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Honestly sometimes your body just has to go through it and adapt. But do choose a work place that has a reasonable policy stating sick kids stay home, and hold your management accountable for making sure families stick to it. Also eat healthy, get rest, and wash your hands often.


Been doing it for 7 years and VERY rarely get really sick (probably less than once a year tbh), but the first year was ROUGH. I felt like I was constantly running a low-grade fever. Luckily my director was super accommodating and understanding, and after that first year my immune system fully adjusted. But it does take time to get there!


i think the main problem is staffing shortages. it's a small daycare and being a floater i'm exposed to so much more in different rooms. but they're pretty good about keeping kids home sick and there's no amount of sick days you can take per year at my job now like there was at my last job.


I hear you. Being exposed to many sources of germs is a ripple effect of staffing shortages.


this is just the nature of childcare. you will eventually stop catching everything but you’ll still be sick more often than you would be if you weren’t exposed to a bunch of children every day. wash your hands a lot and mask if/when you can. 


Nose spray - Vicks first defence can be magic 


Wash your hands very often, get lots of sleep, eat well and take vitamins (c, d and zinc are the best to help boost your immune system).


Wear a well fitting n95 mask at all times


First, you’re probably going to find better support in the r/eceprofessionals sub. Second, wash your hands frequently, but understand that you’re gonna get sick a lot because plenty of illnesses are airborne and toddlers don’t cover their mouths.


Great suggestion, that sub is a treasure trove Edited for typo


So wear a mask for sure!


Try to make it a habit to never touch your face at work


Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do. In my case it never got better because I have multiple autoimmune conditions. I literally catch every single thing. Moving up to a public elementary school (my certification extends to that) is better since they’re a tad less sicker and also you get some paid sick days. But overall it’s hard. I also now have a 5 year old and the moment she started daycare she and I were sick at least once a month until she turned 3ish or so.


Try not to eat in the room. If you do need to eat in the room (lunchtime, etc), be sure to wash your hands thoroughly first. 


I swear by elderberry gummies every single day, a good multivitamin every day, and zicam at the first sign of feeling off. I use a lot of hand sanitizer when I can’t wash fully and I wash my hands all the time. At night I have to slather my hands in shea butter lotion with Vaseline over top and cotton gloves. If your hands are not super dry at the end of the day, you don’t wash enough. Try to avoid touching your face, wear your hair up, and stay hydrated-drink 2x more than you think you need.


I think for a lot of it, you’ve just got to build your immune system. Exercise and getting plenty of rest should help too. My kiddo just finished her school year of preschool and we were sick more often than not. We caught hand foot and mouth, Covid, ear infections, a uti, gastroenteritis, and numerous colds and other bacterial and viral infections. I’m just glad we didn’t get pink eye when the rest of her class did! I’m crossing my fingers that she will be able to attend more of kindergarten this next year since her immune system has worked so hard. Fingers crossed!


If you don't qualify for yearly flu and covid jabs, pay for them out of pocket. So worth it.


It’s unavoidable. Become an expert in over the counter cough medicine. Read the labels. Decongestant (the 12 hour ones are a life saver), cough suppressant (can make you dizzy), nasal sprays, anti histamines. All have different uses and limitations.


Covid damages your immune system so that is probably contributing to why you're getting sick. Wear a mask - KN95 or better. Also see if you can get a HEPA filter for your classroom, that will help prevent spread of viruses.


Not a teacher my we got sick significantly less frequently when our baby turned 4.