6 allegations were not time barred. The evidence for the 6th did not conclusively prove anything.


Also, not to mention, i thought this sub “doesnt care about city enough to talk about them” then you have paragraphs written on us. We’re really becoming the biggest club in the world at this rate.


Then why have none of us ever seen a Man City shirt out in the wild before?


Because you live in london perhaps?


Cause 90% of this sub are yanks


You clearly have the most ignorant fanbase. Congratulations with that.


Thanks a lot, i appreciate it. Continue with the slander on us. We’ll just prove you wrong on the pitch 🤷‍♂️


"We'll prove you wrong on the pitch " ..... saying it like ye haven't bought the best players through cheating !


Don't worry, the performance of your club for 100 years prior to becoming a UAE prince's toy proved everything we need to know.


People are commenting about city’s history without actually trying to learn about it.


115 breaches of ffp does help with that


Spoken like you haven’t read the CAS conclusion. As most rival fans/people haven’t. My post will get downvoted as it does all the time, however, it’s all fact based and if people don’t want to hear it that’s on them. In terms of the time barred charges, they were actually looked into during the CAS hearings. City even got the CEO of the company in question (Etisalat) to testify for the panel. And yes, the sponsorship itself was time barred, however, the panel found no evidence of financial wrongdoing. As with the rest of the sponsorship deals. The CAS report states it multiple times. If people took off their blinkers and actually read the report with a neutral head on, they’d see that city had done nothing wrong. The same will occur with the PL. There has been a clear and obvious attempt to ruin city’s legacy. And yes it sounds conspiratorial, however there are clubs that haven’t been winning trophies that are getting their noses out of joint. Word is, city and PL are trying to negotiate an exit strategy as the PL now realise no fraud has taken place. City have been instructing lawyers send legal letters out to people that have been assuming guilt before the hearings. It’s all going to kick off between city and other clubs. Don’t rule out another attempt at the super league TLDR: UEFA didn’t prove city had cheated. The PL won’t either


Main problem with this sub is exactly what you are saying. Nobody truly bothers to read the actual article and even if they do, its always with the city hate in their mind. Its actually insane how its so hard for people to just be objective and remove bias. And all this talk about man city “buying the premier league titles” is absolute shit honestly. Because if we want to purely look at money then man utd, arsenal, and chelsea all three have spent more money than city and tottenham’s not far off it too. But it will always be that city is the one abusing their money just because “they have no history”. I think its time people just take a step back and look at all this objectively and without bias.


Even get rival fans saying “I’ve read the CAS report” and then completely miss the salient points in the conclusion. I know that city have been sending legal letters out to people that have implied guilt before the hearings. Prominent YouTubers, journalists and publications have been in the legal crosshairs. Other thing that points to city being entirely confident, is the expansion of the stadium going ahead. That would have been halted if there were any danger of relegation etc. And yeah, other clubs have spent huge amounts of money. To get where they are, city had to spend but show me a team that hasn’t to get success. Anyone that mentions Leicester fails to remember they failed EFL FFP laws to get promoted a number of seasons ago. United in the 80’s shelled out fortunes on players like Hughes, Bruce, pallister, Keane, Parker, Irwin etc before the success.


• 54x Failure to provide accurate financial information 2009-10 to 2017-18. • 14x Failure to provide accurate details for player and manager payments from 2009-10 to 2017-18. • 5x Failure to comply with Uefa's rules including Financial Fair Play (FFP) 2013-14 to 2017-18. • 7x Breaching Premier League's PSR rules 2015-16 to 2017-18. • 35x Failure to co-operate with Premier League investigations December 2018 - Feb 2023. Do you know what guilty people do? Try to keep things in court instead of just providing the information. You can say what you want but there’s no escaping those charges


"You know what guilty people do? Fight their case in court!" And innocent people, they don't do that. Innocent people sink when thrown into water!


There’s a difference between fighting your case in court and keeping things tied up in court. For example city tying this up in court over not having to give information that every other club provides. Why is that an issue? Because they’ve got shit to hide


That's not what has happened at all, stop making things up.


That’s exactly what city have been doing


You're entitled to your wrong opinion.


Brother we’ve got full on world class lawyers in this sub, theyre so much better than us we cant comprehend it. It would be a better use of their time to be in a large law company though.


I will never understand City fans. Every other club would just stay quiet or even admit it. I've seen countless fans be very critical of things their clubs have done, said or wanted to do. City fans are obsessed with defending theirs though. It's just weird. Everyone knows they cheated. If they get off we all know it'll be on a technicality.


Did you read what I posted? UEFA couldn’t prove any cheating took place. At all. It’s not even hard to comprehend yet people always seem to because blinkered. I love united fans deflecting their own club’s recent shortcomings by parroting Goldbridge etc banging on about 115.


That's just absolutely not true. UEFA's main evidence put forward was the Etisalat sponsorship, but that was time-barred so couldn't be used to prove guilt. That doesn't mean you weren't guilty, it just means the evidence passed the statute of limitations. So basically, a technicality.


Doesnt mean they were guilty either right?


My goodness. Is everyone in here thick? The time barred stuff was proved to be completely clean. IE, uefa failed to prove any guilt. Just because it was time barred it doesn’t mean guilt or imply guilt. City had all their ducks in line. UEFA didn’t. I’ll get the crayons if you need them


No, that's not what happened at all. You have a very poor understanding of the situation for someone so vehemently defending it. They were time-barred, meaning the CAS panel wouldn't consider the legitimacy of them. That doesn't mean they were investigated, found innocent but the accusation itself was outside of the statute of limitations, it means they simply couldn't use the biggest accusation in the decision making process. The reports already clearly say that the AC knew ADUG made payments through Etisalat to City as equity funding and not as a sponsorship, basically saying that you are guilty but it's out of their hands. That's why the Premier League are pushing hard, because they know guilt and they don't have to follow the same 5 year statute.


None of what you said is what happened. Etisalat deal was looked into and no evidence of wrongdoing was found. If it hadn’t have been time barred it would have been considered. City made sure they were entirely transparent. Why change the truth to suit your narrative? Why lie like a child?


You're wrong about the Etisalat charges they weren't looked into at all, this is from the CAS report, pages 56 & 56 >96. For the alleged disguised equity funding by HHMS and/or ADUG through Etisalat, this has as a consequence that UEFA is barred from prosecuting MCFC on this basis, because any such alleged breach falls outside the limitation period. MCFC received these payments on 13 June 2012 and 10 January 2013 and was therefore firstly reported in the financial statements of the year ended May 2013 and for the 2013/14 monitoring process. The alleged breaches related to these financial statements and break-even information are time-barred and the references to such information in financial information submitted to UEFA in subsequent years is time-barred as well. >97. Accordingly, the majority of the Panel finds that no other conclusion is possible than determining that the charges based on alleged disguised equity funding by HHMS and/or ADUG through Etisalat are time-barred.


This is from the CAS report: Etisalat 19. The issue is whether the two advance payments of [xxx/ each (totalling [xxx]) which ADUG arranged to be made to MCFC with respect to the 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons were reimbursed by Etisalat out of its payment of [xxx/ on 18 March 2015, thereby meeting its legally binding sponsorship obligations with respect to those seasons? The answer is yes. 20. In this regard, the Adjudicatory Chamber accepted that Etisalat did pay the [xxx/, and that it had a legally binding obligation to do so. Etisalat has confirmed that [xxx/ of that payment was made in settlement of its sponsorship liabilities to MCFC with respect to the 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons. This confirmation is supported by relevant entries in the MCFC creditors' ledger from Etisalat's accounting records. This evidence supplements the evidence from Etisalat that was previously before the Adjudicatory Chamber, including a letter from the Chairman of Etisalat. 21. The evidence from Etisalat is entirely consistent with the evidence from MCFC and ADUG regarding the two payments of [xxx]. Ernst & Young also confirms that ADUG did not make any payment of sponsorship monies to Etisalat, whilst Etisalat has reviewed relevant bank statements and cash books to check for any material payments made to it by ADUG (or the Owner) since 2008 and confirmed that none was identified. So basically. It was looked into. No evidence of city’s owners being involved in the payments, which is exactly what they were accused of


You're welcome to do due diligence instead of defending the wrongdoings of a nation state that see you as nothing more than a tool to do exactly what you're doing.


He’s American. He not so good at understand engish


Same old plastics bullshit.


Fucking lolz “City even got the the CEO of the Emirates telecom company that paid the sponsorship to testify” as if that’s some sort of irrefutable proof that the sponsorship was above board. Fucking lol, the pretzels city fans put themselves into trying to defend their pernicious club is so precious.


Read the CAS report. If you can’t be objective, or haven’t even read it, don’t respond taking the mick


I’ve read it. It’s exactly what everyone says it is. Equity funding time barred. City should be strongly condemned. Perversion of the course of justice. Not being cooperative. City are a fucking disgrace. I feel sorry for their real fans


>I’ve read it. It’s exactly what everyone says it is. Equity funding time barred. You clearly haven't read it. Edit: actually you are partially right. The charges regarding the alleged disguised equity funding by Etisalat are time barred but the charges relating to the same by Etihad are not, and no evidence of wrongdoing was found there.


If you’d read it, you’d have accepted that the time barred stuff was looked into and squeaky clean anyway. No guilt has been proven at any point. As for the real fans jibe, been one since the 80’s


I feel sorry for you, you don’t deserve to have to sit here constantly defending your clubs disgusting ownership


The PL won't prove they cheated, but they might find that City withheld info or didn't cooperate.


"all facts based" Followed by "word is" Lmao rumours are facts these days I see


"All fact based" followed by, at best, one piece of evidence. You better hope city's lawyers are better at making their case


Holy hell thank you. But you're wasting your time here. This lot won't ever believe it.


Doesn’t really matter if they’re officially found guilty or not, the whole world knows they cheated and their titles are illegitimate


I know. The 11 downvotes so far suggests people have already made up their minds about city being guilty. Which means the clear and obvious campaign against them has worked. He who laughs last etc


100% But I could care less what this lot thinks.


And yet you are commenting in this thread putting people down and patting other city fans on the back. Obviously do care You've bandwagoned a team thats winning, and you happened to pick the ones that cheated to get there. I would just pick another team at this point, it would be less hassle for you


Couldn't\* care less


Thanks grammar police, I always forget that


No problem at all


How about we wait for the verdict before city fans blindly claim innocence and rival fans blindly claim cheating. There are a handful of people in the country that know the specifics of the charges and none of them are in this sub. I hope that if they are guilty then they are punished accordingly , and if they are innocent then so be it. Just bored of waiting to be honest.


There is no chance the prem is going to bring forward 115 charges without being pretty sure. Let's be real here. That would be massively embarrassing and everyone knows if City gets off, it's just on a technicality. Everyone. That isn't debatable.


Just like there is no way UEFA would ban them for 2 years without being pretty sure? Are you clinically stupid or just being disingenuous


You mean the charges that were time barred? You literally DID get charged with obstructing the investigation mate. Do you even know what happened or did you just pick a club a couple years ago like the rest of your fans from a city you've never even seen?


Leagues of lawyers and people with real legal acumen may come to a conclusion that City is not guilty... and somehow you think that you would know better? Lol the hubris of football fans. Just because you believe strongly that something is true does not make it true. The idea of innocence hasn't even occurred to any of you.. We have LAW for a reason. So people like you cannot witch hunt and condemn whoever you want. The burden of PROOF exists. None of which you provided.


You don't really hang out with lawyers a lot do you - they will take the money regardless of guilt or not - and they don't care if the client is guilty - only what can be proved under what legal frameworks. They couldn't give a fuck about justice or sporting ethics and as much as I hate the selfishness of them I don't think the system could work in any other way


You don't really hang out with lawyers a lot do you - they will take the money regardless of guilt or not - and they don't care if the client is guilty - only what can be proved under what legal frameworks. They couldn't give a fuck about justice or sporting ethics and as much as I hate the selfishness of them I don't think the system could work in any other way


"Just because you believe strongly that something is true does not make it true." And just because you don't want it to be true doesn't make it untrue. Just because someone gets away with a crime doesn't mean they didn't commit it


Lol. I proved that they have cheated before. Therefore I have probable cause to believe that they have or would do it again. Especially if not caught or punished the first times. And also they are under investigation for over a hundred of FFP breaches. You think that’s a coincidence or just like a routine check? Right now I think you are better off with shutting your mouth especially if you think it’s a witch hunt! That’s just making yourself look stupid.


Wow we got a genius in this sub. I mean clearly you shouldnt be in this sub and instead working for an insanely large law company since its you who proved city guilty and so many world class lawyers couldnt. We’re so blessed with talent in this sub.


"[Leagues of lawyers and people with real legal acumen](https://x.com/SwedishRumble?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790515075561783672%7Ctwgr%5Ed50b1e1df54b0a39a04acd617758798e819a533c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1csfby3%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse) " City have already tried that with the PL and it didn't work. Also, innocent until proven guilty is the standard for the court, not for the general population. The burden of proof is on the PL and it seems like City have done their best to hide as much evidence as they can, as evident from the thread I linked above. It'll take more than an army of UAE bots to change my mind on those cheating cunts.


Congrats to 115 fc for winning again the premier league, 4 in a row wooooow


Love how you are defeated already. 1 game remaining, anything can happen. It's football


This is why I don't understand the "Anyone but Arsenal" crowd. Yes, Arsenal fans are UNBEARABLE but are we now taking Goliath over David? Especially when Goliath isn't only a giant but roided up with so many different types of peds


They’re beating West Ham at home all day long


Love how you are defeated already. 1 game remaining, anything can happen. It's football


Don't disrespect City like that. You also have to mention the owners paying the majority of referees directly, in the PGMOL approved bribery scheme that is UAE refereeing jobs.


Hahaha holy hell you guys are delusional and desperate


115 Woop Woop yay


https://www.goal.com/lists/pgmol-howard-webb-pressure-end-uae-jaunts-premier-league-officials-darren-england-error-tottenham-liverpool/bltf8d11d2d4e7325ea What exactly are you disputing? It's an established fact that refs are freelancing for City's owners, and they've blamed their participation in those games as the reason they made mistakes against title rivals that cost them points, saying they were "too tired". Of course itsa total coincidence that those mistakes have cost Arsenal and Liverpool 10+ points whilst City have gained points. In Italy, Germany and Spain refs would be facing jail time and lifetime bans for matchfixing.


The dispute would be based upon 0 members of the Al Nahyan family having any involvement with the UAE Pro League…


Lmao fr, they "don't care" about City winning but can't keep them out of their mouths.


Let's just wait until we hear the verdict. Constant news over the slightest bit of development is just boring.


Need a degree to understand this title man


I always feel the same reading these headlines 😂


Football365 is shite.




115 times you bottled it again?


Once your disgusting mockery of a club is done with hopefully you"ll never be in the position of bottling anything ever again


Nobody even knew who Manchester City were outside of England until about 15 years ago. Yet City "fans" sit and brag they're the best club. It's the mentality of "My dad owns Xbox" your daddy buys the most expensive toys/players of course you have the nicest toys and house. You're daddy's loaded. In this case its not even their real dad its their step dad who just showed up a few years ago lol


You can only dream!


Maybe next year mate.


Cheaters never win


I agree with you mate 👍


Mate thinks he's Ange mate


I wish mate.




Oil creates plastics


Am I just bad at reading or did anyone else have a stroke trying to understand this title?


Wtf do they mean by “masters” since when were they called that


Richard Masters is the EPL CEO.


They are referring to the dick master , Richard Masters who is ,if I remember correctly, the ceo of the prem


If you read the article, Richard Masters is who they're referring to.


So to be fair, apparently i’m bad at reading and only just found out! I skim read it haha


It will be a one point deduction (suspended)


Two points


Offset by compensation in the form of a charitable donation to the Football Foundation, meaning City have provided an overall net benefit to the reputation of the league and start next season with a five point head start.


Gutless , but that's the PL hierarchy. Boy have they got themselves into a fix over all of this.


Nothing will happen


What in the nonsense isthat headline, OP?


Masters is the name of the head of the Premier League. It is confusing


Even with this information it is still a confusing read. Thanks for a little bit of clarity, though. Atleast it makes a touch more sense now


I read somewhere that there's a fear that IF City do get found guilty a lot of teams could sue the Premier League which would effectively bankrupt them.


If the premier league have followed the process properly in these matters they will be fine, suing them will be fruitless as they are just enforcing rules City have decided to break. If the Prem has wilfully mismanaged the process and clubs know this, then they could be sued, but the clubs won’t want to bankrupt the league as they rely on each other currently, to survive


But let’s be very honest matey they won’t get found guilty lol like how Serie A sanctioned Juventus all those years ago for the match fixing I don’t think the premier league officials has that in them to go through with it.


By that logic the charges wouldn’t have even been brought in the first place. There’s 115 of them, you don’t make that statement if you aren’t serious.


Lol tbh im just pessimistic that’s all


That is a hard to read headline, OP


Yeah man. What does it mean?




If proven guilty, it will be interesting to see what decision Masters and team take. Do they take away the titles or deduct points/relegate them. It's a big worry for Pep and the entire Manchester City team.


Don't worry as Pep and the sporting director are already rumored to leave the club at the end of next season. Also, as much as I hate how they unfairly doped their club financially, it is really not fair on the players who worked hard to win all these trophies to strip City off their titles. It would be much more fair to just knock the club down a few divisions.


Someone already said that they plan to move to a luxury tax system like they have in American leagues, meaning there will be no penalties, etc. It all be 'business as usual' for the big clubs.


Pretty sure they said that taking away the titles is not going to happen way back when the charges were first brought. Fines, points deductions and expulsion are the only penalties on offer.


Whatever happens, it probably won't be enough.


..to satisfy permanently online plastics


If you think any Prem league team is squeaky clean , I have some vacation home I’d like to sell you in Chicago .


So are you saying its okay if city broke the rules, because everyone else is doing it, but better at hiding it? Is that your position?


What a crap defence lol.


You are the kind of moron that probably would have believed OJ was innocent


No you are all morons except for the other City fan who got downvoted for the simple fact he is a City Fan . The case will be resolved over a year from now . Until innocent until proven guilty . Only a moron would comment on it . As for OJ he is dead and I’m sure many an Englishman would beat the living crap out of a guy if he came home to his wife getting porked by a polo player . Now if you want to talk about tangible evidence that is presented I will . But saying what a defense is stupid . Im not a defense lawyer . What I know is that we aren’t Chelsea who has already been punished and FOUND guilty . I know we aren’t Fixing matches ( Juve ) . Look it’s clear almost a decade of dominating the PL has you running to downvote me . Cool I’m like 20k to good . This isn’t about an ongoing case because again Chelsea did not receive this hate . It’s the constant winning and other clubs looking for reasons excuse their clubs lack of success.


It’s just a coincidence that his book was a step by step sequence of how he “would have” done it. I promise.


Harold Shipman shouldn’t have got done because nobody is truly innocent. Hypocrites, everyone.


Buddy, Citeh are as dirty as they get. You can’t just use a broad brush on all teams willingly just because yours is under heavy investigation


I’m saying there is 0 evidence available to the public . This and that is hearsay . When judgement is passed we can talk about it . Again I’m not touching owners , to have enough money to buy a team regardless of sport means you took advantage of quite a bit of people to obtain said funds or your fathers or fathers father and so on . No billionaire sports owner has clean hands . If you want an objective answer I’d place City in the Top 10 for horrible humans from a owner perspective. But he has done everything you could want from an owner . We have the best Academy in the world , The best infrastructure, our stadium doesn’t have leaks . Let’s cut the crap . The charges are most likely as follows : Tapping Up: This is football , every club even down into League 2 does it . Bigger club bigger magnification. Warrants slaps on the wrist . Insignificant to talk about further. Inflating Books by sponsorship : This is where the hate begins . Sorry to break it to but clubs again have been doing this for years . Clubs may not have gone crazy but there has been many questionable numbers given out prior to The Ethiad being awarded to City and many still afterwards that scream insane numbers . Look it’s bad taste to sponsors yourself but it’s not like it’s a shell company . Ethiad Airlines was established well before the takeover. In defense to this point , is Chevy not an American brand that gave United much of its spending power in the early 2010’s as United was paying itself to buy itself . FFP let us off because of the time period and honestly they did a shit job of implementing the rules . 90 percent of you including City Fans said it was joke at the time of implementation let’s not forget . State ran clubs are nothing new , I don’t blame a club for skirting around rules that they find not to be airtight . These are the best defense lawyers in the game and if they find a loophole before other teams I consider it a resource well spent. If we breached a law under this we deserved to be punished but I have a hard time thinking they would allow themselves to operate under this guise . If another club found a way to circumvent a rule , I would say well played . In this life you get what you take . Inflating books by transfer : We don’t , we have a worldwide network of clubs . We are ran as a shrewd business throughout. Never have I seen us receive a questionable amount FOR a player . Early in we paid over odds . Now we set the price or don’t buy . You can’t accuse us of selling high to other related clubs so this is non issue in my eyes . In terms of the last two years we have turned profit . Imagining bringing in Haaland and turning a profit . Prior years we never bought the biggest or best . For all those complaining about unlimited money and plastic owners , besides the rash piece of business with Jack we don’t go after the brightest jewel each off-season . We usually are inactive in January unless off-loading . Paying off officials : This is the stuff getting thrown out there . If this is true our owners need to sell but this is a serious accusation .


If you think city aren’t drenched in the most rotten shit football has even seen then I have a Middle Eastern based sponsorship to sell you


And a stock picture of a Chinese lady


115 FC


And apparently “others dont care about man city” when all you lot talk about is “115 haha”




Stripping off their tittles will be unlikely most probably they will be docked points or relegated to the second tier.


>Stripping off their tittles Giggidy


I recently learned that tittle is the word for the marks above a letter, i.e. the dot of an i. So I've been trying to get the word tittilate into the English language... "Give me a second, I've just got to tittilate this sentence." Thank you for giving me the opportunity to push my tittilate agenda here in r/PremierLeague


Stripping them of their titles is the only real punishment in my eyes. What they did, they did to gain advantages on the pitch, to win titles. If guilty, they should have those advantages taken from them. It's really that simple. Whether the governing bodies have the balls to do that is an entirely different story.


Exactly, they wouldn’t have won them without cheating. If it’s a single seasons deduction or relegation they will bounce straight back from then it is surely worth it for other clubs to cook the books to achieve champions league qualification and silverware going forward. The only people who underplay are city fans. Look what this cheating has got them, they win the league every year and just done a treble, it is disheartening to witness.


I thought rival fans dont care about city? Whats with all the thousands of words across this post constantly about city? A very hypocritical world this is.


We don’t respect your victories, we care about the cheating and financially and performance enhancing doping. Also they have 115 chargers hanging over their heads, relative to the posts for Everton and Forest there’s not that many posts per charge.


The way people say 115 just proves that they havent actually tried to find out about them 😂 because if you had done a bit of research you would know some of them are just formalities.


Unbiased opinion of a Man City fan, thanks for weighing in.


If they don't face some kind of serious punishment, then the league is damaged irreparably. Break the rules, win the titles and then worry about getting punished afterwards. I think they need to strip the titles but I doubt that they will. Between the financial irregularities and the poor officiating that seems to benefit them year in year out, it is hard to convince myself to watch the premier league next season, but I probably will. The officiating has been a disaster all season, for lots of teams (but strangely not them all). When the officials are having as much impact on the outcome of the season as most players or managers then there is something up and every football fan should not be happy with that, no matter what team you prefer.


Another thing I would add is Pep and his ties to advanced PED programmes in the past. Something that this ownership with no issues flaunting rules would go out of their way to facilitate in the name of winning.


It never happened to rangers so won't happen to city


Rangers was a different situation, they were mismanaged and trying to stay afloat, ultimately failing. There was some sympathy for their situation.


Rangers was a completely different scenario.


Why? Because that was rangers and this is the club that has been destroying you lot for the past few years? Because this is the club that is going to break all your records? Seems about right.


No. Because the situation was completely different. And you needed to cheat to get there. Your club is as legit as lance armstrong. So say what you want about my club. But my club got where it is without a sugar daddy pumping illegal funds through fake sponsors. Anyone who believes little old city made the same revenue in the years you’ve been charged as the likes of real, Bayern, Liverpool and United are delusional. It’s hilarious. But hey cheating my get you success but it sure as shit doesn’t buy you class as your fan base shows 😉


Look i understand the point about the fan base, there will be many glory hunters. But youre saying that as if other successful dont have them. Im sure you lot have got a bunch of real fans. But back when you all were winning trophies im sure there were glory hunters too. This applies to real madrid and other giant clubs too. So why is it that its only mentioned for city?


While you’re probably right, I just don’t understand how this is fair considering the charges are from multiple years prior to this. For me they either have to face punishment for the individual years or not at all.


It's a snowball effect. They are winning titles now because they cheated a few years back and skipped a few years of progression by doing so.


Thing is I completely agree that they’re basically playing on easy mode now and have such a strong team and youth setup that they can comply with FFP much easier now. Problem is the charges aren’t for recent years as a result of them now being able to better balance FFP. While I fully agree they should face current punishment such as a hefty points deduction or relegation, the punishments should be at least equally levied on the years they have been charged for.


Exactly this, it’s like starting a new game with your character already on level 10, your obviously your gonna smash the first few bosses because your overpowered




If you don't award it to second place, though, then you're stating that the league was pointless in this years. Not that anyone in second place would care, particularly - there's not much joy in a retrospective trophy that you couldn't celebrate.


As a Liverpool fan, I don't want those titles as we will not be able to celebrate them with the squad as we should have rightfully. What I do want is Man City be stripped of the titles and forced to spend a minimum period without the hope of promotion in the lower leagues.




Responding to everyone’s comment saltbae?


Summer mini-tournament involving all the teams that came second to City, winner takes all: 7 (probably 8) slightly dented Premier League trophies with an asterisk next to them.


I believe stripping them of their tittles won over multiple years will make the league loose its credibility.If it was one season it could be possible but over 10 seasons not really.


It won't. It will state that they cheated to win them and it won't be tolerated.