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Still waiting for one of them to do something super out of pocket like make out with each other or die or start crying


Wow you jinxed him. Can’t believe that just happened on TV wtf


One of them dying on stage might not be too out the pocket


I like how Trump's only defense is making shit up. Biden's jabs at him for going to prison is hilarious too ETA: Sorry to u/Goodpeople412 and u/Top_Bid5622, I've been notified of your comments but for some reason they don't show up when I go though the link (Anybody else having the same problem the last couple hours?) To Goodpeople: He told a lot of lies, including that he never slept with Stormy Daniels. Almost everything he said sounded completely unhinged from reality and deliberately misleading To Top\_Bid: Yeah, Trump showed up, I guess that's a win. But he sounded like a complete nutjob. Biden's facial expressions spoke for everyone, even if his voice was hoarse


Called him fat too. Honestly It's probably hard because it's not in his nature to be a giant dickehead.


Exactly I don’t understand how they’re saying Trump won this debate just because Biden struggled with presentation. I didn’t hear Trump say one thing that wasn’t a lie! Biden’s actual content far surpassed Trump’s…


Right?! Most of the time Trump didn’t even answer anything he was asked…just digressed into the border, name called Biden or talked (lied) about how everything he’s done was “the greatest ever”.


Biden looked weak and frail Van Jones a long time supporter of Biden was almost in tears over how he was, Biden will not be president anymore the Democratic party will be having meetings and then if need too force Biden to not run for relection, Bidens Old...both of them are old they shouldn't be running for president they should be retired but no they both just wanna keep pushing and then have s heart attack and die over it 


It's a debate, not a feat of strength. Trump made it clear that he's completely detached from reality, easy Biden win


I agree with u/ZeroHawk47 - this debate like this election was unlike any other. All Biden had to do was go out there and be coherent, and didn't despite Trump giving him layups with his BS. He couldn't form a single coherent sentence. It was sad to watch.


That’s hilarious


Then Trump jabs back that Hunter is a felon 😂


Make shit up, or just bring up the border at every single issue.


Don't forget the stuff he said about climate change!




It’s a debate, if Trump makes stuff up it’s Biden’s job to call it out. He had a hard time making a coherent sentence. So sad. (Who the heck is running the country cuz Biden can’t be doing it). It’s also sad these are our choices.


I’m just curious, what did trump make up?


He denied sticking his dick in Stormy Daniels, made up a bunch of shit about Democrats wanting "post-birth abortions", lied about his responsibility for Jan 6. He's a piece of shit, everything he says is a lie basically


So the choice is liar or senility.


Those are both Trump, Biden's just old


(not an American) I watched some of the debate and I really think you misunderstood what Trump said about the abortion thing, he wasn't saying the democrats want post-birth abortions he was saying that Biden's argument was akin to the democrats wanting post-birth abortions. From what I can gather Trump has always been pro choice, however he is right about it being a state issue, abortion is even a state issue where I'm from in Australia, one of our states still has it on the criminal code, we don't have federal bans on it, we can still get late term abortions under special circumstances...the state where I'm from has a ban after 9 weeks unless it's a health issue for either the mum or the baby. I can't comment on the Jan 6 issue or the Stormy Daniels issue, but Biden made up just as many lies.


Imagine calling the guy who got the right to an abortion taken away "pro-choice". What a disgusting and dishonest person you are


You clearly don’t understand the court decision to send the abortion issue back to the states. They did not take it away. Why didn’t congress make a reasonable law, rather than hide?


You clearly don't understand how shitty some of our states are


you trying to corner the market and put morton out of business? so much salt.


Did I hurt your feelings, precious?


At least Biden actually answered the questions, and, stuttering notwithstanding, sounds like he knows what he’s talking about; trump avoided actually answering most of ‘em.


![gif](giphy|jQPllFJq0VvxGQTB8Y|downsized) We need Lord Buckethead.


I agree he had some bad moments, and neither of these dudes is the best option for an American President, by far... but Biden had more direct answers to the questions than MisDirection Master Trump


Did you watch? Biden needs to retire and hang with grand kids finger painting


Did you read my comment? I said "neither of these dudes is the best option for an American President by far." So yeah.


This debate is the reason we need an age limit on the presidency as well as other political stations. It is baffling to me that the American people see these two as our only options at president.


Is there any possibility of Jill Stein or the other 3rd party electives winning? I don’t know how it all works, but there are a few other options apparently.


zero chance. who ever gets the majority of electoral votes wins. you have to get at least 270 electoral votes of 538. each state gets one electoral vote per congress member, senate and house. who ever wins a state gets all their electoral votes except 2 of the smallest states who aren't big enough to mater. it is not like europe where 2nd and 3rd place win something. its winner take all. the most a 3rd part could do is take enough electors nobody can get to 270, if that happens the house selects the president and the senate selects the vice president. that means trump is president this election if nobody gets 270. voting 3rd party in the usa is not voting, its protesting. its abdicating doing your part for the countries best interest and throwing a tantrum. ross perot was the strongest 3rd party candidate in history in 1992. he got 20% of the popular vote a record no other 3rd party candidate has even gotten half of. he won zero electors he had zero chance of winning. and he won twice as much as any other 3rd party. if it were possible jill stein and the others would have less than zero % chance.


Thanks for explaining!


It's a 2-party system. The Electoral College is winner-take-all -- most states don't divide the votes proportionally.


Joe Manchin could run as the "No Labels" party candidate, he's indicated as such if there is a serious event causing Biden to not be feasible.


last night was that event. and it still wont happen. all it would do is split the dem vote and let trump win even bigger. it might make the dem candidate come in 4th with zero electorial votes. there would be no coming back from that. if there is a 3 way manchin, rfk and biden dem split trump could even win cali. reump is at 33% in cali, his weakest state. if you split the remaining 67% 3 ways they average 22 and trump wins cali by 10 points.


No third party will win in the United States until Citizen's United v. the FEC is overturned - the two parties have too much money coming in from ultra-wealthy individuals and large corporations for third parties to have even a slight chance of winning the electoral college.






Just go Popular Vote, let it fix itself


That would have problems of its own cause ppl could say they like Candidate A for his clear Outlook and plan and they don't like Candidate B cause he wasn't clear and then Candidate A wins and then backtracks on everything he promised and does the complete opposite and then we have ppl.who whine their choice isnt doing what he promised


Well people are gonna just have to learn to deal with it. It's dangerous to have a country where the president could be elected with only 25% or 30% of the vote, that's what we're heading for if we don't fix it


Every system we try and use is flawed nothing is perfect we will never have a perfect country that's something alot of idealists want but can't understand why it's not happening yet


Every genocide in history has been committed by someone who would never win the popular vote in an open election. I know you probably don't care about that, but if you give the worst people in our country that much power it's exactly what we'll end up with. Better to fight a civil war than continue with the electoral college


i wanna give him a hug, this is sad to watch. he should be retired and having a vacation with his family, i don’t want trump to be president but this is just sad.


He should’ve just retired and endorsed someone much younger than the both of them


Shame on his wife for allowing this


Me too😢 God help us.


Biden needs to put the country before his pride and drop out of this race. He is going to lose.


So then what? We’re stuck with Trump by default?


You mean Trump


We need to open the convention in August. I'm holding out hope they secretly are planning to do this. Energize the base by choosing a young and compelling candidate.


Dear jeebus I hope so


Dream on


I'm sad I'm listening to two old men argue about a golf handicap on national television.


Can't see my very neutral previous comment. Hmm... Quote of the night "You have the morals of an alley cat!"


The Onion had the best take away from the night.. https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/9a04d5c50a8817c25d09c9ad32e638b6.jpg


It’s very scary to see that these two are the only options to run the country. Trump is a compulsive liar and Biden is very frail. Trump I do not believe thinks the American public can fact check. Trump also wants to dismiss the charges for those participating in the destruction of the White House. Now that is very scary. There has to be someone out there besides Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to run the country or the whole world will be in trouble.


If he were my dad, I would be crying and looking for 24-hour support.


So sad... I cannot get over this.


It’s sad that they are both so old




Yes. Who’s puppet though?


I'm not sure. We gunna find out


Biden looks very much like he has Parkinson’s disease. I honestly don’t think he can do the job for another four years. And Trump has the attention span of a goldfish. How are they the only two options?


I, once again, do not understand how these are the best options for President. One doesn't make sense and one can't stay on track. We're SOL if either makes it through and gets elected.


He's so old he can barely speak yet 5 months ago he was yelling and on drugs, which is it?


Jill should have sat him down and had a heart to heart with him before even running. I know Joe means well but he is not up to the job and at some point it’s better to let someone else take the Democratic ticket for the next four years. He needs to find a nice beach and relax for however many years he has left.


I'm seriously upset after watching this debate. Angry that these are my choices.


Nek minute, Joe Manchin runs as the No Labels candidate.


im so dead, this is too comical


lmao 🤣


Fav Biden quote: “You have the morals of an alley cat!” 😂 Fav Tump quote: “Even the founders support it, if they’d heard about it!” 🤣 Neither one of them answered the questions asked of them. I can’t stand that I must choose between two old farts!


Serious question from someone who isn't from teh US: Is there a way to replace Biden at this point? I mean, it is obvious he's going to lose, but the Democrats would still have time to establish a new candidate, basically no matter who, and they would have better chances against Trump than they have now...


The problem is that some states have deadlines regarding when you can be placed on the ballot. For some states, that deadline has already passed, meaning if Biden is listed and he doesn’t run, those votes won’t count… or something…


The Democratic party leadership will be having meetings after this mess of a Debate and start asking questions they don't want the answers too but have no choice, They will then a start a small list of potential Presidential candidates and talk to Biden and if need too force him to drop out, Biden can't Stay president if his own party won't back him he will have no powerbase


We'll see what happens but ultimately it's in Biden's hands. They will not push him out due to DNC's trauma over LBJ dropping out leading to Nixon's victory over Humphrey. This time is different: Biden has to drop out if he's serious about beating Trump, but his Irish pride will likely get in the way.


Yes, it was impossible for me to watch. He unfortunately turned the corner age wise and needs to retire and just be taking care of from this point forward and it’s not because he did anything wrong or is a bad president. He just got old he’s 81 years old and this job aged him probably 10+ years, so he kind of looked like a 91-year-old tonight but again it’s not his fault. I’ve watched many elderly people and then become this other person like right overnight. Almost have to be completely taken care of. It was very sad but more sad that he should retire and that it’s going to be a very hard pill for him to swallow.


It's sad that's these two are the best they have to offer us . Seriously, there's nobody else


The Democrats have better candidates, but they are afraid of letting them run. Joe Biden is the most conformist candidate


So Biden is 81. The life expectancy of a US male is just over 76. You can't tell me the Dems don't have a back up plan in case the unexpected was to happen. Well, time to break glass.


This debate just confirmed my suspicions that the US voters have absolutely nothing to do with elections, doesn't matter what we believe or what we want. The decisions are not and haven't been our hands since JFK...maybe not even then. The charade is so transparent, yet we the people stupidly plod along ignoring all the signs. Only the People in Power count, the rest of us mean NOTHING


they both need to be kicked out biden needs to be in a retirement home and trump needs to go to jail or be put on house arrest it’s so embarrassing for these people to be our “commander in cheif” possiblities


Biden need to drop out for the sake of the country.


You mean Trump


As a progressive liberal, I think he was so selfish for running. He should’ve let someone young and more promising in their career step up.


I SOOOO want to see Pete Buttigieg debate Trump. He is the most eloquent/capable speaker I've seen in a long time.




They both do


They both do


Old men addicted to power and unwilling to pass it to younger generations. Many such cases.


The boomers created this mess. Not enough millenials and gen x-ers to overcome the boomer power and quantity of voters.


It is really sad! He has the look and behavior of a family member of mine that has early dementia.


Its elder abuse


You could go to a nursing home and watch two old men argue. What a country. According to those in power, this is the best we can do.


So pathetic. He should be in a home!


Yeah to keep putting Biden in public is terrible. It’s obvious he’s not there 100% mentally. The pressure being put on him is only making it worse.


You want funny? Watch the Biden Bots out in full force tomorrow talking about how he won the debate. This is the Democratic Party in a nutshell. In an election which should be a slam dunk for them, they are saying 'nope.'


The only reasonable response to this debate is to vote for RFK Jr.




Shame on Jill.