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Another Judas Iscariot like Coyle. Will fall flat on his face like Coyle did too.


The quality of Vincent Kompany Surely deep down , Most level headed Burnley fans Knew , Burnley were a stepping stone I say good luck, and thanks for the championship winning memory


Thanks for arriving at the team, promising a 5 year plan, spending all our money on signings he specifically asked for and then getting us relegated to the exact same place we were? Then leaving after 2 years? Wow what an honour, we should build a statue.


People actually blame him for wanting his players to play with better techniques? Wow.


You are a clown. A good manager doesn’t get his players playing with ‘better techniques’ if they aren’t capable of it.


With the greatest respect to Burnley i dont think Kompany or anyone else will care if he gets offered the job.


What I'm asking is y is bayern sacking tuchel for kompany? From a relagation side to one of the most prestigious club itw


No Tuchel was sacked anyways and the first 6 choices afterwards declined.


Yes that's my bad they did announce his departure after their Lazio loss 


Shit take wow


He stuck to his guns, if he changed to playing defensive and they went down everyone would say they should’ve played more attacking. Also like he gives a fuck when Bayern come knocking lol what a silly point


This idea that kompany set his team up to play football that was too good relative to their quality is absolute horseshit. Plenty of newly promoted teams, with far less investment and pedigree than Burnley, have come up and played *much better* football than Burnley have this season. Playing out from the back isn't being man city, every team does it to one degree or another and neither pep nor man city invented the idea that short passes are better than long passes because they've got a higher completion rate. Kompany is being treated as a special case because he was an excellent player and he's a good orator. He's just a man doing a pretty nebulous job. What makes a good manager? Functionally what do they do that bad managers don't? Generally what they do is be in charge of the best teams.


Good managers create a structure which maximises their players’ capabilities, like what McKenna and Emery did this year. 


The any Citeh boner is strong with this one


I mostly defend City. Eg. I dont care about financial doping. and Find FFP and PSR inherently unfair


You defend city because your club is just as bad


I dont consider owners investing in their companies to be bad.




Least hypocritical Chelsea fan I have ever seen, congrats.


I mean if you are being sarcastic, i am literally not a hypocrite about owners flooding clubs with cash to raise their level. Pre 2011/12 season FFP and PSR didnt exist. Owners could put in as much money as they wanted. The charges against man City are for actions that were legal when my club did it. I am actually being morally consistent.


Yep. These rules were only brought in to maintain the established elite clubs. Who are only as big as they are because they just so happened to be good when money was flooding into football.


1) Money isn’t flooding into football now? 2) That’s not why many of the established elite are big. 3) it’s still the rules.


Nope not being sarcastic at all, it's indeed that Chelsea and City are built upon the same sort of foundations. 


How fucking stupid is this. Lmao


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset.


And this means Kompany was purposefully tanking Burnley on the off-chance Bayern would try to recruit him? Do you hear yourself? Have you ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Or, this thing called “evidence for your claims”? I swear some of you people are so conspiracy-brained they’d believe the Earth was flat if circumstances were a little different.


That is not what i meant. I think Kompany would have been much happier if he finished 17th. I think the most important thing to Kompany was protecting his reputation of playing progressive, attacking football. Even if playing a low block and trying to counterattack and steal some results might have helped Burnley avoid relegation, he wouldnt want to destroy his own career to do so. Burnley fans should be upset imo. Kompany would have no idea that Bayern job would be available. However he would know that coaches like Big Sam and Dyche have a ceiling of what type of club they will be considered for. He didnt want to do the things they do to avoid relegation. He didnt want to be the type of coach that is famous for surviving relegation.


Lmao just didnt read what I said I guess, keep going with the conspiracies though


You didnt read i wrote i guess. I dont think he had Bayern in mind. I think he did care more about his own reputation as a progressive attacking football coach than he did preventing relegation for Burnley.


You have 0 basis for that last claim and you know it, but keep being delusional ig




Same thing applies for them


He had players to play a certain style  If he abandoned that they wouldn’t be able to pull off a totally different approach without heavy investment  Their players just aren’t good enough collectively


£125m he spent bud. £80m of which went on players that either weren’t upgrades or he never gave a chance


Not a Burnley fan, but I was under the impression they had spent fairly heavily to get promoted and last Summer.


So we’re not gonna talk about the fact that Kompany is going to jump from a relegated Burnley to managing fucking Bayern???


You would be crazy not to take that job if you thought you could do it.


Shit take. Any club wants a manager to have an identity, or rather, impart an identity to the squad and how they play. You can't thrill and cheer at Burnley playing attacking football to win the Championship and go up, then expect them to switch to go full Big Sam the following year.


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves)


Not just a shit take but an incomprehensibly shit take


If he changed his playstyle will burnley not be relegated?


They would have had a better chance to get 17th if they tried to play a low block and steal a few results with a fluke counter attack.


So not guaranteed? Yeah, kompany should’ve given up everything he did last year for what you describe as a stealing games? Jesus Christ do you even listen to yourself?


Amother shit take how ever they played they were gone..


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset.


Whoa. Vincent speaks really good German, as well as French and English... https://youtu.be/dK3EzRAHcoo?feature=shared


Players from Belgium can speak multiple languages.


Makes sense he played in germany before?


There was no style of football that would have kept that Burnley squad in the prem. It's completely devoid of any sort of prem quality.


Yes agreed. They literally missed clear cut chances with the worst goal keeper in league (Trafford). Keep conceding goals from set pieces. The two centerbacks prone to mistaken and lapse in concentration. To be fair. Their build up play with possession was really good. As good as any bottom half teams like Bournemouth and etc. Sadly the strikers can't finish open chances and defenses can't keep clean sheet. They were struggling against Brentford who was one man down for like 80 mins after leading 2-0. Joke!


This is what coaches do though. That same style got them up and that’s how his teams play. I won’t argue that you need to adapt to survive and give a little but every manager does this. They play a certain way with certain styles of players and that’s that


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves)




Let burnley fans decide how burnley fans should react if Kompany were to leave.


The few burnley flairs posting around here seem upset at Kompany.


That is the style of football he wants to play. Said it ages ago when he started coaching. Pep school of football.


Isn't that the Burnley Boards fault for not signing players for his system?


agreed, and/or for not sacking him at any time during the season if they didn't want said system


Burnley fans should be happy that Burnley got all the Premier League TV money plus the parachute payment without spending stupid money in a desperate attempt to stay up. Plus, Kompany has a contract that runs until 2028 (!!!!!) so if another club takes him, they can extract a decent buyout fee.




Jumps to BAYERN?!?!?!!!!!


At this point, Bayern should just hire Müller


Not the worst idea. If you’re looking for a player who cares and is passionate about his club. How it plays out. Who knows! At least Zidane sat behind Carlo for a bit.




So here’s the issue I have with this line of thinking- The best way to build a sustainable club at this point is to consistently play in the premier league. So it makes sense you’d want to try to do whatever it takes to stay up, right? Well duh of course, but here’s the caveat. It’s not easy to stay up. Even if you try to shithouse your way to a 17th place finish, you’re going to have to do that again and again. Why not go for it, see if you can nick a few great wins, and if not, you have a system in place to try to get back quickly


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves)


So you’re choosing to blame Kompany for being the manager he said he was and was hired to be, rather than pointing the finger at the board who chose not to sack him? r/leopardsatemyface


It’s nearly like the gap between the PL and championship isn’t absolutely massive. We’ve seen it so many times before. Attacking, expansive game dominates the championship but misfires in the PL


Here’s the thing: Kompany’s contract runs to 2028. Bayern coming for him with 4 years left on the deal is a huge payday for Burnley.


Well done OP you got everyone siding with Burnely of all teams.


Not quite everyone...


Lol fair enough. Since you're here. Do you expect Sammi to stay or move on?


Don't see why anyone would want to stay at this clownfest, especially not with the talent he has. He has the pick of the championship as well as a few prem clubs. At least he's under contract for a couple of years so we'll get some cash for him Also, and it pains me to say this, but I agree OP post is bullshit. Maybe not far from the truth but still...


Lol, what is this? How dare you attempt to play the same football that helped you romp home in the champsship ? You should change everything that made you. Is this crackpot posting?


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset.


So you're saying that showing he doesn't know how or is unwilling to adapt his play, and that he doesn't know how to win games at the PL level was some kind of master plan to secure himself a job at an even higher level (team wise)? You're a fucking genius bro fair play


I mean it is what would have happened if he made the jump to Bayern. Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation


That's quite an impressive amount of wrong, even from a Chelsea fan.


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset.


Not all of us Chelsea fans share his views


Ha ha yes that's fair. Didn't mean to tar you all with the same brush!


Jesus, this is the biggest 'know your place' post I've ever read.




"he selfishly played a style unsuited" Yes sir, yes sir, we are small Burnley, we'll just good it up the pitch. Sorry sir for passing it five times in a row. Sorry for trying to win against the top 6. I know my place.


They want Burnely fans to be upset a manger tried to play real football instead of 10 at the back


Munich wouldn't be so dumb.. but maybe


They sacked Nagelsman despite being perfectly fine, and then sacked Tuchel in a season where Bayern got a higher points total than last year.


If you accept the premise, wouldn't it make more sense to direct that frustration at the board who hired/kept a manager whose style is questionable for a team trying to stay up?


I’d imagine the board had the long term commitment of Kompany to continue with him


Fuck off with trying to make sense here man. You’re not buying the narrative. Go make sense at soccercirclejerk. I agree with you.


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset. What do you disagree with?


1. Management did not do the best business in transfer market 2. What style do you think they played in the championship? 3. All 3 sides that came up went down. What’s your point?


"Management did not do the best business in transfer market" Fair. "What style do you think they played in the championship?" This is silly. A brown belt in BJJ can show off vs a white belt, but needs to be more defensive when facing a brown belt or higher. You need to adjust to your level of competition. "All 3 sides that came up went down. What’s your point?" Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if they played a low block and tried to counterattack and steal some results. The gave up a lot of cheap goals trying to play out from the back. But Kompany didnt want to be seen as that type of coach.


Mate 2nd one was a question. *I don’t know what style they played, I am simply asking*


They played the same style as the played in the premier league. Highline, playing out from the back, trying to dominate possession with short passes, etc. (basically trying to be Pep) It worked against the championship because they are like a white belt or blue belt in BBJ. Burnley needed to be more defensive in the premier league.


Genuinely thought this was soccercirclejerk New Burnley bot post just got announced


Does this apply to only coach or also extend to players and football directors? Are directors to blame for signing good players which get poached by bigger clubs and are players to blame for playing certain way that attracts attention of big clubs? This argument is too stupid even for circlejerk sub. Burnley could have just replaced him with Allardyce or similar at any point of the season or even last season in championship


That’s an absolute clown of a post


1. Burnley would have a better chance of finishing 17th if the played a low block and tried to counterattack to steal some results. 2. Kompany didnt want to hurt his reputation by doing that and become seen like a Sean Dyche or Big Sam. Now he is in the running for the Bayern job, something Dyche and Big Sam will never be in the running for. Burnley fans should be upset. What do you disagree with?


Might be a contender for dumbest post of the year


OP is really showing incredible new levels of stupidity here. I never thought these ridiculous takes were even possible


I don't know this sub is filled with shit posts.


Honestly would love to see Mourinho at Bayern if nothing more than for the memes between him and the ownership. Also fervently believe that European football is more entertaining when Mou is at the helm of a top side.


I think you meant to post this in one of the circle jerk subs...


What do you mean? This is one of those circlejerk subs lol.




It's slowly heading that way for sure.


Agree that managers have their principles - but at some point you have to try something different only then are you going to find a solution. Trying the same thing again and again but expecting a different result just don’t get it…


I don't know the validity of the Bayern rumours but this is a pretty nonsensical argument. How could Kompany have known he would attract attention from Bayern? Why would he willingly get relegated (which is a huge black mark on a managers career) to avoid being labeled a pragmatic/defensive manager? How does stubbornness look better when adaptability and pragmatism when necessary are desired traits among top managers? This seems like such a reach to think Kompany is playing 4d chess as opposed to just being a young manager who has a style of play and is still learning.


So glad they went down. What an absolute pathetic performance by Kompany this year. Never once gave a shit about actually trying to get a result. All that ‘fun football’ just for some parachute payments


primitive thinking, especially from an Arsenal fan. The top managers these days have their principles and stick by them, and integrating them takes time. Burnley did not have the finances or the players to stay up, that much is clear, and the fact that he hasn't been sacked shows you that the club agrees. This season was a learning process for the players and the manager, and they will be better for it. Of all people, you should realise how teams are shit before they're good. Kompany has shown his quality in his first season in the championship, and with more time to build he will show it again.


Nah you’re right, I came across a bit negative there. It comes from seeing Burnley keep doing the same thing every week no matter what the results are. Just a complete lack of trying to grind any results out and an almost ‘free hit’ approach to the season.


But Burnley grinding out results does nothing for them. Say they finished 17th without trying to play kompanys system, what’s next? They play shit football again next year to stay up?


So was it worth it now then?


For kompany? Yes, for Burnely, probably not, but if they lost kompany anyways, they would go back down if they managed to stay up this year


This is some next level tin foiling.


He’s ain’t getting the Bayern job.


You are insane if you think any manager would not leave Burnley to manage Bayern Munich. Highly doubt he'll be looking at taking any of your players with him either.


Lmao his style got them to the prem


His goal was to be at a big club eventually. He’s one of the City internship managers and Peps likely successor.


Burnley were free to sack him at any time, you somehow have forgot this. A young manager is better served to stick to his principles and find out if there is a way out of a bad situation through the principles, rather than abandoning them at the first sign of trouble. The real fuck up is that the squad they have in the Premier League isn't necessarily better than the one they had in the Championship and that's after all that money spent.


I encourage you to reconsider this take. His jump to a big club - if that was his intention all along - would be better served by winning, not by leading your team back to the championship.


no. Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Sean Dyche and Big Sam are famous for avoiding relegation but they would never be considered for a big club.


The approach might be unwise/foolhardy, but is it different from what he used last year? Either way, a stretch to say he was wrecking the team for personal gain. And no employee (coach, player, GM) is bound to any club beyond their context or buyout clause


"Either way, a stretch to say he was wrecking the team for personal gain" That is not what i meant. I think he was playing a style that made him attractive to elite clubs. Obviously he would have been happier if they finished 17th, but the most important part to him was not avoiding relegation but rather playing attractive football. Sean Dyche and Big Sam are famous for avoiding relegation but they would never be considered for a big club. They play defensive, pragmatic football. This is undesired by the big clubs.


Same meaning though?! Focusing on his own goals at the detriment of the team? I don’t know his motive but hard pressed he was approaching it like that. Sam is not just pragmatic…that man is joyless 😑


"Either way, a stretch to say he was wrecking the team for personal gain" To me the above statement indicates a level of malice i didnt mean. I just think he cared more about his reputation as a progressive, attacking football coach than he did about Burnley staying up.


Ok, at a minimum we have different views on his motive then? To me, his style just didn’t work and he happened to catch the eye of an elite club that couldn’t land one of their top 3 preferred coaches.


Beyond their contract…


Clearly not though if he gets the Bayern job.


They are looking at him because his team failed and that served him better? They clearly liked his approach, win or lose, and seem to think those strategies would work well with their squad. Not a cynical ploy by him to screw Burnley while advancing his own agenda.


I’m literally baffled how he is maybe getting the Bayern Munich job. How? Burnley to Bayern? He just managed Burnley to relegation.


Surely you can say that about Arteta. City’s no.2 to the Arsenal job is probably a bigger jump because you’ve got no real experience there. As for Kompany, did a good job at Anderlecht didn’t he? I suppose it’s an eye for the smaller things and if you think you can mould that manager to play ‘the Bayern way’ then why not. Current big names all had to start somewhere, and I’m sure they were often questioned when they made the jump to an elite level. I suppose you have to look past the obvious resource gap Burnley are facing and see if there’s still a knowledgeable guy there.


He was not exactly a miracle worker at Anderlecht, it is quite stunning how long he stuck around there


I remember him functioning as a coach player for Anderlecht. Didnt really give the results they were after


He was only player/coach for a short while before becoming coach straigthout


He did alright though. Lost a cup final in his 2nd season and the club dropped from 3rd to 11th the season after he left.


He did fine and to go to Burnley was a great move from his part- and he completely shook up the way they play football there. But honestly, if he were to get a job at Bayern it still hinges 80 per cent on his reputation as a player. It is a little reminiscent of Gerrard


Not really, yes Burnley got demoted but he has an incredible season for them to go up.


I mean, Queens Park Rangers also got promoted to the PL with insane points. However, not being dilligent on the transfer market and being inflexible in your tactics does not indicate being a good coach.


But kompany changing his tactics to typical Burnley tactics does nothing for him or the club. If they stay up by playing to finish 17th, they just have to do the same shit every year.


Burnley had the chance for years to rid of Dyche or at the very least give him a budget to invest into the team. He finished healthily mid table for years. For most of the 2010's in fact. What notable players did they buy? They had a yearly 100 million pound windfall for persisting in the PL. They must be one of the richer clubs out there. There is a lot of room between Dyche tactics and Kompany tactics as well. You gotta be more flexible. Can't play a high line 4-3-3 against Man City or Liverpool when you are Burnley, but maybe against Bournemouth or Brentford you can. That can catapult you as far as a top-10 position.


And then what? Maybe Burnleys owners aren’t content with being a mid table club fighting for scraps playing boring ball. Why would they ask their manager to play a different style if it meant mediocrity at best? I get this is a hypothetical and you are literally right, but I just don’t get why most teams are content with being 10th at best. But I’m American so please forgive my ignorance to your sport


They they should have hired Big Sam or Tony Pulis and played anti football. Noone is shocked that a squad consisting of tier 2 players is relegated from a tier 1 league. Hire a manager that matches the squad and the club's ambitions.


Surprised when he knew the style wasn't working he didn't change a thing and just sleep walked to relegation.


What does staying up by playing typical Burnley ball do though? They would just have to play shit football again year after year just to stay up. At least they’re trying to find an identity that isn’t just sit back and hope we stay up every year


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Bayern would never give Big Sam or Sean Dyche a shot.


Disagree. It wouldn't have killed Burnley to buy some decent players, it's not like they didn't have the cash for it. If you want to play defensive football and aim to survive at all costs, hire the right manager for it. They knew what they were getting.


The club knew what they were getting into with Kompany. A project that Kompany and the club have both banged on about for 2 years now. The goal was to gain promotion in the 2nd season so we got promoted a year ahead of the project "schedule". The club and fans stuck by Kompany and his style this season when if he was at any other club, he would have been out of a job before Christmas. The fans accepted that we were going to be relegated long ago and were happy to stick with Kompany because of how good the promotion season was. Kompany and the scouting company he owns/has a stake in clearly know how to identify young, talented players and with the signings we've made since he joined us, we should have been well set for the championship next season. To see Kompany leave at this point would be incredibly disappointing as a fan after the club have shown faith in what Kompany has been building, despite having the most miserable season since I started watching Burnley 25 years ago


I get why it would be disappointing for you guys but surely you understand why he'd take the Bayern Jon if offered?Those don't come along everyday


I'd completely understand it. The attractiveness of that job is obvious. But if he left now, he's basically tanked our season for his project and to build his philosophy to then walk away from it for a bigger job, leaving us in a position where we've just been relegated having spent £100m on players he wanted and having spent a season playing a style that any new manager is unlikely to continue with. I wouldn't have any hatred towards him, I'd just be disappointed because the only reason we were all happy to stick with him through the shit season was because we have all bought into his project and had faith he would come good again next season.


This is what I am saying. Too many fans here are selfish and lack empathy. They cant put themselves in the shoes of a Burnley fan.


Based on the performances he got out of the squad you shouldn’t even have been relegated, but ultimately you failed to give him either a goalkeeper or a goalscorer even close to good enough for the league and because of that you had no chance.


The players we signed were all signed by Kompany. He was involved in every transfer from the scouting to the actual signing. The club have exclusively used the scouting company that Kompany owns. The failure to prioritise signing a goalscorer is on Kompany himself because he backed Foster to be our main goalscorer which for various reasons, didn't happen. Kompany was also the one behind us spending £19m on Trafford despite him never having played higher than league 1. He then refused to drop Trafford for Muric until it was far too late and Trafford's confidence had clearly been shot to pieces. Our best run of the season came instantly after Muric came back into the squad. Fans had been calling for Muric all season and seemed to have been proven right. He made 2 big mistakes but kept us in so many of the other games. We all appreciate what Kompany was trying to throughout the season but what we got from his signings and his tactics was way below what anyone expected and at pretty much any other club, he would have been out of the door early on after spending £100m and looking worse than the previous season


What do you think the fan reaction would be if he turned down Bayern to stay with you guys? Kompany really doesn’t seem the type to burn bridges but I also understand ambition on his side.


Fans will stick with him as long as he is with us and will want him to succeed if he isn't. I don't know anyone that actually thinks he will go to Bayern though, whether it's his choice or not


I see your main point and I agree, Burnley let him rock and do his system even though they didn't have the personal for it and they got relegated. They could have, and maybe should have, fired him a long time ago and hired a survivalist manager but they stuck by his side and took the hit for it. If I was the Burnley board/owner I'd be livid if after that he went and joined Bayern. But I wouldn't include the attacks on Kompany.


"If I was a Burnley board/owner I'd be livid" This is all i am basically saying.


Of all the crazy takes I'll read today on the Internet this one will take the biscuit. Wow lol. Could it not just be that kompany had a philosophy and he sticks to it? The same philosophy that got Burnley promoted in the first place with the same fucking players that you say aren't good enough for that philosophy? Then your implying he only played that way to land a job with a big team? Like he risked his first stint in the Premier league just to try and please a big club with his tactics that you say his players couldn't stick to? So how does that look good if the players don't stick to the managers tactics? How does that make kompany look good in the eyes of the bigger teams if his players arent playing to his instructions? That would surely make him look like he can't get players to do what he says are isn't coaching them well enough what he us trying to implement.


Try to have empathy and imagine you were a Burnley fan.


I kinda am a Burnley fan. My Dad lived there for years so I've always looked out for there results amd had a don't spot for them. Wouldn't call myself a fan but I like them and want them to do well


Burnley fans accepted Kompany wasn't going to change his style and have all backed him throughout the season because we know we should have a decent chance at coming back up next year and playing some incredible football along the way. But the bit that has pissed Burnley fans off this season is that for the most part, it hasn't been the players from the promotion season. Half of them didn't play, we didn't sign the loan players we should have been desperate to sign and other fan favourites were completely frozen out. We've watched players become heroes playing attractive football, get dropped and for their replacements to completely underwhelm trying to play the same style at a higher level. It's completely reasonable for fans to be annoyed that Kompany didn't change his tactics, his style and to start dropping his new signings who were out of form. What isn't reasonable is to think that he did all of those things to try get a job with a big team because that would be an insane thing to do. Most fans understand that he wants to play like Man City and in the PL, that's a much harder thing to do, so we go down, keep developing these young players and then give it another go if we manage to come back up. Seeing Kompany walk away after his philosophy is the reason behind our pathetic season would be disappointing and rightly or wrongly, would rub a lot of fans the wrong way


Ye I can see what you mean. Rather than having a team that have been together under company for 2 seasons Burnley would be back to square one if he left. I feel Burnley chairman set the tone for the club a good few years ago, where to me it seemed like he was happy to come up and then go back down again. Didn't back any manager enough once they got promotion and ultimately became a bit of a yoyo club. I always feel if they invested properly the first time they came up they could have stayed up and actually cemented thereselves as a prem club.


We have had a different chairman for a few years now and the current one has backed Kompany massively. Kompany has been able to spend what he wanted. The club completely bought into Kompany's project which is why it would be so disappointing for him to leave now and set us back to the start again.


I am definitely not Burnley fans but as far as I know, I think Burnley fans genuinely appreciate him. Kompany is still a very young manager, heck Thiago Silva is older than him, he still got a lifetime to learn to be a manager, he can always try again in the Championship next season. Experience is always very important. Now that his team have more experience, they can get better. Slowly but surely.


The manger transfers drama is more spicy than players this summer


Your mistake is ensuring there is a selfish or nefarious reason behind it automatically. Some people are just dogmatic and will not compromise, that isn't necessarily because they are protecting their reputation or anything, just because they inherently believe it's the best way forward if they can just get it to work properly. You are very cynical. I would argue that showing you are a pragmatic coach who can adapt would be much better for his career long term. I don't believe this season has enhanced his reputation in that regard at all really. I suspect Bayern don't want a coach that will stick to his ideals in the first KO round of the champions league if it clearly isn't working and they are losing games left right and centre because of it. They would rather someone who can adapt and play an effective tactic that wins them games


Kompany been a mild success at Burnley. He’s left them exactly where they started, a relegated team. But i’m sure the fans appreciated that championship season, 101 points only 3 losses in 46 games. That’s near perfect, 94% the only better is invincible a single loss or one more over nearly 50 in 10 months of football. Leicester lost 11, Leeds lost 10. Champ is really difficult and Burnley dominated. Won the league at rivals Blackburn. Exciting style of possession ball. Some of the players he coached have gone on to play champions league Ian Maatsen and Nathan Tella. Picked it up at the end of the Prem season with a few draws + a double over Sheffield United to distance themselves from that embarrassing team in terms of points.


He wouldn't have dominated if he'd had Leicester, Leeds, Southampton and Ipswich to contend with. Burnley's champo season was much less competitive than the season just gone.


I like his style, might not work, but is pleasing on the eye. More impressed he's managed to spend so much money to get the worst home record in the clubs history and get rewarded with a job as prestigious as Bayern. Fair play.


Whereas Dyche's style is not very pleasing on the eye but over the course of 38 games works...just enough.


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Bayern would never give Big Sam or Sean Dyche a shot.


Dyche always got the best out of us. Seem to be doing just that with Everton too. Kompany has absolutely failed this season. Some great players, just poor managerial decisions.


Are you drunk? This is an asinine take.


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Bayern would never give Big Sam or Sean Dyche a shot.


The worst take I've read in a long time


Thank fuck this is top comment, I was ready to unsub if I saw people agreeing


What? Of course a manager uses a tactic to give his team the advantage????


The tactics got them relegated to improve his own stock


Overly cynical. No suggestion that is the case. The true answer is likely just stubbornness. He has seen Pep do it perfectly at Man City and he probably believes it's the proper way to play football. Not sure why you would jump to the conclusion that that is the case when it would likely be much better for his career to prove he is adaptable, flexible, and able to see and fix issues in a tactic that isn't working. His unwillingness to change style despite the results probably actually reflects negatively on him when the likes of Bayern etc are assessing his capabilities


Yes I'm sure he intentionally tried to get relegated with an attractive style, must have been pissed off after every win.


Nah this suggests that he purposely used worse tactics that gave his team a disadvantage to attract big clubs It's stupid


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Bayern would never give Big Sam or Sean Dyche a shot.


This is such a dumb take. A: That style helped his team win the Championship. Is he supposed to bin it off entirely? He tried to keep that momentum going. B: Winning and reputation attracts big clubs not playing a bit of possession based football C: Kompany owes Burnley nothing. He took them up and they went back down. If he were to get the Bayern offer he’d be insane to turn it down and any right minded Burnley fan would know that.


Yes, they should change their style and his lack of pragmatism was really striking. Scott Parker tried the same approach TWICE and was subsequently sacked on both occasions. I don't necessarily agree with OP's point, but don't pretend other teams don't change style when promoted.


I love when people use the word "pragmatism ", when they just mean be negative. That's not what pragmatism is, it's using the most effective strategy, which a squad entirely built and coached for playing attacking, possession football, that probably means playing attacking possession football. This idea that playing defensive hoofball will always be more successful for a bad side is an utter myth, just look at Sheffield United, or Burnley the last time they got relegated.


There’s a difference between changing style completely and slightly modifying it. Scott Parker is a terrible example. He didn’t have half the tactics Kompany uses he was just a motivation manager.


Wtf are you talking about


Being willing to play pragmatically and try to smash and grab a result isnt good for a coaches career, even if that helps avoid relegation. Kompany was given free reign to play a style that made him look good, but almost ensured relegation and he is showing zero loyalty to the club that gave him that freedom. (if he leaves) Bayern would never give Big Sam or Sean Dyche a shot.


He was the manager, he can try to use any style of play he wants


And he played the style that helped advance his career at Burnley's expense.


Bayern is going to hire this bang average manager who just manage to relegate Burnley ?


Bayer signed someone who relegated Real Sociedad B, Dortmund signed someone who relegated Mainz 🤷‍♂️


This is football…… so track records don’t count.


Dumbest or trolliest post in a while. Try thinking about this for more than 2 seconds.