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If I can quicksave before starting, absolutely. 


Savescum all the way


What mean saves cum?


You don’t save yours? It’s never too late to start, OPs mom is a universal cum receptacle.


Should I put it in a jar?


It’s a good starting point


It means when you abuse the save feature in videogames to restart a result until it's as you want it to be rather than whatever bad luck or lack of skill get you. Edit- ah nvm


That's what the jar under the desk is for.


*\*Accidentally launches nuke\** "Shit, forgot to save first."


Crap my last save was so long ago, now I have to redo the boring stuff 😔


Fat finger wrong button, but sir it was a red bright button with the sing nukes on it.


*ALT F4 repeatedly pressed*


"Hey Russia, We got sound intel that China is launching a nuke attack against you, but is disguising it as one of our own nukes. It's not ours, don't attack us!"


*Saves game before launching the entire nuclear arsenal at Russia for no reason*


This right here lol the modern presidency seems like such a nightmare regardless of how well you are you’re doomed to live your life as a villain. And see your legacy shat on for not going far enough left/right by your base and too far left/right by everybody else


Oh shit this would be so much fun! "Mr. President, if you want we can arrange an accident for that reporter whose been dragging you through the mud." F5...


Make sure you test Alt-F4 too


Oh, hell no. Vice President? Sure. I’d dig living at the observatory for four years.


Then your President pulls a William Henry Harrison and ruins it for you.




Then you have to do actual work lol


But I just bought this home brewing kit and a smoker.


Use smoked meat to bribe congress to pass legislation. Unless they’re vegan then your screwed


“Smoked meats? Where??” -Mark Zuckerberg probably


Do you mean “01010011 01101101 01101111 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100001 01110100 01110011 00111111 00100000 01010111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101” which is just that in binary


I like to think the zucc is the only “person” who can hold a conversation with a fax machine.


At that point, I've padded my bank account through not only the paycheck, but from numerous shady deals behind closed doors. I'd just resign as soon as I'm sworn in.


*cough cough*


Yes, I would pick an experienced but not geriatric VP who is well-liked. I would become President, resign after one day, and enjoy all of the benefits of being an ex-President. Actually though, no. The job is insanely stressful, I have no experience when it comes to leading, and I suck at public speaking


Did that stop Dubya?


That didn’t turn out well for him though


He still somehow got reelected


He was just riding off of post-9/11 paranoia and patriotism (plus a good economy). He also only won Ohio by a 2% margin.


Still counts lol


Exactly, close only counts for horseshoes and hand grenades....for president all you need is one more vote than the other guy to take all the marbles!


No he got elected in 2004


I feel bad for Al Gore, he won the population vote, but lost the electoral college because he barely lost Florida by a measly 500+ votes


Yep, in my mind Gore won, Gore wins everything, he wins all things, Al Gore is Al Gore




Lmfao fool me once shame on - shame on me, fool me you can't get fooled again


Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.


Even though I would have millions of supporters, my skin isn't thick enough for having millions of people that I never met hate my guts with a passion. Even with all the power & privilege that comes with the office, depression would overwhelm me with all that hate.


That’s much like the late Roman republic- many senators would be elected as consul, then resign the consulship after a few days, just so they could have the perks and glory of being a “former consul”


Get elected say hey America I am gonna level with you I am a poor public speaker so I am just gonna say what's on my mind. Pal world is kinda fucking awesome don't you think?


Probably agree with this plan. Which is wild as I never thought I would agree with a defender of Wilson.


No I like driving too much


And I like drinking too much


"Don't let that stop you!" -Franklin Pierce, on his 5th brandy of the morning


I would drink every day if my kid died right in front of me just before I became president


"You need to be in mourning to drink?!" -Van Buren


I thought they meant “Morning”


Honestly, it’s every US president. I guarantee that almost (if not all) all presidents have gotten shitface drunk in the White House, especially since drinking wasn’t considered a bad thing for most of US history, infact it was kinda the foundation


Why should that disqualify you? I love drinking and would totally pull a Nixon and order nuclear strikes while tanked. I’d have my own Kissinger to make sure my drunken orders were not carried out.


And I like doing drugs too much or maybe not enough, to be President.


So did Grant


Nixon has entered the chat


Can’t ex-presidents drive if they relinquish their secret service detail?


Probably. I would imagine most keep it if for nothing else their families safety. 


Unless I’m mistaken only POTUS and FLOTUS get lifetime protection. Once their kids reach 16 their no longer eligible. Of course in recent history being an ex president is pretty lucrative so they can afford private security.


Nah. Too stressful for me. Imagine what you have to do for like 4 years.


You don't really have to do much unless you want to be re-elected.


considering the climate now, probably


I used to day dream about it when I was younger. But all I’ve ever known is a non-functioning government filled with gridlock and nonstop partisan nonsense. I’d love to help bring it back to the way it used to be before I was born, but I don’t think I’d be able to. Therefore. I don’t have aspirations of being president anymore, because I don’t want to be a part of the chaos that is Washington these days.


you should be pres


You never know. Thanks for the kind words.


I would … and I would go one term and go get everything done I wanted …. Then announce later I am not running again … unless it would be a land slide


I like your ambition, but remember: Congress exists. You’ll get 1% done of what you actually want. Maybe.


I will take 1%


That's what executive orders are for


Executive Orders are only supposed to fulfill or execute Acts of Congress and enforce existing laws. There’s always room for interpretation in statute, but Executive Orders shouldn’t be used to make wholesale new policy or substitute for a law that doesn’t exist; legislating is Congress’s prerogative. Unfortunately there’s been increasing overreach in that area, particularly in the last forty years or so, especially when Congress can’t get their act together. We should all be leery of the powers of the Presidency expanding even further. And this is coming from someone who believes that a strong executive is necessary to the modern federal government.


I would but I want to speed run it like Gerald Ford. No campaign promises, not a full term, do what I think is best.


I respect it


Absolutely not. But the ones who want it the most are the ones I’d be most wary of.


I’d be happy to in a Designated Survivor situation. The (minor cabinet) Secretary that became President would have a ton of goodwill and bipartisan support along with low expectations. You’d have a great legacy of you took the stance that your only job was to reunite the country and retire at the end of the term you finished. I mean, it would suck that the Capitol would be destroyed and all those folks were killed so I’m not rooting for this. I’m just saying I wouldn’t want the bs and stress, the slog of campaigning and doing endless fundraisers just for half the country to gate you. The job itself would be brutal and stressful and I’m not sure I’d want to do it for eight years


The show actually offers a pretty reasonable projection of why it might actually be very stressful. While you’d have legitimacy as a placeholder, and you’re right that just trying to reunite the country and truly “Preside” would be the best route, there are so many opportunists in the American political landscape that would perniciously seek advantage from the situation. You’d have to deal with that.


I’d probably be assassinated by the CIA.


I almost said that its been 61 years since jfk died so its impossible but then i remembered there was a 62 year span between mckinley’s and jfk’s assasinations


Presidents’ security is way more intense now, though. Oswald was able to just buy a cheap rifle, wait along the parade route, and aim. Czolgosz literally just walked up to the president and shot him.


No person who wants to be President should be President.


I agree, we should elect people who already have careers they have dedicated their lives to, into the most powerful office on the planet. So when they half ass the job, can’t handle the stress, criticism, constant exposure to the media, don’t want to travel all over the world meeting with world leaders, don’t want to deal with congress, businessmen, briefs, making life changing decisions within seconds, etc. and would much rather put that time into whatever they were doing before, we can put all the blame on them instead of ourselves for electing someone who doesn’t want the power of presidency. Because after all, people work harder in jobs they hate than jobs they love right? And don’t even bring up “Well, but George Washington-“ He’s GEORGE FUCKING WASHINGTON. And the office of the presidency from the 18th, 19th century isn’t the same as the office in modern times, including who’s running it.


We should choose president the way the Amish choose their leaders. Just pull a name out of the hat and taa-daa! Welcome Mr./Madam President. Of course, only men’s names are put in for the Amish, but we’ll be more modern there. How we set up nominations for that hat is a different story, and apparently most Amish avoid nominating anyone who makes it known that they want it, so hopefully we will do the same. Source: Visited Pennsylvania in middle school and became interested in how the Amish live their lives


Probably works well for the Amish due to a lack of ambition being baked into their culture. Everyone is essentially a clone of one another with very few progressives. So, none of the leaders they elect are going to stray very far from tradition, which means no one needs to worry too much about who they elect. One clone is as good as another.


Nah bruh


4 years of a 6 figures job to be set for life? I'll take it.


No, it's a bunch of work, and everyone hates you for the rest of your life and beyond.


My instinct says yes but after I think about it no, because I will be a terrible President.


If I woke up one day and someone basically said "hey, you're POTUS now" and essentially gave me the job, yes, absolutely. If I had to spend years kissing people's asses to get them to give me money, have 1/3 - 1/2 of the country hate me, and spend 9-12 months in a heavy campaign cycle just for the chance to be elected to the job, absolutely not.


Absolutely not. I have WAAAAY too many skeletons in my closet!


Part of me would. Part of me thinks no way in hell. I’d want to be VP or Secretary of State. I’m a nerd for foreign affairs and history. As an added bonus, you’d hardly get the blame if something goes awry. The President would get it way before you did.


sure, but then i’d deny secret service protection the second i leave office


You’d be the first ex-president to be mugged at a gas station


nah i’d be the first ex-president to be strapped


The weapon better be a comedically long revolver


or maybe the wmds dubya claimed iraq had


Nah, for multiple reasons, but mostly I don’t want a security detail the rest of my life and I like driving my own car.


I thought when I was younger, sure it sounds like a fun job. Then I got older and realized what stress this does to you your family and loved ones. No, I'd never want to be President.


Anyone that thinks they can take on that responsibility is fucking mad and I guess that's what we need


I promised my Drill Sgt. I'd never become the President of the United States.


Yes, I'd love to be Prez.




My cortisol levels and heart rate shoots through the roof if I even get an email at work. I would probably die within the first week of being President. So my answer is no.


Not a fucking chance. It's a complex job that's either excruciatingly boring or unbelievably stressful by turns, and no matter how well you perform, a large chunk of the country will be unhappy. Best case is you finish your time in office and live long enough to see some historians say you did a good job.


Nope. Too lazy


Sure, but I’ll resign after one day with full benefits and hope and pray that my VP is far more competent.


Not in today's political environment but definitely prior to the 1970's The thought of being able to build a team of America's smartest and most knowledgeable people around me that can advise and educate me about the relevant issues and based on that make decisions that could help America is very alluring..


Nope way too much work pressure and attention for me


I'd have virtually no chance of even becoming a candidate since i'm probably too „woke“ even for Democrats


Hell no lol I don’t even like holding leadership positions in work committees


I was asked to be the vice president of a 35 person union. People who unanimously elected me have mentally tortured me over things like should we get tee shirts? should the tee shirt have pockets? What should the logo be? These are 35 people I have known for 18 years. You can keep it.


Hell no. That’s having the weight of the world on you, and I’m barely managing on making my fiance happy and finding time to finish Cyberpunk


Yes and I would ban all anal beads


Absolutely not. The only thing better than being rich and famous is being rich


Hell yea. And maybe one day I will. Hahaha


Ron Paul


I unironically been planning it since I was little.


I’d want time to prepare. I love presidential history, but I’m not qualified to become president atm.


Hell yeah, being in charge of the USA id do the obvious thing, go full on isolation and just not caring about international issues


Would just need a year or two. At first meeting with full cabinet and joint chiefs, have generals and Sec of Defense stand at attention and say, “I do NOT believe in proportional responses. If a nation attacks Americans, US interests, or Allies, we respond DISproportionally. I do not want a Pax American, but no one goes after us without paying a high price. If someone attacks a US ship, they lose an every ship in their navy. If a country is Playing cute with us, the Sec Of State will be on the phone with their president, prime minister, leader for life, whoever, just as a cruise missile hits the building next to them, so they get the message that they are NOT untouchable. Gentlemen, is that understood?” (Response: Sir, Yes Sir!) “3 hours from now, with the help of the military, the southern border is closed. The only way people get in to the US from the south are through the established border and processing points. When I watch the news tonight, I want to see airborne jumping into the area. I want to see humvees and Abrams protecting the nation from invasion. Generals, tell the soldiers that they have presidential pardons for anything they get accused of doing within normal and acceptable behavior during their duties while protecting the nation.” “Sec of State, when this meeting is over, you are to use a phone in the next room and let the President of Mexico know what is going to happen. Also tell him that if he can’t take care of the cartels on the border, we will, and will make it look like it is a war between the cartels. I want his response within the hour. Director of CIA, did you get all that?” “I do not plan on being in Washington for a good chunk of time. I plan on locating temporarily to offices throughout the nation as issues pop up. Next week I will be relocating near the border. Sec Of Treasury, let Secret Service know this. If you need me and you want to stay in D.C., we will take advantage of secure video conferencing. My weekends with family will be spent at Camp David or national parks. Let’s draw some attention to the national parks so that Americans might consider visiting these treasures.” “To all members of the cabinet. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that we will receive X.XX trillion dollars in taxes in the next fiscal year. I want a proposed budget that is $2 billion less than that amount. There will be no supplemental budgets or ominibills. The only thing untouchable is social security and military pay. Negotiate it amongst yourselves. Your loyalty is to the country and not your various departments. The final budget proposal will presented to me at a cabinet meeting 90 days from today. If an emergency comes up during the year, we will pay for it with immediate cuts in other areas. The $2 billion will be our rainy day fund” The number of State visits will be minimal. Yes, we will welcome foreign heads of state, but they will be working visits. They will rarely include all of the bells and whistles of grand Balls, etc. Instead, once a month, we will hold one for a different state. We need to connect D.C. and the states. We will invite people from the state. To make sure all states and territories get their own state events, their will Be several months that have two events.” “My first overseas visit will be to Asia. At minimum, I will be visiting South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Australia. Yes, I said Taiwan. During my visit, I will ask them if they want the United States to recognize them. If they do, we will do so. And, we will invite them into various defensive alliances. Remember, we are in the business of promoting democracy and self determination. We will help our friends stand up to bullies.” “Any questions? No? Good. Ok, Good meeting. Our next full meeting is in 2 weeks. Cabinet meeting next Tuesday. Anything before then goes through the Chief of Staff. If Something major is going on, I want to know about it before I see it on CNN or Fox. Good day.” Think THAT meeting would shake the swamp????


Since I’m not a racist union-busting homophobic traitor like Reagan, sure, why not?


Serious question: what makes Reagan a traitor in your eyes?


The time he committed treason by selling arms to Iran. You know, the treason.


I see. To be honest, Reagan is a modern president I don’t know much of.


Yeah I hate Reagan but I’m not sure to go so far as to say that he is a traitor He did say something that will always help me and all other Americans though https://preview.redd.it/u84ea4k6yafc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d556e518b0498e7d07a23870800067951530e3e7


Valuable words Mr. President


yes, one term. major agenda would be political reform, goverment shutdown = no pay, make gerrymandering illegal, term limits, age/mental health checks, make it a crime for members of goverment to discuss succession, better support for creation of a viable thord party. Probably get 1 pr 2 passed. then weaken power of president


Hell no! By definition you have to be a psychopath at minimum to want that. The ego to believe you can move the world by your will. Or that it would be worth it!


Become US president >Declare war on Israel >Refuse to elaborate


Yeah. I see what's going on in our country and around the world. America and the world need leadership and not appeasement.  I would likely take inspiration from Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Richard Nixon. I would obviously be a interventionist hawk, economically left, socially conservative Republican President. 


Yeah fuck yeah


Not only no but hell no


I'd appoint Dave Lauer as SEC chairman to make the stock exchange more fair for retail investors.


Abso-the-fuck-lutely not




No. I value my privacy and would probably quit from the stress even if that wasnt an issue. Same reason I wouldnt want any political office. The trade offs just arent worth it to me.


Fuck no


Nope. I don't want to run a country, because I am not who you want in charge of nuclear weapons or any form of diplomacy, if you want to have a planet left to live on after a few years. If you want World War Three, then vote for me.


Not just no but HELL no. I need a nap to recover after spending one on one time with anyone other than my very immediate family of choice. Nap requirers include almost all of my family of birth and I’ve literally had a lifetime to learn to cope with them better. If I go to a crowded social event I need a day alone in my room. I’d collapse from the interaction requirements alone within a week. Plus I’d just be a terrible president. If I had any role in an administration it would be the quiet one in the corner who can quickly research and pump out position or briefing documents.


Yes and no. No privacy and being scrutinized for everything. But, I hate driving. I wouldn’t have to deal with metrics and company layoffs. And I can try to put my spin on making the country a better place. I would pick a nonpartisan cabinet so we can work with everyone as hopefully get things done .


Absolutely not. Rather be the guy that has the money to buy the presidency.


Yes, and for many reasons. The job pays better than what I am currently doing. It would also be a way for me to make a difference and be remembered after my death. I know it's a stressful job, but I would try the best I could to actually make this country the best version of itself.


Maybe if it was at a point where I had experience in some kind of executive or administrative position.




Hell no…,




def. yep.


Can we get back to one term presidents?




I’d be president, appoint someone qualified for the VP role. My first act would be to resign. So basically I’m taking this offer from god to turn my vote into the only vote. 


It’s kind of unclear to me if I could become president, but if I could and was offered the job, I would politely say no thank you and suggest making me Secretary of State instead.


Good god no. You're damned if you do and damned if you dont. Ffs... George Bush st made a joke about broccoli and they punished him then and are still punishing his corpse about it now lol


Fuck. No.


Sure! I’d do great ;)


Sure. The White House would become even **more** luxurious and i’d let the public in on Inauguration Day.




Yes I would like to be but one things for sure I would not be kissing the asses of corrupt Republican politicians like most Democrats do these days, I would expose them for exactly what they are, the party of banning everything and extreme greed.


Hell to the power of no


I’m exactly the kind of person who shouldn’t have power. I have a list AND access to nukes and the CIA? I promise to have many sex scandals involving interns though.


No, ironically I believe that wanting to become president is a character flaw that excluded someone from being qualified to be president... So kinda a catch 22. But personal glorification is a nonstarter. If you're saying only I can fix this... That's a Nope. If you're a together we can achieve this or that and you can point at a goal or a "place" you want us to be an I can share your vision. Maybe... But vaguely say you want to be better, or return to the good old days Nope... If someone made me president I'd probably be a good one... But I would not put myself through it to try to be one


Absolutely the fuck not.


Yes, but I remember hearing a quote that those who want power and powerful positions seldom have the approach or mentality of a leader. Additionally those who are equipped to be leaders usually don’t want to be bc of how draining it will be to be a proper leader.




I’m planning on running for president in the far future, maybe 2060 or 2068 around that Time Frame Ideally I would want a VP who’s effective at passing legislation, so ideally one of the whips from either the house or senate, depending on which one is more effective, and whether or not we can actually get along but this matters less in regards to passing legislation.






I am not am qualified …never mind I just don’t want to


No but I’d be cool with being a VP and chill for 4 years. (My ticket is not getting re-elected with me on it, or at least I’m getting replaced)


Dear god yes, I'm already a clinical narcissist


From what I understand, the job of President is absolutely miserable. Why would I want to deal with all that bureaucratic crap?


Hell yeah




Fuck no.


Absolutely the fuck not id sooner die.


With all my heart, no


President? No. But I wouldn’t mind being secretary of energy or transportation (despite being qualified for neither).


You see, Frodo, I would wield this power from a desire to do good! But through me…


I'd rather be Speaker of the House


Never. Not at all worth the stress and aggravation. I also can’t imagine what it’s like to have at least half of the country literally hate you. And probably half or more of the world for that matter.


Absolutely not.


No. I don't have enough money to buy votes or purchase the news media.


Absolutely not, but I would still do it.


Yes because of the private chef and free house


Hell yeah


Yes absolutely. I would have advisors for there really complex policy beyond my expertise. But I can push my radical labor agenda until I get assassinated.




Nah the CIA would kill me for sure. Actually they might kill me anyway with what I'm planning to do but hopefully I'll get some traction before they do so people ask questions




I would just vote for Kid President. I’m feeling too old for that shit. I wonder how all those old dudes tolerate all the nonsense.


I don’t even want to be friends with anyone who sincerely wants to be president.


Yes, absolutely. I would turn this country into a non-stop party!


Yes. Although I’d be assassinated and Secret Service would let it happen. Or impeached.


Of course I would


I'm focusing on my ged right now


Personally, I couldn’t fulfill a public position because I value privacy (along with a long list of other items that make me unqualified). The life of a president after the completion of their term(s) seems miserable to me. I deeply admire the courage our leaders have for taking the role & enjoyed learning about their journey. In particular, I think the presidency in the modern day is one that would be incredibly difficult & stressful due to fake news, bots, globalism, and polarized social media bubbles dictating public opinion.


That job is a nightmare and in reality no one should want it. If you want to lead a ton of people go for a massive companies CEO. It pays more and you likely won’t have to send kids to war. If you want to be famous be an actor or singer or YouTuber. It pays more and you don’t have to send kids to war. You can do that above exercise with just about anything. I love history. These men who want to be president confuse me in their line of thinking honestly.


Yes. And I’d talk so much shit to Congress cause they won’t let me help people




Probably not, but I'd consider it. I don't think I'm especially knowledgeable about the inner workings or government or foreign affairs, but that never stopped anyone else. I'd also have to consider the scrutiny and stress it'd put on my family, and the lack of privacy.