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McGregor is Scottish. Can confirm as a Scot that the use of the word “cunt” is used with friends. Meme is accurate.


Well his force ghost mentor is Irish so more likely said cunt first. Obi wan..... Obi wan..... Open your fuching eyes your blind cunt I've been trying to get you to see me for days.


Scottish, Irish, both Celtic people and users of the word cunt in all occasions. Except at grandma’s house.


After experiencing Newcastle on a Saturday night... I can confirm that England loves to express its fondness for cunt too. But think every international brother observes no cunt rule at grandma's.... As you too busy being forced fed.


At a Jedi grandma’s house you get force fed.


Well grandmas are usually a good cunts


Liam Neeson’s accent was absolutely bizarre to me in Obi Wan Kenobi. Like, he was always Northern Irish as Qui Gon but it seemed far more subtle than when he was Ghost Qui Gon. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him lay it on so thick. He didn’t even sound like his native NI, he sounded like he was doing a Billy Connolly impression.


There’s always a bigger fish.


Mate cunt is used with friends and colloquially by most English speaking peoples *except* for Americans who for some reason see it as an unforgivable curse The Hound from Game of Thrones used it like a paint brush


Yeah and his actor is Scottish lol Most English folk I know don’t use cunt unless it’s an insult. Australians do use it like us though.


Haha can confirm as Australian Its more like a catch all term for someone that inconveniences you or annoys you than an outright insult here (we hear it like every day it's not exactly a devastating insult that we have to get over, still pretty horrible to refer to a woman by that though and that's where the line is usually drawn)


Here in Scotland it just replaces “Guy” or “someone”. We’ll say “then some cunt walked in”, and that by no means indicates we think negatively of said cunt. Unless we say “fucking cunt”. It’s when someone walks up to you and calls you “pal” that you know you’re in for a heated exchange. We call pals cunts and cunts pal. No idea who decided it but we’re stuck with it.


Man that's not that far off from what my best mate sometimes says when he's drunk! You call your mates cunts and call cunts pissing you off "mate" with a hard edge and suddenly it's not as friendly a term and could turn violent quickly You are definitely right about the just adding Fucking in front of it and it changes the entire script


Just to add to this, unless you’re an American female hockey player, then you use the shit outta the word cunt. But everyone else in the states does see it as the worst possible thing you can say.


Just started watching the boys and am half way through season 2 and love it


I'm 4 episodes into season 3 and it just gets better and more brutal.


It gets better in a worse way


Guys, he manifested himself on Mortis in Clone Wars.


Just wait for Herogasm


So I've heard. The most notorious comic (which I haven't read) sharing a name with an episode. I can't wait.


Its the best episode but dont let the title hype you up


Comic goes in way harder but aside from a Homelander moment, rhe scale and relevation it's not as good as the shows one imo (even though they're almost completely different).


The show is batshit insane but the comic is even more so but in a bad way. It feels like it was created by a 14 year old edge lord. I used to draw comics as a young teen that had a lot of cussing and big boobed superheroes and look back at how immature it was yet there are actual published comics that are far worse than what I could ever come up with.


That's a bit of a mouthful, even for a battle droid. How about we call you Bats.


>It feels like it was created by a 14 year old edge lord. Sounds like Garth Ennis alright. I love The Boys but I hate the way the dialogue is written.


God it’s so much better than the comics


Lol I genuinely laughed out loud and i also love "The Boys"


Great show. They pull no punches in the ratings.


They Defs tone the show down compared to the comic. Not read it myself, but my buddy has and they told me that in the beginning when Starlight gets sexually assaulted upon her joining The 7, instead of The Deep assaulting her, it’s Homelander, A-Train, and ~~The Deep~~ Black Noir (thanks for the correction) assaulting her. I don’t think a literal gang-rape would have flown over the censors/ratings. Even on a streaming platform that’s isn’t held to the same “standards” as regular broadcast tv.


This is a new day. A new beginning.


How tf did you get here


We're on a star wars subreddit


The bots have trigger words that activate them (usually their names) Nothing in that statement should activate them (unless it mistook “tone” as “Tano”)


I have to sort this out on my own, without the Council… and without you.


You go do that


I can't stand the overabundance of bots on the star wars and marvel subreddits.


The only bot I've ever loved was Bobby b. That man always knew what to say to get me to laugh.




Ik where I am I’m confused as to how the bot got summoned


I follow you, I'm also confused. I'm not familiar with the triggers here. I can't find anything in the comment that would do it though


"....In the beginning" is what triggered the bot. Took me 4 re-reads of the other comment to figure it out.


This is a new day. A new beginning.


I wouldn’t say tone it down rather they didn’t make it cringe. Billy Butcher has his dog rape and brutalize a small dog in the comic just because. It’s childish The comic has a great base for story but it’s just so so so cringey and overdone. The show strikes a good balance.


Plus the dude who wrote the comics has said that the medium is different and he likes what they're doing with the story. He's expressed the fact that he'd have changed a few things since they were originally published due to how he feels now as well. He's also a creative director or something on the show so he has a small say in how they do things.


If you think that's cringey and overdone, then you must think that of all comics. Virtually all comic books go places that live-action won't, not because it's too "cringey," but because it's a different medium, and it just wouldn't fit from a live action perspective.


Definitely not as overthetop to make it impossible to take seriously but I'd still say somewhat toned down. I don't see them adapting anything on the level of the >!Homelander blackmail pictures, period beard, ass Hamster, (maybe) Tek Knight etc.!<


And butcher beats Homelanders son to death with a lamp as soon as he’s born


Oh damn haha I’ve been reading a bit about the differences, it’s really cool they were able to change so much while keeping the core theme and the quality the same. I assumed it was really similar to the comics so I wasn’t planning on reading them, but I might pick them up now that I know they aren’t the exact same story


Lamp? Like how lamplighter killed Mallory’s kids?


I think he just >! physically beat him with a lamp after he crawled out of Becky’s stomach!<


Yeah I figured but it’s kind of funny how they are similar since he used a lamp


I think also that would have been massive overkill and kinda ruin the plot a bit. I haven't read it so I can't say for sure, but chucking that all in at the start makes them all irredeemable and psychotic so much earlier. Homelander is not exactly above that, but tag-teaming with A-Train and The Deep (both of whom he despises) seems like a (psycho) bonding experience he wouldn't care to share with them. A-Train has Popclaw at that point and doesn't really seem to be a massive sexual deviant (obviously the comic versions of the heroes are just cunts in every aspect, not as nuanced). I much prefer what we got. If you wanted to make it more graphic with the implication being fully penetrative then that could still work, just as long as it's The Deep only. Because then he's still the fucking gross misogynist manipulator loser rapist who spends the next 3 seasons having ultimate karma comeuppance in every facet of his life. If you add in A-Train and Homelander you either have to address why they essentially got off the hook for the rape orgy, or they also have to receive similar retribution which limits their own plot lines and just makes the personal vendetta list get longer and more complicated. Just seems like a lot of what the comics did was to knock things up a notch just to emphasise how fucked up a situation was. Half of the Seven gangbang an innocent novice Starlight instead of the wimpiest loser member manipulating her into a non-consensual blow job. Or maybe Flight 37 doesn't just crash, but in the comics Homelander actively destroys the engines and blows up the plane after someone records him letting his psycho side slip in the cockpit (that probably doesn't happen). I know a few comics fans have complained things like Herogasm haven't lived up to the graphic intensity of the comics storybeats, but frankly I think it works better most of the time. Shock value is fine, but it's easy to get desensitised when everything is turned up to 11 on the fucked up scale. Imagine how desensitised we'd be if in Ep1 we saw half the Seven raping Starlight. It'd be super fucked up, but how do you really surpass that for fucked up moments? You also can't ever have A-Train redeem himself after that.


In the first episode of season 3, they literally have discount ant man shrink down and crawl inside a dude's urethra. All in graphic detail mind you


Yeah I’ve seen it. I still don’t think a 3-on-1 sexual assault would have been well received.


I've seen gang rape on law and order svu bruh


L&O: SVU does not show the same level of graphic detail when it comes to sex scenes.


I've read them. It's Homelander, A-Train and Black Noir in the comics. And, not to make light of anything, but it's a blow-bang assault. Still heinous, but it's different than a full-on gang-rape. It's a gang-rape of the mouth. I'll shut up now.


I have read the comics and they definitely are a lot less tame than the show (which is saying a lot) but given how the show seems to get more and more messed up with every episode I have no issue believing that it'll reach comic level brutality at some point


To be fair, the source is too edgy. Not because it helps the story, just edgy to be edgy. Its entertaining but wouldn't ever adapt well to film


Also Black Noir. I read the comics when they were coming out - easily my favorite comic of all time. The biggest difference in the comics is that \*all\* of The Boys are jacked full of permanent compound V and are super durable and super strong. There are so many callbacks in the show to the comics in a great way. Jamie the Hamster is actually a main character that comes out of another character's ass after Hughie punches a hole thru him. There is a storyline similar to the headpopper thing too, but it's totally different in the comic. The ending in the comics isn't that great and so far I'm preferring where it's going with the show.


Not the Deep but rather Homelander, A-Train and Black Noir do it. The Deep didn't really have a character or impact apart from 1 scene from memory. The show essentially took out all the unnecessarily crude work to make a much more competent and very different series.


I gotta say, The Deep has definitely been one of the most interesting and entertaining characters of the show. If he was under utilized in the comics then the show runners of done a great job putting his character to use in the show.


So wasn't Qui gon never supposed to be able to physically turn into a ghost? Cause he never completed his training? or was that retconned?


Yeah although I don’t mind the retcon. Anakin clearly didn’t have a fucking clue and he gatecrashed that ewok sesh about 5 hours after getting the old zap zap from papa palpatine


Please. This is so funny.


You've been a good apprentice, titanicbuster, and you're a much wiser man than I am. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight.


It was retconned in this show. Though I guess you could view it as him completing his training after he died but who knows


In this show?? Yoda tells Obi-Wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith that Qui-Gon has mastered immortality, and will teach Obi-Wan how to commune with Qui-Gon. This is not a recent change.


Wasn’t he an actual force ghost in clone wars or am I mistaken


Only on the planet Mortis where the force is incredibly powerful. But later in the show he talks to Yoda but cant produce a body.


Ur right I remember now


In Clone wars Qui-Gon tells Yoda he died before he could complete his training with the floating aliens which was why he couldn’t manifest as a full force ghost.


Yeah it is consistent with ROTS but contradicts TCW cartoon. These are the problems we run into when we need hundreds of hours of storytelling to be consistent I suppose. But this is not a new problem to Star Wars.


>contradicts TCW cartoon It doesnt though, people are just really bad at making connections without being told In TCW Qui-Gon couldnt manifest because he hadnt finished the training. He didn't know how, but he set Yoda down the path to find out. Yoda then does and finishes the training. And years ago in the books it was established that Yoda and Qui-Gon continued to commune and Yoda helped him finish his training and Qui-Gon then passed the training on to Obi Wan


I'm saving your life. Something evidently pleasing to neither of us, but necessary.


Not to be a jerk, but you can't say >people are just really bad at making connections without being told and then follow it with >And years ago in the books That's being told. That's also another piece of media that was made to bridge a gap in consistency. Regardless, there are still plenty of other contradictions in Force Ghost lore if we want to go down that rabbit hole. For example - why could Anakin appear as one at the end of ROTJ even though he never trained in that skill? Because he had closure? Why did he appear as he was when he was younger? Because George wanted to flex new effects and a new actor, then explain it away by saying "that's when he was last whole and good"? There's no consistency. It was a nice narrative idea initially to have the spectres of the past Jedi guiding Luke to self-actualization and to correct their greatest failure, but at some point it became literal, and at some point every Star Wars fan needed legit rules. And now we're here. Waiting for another drop of a sentence in another piece of media to explain the latest contradiction.


Even without the books, people really can't figure out that Yoda would've taught qui gon? Or that for Yoda to train Obi Wan from Degobah they'd need the ability to communicate across the galaxy? Something that would be possible with, say, a certain force ghost acting as an intermediary?


You've taught him well.


Yeah about that. Yoda didn’t do shit did he.


Yea, as far as we can tell it was a retcon Maybe they can handwave it as him having an especially close connection with obi wan, or that he was somehow able to finish his training in the last 10 years but in reality it's just cause they wanted audiences to see him


Also because if Liam Neeson is willing to appear, even if only for a few seconds, you don't waste the opportunity.


Technically, I think they changed it in some book called Master and Apprentice, but I consider it a retcon anyway because no one cares about c tier books, and the writers of the show definitely did not know about it.


Not a retcon, y'all are just years behind on the lore...


The animated shows are more suggestions than anything at this point, even the ones that were ostensibly "canon."


Yeah when I saw that I was like wait what since when could he do that all of a sudden.


So here’s the thing…his body didnt fade into the force, it was burned, so i would normally say this is a bad retcon, BUT we see that literally the same thing happened with Anakin at the end of episode 6 and its not like he learned how to be a force ghost so i guess dont think about it


Don't know about this, but if that was the case they might as well could have avoided the cameo entirely. It was short and it was handled very awkwardly. It would've made more sense if Ben strengthened his powers again by meeting Qui-Gon and only fought Vader after their reunion. Obi-Wan literally regained his combat prowess in about 48 hours. The force ghost pep talk, while not entirely great either, could've been a nice way to see Ben find his moxy again. Like if he reconnected to the force thanks to the help of an old friend, or something like it.


That’s what i was hoping for. He just got gud.


Obi Wan is just disillusioned and Qui Gon was never there.


He was the first Jedi to ever retain his sense of self after death. At first, he could only manifest his voice, but over time he was able to manifest a physical form. He then taught Yoda and Obi-Wan how to do so.


You've taught him well.


He showed up when they were with the father in clone wars. He's always been able to manifest himself


Everyone is like "They retconned it!" but it was established years ago in a book that Qui-Gon continued his training post death and could manifest as a visible ghost by post ROTS time


I shall do what I must, skilledwarman.


I just started watching The Boys a couple days ago, two episodes away from finishing season 1.


You're in for a treat, 2 and 3 are great seasons as well


It's so good. I can't wait to finish up season 3.


Well with the boys i totally forgot about obiwan show.


youre not missing out on much imo




Now I desperately want a hard-R Star Wars movie starting Karl Urban.


The most bat shit bounty hunter there is


Kyle Katarn dream cast.


He should be cast as Dengar


Dude Karl Urban is awesome I've enjoyed him in many movies I've seen him in from Doom, Priest, Pathfinder, Thor Ragnarok, The Boys, Dredd and that future cop TV show he did 10+ years back name escapes me but he's been enjoyable to watch. I'm glad he's finally getting recognition he deserves 👍👍


Dredd *should* be mentioned in the same breath as classics like Die Hard and The Road Warrior.


How could you miss Lord of the Rings?


I haven't seen those movies since they were released on VHS so I have barely any memory of them 🤔


Ok. For me it was the first movie i saw him in and though he was not a primary character he had a great presence and his character became memorable for me. Like if I were to go into battle and i saw Eomer by my side, i would feel confident of our chances.


That's pretty awesome. I'm curious if that was his first major role?


Almost Human! Wish they didn't cancel it!


Nice one OP!


I love butcher!!!


Lmao - never had there been a better use of this meme


Qui-Gon: I missed the part where that's my problem.


So uncivilized!


(Obi-Wan cuts off Anakin's legs) (Force ghost of Qui-Gon watching on the side): *"Fucking diabolical"*


*steps out of the shadows on the death star* OI


The fake beard for Qui Gon was hilarious.


There are many realities in the universe, some of them quite harsh. One reality that is inescapable is that there is nothing more valuable than a friend. More than food, more than shelter, and more than weaponry, an ally can save your life.


Obi Wan could’ve become Darth Diabolicas


If only the writing of Obi was up to The Boys standards


Translucent cunt* FTFY


Butcher-Wan Kenobi


Bruh in the clone wars qui gon could not fully appear in person bc he had not finished his training, but ofc that doesn’t matter to the people who wrote kenobi since Disney starwars writers legit take pride publicly in not seeing previous material


Couldn't he have finished his training in the 11 years they have passed since Mortis? After Qui Gon died, he'd have 23 years to continue his training and get to the point where he can physically manifest himself. Is there any reason why he can't continue his training?




Is it really death if you can exist and talk with people and interact with your surroundings?




Only a few can, and Qui Gon is one of the few since he was undergoing lessons from the force priestesses before TPM. He got to the point to where he could use what he learned to preserve his consciousness after his own death, as AOTC and ROTS establishes, but wasn't able to physically manifest himself as a full-blown force ghost, as his training was incomplete when he died. Since his consciousness was preserved though, there wouldn't be much to stop him from continuing his training on his own.


May the force be with you.


You know, I can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight. No pride I guess.


I mean why say hi when you can say this...


What a great crossover meme!


How about a spoiler alert or something? I am leaving this subreddir for a while...




Well, that's your opinion, maybe someome want to have fun watching the show without knowing antything. In others subreddits new show memes have spoiler tags, not here since the first episode. I just got tired.




Please let people enjoy things




I know right? The low budget of this so called “show” was highly noticeable.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/vnnpmj/you_could_have_at_least_said_hi/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/PrequelMemes/comments/vnnpmj/you_could_have_at_least_said_hi/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


Someone didn't watch Clone Wars


Did someone watch Kenobi..?


It happened first in the clone wars


But that wasn’t really him, it was a force vision projected by the Mortis family


Darth Plagiarism


Spoiler tag that




I shall do what I must, JudoTrip.


Yea. You’re right. I regretted my comment. Too lazy to delete it thought people cared. I don’t.


Fuck you for spoilers, I haven't finished it yet. Reddit is fucking dumb when it comes to getting their free internet points


Mark NSFW.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


I was wondering who started the beat off.


I head about it in the news, the "beat off brigade" they called it.


Your tactics confuse and frighten me, sir.


For some reason I can't stand the boys and mixing it with sw is irksome. Ugh.


That show is so inconsistent. Billy beats up Translucent with his fists in that scene, then in the next episode, a .50 cal bullet bounces off of Translucent.


He lands some punches but that's not how he wins the fight. He does that by shocking him with an electrical cable which makes perfect sense as a weakness given what about his skin makes it the way it is


And we are back!


Guys, he manifested himself on Mortis in Clone Wars.


Shouldn't the meme say "visible," then?


i love liam neeson LOL








I love this clip… so much. Can’t help but laugh. Feels like one of the coolest one-liners I ever saw in a show.




Qui Gon looks like a bitch in light of the fact that everyone else easily survives a saber to the gut, even children.


this is even funnier to me because Billy's italian voice actor is the same for Obi Wan