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I did, I saw them all once.. and I'm good. I like to think of them as some kind of a what if or an art project. The Thrawn series is the real end of the story


Where is your master? Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?


This was better than TROS and my mind will never be changed


Ah yes the no true scotsman fallacy, lovely.


It is thanks šŸ˜


Maybe . And it might be annoying but maybe a reminder every now and again is not so bad . People out there that loved the sequels and that disturbs me . People have different ideas about what is good but surely we can all look at a turd and call it a turd . I still have a inch of hope for audiences .


"People liked something I didn't and that disturbs me."


This movie is like 5 years old isn't there anything else you guys can spend your time talking about I mean honestly for how much you hate these films you spend a lot of time talking about them


The sequels live in their head rent free.


Sequels bad give me upvotes


Ever considered playing soccer/football? It's one of the only things where gatekeeping is useful.


Oh go fuck a dead log you dingus


Me in the cinema. I still canā€™t believe I sat through that shit. Superman Leia in space was the cherry on top of the turd cake.


Lmao when I saw that I was likeā€¦. WHY. They completely ruined Leia and Luke. Thankfully I donā€™t consider the sequels canon personally. But e8 was one of the worst movies Iā€™ve ever seen. Not even just a bad Star Wars movie but bad overall. Solo was at least a good movie just didnā€™t feel like Star Wars


I donā€™t consider them canon either. People loving them is no different than glorified fan fiction love imo.


Agreed. E7 was ok and E9 was ok but 8 was so hard to even watch.


E7 the hype nostalgia train got me for 5 minutes until I rewatched it and wentā€¦. This is an empty husk of a film, isnā€™t it. E8 properly broke me. My wife and I were looking at each other like wtf is this shit multiple times during it. And by E9 I didnā€™t care, was just a day out with the kids. They didnā€™t care either, just wanted an excuse for sweets. Me too for that matter. The only Disney Star Wars thing I enjoy is Mando, Book of Boba Fett and kinda Obi-Wan. But if Iā€™m being honest, deep down I donā€™t see them as canon either. I just canā€™t. Thereā€™s something disingenuous about them that I canā€™t get past. I can feel the lack of Lucas everywhere.


Personally I like mando and Obi wan a lot. Boba was ok but they didnā€™t do him Justice. He seemed soā€¦ weak. But I thought Disney did great with bad batch! The animation was clone wars all over again! Also clone wars season 7 was great. I loved clone wars, Star Wars rebels, mandalorian, Kenobi, E1-6, and rogue one. boba was mid. E7 and 9 and solo were meh, and e8 and rise of resistance are atrocities never to be seen from again