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My guess is they do something cyber related or remote. No way they’re dumb enough to attack head on.




They are.... but this is in reference to russia shooting something down and it supposedly killing people when it hit




I mean they used US cluster munitions on a Russian beach killing civilians


Ukraine used Ukrainian cluster munition on Russian air defense and the wreckage killed occupiers who were illegally on that beach.


Literally using terrorist logic like hamas on isreal? Explain how killing any civilians is justified?


a) They weren't intentionally targeted, but hit by debris. Russia is at fault for purposefully placing a military target close to a civilian area. b) Maybe don't go on vacation in a war zone.


Uhhh... Do you know how many Ukrainian civilians the Russians have killed? Hint: A lot.


Who are you to start the victim count? Especially after the Ukrainian government heavy shelled civilians in the beginning? Then cutting off water just because the Ukrainian government is petty? "November 6, 2014...The large majority of the deaths were in separatist-held territory in Donetsk, and were likely caused by Ukrainian government forces," [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/11/eastern-ukraine-both-sides-responsible-indiscriminate-attacks/their](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/11/eastern-ukraine-both-sides-responsible-indiscriminate-attacks/their) "In 2014, following the decision to cut off the water supply, the Ukrainian government began the construction of a dam at the border with Crimea." [https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/backgrounder-the-water-crisis-in-crimea/](https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/backgrounder-the-water-crisis-in-crimea/) Or how they allowed nazis to legalize nazi propaganda and target minorities before any war? "On 22 February 2014, the President of the Ukrainian Government, Viktor Yanukovich, relinquished his executive duties following a coup d’état enacted by neo-Nazi militias in Kiev. In the wake of the disbanding of the legitimately elected government, a new one is being set up in which extreme right groups are adopting positions that could threaten the safety of particular groups of people purely on the grounds of their religious or political beliefs or their ethnicity... Meanwhile, Ukrainian Rabbi Reuven Azman has called on the Jewish community to flee the country in light of the rise to power of these far-right groups. One of the leaders of the main groups involved in the protests, Aleksandr Muzychko, previously vowed to fight against ‘communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in my veins’." [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-002128\_EN.html?redirect](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-002128_EN.html?redirect)  "In general, however, anti-racist and anti-Nazi legislation is underdeveloped. On January 28, 2014, espite the protest of several deputies from the Party of Regions and the communists, Verkhovna Rada adopted another 4 laws instead of those repealed. These include: - “On Amendments to the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for denial or justification of fascist crimes”; - “On Amendments to Article 297 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for desecration or destruction of monuments dedicated to those who fought against Nazism during the Second World War – Soviet liberation soldiers, members of the partisan movement, underground, victims of Nazi persecution and internationalist soldiers and peacekeepers”". [https://civic-nation.org/ukraine/government/legislation/anti-discrimination\_legislation/Post-Maidan](https://civic-nation.org/ukraine/government/legislation/anti-discrimination_legislation/Post-Maidan) Allow people to follow the same mistakes that sadly many Ukrainians made by not prepping? By Not prepping for the 'authorities' to willing bomb cities just because they can't control it? For the authorities to cut off water because you ended up on the wrong side? To be scrafice by some draft just because the government decided its power is more important than individual human lives?


It was US cluster munition fired by Ukraine, civilians are civilians. End the war, people are dying.


> End the war, people are dying. https://x.com/georgian_legion/status/1801287500268278016


Russobots getting more lazy by the day.


Right? You can tell that their war of aggression is going badly.


What a stupid take. Yes civilians may be killed in war, they chose to invade their neighbour. They can stop invading their neighbour any day they would like but they choose not to.


Well maybe civilians shouldn't be on vacation in the middle of a war zone. I feel that would lower those civ casualties a lot.


My guess is something like this: https://youtu.be/mqmwmrSalDI?si=C_RUfceXyHWc3DfI


I think they will launch a conventional strike on the largest nato base in romania which is just a staging ground for ukrainian F-16's


They won't, or maybe such a puny attack they keep credible deniability. Russia does NOT wan to confront a Art.5 triggered NATO.


That would be a really bad idea for them.


then russia will be close to a coup; russia will never announce an attack, they will always deny it


The Fed was hacked yesterday




Other posts about it in this sub from this morning. As soon as I saw the hack and who did it, my mind immediately jumped to this post.


Listing a couple links I've found: https://www.scmagazine.com/news/lockbit-claims-ransom-negotiations-with-the-fed-over-33tb-of-stolen-data https://www.fxstreet.com/analysis/americans-bank-info-could-be-at-risk-in-possible-fed-hack-202406241802 https://www.upi.com/amp/Top_News/US/2024/06/24/lockbit-federal-reserve-breach-threat/1551719268783/ New LockBit leak site URL (also in comments, wont take you directly to ransom page but does have the Darkweb address): https://x.com/alvierid/status/1805074447130636320


Listing a couple links I've found: https://www.scmagazine.com/news/lockbit-claims-ransom-negotiations-with-the-fed-over-33tb-of-stolen-data https://www.fxstreet.com/analysis/americans-bank-info-could-be-at-risk-in-possible-fed-hack-202406241802 https://www.upi.com/amp/Top_News/US/2024/06/24/lockbit-federal-reserve-breach-threat/1551719268783/ New LockBit leak site URL (also in comments, wont take you directly to ransom page but does have the Darkweb address): https://x.com/alvierid/status/1805074447130636320


Basically the same shit they’ve been doing since 2016 .. they’re banking on just enough gullible mfs in the US to eat up all the propaganda, till one day a full Russian asset running the country .. Only reason it’s failed recently is because Putin is old and he needs all these things to happen on his timeline, he wants all the glory for taking down the west, so he’s sloppy and moving too fast .. if he were 45-50 right now, it would work..


They just hacked the Federal Reserve, maybe that was it?


They'd be in for a surprise if they did.


Whelp, waiting for the surprise *popcorn*


Pearl Harbor happened even though Japan was stupidly overextended in China. I’m not saying it’s a certainty but we need to prepare for a world where Putin goes mad enough to strike at NATO. Better to be prepared than to be caught in their bears teeth.


I hate to be that guy but Russia makes these threats almost daily and really shouldn't be taken seriously. Unless Russias about to lose in Ukraine they're not gonna do anything to bring America into war.


They might crank election interference up to 11. I don't see them doing much else, though.


You mean memes?


A certain group of people take memes as serious as a peer-reviewed journal article.


I wouldn't poke fun at something that has absolutely worked in the past. The very recent past.


Bill Barr mischaracterizing what was in the Mueller Report is a national tragedy - and borderline criminal. Way too many people do not realize the level of sophistication involved in Russia's interference in the 2016 election. They may be getting their asses kicked on the battlefield, but that's only one part of the war they are waging. They are absolutely trying to tip the scales in the November election - both in the US and in Moldova.




You are not wrong in any way. All i can say as an ad on is that the worst part is they are not really even doing anything spectacular, no we have and are doing it to ourselves. We are no longer the educated, nor even the active voters that a functional government requires at the barest min.


Exactly. Dear America. You help ukraine war us too hard. We meme you harder now. Times 1000.


What can they do to interfere in the election besides push those shitty ads they used in 2016? Remember what happened when we thought Putin would not invade Ukraine? Remember that? I didn’t see it coming, tbh.


Look up ”disinformation” and “misinformation” and then add a bit of social influencer and AI. Russia/China are completely imbedded in social media - likely, even this subreddit.


I’m tired, boss. I remember watching Cambridge Analytica in real time. Political campaigns with embedded employees at Facebook was new then.


Seriously. I get that Russia, and china for that matter, are engaging in campaigns to influence the election. But the GOP and DNC are *also* engaging in disinformation to sway the election. So we’re not really “safe” no matter what, but remember, don’t do your own research.


100% sure they are on this subreddit. 


Not me bro


Me either fuck them both. Pussies that can’t fight a war head on.


Wouldn’t China and Russia be on opposite sides of the US election? Trump is more anti China than Biden, and previously said we could have a good relationship with Russia.


He says he is anti China. And maybe he is. But he is also divisive and compulsive. More easy to manipulate than many even if he were to put in some Anti China laws or orders in. And as a divisive force, he splits up Americans and has us focus inwards for another 4 to 8 years allowing us to focus less on what rogue powers are doing in the background. I would bet that China would prefer for him to win and any efforts they make to interfere would be in his favor. But who knows. Thats just my opinion.


What people don’t consider enough is that Russia and China are more allies than enemies. They both are a part for the BRIC nations, and want their currencies to replace the USD. Additionally, China wants Taiwan and they are more than happy to support Pootie’s fever dream of restoring the USSR if it means that the US is spread too thin to do enough to stop their ambitions.


>They both are a part for the BRIC nations, and want their currencies to replace the USD. 100% this. The world order is being challenged by those looking to knock the West off the top of the totem pole. I have my criticisms of many of things the US gets involved with around the world, but you do not become the most powerful country in the world by being a spectator. If we give up that title, China will fill the power vacuum.


You become the most powerful nation on the planet by being a spectator for three years while europe gets destroyed, then swoop in at the last moment, claim victory, and fund reconstruction.


No, they also favor Trump because he would cripple NATO. Europe will be busy with Russian aggression, which will create a golden opportunity for China to retake Taiwan. Trump would not intervene unless there is something in it for him. That would be very bad for the global economy because Taiwan produces the highest volume of advanced semiconductors. Biden started the process of plugging that hole via the CHIPS & Science Act, but it will take several years before we no longer have to rely on Taiwan.


How did you not see it coming? Everything pointed to it. Anyways, they use social engineering. Things that divide us, play us against each other, and points that empower opponents they want to there. I'd be surprised if there ain't folks in the ground in counts, too.


I would highly recommend watching the documentary "Active Measures" to help connect the dots and understand what they're doing. It was on Hulu when I watched it, but it may be on different streaming platforms now.


I mean they started a war in the Middle East by giving Hamas the info on the Iron Dome Trump gave them then started the whole protest vote narrative days later so not sure I want to see what 11 looks like.


It’s going to be an escalation but not direct confrontation. Something tells me Russia might give sophisticated weaponry to enemies of the the United States or enemies of our allies. Could be Russia arms Houthis with better missiles or trains them. Could be there are some asassination attempts on the life people who pissed off Putin inside American or European nations. I do think Russia will retaliate but it will not be as direct as a missile strike at a carrier group.


Seriously you honestly think Russia hasn’t already and isn’t t giving weapons to American enemies? Much like Iran is arming the Yemen terrorists , you honestly think Yemen terrorists can make a cruise missiles ? They are lucky to have internet and ride around on donkeys, you think the Iranian and Russians aren’t giving them rockets and cruise missles ?


There’s always room for improvement. I was thinking maybe funding something more immediate like the saudis funded Al qaeda


This is the thing it’s always about money and who annoys the powerful people the least, it’s sad what you say but so true. It’s almost like the rich people have more money than they know what to do with and when they get bored so they start wars whenever they feel like it. The cruise missles given to the Yemen terrorists have to be able to be traced, it’s not like they can be packed up in the post as sent over, the Americans and whomever else obviously know where and when they are being sent from.


> I do think Russia will retaliate but it will not be as direct as a missile strike at a carrier group. As bad as it sounds (and is), I almost wish they would. Just cut to the chase and settle things. The stutter-stepping "I'm going to hit you -- ooh, I'm not touching you, but I'm gonna" stuff is just exhausting. Obviously, I don't want war, and it would be worse than what we're dealing with now. I should take some time and tune out, but it's hard to say "I'm choosing not to pay attention," because that's part of prepping... Sorry, just venting a little. :\


I can understand feeling that way, but the last thing we want is our two countries actively fighting and exchanging fire. That can quickly escalate to a situation where one country thinks they need to launch their nukes before the other launches theirs first.


They can do plenty of things are aren’t “hot”. They hacked the IT systems in some hospitals in London the other day, it caused chaos for a few days.


Car dealerships are having a great time as well


>'Time will tell what these will be.' This is just so much posturing and sabre rattling.


[Just like China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China's_final_warning)


/r/russiawarns. There’s even a sub for it.


They don’t want to bring America into war. They want to do a tit-for-tat everytime America engages a new enemy. Foreign policy has a long memory and it’s nasty.


They know a direct conventional war with America and NATO would be a complete shattering of their forces both in Ukraine and elsewhere. The power imbalance is unreal right now. I cannot imagine them being dumb enough to do that BUT I bet people would have said something about Japan not being dumb enough to attack the US in 1943 as the power imbalance there was also pretty high.


Actually the Japanese military was much larger than the American much more battle experienced and had more resources at hand. The thing the Japanese didn't account for was America manufacturing capabilities and how quickly we could go from nothing to the best. We literally were making more ships within the year after Pearl harbor than the Japanese made in the last decade.


> Actually the Japanese military was much larger than the American much more battle experienced and had more resources at hand. In theater yes but in total numbers the US navy was pretty even with Japan in terms of tonnage and capability. Also the US military as a whole was on par with Japan as well. Sure Japan had the advantage of a better trained and battle hardened force but everyone understood well the US capacity for industry greatly dwarfed Japan and many of the ships, planes and weapons that were used to win that war were already in production or designed. As an example the Iowa class battleships were laid down in 1940 and entered service in 1943-1944. The first midway class carrier entered service in October 1943 but is was designed and being planned for in 1940 before the war started. Japan knew it could not defeat the US. Their entire war theory relied on them being able to win for the first year of conflict and then sue for peace from a position of strength before the US got enough of it's assets and industrial capacity to bear or that the US would be unwilling to fight and die for islands in the pacific. It was a really really stupid plan that was basically completely ignorant of how Americans think. Thus my point that even if it is VERY stupid there is a historical precedence for authoritarian leaders launching wars that to any sane person is VERY stupid. I think it is highly unlikely that Russia will do something here BUT I also thought launching an invasion of 41 million people that hate you that is the largest country in Europe with only 100k or so troops was also really dumb yet here we are.


Japan had 4 more aircraft carriers and 120 battle ships/destroyer than America at the start of WW2. That's literally the British navy in difference lol. Japan had almost a million more battle ready soldiers than America when Pearl harbor happened and they were already in the Pacific theater. I'm telling you the reality is Japan at the start of war with America dwarfed America it's why it took us almost a year after Pearl harbor to launch the Pacific invasion. In that year we built almost 200 shops trained and armed almost 2 million soldiers ECT.


I am not sure where you are getting your numbers from but those are wrong the US Navy at the start of WW2 had: 17 battleships 7 aircraft carriers 37 cruisers 171 destroyers 112 subs vs IJN 10 battleships 10 aircraft carriers 38 cruisers 113 destroyers 63 subs So the US had 7 more battleships 58 more destroyers and 49 more subs. The IJN had 3 more aircraft carriers and 1 more cruiser. Those are two navy's that as a whole are roughly equivalent. The difference is the US had that split between two oceans and the IJN was mostly in the pacific. In terms of total army size there was a large difference with Japan having 1.7 million vs the US only 300k BUT over half of that IJN army was deployed in China when the war started and as the pacific war was largely decided as a naval/air engagement with some limited in scale ground operations that size didn't really matter as much. In terms of air force the US had 2500 air craft vs 3300 for Japan but again half of those were tied up in the conflict in China making the forces roughly equivalent. While the industrial ramp up was very impressive it was also largely in process at the start of the war and the US navy and really even without it the US was in a position to just shift it's forces to the pacific and challenge japan on that basis once everything was consolidated. The industrial ramp up enabled the US to fight both Japan and Nazi Germany at the same time without having to consolidate everything to the pacific. This was all well understood by the Japanese and they knew very well they would lose any war that lasted more than a year for these reasons. They attacked anyways which to my point was very dumb considering they knew they would likely lose. AKA sometimes leader do dumb stuff even if it is obvious it is dumb.


At some point after poking the bear it will likely strike. Russia knows the powers that be are trying to force their hand to start a war. Looks like it’ll be a proxy war for now


Everyday hundreds of Russians are killed by us trained us armed ukrianians with us satellite and drone help. And Russias sat and took it lol. The best your speaking of is 60 years old and ok life support and couldn't throw a claw if its life depended on it.


Russia isn’t going to do shit


No, they're going to send out another fleet, like their rusty not-fully-functional-since-1989 warships are going to scare anyone.


Much like their hockey teams.


What if they invade Ukraine?!


They’ve been doing shit for a decade. They’ve been attacking usa on the online front this entire time.


Well, no, they will. They will attack NATO bases located in the Ukranian hospitals and kindergartens.


I hope that was sarcasm.


I still refuse to add /s cause I still have hope in humanity lol.


The problem is that these days you never know. I'm as sarcastic as they come but many people post what should only be sarcasm seriously. Glad you're not one of them.


Not kinetically


I think Russia could spend minimal resources and send \~100 radicalized youth to the southern border with Mexico. With how lax immigration has been over the past few months, I would not be surprised if such foreign agents could easily get across. Say even 20% get across, that is 5 groups of 4 that could target nearby major metropolitan areas in California (e.g. San Diego, LA) and Texas (e.g. Austin, Houston, San Antonio). This would deal a direct blow to the US government without being a direct attack from Russia. Luckily, Biden has recently restricted immigration across the southern border. But I am hoping it is not in response to knowledge of dangerous foreign actors already crossing. However, with the complexity of the Mexican cartels and their interplay with America's DEA, I would not be surprised if the cartels would put a stop to such an attempt in order to maintain a relatively open border for drug trafficking. This is all to say that Russia does not have to directly attack US assets to inflict massive damage to the US government and its citizens. See the myriad daily posts warning about cyber attacks from various unknown entities on major US infrastructure.


Like Russia doesn't already have hundreds of sleepers in every country.🤷‍♂️


Biden restricted immigration across the southern border so he could use it as a deflection point in the debate when Trump brings up his southern border policy. 100% political


They hacked the fed.


And they didn’t do shit still. That hack was very ineffective.






I warn people away from ANY large public gatherings and parades these days. The number of home-grown terrorist shootings is already too damn high. The eclipse, Pride, now the 4th, have all made me extremely nervous that someone would target one of the gatherings. Our city's Pride parade this year had visible police presence and spotters on the roofs of several buildings. Clearly on alert. They had metal detectors, but still people were coming in out of an unwatched alleyway by pushing through the temporary fence. By all means celebrate, but be careful.


Putin is flying all his US political toadys to Moscow for July 4th as always


I’m flying to Denver July 5th so I’m avoiding everything


They’re not going to do shit


Fetal alcohol army gonna fetal alcohol.


Lol in their war in Afghanistan most of their tanks and apcs became unserviceable due to the coolant being ethanol based, troops would just cut the lines and get wasted.


Wasn’t it aircraft?


They started sharing weapons technology with north Korea just a few days ago. That is a big something.


Cue the air raid sirens for incoming poop balloons


Their weapons are garbage.


They go where they are supposed to go and explode. Thats all that matters.


> They go where they are supposed to go and explode. I mean, they notoriously do not.


Don't they have to hit? That's part of the equation I'm sure.


I think they just want access to more of North Korea's weapons reserves. Which are old Soviet or Chinese garbage from 50 years ago lol.


Belaruse Bob ? Kremlin Ken ? Kissassanoff Putinski ?


LMAO @ Kissassanoff Putinski!


Russia has been killing and raping civilians Ukrainians during their invasion. Now when Russia’s civilians get killed, they want to cry? The Russian’s placed anti-air systems near a civilian beach. Ukraine launched ATACMS missiles to destroy these systems. Maybe the question should be: Why were the Russian civilians on a beach during war? Do they not understand the risks? FAFO


Dailymail should is not a reputable source. It's a rag.


Russia already gave the US a final warning about providing the targeting and programming information to the Ukrainians. Russia will most likely start providing the same for groups unfriendly to the US in the Middle East where there are plenty of lightly defended bases.


Yeah but this is a seventh final warning …


They’re super serious this time guys, they’re gonna do it for sure.


They will start counting down like parents with toddlers


I stg the biggest reason I'm gonna be mad if I make it to 0 is bc I hadn't planned out what my actions or follow up would be lmao. Thankfully hasn't happened yet.


They're taking pointers from China now.


this is what i was thinking. i don’t know much. just what i’ve learned over the past year. but dragging the US into a war in the middle east and wrecking them by arming russias ally’s down there would make sense


You hope.


Not really scared of them all the way over here, when they can't even project power into Ukraine. FAFO, comrade.


Russian American and Canadians all have war ships in Cuba. Including but not limited to nuclear powered subs and fast attack subs.


Just a “devils advocate” kind of thought…. I see a lot of “Russia won’t do shit, Russia isn’t doing too hot, etc…” is it possible maybe they’re playing the long game… (I say this rhetorically because I think they are). As much as I am not a fan of Putin or how he does things, he’s also not stupid. He knows he can’t put everything into Ukraine cause NATO is who the real fight is with. No good poker player is going to go all in on the first bet. He’s stringing them along to hold out for what he believes will be the real threat. I think we should look more than 5 minutes ahead and see that we are not military strategists or military intelligence and we have no idea what’s actually happening. Take what you see/read with a grain of salt because like every war, there is propaganda from any and all sides and just prep the best that you can. No one knows when, how, where or what exactly so just do you the best you can and stay apprised.


The stage has set for WW3. Historically we’re already in it. Putin is gearing up for the bigger battle. Look at their war economy. He’s forming alliances. He doesn’t need the strongest allies. They’re able to get their enemies to take their own knees out through propaganda and nationalism.


Yes they are threatening to send slightly less mail order brides in the next shipment. Truly a travesty


Russia could end their war of aggression against sovereign nations and this would all be over.


So why was it going on for 8 years before the invasion even started?


Agreed, the Daily Mail is literally tomorrow's Chip wrapper, but it's maybe worth pointing out to Russia that any Drone or Shell sourced from Iran or North Korea that is used inside Ukraine will be met with "Real" retaliation with modern weapons...


Prep prep


BBC also has an article on it.


I believe they've said they'd contribute/sell weapons and materials to groups that are hostile to us. Although, I think they already do that, so how much of a change there will be, I don't know. But an ISIS type group launching a Russian missile from a freighter loitering off our coast wouldn't surprise me.


If a missile came into American airspace and caused any fatalities you better believe there will be a swift and lethal response, especially if Trump is elected back into office. NORAD would have coordinates of origin sent so fast, jets would be scrambling.


Who would you attack? The missile came from a chartered freighter delivering cargo to our ports. There's no country of origin for the launch. It's a Russian missile, but they say they sold it on the open market. Just like our missiles being sold to the Ukraine and attacking Russian soil...


Trump? Lol Russia was found doing bounties for dead US soldiers but orange shit stain didnt do a thing aggainst his butt buddy.


Brainwash is heavy. Left/right they are all bad


BoTh SiDes Grow up, it doesnt take much to to see the man jealous of and idoizing Kim Jong Il is not good for the country, left or right. Just maybeee one side is significantly less bad.


They already proved it wasn’t the US. Look at who they shot in the act.


I don’t know if it’s because I’m a veteran and or because I’m a Cold War kid…. But it just seems so perplexing that the American public doesn’t seem even remotely phased by all this….


They are eventually going to have a rude awakening


People are starting to worry. I work with a lot of Gen Z/Millennials, and their normal aloofness has started to shift to a more seriousness. There's a deep sense of unease brewing right now.


Most Americans spent the last twenty years, potentially almost 2/3rds of their lives depending on how old they are, with the news coming in from two wars in the Middle East. News like this just fades into the background because it's just more of the same. Yeah, the Ruskies are saber rattling. Again. It's what they do. The Norks blustering about whatever it is they're on about this week? Same old, same old. Oh those Iranian proxies attacked a US base in Iraq and then got turned into a fine red paste for their trouble? Must be a day ending in Y.


Russia and North Korea do this every other day. Isn't it taxing getting excited about it every time? Threats, saber rattling and back to square one. Every. Fkn. Time.




I’d say Russia is drunk but Putin conscripted all those guys for the meat grinder


When countries are broke they go to war. USA and China have massive debts. Uk and France haven’t bounced back from 2020. This is a total shit show going on and people think this is a joke. These global confrontations are legitimately scary because one accident triggers a world war


Russia won't stop with Ukraine. Let's remember the lessons our grandfather's learned in the 1940's.


It’s not about Russia itself but one or more of their proxies: Iran, China, North Korea. They have plenty to choose from.


Exactly they are aligned with every USA enemy. The chips are falling into place and just look at what’s going on!!!!! Alliances are being made military weapons are being sent by all countries to 2 regions this is definitely heating up.


China: Can't force project, trapped on land effectively. Their plan for invading Taiwan is using commerical ferries, I shit you not. North Korea: Same Russia: Same.


It seems these people were injured by shrapnel from intercepted missiles. The civilians were not the targets. They are also vacationing in territory seized by force from another country which they are at war with, a war they started. The Kremlin wants to blame everything on the US and NATO. There was an attack in some border region where there have been separatist movements and Muslim insurgents. They blamed that on the US too. Seems pretty unlikely.


Peskov is a rumbling alcoholic. 0 fucks.


Are they gonna push us out a window?


No, we'll jump because we're sad while they are visiting us.


5D chess.


Cyber - Possible space "accident" - Other types of accidents (at sea, etc) - Election interference - Africa/Iran/Hezbollah, etc.


Do we have a source besides the daily rag


Russia has been in warning mode for years. It’s the bully that wants to be hit, but gets frustrated if he doesn’t.


Was the “foundational decision” to announce a decision? What am I missing?


How dare you let the country we invaded and are stealing there kids attack us on their land!




They have been saying this since the war started


I am shivering all over


Nothing to worry about. This is all very North Korean rhetoric aimed at their own population. Putin trying to appear strong.


Russia cries wolf every day dude


Ruzzian lies and propaganda, they won’t do anything they arnt already doing.


Russia doesn’t have the balls


I wonder if this has anything to do with the rumored cyber attack/breach of the federal reserve.


Russia can’t win against Ukraine, what does it expect to do against NATO? These threats won’t lead to war with the west and, if anything, will be something that can’t be considered a direct act of war.




Bring it. With your bullshit army. Like me and the boys forgot how to fight. It's only been a few years for us real ones


So basically you’re going to help Trump win the election. Thanks for the heads up.


They will "remove" the Reaper drone patrolling Black Sea and feeding information for strikes.


like those attacks on Donbas which they themselves attacked and made a target for return fire by shooting further into Ukraine from it.. this is a blame blame blame game while they are on the offensive.




Please touch our boats. Please. Let us put your 'navy' out of its misery. Please, the Kuznetsov is begging for the sweet release of death.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/craighooper/2024/02/29/leaked-russian-documents-reveal-deep-concern-over-chinese-aggression/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/craighooper/2024/02/29/leaked-russian-documents-reveal-deep-concern-over-chinese-aggression/) Arent the Russians more worried about China making a move on Siberia for all those sweet sweet sweet undeveloped national resources?


ok, all braced up. go on ahead now.


At what point do we accept the fact that we are the bad guy


Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness... for the sovereign states


No, Russia won’t attack the US mainland or military. What will Russia do - work through proxies. Probably start providing even more direct (but clandestine) support to the Houthi rebels in Yemen targeting US warships, US or allied flagged shipping, and other US targets in the region. Making Yemen hotter takes the focus away from Ukraine.


Again. That trick never works. This time for sure.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, russia aint gonna do shit


Threats are all that Russia has left. They are getting arms for North Korea for Christ Sakes. This war has depleted them significantly. Not just in arms, but as a perceived military power.


What are they gonna do? Bleed?


They will try everything and some things will work but the end is coming for ruzzia. The more it falls, the harder it will kick. Did anyone else notice that they tried to scare us and pull us down, but they never ticked us off, so we would get mad. I mean, really mad. The Orc leadership will make a mistake, and the blowback will crush them.


Ok I’m braced. Do it Ruzzia.


"OK I know this website is total bullshit and headlines don't mean anything but I'm still irrationally scared." OP are mentally deficient? 


I think it’s funny that it was RUSSIA that intercepted the ATACMS over the beach and rained down cluster munitions on their own people. And they blame the US. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 too much vodka distorts the brain.


Or it could have been their own missile. They've had that happen too. Their own missiles are shitty. They like blaming the west for their own missile failures.


Bla bla bla Yada yada.


Amazing how many bots are shilling for the US. Why is the US trying to make war?, the genocide in Gaza is not enough?