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That William Howard Taft got stuck in a bath tub. I feel bad for the guy, because even though he was the fattest president in history, he lost tons of it afterwards but everyone forgets about that. :( Edit: grammar


My boy lost a shitload of weight AND landed the job he always wanted as Chief Justice.


Yeah… but he also oversaw a lot of baffling decisions as chief justice. I’m glad he always got what he had wanted, sure, but sure wish the execution had been better.


Oh I agree. The whole Lochner era of the SCOTUS is a wild ride of jurisprudence.


Don't forget the (mild?) anti-semitism bc of Brandeis' appointment


He’s still the only man to have had the presidency and been in the Supreme Court


Not to mention his presidency was pretty decent.


Yes! His presidency is super underrated, and I think there are sooo many reasons why people don’t look at him fondly. IMO I also think that in a way, Roosevelt set him up for failure Edit: grammar


Roosevelt basically immediately regretted not running again and turned to publicly criticizing Taft…who was set up as his protege…just a disastrously difficult situation for Taft to manage.


Heard he is really thin now


No joke I am working on losing weight and Taft is my inspiration more than anyone else


At least most people tend to look at him fondly for this story. Or just laugh it off like that’s amazing or something.


That GW had wooden teeth, I don't even understand that one


I'm convinced it's because they didn't want school children to know they were made from slaves teeth


I guess that makes sense but then just like don't mention his teeth at all


How could you not talk about George Washington’s teeth? It’s all I ever think about


I listen to the Dollop episode about them multiple times a year.


Why would it make sense to errase that from history?


Because schools have to propagandize the founding fathers to make American children "proud" and less likely to question authority.


Slaves teeth AND horse and cow teeth.


To be fair, there were other materials as well like walrus tusk. But yeah, I can see why schools wouldn’t want to talk about that.


They should talk about it.


Yeah, but like, kindergarteners learn about Washington’s dentures, if my memory serves me. Maybe 1st grade at latest. Perhaps save the topic for when schools revisit US history from 6th-8th grade?


I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case honestly, but there is apparently a more likely explanation to how the myth started. According to the official Wikipedia page covering the topic, the possible origin they offer is that “ivory teeth quickly became stained and may have had the appearance of wood to observers.” This is further supported by a letter the article cited that was written to Washington by John Greenwood, his dentist, advising a more thorough cleaning of his dentures. The letter states the following: "the set you sent me from Philadelphia ... was very black ... port wine being sour takes off all the polish.” It’s not the world’s strongest argument, but I don’t necessarily doubt the explanation.


Keep my wife’s teeth out yo mouth!


He got some wooden teeth put in. All the patriots were doing it!


Shane Gillis taught me this lol


"Run! Its George!"


That he saved the children, but not the British children.


[Just about everything else, though](https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/health/washingtons-teeth/), Molds made of tin, brass and lead. Teeth made from human bone, cow and horse teeth, ivory, and yes; slave's teeth. Those metal molds must've of been murder.


I think it’s just a thing we tell kids like how “Santa will put you on the naughty list” to scare kids into brushing their teeth


That George Washington chopped down a cherry tree. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever he did that.


Washington literally cut down the tree. The special tree. THE SPECIAL TREE.Ṭ̸̽H̶̞͕͔̘̆̽͜͝E̵͓͈͊̀̀̐̈́̓͜ ̸͇̺̪̈́̅̿̽͆̔Ş̸̙̹͔͙͆͊̕ͅP̵̯̰̪̠͔͓̒E̶̫͐C̷̣̊͑̌͗Ì̶̛̩͓̏̽̑A̴͖̜̼̱͉͓͗̌̄̈́̀L̷̳̞̳̯̘̺̈̇͌ ̴̳̻͆̐̓͠T̶̺͔͇͑R̴͔͎̘̅̒̎̑E̷͚̐̑͗Ḙ̵̩̲̤̾̐


This almost sounds like some sort of "mythos" to "monuments"...


Not being American, I don't know if I lack some perspective, but to me it's like okay, he chopped a tree, his dad was angry and he told him he chopped the tree, what's so special about it???


He can't tell a lie, bro! He 👏 can't 👏 tell 👏 a 👏 lie! How are you not impressed?!


You could’ve been his campaign manager.




This makes him sound like some fae creature in a fantasy series.


The story goes, when young George was confronted by his dad asking him if he had chopped down the tree, he fessed up and admitted that he did it because he knew it would be wrong to lie. Basically just a simple story trying to teach honesty.


Rockefeller was the president right or am I going crazy? I just touched a weird tree.


Rockefeller...James Dean...Hell, I just don't know anymore 🤷‍♂️




I have no idea why this made me think of Mike Wazowski. 😂




Put that axe back where it came from


Or so help me!


I have no idea where that comes from, but the song is apparently a core memory for me.


I think it was just made up for the movie


Is that a logo for a black metal band?


A rare tree a rattlin’ tree


I feel like the lede is buried in that story. What kind of child chops down someone’s tree for fun? He then has no guile when he’s caught doing something he clearly knew was wrong. It makes him look like a sociopath Edited lead for lede


Clearly you have never been a boy with a hatchet in the woods


Especially in the 1700s. There’s literally nothing else to do. People used to willing go to pubic executions because they were so bored.


Just to further clarify, it can be lead or lede. Lede is an old timey journalism term for when printing presses used lead blocks to avoid confusion. Since lead printing blocks haven’t been used in forever, many people reverted back to the original spelling.


Eh, it was like the mid 1700’s. I imagine chopping down trees for any reason was a lot more common. Plus, what else was he going to do for fun?


I grew up on three acres of land without cable and I definitely cut down some of our smaller trees for shits and giggles as a child. I would never have touched one of our fruit trees though.


He had just gotten a new axe and had to chop something.


>That George Washington chopped down a cherry tree. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever he did that. Where even cherry trees in mount vernon


There was one, but it was chopped down.


I read that we just chopped down hundreds of his cherry trees this year.


But did we lie about it?


Cherry trees are common in the Midwest, mid Atlantic and northern states


I feel like I may be overreacting here but I get kind of mad schools can just say anything they want - like slaves built the pyramids - and there’s basically no system for fact checking and standards. Kids should not be being taught urban myths in an educational setting.


or threw a dollar across the Potomac. I live in DC and see the Potomac most everyday, I can't imagine a spot near here where he threw a dollar that far.


Might be a myth but it’s a cool one and it shouldn’t die


Zachary Taylor dying from cherries and milk


Oh fuck i forgot all about that and ate cherries and milk just yesterday! So long, guys. Please delete my browser history.


That William Henry Harrison died due to Pneumonia after his 2 hour long inauguration speech without a coat. It’s funny and a good story, for sure, but more modern evidence is pointing to it not being true. He still met with people and did things afterwards and didn’t linger for 30 days sick or anything like that. Given his symptoms (and what we now know about the White House water supply) he very likely died of a gastrointestinal disease brought on by the water. The doctor only wrote down pneumonia because he knew what it was and knew that everyone else did too. Harrison was the first president to die in office, after all, and everyone wanted to know from what. This is also thought to be what killed Zachary Taylor and possibly James K. Polk though that one is less certain as he had stopped residing in the White House by that time.


What’s up with the water supply? Swamp water?


[This video](https://youtu.be/leddKgyLkXw?si=YG9zbTcBQ0Fxiqv9) about William Henry Harrison goes into more detail here but the long and short of it was that the DC water supply was quite contaminated and cross contamination (say, with sewage) wasn’t really considered or known about.


The polluted water of DC was blamed for the death of Lincoln's son Willie in February 1862, from typhoid.


“Night soil”


Drain the swamp?!


lol all this time it was a reasonable public health measure


The dump where people dumped their chamber pots and so forth was at about 60 feet elevation. The water supply area was down the hill at 55 feet elevation. Literally shit goes downhill.


Polk died from too much polka.


You mean the very dance he invented? How ironic!


Also invented the Polk Dot, and Polkemon.


Gotta annex ‘em all!


that truman was poor after his tenure, he absolutly was not


But at the time people really thought he was and that’s why presidents now have pensions


That's a myth that's only recently been busted


Didn’t he sell his memoir and make a decent amount of money off of that before pensions were a thing?


Can someone expand on this? I’m moderately well-read on the Presidents and I have to admit, I thought this was true


He technically was the poorest president (had the lowest peak wealth), but he basically sold his memoirs and fooled congress into giving presidents a huge pension, he wasnt a millionare but he wasn't poor either


He literally made a shit ton of money using his political power and then pranked congress into giving him a massive pension


Grant was an alcoholic but he wasn’t a drunk. In fact he was in recovery from his alcoholism for the majority of his life and only had occasional slip ups where he’d get very drunk and make an ass of himself.


Yeah, there is a bunch of evidence that Grant was a raging alcoholic, but he was also a Methodist. If you have ever met any Methodist's, there is no room for personal weakness. He had long periods of sobriety but would slip and drink until he was not able to function.


Find out what he's drinking and send a case to all the generals- some guy in a hat according to an old book


He usually was prone to drinking out of boredom, like when laying siege to a city. When there were things to be done he was able to lay off the booze


George Washington also saved the British Children. Any claim to the contrary is a perfidious fabrication.


I heard that m'fer had like...30 god damn dicks.


He’ll save children but not the British children


But come on, was he really 6'8" and a "fucking ton?"


6 foot 20, fucking kills for fun.


BUt I heard he was made of radiation. Also, he fucked the shit out of bears.


He once held an opponent’s wife’s hand… In a jar of acid… At a party.


>George Washington also saved the British Children. Any claim to the contrary is a perfidious fabrication. ![gif](giphy|9yJjqR0rtWGgS3zkUl)


[Be enlightened, friend.](https://youtu.be/qv6OOuPI5c0?si=vbMtgmaQDmhF5P-I)


That Ford was clumsy. He slipped on some steps *once* because it was raining and SNL didn’t let him hear the end of it


He didn't mind it lol


He's Gerald Ford, and you're not.


That JFK was with Marilyn Monroe a week before his assassination. Marilyn died the year before.


“Strange coincidences related to the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy: Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland, a week before his assassination, and JFK was *in*…” There is no Monroe, Maryland either.


I bet JFK and Marilyn were together just moments after his assassination though.


Jimmy Carter chopping down a cherry tree while working on a Habitat for Humanity project.


Using wooden teeth made from Taft's bathtub.


A chunk taken from the tub he got stuck in


The infamous Calvin Coolidge story about him saying you lose quite possibly never happened.


You are correct. His actual response to the gentle lady was ‘harumph’


I believe he said "fuck you"


Get it right man, he said "Get fucked"




Credit: america the book.


And she did.


We got a “harumph” out of that guy. ![gif](giphy|11F4Ctg2NAwOzu)




I wish this joke were true, though. “ The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge.”


And that attendant’s name? Herbert Hoover. I’m only slightly exaggerating. Hoover had established experimental farms as Commerce Secretary to see how the government could help farmers improve their yield. Coolidge was touring one of Hoover’s places and was quite satisfied at the result.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen




Grant’s beard wasn’t real.




That’s a myth about a president that I think should die.


Think its doing a good job at dying because I didn't even know this was a myth


It’s a myth that I made up, but it’s also a myth that I think should die.


[Reminds me of this.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxk1mkF73r1bZD5AOLU-RpgF_XB-AaI0cS)


That Hoover caused the Great Depression. He absolutely didn’t make it better, putting poor policies in place and not using the power of the Presidency to fix things, but he doesn’t deserve anywhere near all the blame for it.


The actual myth is that Hoover did nothing during the depression. Prior to FDR, he was probably the most economically intrusive president in US history. So much so that FDR's running mate called him a socialist. Harding is an example of a guy who really did basically nothing during a depression. Not due to economic smarts, but because of dumb luck and laziness. That depression turned around on its own very quickly and is today called the "forgotten depression" because of it.


If I remember correctly about Hoover, it’s not that he didn’t care about what was happening and refused to help, it’s that he didn’t believe it was the job of the government to intervene, after the presidency if memory serves correctly he donated his own money to a lot of causes that helped people


That John Quincy Adams was the first president to be photographed. In reality, JQA was the first *former* president to ever be photographed, which was done in 1843. The first sitting president to ever be photographed was, believe it or not, William Henry Harrison. It was taken on his Inauguration Day in 1841 and was supposedly a daguerreotype portrait, which was the usual type of portrait at the time. Unfortunately, the reason this fact isn’t as well known is likely because (aside from Harrison’s obscurity) the portrait itself has been lost to time, and no copies of it are known to exist. The misconception I mentioned earlier about JQA being the first photographed president lead to the creation of another myth: that President Adams’ photo was taken during his time in office. This has lead many people to believe he was much older than he actually was as president, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The famous photo of President Adams was taken when he was serving as a member of the House of Representatives in 1843, well over a decade after his presidency. He was 75 when the picture was taken, but served as president from ages 57-61. Note: This picture is a daguerreotype of an *oil painting* of President Harrison, just to give you an idea of what the real one might’ve looked like. I wanted to add Adams’ photograph and a painting showing what he actually looked like during his presidency, but Reddit apparently only allows one image per comment. https://preview.redd.it/9h3uanrppm5d1.jpeg?width=3282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9b28cb4650ee965a82e20db6a3ca92c8bb8b05


Similarly, the image most people have of Martin van Buren with the white hair comes from the most famous photo of him which was taken 15 years after he left office. This is a painting of him from during his presidency: https://preview.redd.it/4omxb2nu5n5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6016715664780a6d8011fa4a75e3845384d7acec He was famously called the Red Fox because of his red hair (which you can see in a Francis Alexander painting from 1830 when he was Secretary of State under Jackson). But he had a very long political career, first appointed to local office in his county at the age of 25, becoming Attorney General of New York at 32 and Senator at 38. After his presidency he was at first the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in 1844, and won 10% of the popular vote in the 1848 election as the Free Soil candidate when he was 65, and remained vocal and influential in politics for the rest of his life, including trying to call a constitutional convention in 1860 two years before his death. So he would have been well-known in his time both as the young Red Fox and as the white-haired wrinkly guy we recognize.


god that painting is so good i always thought it was a picture for the longest time


Honestly, the whole "Grant was drunk" myth is so simplified and misconstrued. Yes, Grant was an alcoholic but he wasn't this raging alcoholic. He was a bad and obvious drunk and honestly, a lightweight when it came drinking as a whole, and would later swear to abstinence during his first stint in the army after the Mexican-American war but later break it after succumbing to boredom and being away for his family for months with little contact, never even really meeting the children he had back home. Later, during the Civil War, he would drink on occasion when in similar situations, long stays away from home with little else to do, as well deal with the stress of leading essentially the whole War. In the years following, the stigma never left, and it didn't help he was, like I said, rather obvious when drunk, often not taking much liquor at all to get him almost hammered in a short span of time. He also didn't drink much during his presidency and post presidency. Overall, it's mostly just a negative myth that just simplifies a very complex issue and complex man and smears his name.


It’s also part of the whole lost cause myth. Some to this day still argue that grant was a drunk, that he drove his men into slaughters, etc. It is all an excuse to absolve Lee and Davis of their strategic ineptitude. The reality is that Grant is probably the greatest strategist to ever wear the uniform. Only George Marshall comes close.


The apocryphal quotes from Jackson about John C. Calhoun that are mentioned every 5 seconds on this sub Jackson never said anything about “seceding John. c. Calhoun’s head from his body”


Yeah but it be cool if he did. I wish presidents did that every time the Texas state government threatens independence.


That Obama was a Muslim from Kenya


To be fair I think that one is well understood to be bullshit by anyone with a serious interest in presidential history.


Or just anyone with a basic level of common sense and critical thinking skills. The fact that he is running for a position that is only restricted to natural born citizens should have been the beginning and end.


I wish more people had that interest or just basic level of comprehension, then they probably wouldn't be voting for the guy that uttered it


I like how you say “was” implying he’s dead


Well I heard from some on the right that he is a nazi now. The man has so much spiritual growth, good for him! lol


C’mon, no one *believed* this one. This was just a nicer way of saying “I don’t think black people should be president.”




Hear me out. It’d be really funny if it was true~


Most Presidents serve 2 terms So far only 14 have actually done so, and only 17 have been elected to two terms. Thats a little over 1/3rd of Presidents. The Vice President is likely to be elected the next President. So far only 5 Vice Presidents have ever been elected to the office of President without inheriting it first...and even then only 4 more have been elected after inheriting the office. Less than 1/5th of Vice Presidents wind up being elected President..


That a president is going to shift the economy as a whole within a year or so.


That infamous LBJ quote after the passing of one of the most significant pieces of Civil Rights Legislation in American history:  “We’ll have those [n word] voting Democratic for 200 years.”  Never happened, he unfortunately used the word, but that quote first pops up over 30 years after he supposedly said it.  If you’re going to try and demean LBJ or the Democratic Party, please do it on one of their actual flaws, and not as an attempt to hoodwink people into voting for the worse option.


I'm going to drag him for ***THE GOD DAMN CHICKEN TAX*** Any politicians listening, I will vote for you forever if you repeal the chicken tax


Or at least tweak it. It’s so bad for modern times


I see from your username that you also like hoi4.


Definitely what OP said. So much of the negative opinion of Grant is rooted in the unfortunate success of the surprisingly prevailing belief in the "lost cause" of the Confederacy. If there was ever a president who was past due for a rehabilitation, it's U.S. Grant.


The only knock I have ever heard about Grant was that his administration was horribly corrupt. Grant himself however was a very honorable man and he was NOT corrupt at all. Granted (heh) I have never delved into the matter.


My general opinion of Grant is that he is a horrible judge of character. Liked to see the best in people, much to his endless misfortunate. It ended up costing him a lot, both financially and in terms of his reputation. He lost a lot of money because he trusted someone he really shouldn't have after he left office


That Warren G. Harding was killed by his wife Florence


Have they proven that he wasn't?


Woodrow Wilson was NOT the first president to screen a movie at the White House. Teddy Roosevelt screened some nature documentaries shot by a nature photographer Richard Kearton in 1908. Also The Birth of A Nation wasn’t even the first film screened by Woodrow Wilson during the administration! He screened the Italian epic Cabiria a year before in June 1914. https://preview.redd.it/6q6hx8h09n5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe82bd3c595fc525dddd5fc78e9869040d64ba9e


Obama is not a Muslim, or Arab, or terrorist, or born in Kenya or that Michelle Obama is trans. Those are all nonsense.


That Obama is a socialist. Nobody looking at his cabinet could say he was a socialist.


Yeah this one is ridiculous, he was clearly a Maoist like Glenn Beck said


sadly he is black.


Scumbags are going to be scumbags. And fox news was in its pinnacle of pernicious propaganda.


GWB was dumb


That fake Texas accent by way of Connecticut…


There’s a terrible myth going around that Woodrow Wilson wasn’t a racist douchebag


No bro you don't understand. Just because he resegregated the government, was an apologist for slavery, pushed the lost cause myth, thought African Americans were subhuman, and had the first film screened in white house history be a movie abt how African Americans are nothing but rapists after white women doesn't make him racist... He's just misunderstood. He released a press statement saying he doesn't support the film! (only after it drew controversy and privately he called it a "splendid production")


He wasn't racist... ...He was an extra, super, mega, ultra racist


So racist that your run of the mill racist would tell him he's too racist


He was really more of a racist douchebag tyrant with a Napoleon complex.


Grant was always drunk. Just not true. Did he drink and make an ass out of himself occasionally, yes. Drunk through the whole war, not even close.


There were x amount of “presidents” before George Washington


That Bill Clinton was conservative. In his first two years in office he passed an income tax increase, then tried to massively expand public health care. Voters punished him for this in '94, so he had a Republican congress for the rest of his presidency, so after that he governed more from the center. Voters liked this enough to re-elect him easily in '96.


>That Bill Clinton was conservative. >In his first two years in office he passed an income tax increase, then tried to massively expand public health care. >Voters punished him for this in '94, so he had a Republican congress for the rest of his presidency, so after that he governed more from the center. Voters liked this enough to re-elect him easily in '96. Well said


That Lincoln was a vampire hunter.


Nice try Feds, but I know the truth. Lincoln WAS a vampire hun-(*bang*) (*6 gunshots to back, ruled as self inflicted*)


Grant has a weird reputation for being an anti semite and as a Jew I’m not really sure why there was the thing where he sent Jewish merchants out of his military district but he officially apologized for it infront of some Jews and he never really did anything to bother the after that idk why he gets that rap and tbf they were technically breaking the law and like idk I’m Jewish but like ya gotta see that coming


That LBJ was a good guy….


Great, now he is going to whip out Jumbo again.


Any girth?


Something can be said for him pushing aside his personal beliefs for internal reform. But yeah not a good guy and whipping out jumbo :/ enough said…


This guy being a crook https://preview.redd.it/chjnjer7am5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc87315dd85433eed7d3df05391e01930f008d21 /s


That Kennedy is to blame for the bay of pigs invasions and in turn the Cuban missile crisis. Eisenhower initiated the plan when he was still president and left it up to whoever would succeed him. After Kennedy became president the was made aware of the years of planning that had been going on by teams of people, and just figured to carry it out since everyone who knew about it agreed it was necessary. When it failed people like to blame him, and despite resolving the Cuban missile crisis and preventing World War 3 people like to bring up it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t cause the bay of pigs invasion despite that not being the case.


It was Kennedy’s decision to dramatically decrease air support, though.


I am curious if there is any record of Kennedy consulting Eisenhower before committing to the action?


Ulysses S. Grant was kind of a smoke show for the time.


That grant was an alcoholic


That George Washington had wooden teeth.


That Grant was an alcoholic and was an ineffectual President propagated by bitter southerners. Grant was one of our most important presidents and should be up there with Teddy Roosevelt and Washington.


The idea that Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery throughout his life is a prevalent misconception about him. Lincoln's opinions changed during time, despite the fact that he is well-known for the Emancipation Proclamation and his attempts to abolish slavery. In the early years of his political career, Lincoln placed more importance on stopping the growth of slavery than on immediately outlawing it. He didn't take more forceful, decisive action against slavery until much later, especially during the Civil War.


Here’s one: That Benjamin Franklin was spotted in a gay bar by Sal Iacuso, from Yonkers. And then he was seen blowing a security guard.


The name of the bar was “The Lightning Rod”


>Here’s one: That Benjamin Franklin was spotted in a gay bar by Sal Iacuso, from Yonkers. And then he was seen blowing a security guard. ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


That Abraham Lincoln didn't want the slaves freed.


That Bill Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman Ms Lewinski


no lincoln was not a tyrant for stopping a rebellion statehood has always been eternal he didn’t just make that up (read article 4 of the northwest ordinance of 1787) he was also well within his authority to suspend habeus corpus