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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


My favourite type of magic, Lesbomancy


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be kinky as fuck. The jedi haven't told you about the story of Darth Sodomisor pull out your communicator I have some videos to show you.


If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.




"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Hands the Lustful? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. On the planet Enumclaw, he approached a Bantha herd..."


I see you are a man/woman of culture


Came looking for this


I need to go reread *Gideon the Ninth*. When my husband recommended it to me he just described it as ”Lesbian Necromancers in Space”


I think the best description I've seen of it is "He-Man and and Skeletor are teenage goth girls who have to solve a murder mystery" the runner-up is probably "Gay Goth Among Us"


I'm not sure how they'd feel about there being a "man" in the middle of it




Just wait till you find out about the Sith Gooner Gang.


“Space lesbian magic” is a good name for a band.


Imagine your on courusant and a band jsut came to your area named"space lesbien magic


Distinct lack of jizz played by that group


Because of their unique anatomy they can actually play more than one piece in a set


Yes it is. It’s a magic band name.


I still don't buy that the twins are actually force babies. The entire conversation between Aniseya and Koril indicates there was some sort of forbidden or questionable method to their conception, likely scientific. And Koril pretty clearly states that she only carried them to term via surrogacy, right?


We're never gonna see the end of these discussions aren't we Well it's Star Wars. We've been arguing for damn near 50 years.


Yes. 1970s: How does the force work? Space magic 1990s: Midichlorian counts go brrrrrrrrr


The discussions will stop only when we have gone decades without new star wars content, when it has reached a point where something else has come along to fill the space (pun intended) left by the absence of star wars content and those of newer generations stop experiencing star wars. Only when the franchise is well and truly dead will the discussions stop. Yet even that will be but for a brief time as schools inevitably start introducing it in various facets of lessons be they literary or historical eventually leading to similar discussions as what we see today with there possibly being discussions about the discussions we currently have. That or some apocalyptic type event will wipe out all record of star wars thus ending the discussions along with star wars' existence.


I mean, if the goal is to have people talking about SW its working. The issue tends to be making dumb choices, like this, which make people go "wait that makes no sense. Huh". Then you have those who will rabidly defend any decision disney atar wars makes, telling your your some kind of "ist" for criticizing anything


>The issue tends to be making dumb choices, like this, which make people go "wait that makes no sense. Huh". No, the issue is people taking a bonafide MYSTERY show that isn't even over, and claiming that not only do they know the answer to the mystery, but that this answer doesn't fit with established canon. And it's mostly done by people who haven't even seen the show. The only thing we know about the twins is: ***The Jedi wouldn't approve of how they were conceived.*** That's it. For all we know. * Their mother slept with a Jedi. * Their mother slept with a Sith. * The twins were created via Invitro-Fertilzation, which for some reason is outlawed in the Republic. * The twins are clones, which for some reason is outlawed in the Republic. * The twins were created via the Force, by the sisterhood. * The twins were created via the Force, by a Sith Lord. * The twins were created via the Force, by the Force itself. >Then you have those who will rabidly defend any decision disney atar wars makes Fine, you want my credentials? You need to see my papers? RoS and BoBF were both hot garbage. > telling your your some kind of "ist" for criticizing anything Pot meet kettle.


Preach 🙌🏼


I mean, what part about this doesn’t make sense though?


It's actually different, they were created artificially, Anakin was natural and through the Force itself.


One is a manifestation of the will of the Force, one is a manifestation of the will of a force user. Idk why people are so butt hurt about it lol


I still have problem with some of the writing and acting, but I love the fight the choreography and CGI, and yes I have no problem with the "conceived by the force" part, because it's artificial.


I’m starting to get the feeling some of these people are running on manufactured outrage, just like all the people enraged about Ki Adi Mundi’s birthday “change”. They’re definitely getting angry over normal things to get angry about that everybody knew.


The prequels are a hot mess when it comes to writing and story and character and dialogue, but damn the fights are good.


But without the dialogue, we won't have the memes. The dialogue is something that even Disney Star Wars can't replicate.


Oh I love the shit dialogue. It's what makes the Prequels the prequels. They're terrible but I love them for it.


It’s so weird because the latter happened in legends with Plagueis and no one seemed to have an issue with it. And the whole moral of the story of that ordeal was, he shouldn’t have done that because that had many repercussions including his own death via the Force. If the Nightsisters did the same thing, they definitely got their comeuppance by being all massacred and their offspring causing chaos everywhere they go. My head cannon currently is if Plagueis did the same thing, he probably took it to an even more drastic extent (like in legends) and the Force itself had enough to the point where it literally created Anakin to wipe the slate clean. The Nightsisters wanted to play God and fucked around and found out it seems.


I was always under the impression that Anakin was created by Plagueis


I think the force responded to Plagueis's shenanigans by creating Anakin.


Ah got you. I’m not well read on Legends material I am just strictly going off of what was said in the movies


That was a fan theory


And that is why I have stayed out of this discussion because I had no clue what da fuq is going on in Acolyte :o


I haven't watched the show, I just assumed it was like sith alchemy and walked away


It's like artificial insemination, but with The Force instead of sperm.


Bi shmi bi shmi


Bye shmye bee shmee


Shmi skywalker is our bi queen 🫦💅


Everybody seem to forget about night sisters


Did the night sister's give birth via the force?


I always assumed they gave birth via Dathomirian Dick.


Only the best males are allowed to survive, with "best" being a matter of ~~measurement~~ opinion.


They had zabrack males as slaves who would act as breeders on occasion.


I mean, I guess that js a type of force


You're not wrong 😂


They turned normie zabraks into Sith powerhouses through magic. Everyone forgetting about Maul and Opress?


No, but they did "create life" with the force. Zombies are an imitation but they also bring Savage Oppress back to life, while also totally changing his body with the force. Creating life with the force has been canon since episode 3. This is an application of that.


no it was via Threads by Meta i think


They use illusions, not tricks


What exactly would you call raising the dead (without even breaking a sweat)?


It was an arrested development reference. There is a failed magician who claims he doesn't use tricks but illusions.


No one picking up on that makes me feel old.


*hello darkness, my old friend*


That song is 60 years old, so now you're old²


It’s almost impressive that Reddit has outlived Arrested Development getting automatic upvotes. 2010 Reddit would have loved that reference.


I don’t care for Gob references.


Certainly a trick. You try raising the dead without breaking a sweat, shit ain’t easy.


"I'll try necromancy, that's a good trick!"


If they can start a fire and freshen the meat up a bit, pass me some salt and pepper, I’ll call that a treat


[It’s not a trick…it’s an illusion!](https://youtu.be/dY2PqZKWjlQ?si=CuMmU0__mbvI_NSL)


Dear God! Haha Loved that one.


They only make you think they're spinning!


Yeah, a trick is what a whore does for money.


How dare you, this is an honest living!


Ever seen one do a back flip? I haven't.




Yo wtf is this. GTFO bot.


Tricks are what a whore does for money


…what? Edit: I now understand


It's a reference


Ah, never watched AD




Thank you


Trick is what a whore does for.money... or candy!


The least deserved downvoted comment 😭


They're the same image Just worded differently


Magic carpet


That's why Anakin was such a dramatic teen: space thespian magic.


So, I love being pedantic but effectively every lesbian I've ever had that conversation with claims that scissoring is something you do once out of curiosity but never again as it's inefficient and just plain uncomfortable Yes, I am fun at parties


I like to think that everyone involved in the project got the "You have alerted the horde" message from L4D2 when that episode aired.


I thought that Anakin was created by Darth Plagueis


Anakin was likely created as an unintended consequence of Plagueis trying to use the Force to create life. Its never proven but implied that this was the cause.


Interspecies relationships exist but Lesbian Space Witches is where people draw a line?


Disney did Kanan and Hera awesomely, but they didn't stick the landing - Jacen Syndulla is basically just a human kid with green hair. He should have at least had semi-greenish skin and some tiny lekku. They've made the same mistake with Osha and Mae, giving her a Dathomirian mother and having neither of them show signs of Dathomirian lineage. They should have at least had some little nub-horns or face patterning, otherwise as dope as Koril looks they should've just made her human.


What if the lekku thing is decided by a recessive gene. If you have em both you get lekku, if you dont, you have normal hair.


Were the kids on the farm planet in Clone Wars half Twilek? The bio father was gine by the time the clone deserter got there. I can’t remember their names.


They were definitely not all-human.


Kinda wonder if the twins are force clones of the human mother rather than a genetic combination of the mothers. Or at least just the human DNA. Would explain their appearance and seems more straight forward. Plus Disney has been adding cloning to as many stories as possible to retroactively build up to Palpatine's "somehow", so I do expect cloning to feature here at some point.


I mean, there's also...the clone wars. Cloning has been a heavy part of Star Wars since the OG.


Maybe it’s like how horses and donkeys make mules—mules barely look any different from donkeys and nothing like horses.


They're not from Dathomir. And even on Dathomir, not all nightsisters were partially Zabrak. And even not all Dathomirian's exhibit the same culture, even as different sects of witches, as seen in Tales of the Empire.


No, we draw the line at lore breaking lesbian space witches. It's not that they're gay don't try and peg shit writing and bad decisions on precieved bigotry.


Explain how they break the lore, everytime I ask people don't answer or answer in vague terms that don't make sense


So the big issue was the birth of the twins they were conceived through the force, which was supposed to be unheard of until Anakin comes around about 100 years later the force creates Anakin to bring balance. When Qui-Gon brought Anakin in front of the order originally and told the council this they thought he was high but with the twins existence the jedi may possibly find out about how they were conceived but the show isn't over yet so that's more of a wait and see situation. There's also the issue of the sith who are still supposed to be deep into hiding at the moment they weren't supposed to have been seen for a thousand years. So long story short a LOT of people need to be either the dumbest the galaxy has to offer or just die to tie up these plot holes.


1. I mean it's still unheard of, the jedi don't know how the twins were born, hell iirc technically we the audience don't know beyond they were created by one woman and carried by another, maybe they were conceived using the force but that's very different from being concieved by the force as anakin was 2. Weren't seen or weren't reported to the council, there has to be some reason why Qui Gon is able to guess maul is a sith when, if the council believe them to be extinct, teaching about how to recognise a sith wouldn't exsclty be common practice, we know almost certainly most jedi that have seen the sith in the acolyte will die and we also know the jedi at this point are displayed as politically motivated and wanting to cover up this incident and no one has yet even thought or suggested they are a sith because they think they're extinct.


There was no father =/= conceived through the force.


This is when y'all tap out? I left when I saw a throwing star get cut by a lightsaber instead of showing us the reason the mandalorians used slug throwers. For those not in-the-know, lightsabers turned regular bullets (slugs) into molten hot metal instead of deflecting them.


Bullets are a lot faster than a knife


A bullet has a lot more propulsion than something thrown by hand


I thought that was pretty bad ass. I don't really get the problem people are having with this show. It's not the best of the shows but it's much better than a number of the Star Wars shows we've had. This is a pretty straight forward Jedi story. On par with Ashoka and earlier seasons of the Mandalorian. I was expecting trash like Book of Boba Fett or Obiwan.


Are people actually angry about this??


People were still angry about if greedo shot first So yes, we're gonna do this for at least another 40 more years


Lucas wearing a "Han Shot First" t-shirt while filming Ep 1 was hilarious.


Why are you asking, this is the Star Wars fandom! Of course they are!


Lmao yeah u rite No one hates Star Wars quite like a Star Wars fan. 😂


i legitimatly don’t consider myself a Star Wars fan precisely because i like more then 20% of star wars like I think plenty of Disney (and Lucas AND legends) SW stuff is worthy of criticsm at the very least but it’s clear most take It way too far we all know about the death threats by now


If you ask the right witches you might get undead threats


If only dathomirian witches dealt with Star Wars fans in a similar way


People take it WAY too seriously, are some of the plot points dumb? Absolutely. Am I enjoying the show enough to look forward to the next episode? 100%.


This is a stupid fucking post


"How wude." --Yoder


Star Wars fandom showing the world how much they suck


Is she not a lesbian in space that uses magic?


This is objectively true, no argument to be made here


Do you think Palpatine used Straight Space Magic?


You could say that, sure.


Is there any reason not to call it that?


Not really. A bit of a mouthful, I suppose. But call it that if you want to.


She's also a human with 10 fingers and hair. So it's more like human 10 fingered hair lesbian magic.


That was not space lesbian magic, just space magic. Remember they had the males from the planet isolated for, well, purposes. Edit: this is referring to the people saying constantly about the sisters in clone wars who also used magic.


Did they? That was the Dathomirian witches that had guys in another location. Maybe the Brendok witches had them too, we never saw them and they never mention it.


I just noticed I replied the wrong comment, I'm an idiot 🤣


Agreed, space lesbian magic was so cringe in Acolyte


No u


That spaceship took off decades ago


When did the Bene Gesserit get to Tatooine?


The Power of One! The Power Of Two! The Power of MOOOONNNNEEEYYY 💰


> MOOOONNNNEEEYYY Dutch van der Linde?


The power of loosing money


"He could even influence the midichlorians to create life" as much as I dislike acolyte, this doesn't break cannon at all. Was it necessary? No. Was is pandering towards Disneys agenda? Yes. Is it really an issue? No.


“Is it possible to learn this power?” “Not from a Jedi” The whole point of the conversation is that Sidious is implying that Anakin could learn this power and non-Jedi could teach it.  Now, Sidious was speaking in half truths, but still 


The witches are non-Jedi, and likely also darksiders, I see no issue here


If we're going by the old lore, Plagueis FAILED at it and the force made Anakin as a reaction to Plagueis's attempt to influence the force. Without that, the general consensus is that Palps is just trying to win Anakin over, might not actually be telling the truth. It isn't even officially canon that Anakin was made by either of them, nor as a reaction to their actions, anymore. In this case it's less "breaks canon" and more, "cheapens what's already there." If the force made Anakin as a response to the Sith, then why did it not also happen with the witches? Exerting your will upon the force is the definition of the dark side, so the witches clearly aren't using the light side to do it. The Sith aren't special, the prophesy is about eradicating the dark side, not just the Sith. In the same way, if the Sith succeeded and Anakin was the Chosen One, once again, why did it not happen with the witches? You can't have the Sith create the Chosen One which wipes out all dark side users when they try to create life but have the witches casually create life like it's just a Tuesday.


How exactly does it further any agenda though? I genuinely don’t understand.


Because gay people existing outside of the background in tv spreads the agenda. I feel like several people would a lot less annoyed if it was just the sith or the night sisters and people don’t like new additions to canon. But so many people seem to annoyed by the lesbian part specifically.


I mean if the existence of people with different lifestyles and/or sexualities offends someone personally… it’s usually their own problem. As it is, I have not yet seen what part of the show, exactly, makes any sort of statement, positive or negative, regarding the LGBT community, other than “they exist.”


People who get annoyed by it are only annoyed by the fact gay people get representation and then it’s considered “woke” (which is a stupid buzzword). Some people are annoyed because of lore reasons, which I think is more understandable, but I feel like the people who specifically point out the lesbian characters who just so happen to have done the ritual are more annoyed by “the woke agenda” than actual complaints with the story.


Honestly woke is more than a buzzword. It means socially conscientious person. Same as SJW. Both are major complements in my book. I am proudly woke.


Have not watched the show? Like, at all? The main character has two mothers, that are clearly lesbians. I'm not complaining about it btw, just saying that there is a clear representation of LGBT people in the show.


Direct quote from my comment: > Any sort of statement … other than “they exist.” You clearly haven’t read what I wrote before responding. That is not something reasonable, intelligent people do. PS: the mere existence of lesbians should not be a controversial subject. Like I said in my previous comment, if you feel like it _is_ controversial, you are most likely the issue here.


I don't think the fact that they are lesbian causes that much of an issue. I believe the issue is that it's pretty clear that the show writer is showing the Covent of lesbian space witches who make children of their own and completely remove men as some kind of utopia. And that it's the evil jedi bigots who came to break the utopia because of patriarchy or whatever. This is just the political standpoint and a wet dream of that showrunner. (The one that loves to say "I'm gay hihi"). And why is that a problem? Well, the least of the issues is that they don't portray the Jedis as what they are: guardians of the galaxy, the balance, and the force of good. They demonise them to make them look like stupid, weak, evil child kidnappers. One of the writers said in an interview that Star Wars wasn't about good VS evil, so I think I'm on point. An other issue is that the hobbies and what we grew up with is constantly hijacked by people who don't care about what the fans like, but only about what THEY like. The majority of the viewers are white straight men. Whether they are bothered by being LGBT stuff is depending on the people, but I think that everyone would prefer to watch Anakin romance Padme rather than whatever this is. I wish the echo chamber of Disney writers would stop twisting already existing things for them to match their current views.


Disney's agenda? Dude the only agenda Disney has is making almost all of their gay characters perfectly able to be edited out for the Chinese audience. I'm honestly surprised they let this idea slide


And what would Disney's "agenda" be? To make fun family-friendly movies that are primarily aimed toward children, many of whom are of different ethnicities than just white?


Yeah, but I think this is before Darth Plaugus figured it out.


“The power of scissoring” when did we get anything suggesting The Twins were produced sexually? Every time I see this joke it’s always come off as mean spirited.


Also anyone I see talking about scissoring gives me the energy they only know about lesbians from porn, it's literally only a thing in porn no one actually does that shit or well the vast majority don't cus it doesn't really work and is just a porn move.


Could you imagine anyone thinking offspring is produced sexually ? GROSS


...They’re very much implied to be made artificially in the same sense test tube babies are. Plus scissoring literally would not work, did you lot think they became force futas???


I DONT KNOW??? They don't really explain much now, do they???


Lesbomancy, my favorite kind of magic


Settle down there, dwarf.


So funny all the Star wars fans complaining that the writing is bad now.... It's always been bad. Two of the first three movies have the exact same plot.


Funny thing, in SW Legends, it's heavily implied that Darth Plagous and Darth Sidious impregnated her through the force. So I guess gay darkside magic? Also maybe r*pe?


Technically It's rape either way. No matter who did it Shmi for sure gave no consent. I guess the Force might be a rapist. But the Force is also female apparently so maybe it doesnt count, who knows these days.


The comments are more hostile than Geonosis.


*sends hot breath your way*


I think if you asked the right ladies, they'd tell you that there's a lot of power in that.


Sir Snu


For every post like this, Disney is going to go after Star Wars Theory even more


can someone explain this to a OG and Prequel only guy?


It's another "Acolyte is dumb" based meme. Apparently in Acolyte (Disney's latest show) a bunch of witches get together and maybe get somebody pregnant via the force? Haven't seen it, but that's my loose understanding; there's been a lot of memes mocking it since.


Thanks my friend!


It's Space Lesbian Magick with a K


I mean, were they really lesbians though? And I still don't get the Anakin immaculate conception connection


You say 'lesbian space magic' like it's a bad thing.


Whilst listening to the Scissor Sisters


Happens all the time


I mean, is this anymore far fetched or absurd than 'Spaaaaaaace magic' in general including 'spaaaaaaaace jesus'.


Ok that changes everything and now it’s weird


Black Girl Magic, last seen in The Marvels, now with 100% more lesbians! Happy Pride Month, everyone!


Intent matters. Shmi didn’t intend to have a baby Palpatine probably intended it


Punctuation is important, you just mind raped me with the image of a newborn Palpatine looking exactly like the old, melted one from Revenge


Is that actually what they’re saying is happening in that new show that Anakin was born through some kind of magic like that


If you look at the interviews outside the shows. Yes, I believe they are trying to make Anakin some random dude and the jedi evil (because they are a religious cult?). I don't even think it's far-fetched to speculate they are trying to do it because it's a white straight male, and you can't be a hero, good or smart if you are a straight white male.


I mean, he was kind of born through magic if you count midiclorian manipulation, but it wasn’t some kind of witchcraft. It was just a Sith lord doing what Sith lords do (fuckin with nature) but if that’s the new canon that they’re going with then once again just like with rogue one they have to go back and change the entire speech that palatine gave Anakin at the theater


Except he was not born via midichlorian manipulation. He was created by the Force itself to counter Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious' experiments; if was them who were manipulating things trying to create something unnatural. Anakin was basically the Force saying fuck around and find out to them. 


The only thing the force did was change their experiment to giving anakin‘s mother a child (effectively, removing anakin from plagueis’s grasp) instead of just creating anakin out of pure force energy, and darth plagueis was trying to create anakin as kind of fulfilling the sithari prophecy


No. Not even slightly. These people just make assumptions and then jump to conclusions based on those assumptions, and get mad online.


The power of One...


Was it ever confirmed that Anakin was actually born from the force? I have always taken her line "there was no farther" to mean that she didn't think of the guy that got her pregnant as a father. She was a slave so there's no telling what she has been though.


You do you as far as head canons go, but Shmi was pretty clear that Anakin was conceived as a direct result of the Force itself creating life within her and not a random act of impregnation-and-abandonment of an enslaved woman by some lowlife.


It's not really my head canon, I was legit asking if or where this was confirmed in the EU. The line in the movie is just "there was no farther" that's not exactly confirming the force conception in my opinion. I know in the Vader comics he has a vision of Palpatine manipulating the force around Shmi but she's already heavily pregnant with Anakin in the vision so I took it to mean that Palpatine used the dark side to increase Anakin's connection to the force, not that he created him.




You all are dumb, these which had to invoke the forces power you make a baby , the force made Anakin all on its own.


Starting to think you guys don't actually like star wars, you just like complaining. This is getting pathetic at this point.