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Are they doing anything about the war or mainly focusing on a little bit of petty superficial vandalism?


That’ll teach em






Because a large increase in complaints from customers is more likely to be taken notice of than doing the same thing to their offices. Throw paint on their front door and they'll treat it as a minor inconvenience, but hundreds of complaints from the customers of hundreds of branches is more than a minor inconvenience. Investors and prospective corporate customers look at things like customer satisfaction statistics, so this approach is more likely to hit a large corporation where it hurts.


Basically a different company between retail (highstreet) and investment.




Ironically it wont be poor working class people doing it..it'll be middle class college and uni types..


Same poor bombing Gaza Zionist


It’s strange seeing how people have more sympathy over walls of a bank that couldn’t care less about you than actual people facing horrors in Gaza. I mean did we all forget how abhorrent these banks are?


By who and most importantly Why?


I imagine it's over Barclays' support of the genocide in Gaza https://palestinecampaign.org/campaigns/stop-arming-israel-3/


This sort of proves why the protests are a bit misguided. The campaign specifically mentions Barclays providing financial services to general dynamics, which is also a huge supplier to the UK MOD. one would expect a major supplier to the MOD to need UK banking services - even if only to help provide our own defence capabilities. To then protest the bank for providing a service to a global defence contractor because of its ties to Israel ignores the larger role the contractor plays to our own country.


Some level 1 protester/protesters making a Gaza statement. If they really cared they would do something to help the people and make an impact. Hope the staff get paid leave if the store is closed.


Hamas supporter's


Or those who oppose 40,000 killed in Gaza


Are they the same ones that thought it was OK for Hamas to kill all them Israelis and expect no retribution?


No, probably not. I doubt any sane person thinks killing Israelis is ok. But who's killing who now?


Who's killing who now or then doesn't really matter. Hamas started a war and now the Palestinians are paying for it.


Your grasp on the intricacies of this very complicated situation spanning decades is lacking.


That's a tad presumptuous. I'm up to date with the intricacies thank you. Because our thoughts don't align doesn't make me any less informed than yourself.


So Israel shouldn't stop until no-one is left? Mate, Google "genocide".


It's War. Not Genocide, both sides are killing each other.


Check the casualty stats.


Casualties on both sides. One will inevitably be higher but that doesn't constitute Genocide. Unless you count Hamas slaughtering innocent party goers as Genocide also?


So in your head the fighting between Israel and Palestine started when Hamas attacked. Nothing before that?




The police are legally compelled to give marches the green light in a democracy. Clearly this direct action is breaking the law, and they will try to investigate it.


Barclays Preston vandalised in protest


Up the Israel 👍🏻


I hope the people responsible are caught and prosecuted.




Interesting fact: Hamas, in their charter, have not only the destruction of every single Jew in Israel but all Jews everywhere. If you want to talk about genocide. Any other country who had an invasion involving rape and kidnap of civilians would respond with the same degree of vigour in returning them home. What’s most interesting? Is the lack of protests regarding Sudan which has a higher rate of casualties, as well as the lack of protests regarding China putting Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps. But if it’s Jews defending their tiny slice of land, and the only Jewish country, that’s a no go.


I read the PLO 1964 charter which is a more progressive Palestinian stance, and it’s no worse than Likud’s 1983 charter that says from the river to the sea the land will be Israel’s. The occupation of the west bank is abhorrent and the expulsion of Palestinians with force from their lands is a crime under international law.


They haven’t been expelled from their land. It is a war, and humanitarian corridors have been created.


They have been, most of Gaza is made up of refugees from destroyed Palestinian villages.


Granted they’re still within their country so to speak, so displaced from their land would be more accurate. Whether that makes them refugees or not wgaf


Call it what you prefer? The fact is their elected government declared war and captured civilian hostages. They were asked to move by the IDF to minimise civilian casualties.


Oh I don’t support those actions, and Hamas have a right to be targeted but not to the extent that the Israeli government has desecrated the place and displaced that level of the population (and now subjecting them to famine) whilst killing lots of innocent children in the process. Anyone with a shred of history on the subject knows the displacement of Palestinian people has been abysmal and they deserve the right to self determinate just as their neighbours do. Whether who started what war whether it be 67, 73… 02, 08, 12…. 2023… It’s time for the UK to recognise the Palestinian state and help support a safe and viable two state solution with a land swap for the larger *illegal* Israeli settlements with recognised Palestinian borders. Remove the settlers that aren’t included in the land swap.


The settlers are awful totally agree. But the Gazans have been moved to avoid civilian bloodshed. It’s not the same as displacing them. I checked and there’s continual supply of food and water, there isn’t famine but Hamas are definitely trying to push that idea on social media. It’s a war. It’s ugly. But not as ugly as Hamas and the fact not even the Red Cross could give the hostages aid.


I’m not sure bombing civilians and UK medics counts as “defence”. No matter how “accidental” it is, it’s not acceptable and no amount of sorry’s will give back to what innocent people have lost. Israel told people to evacuate Gaza to go to Rafah where in May they then decided to bomb. Yes Hamas are bad but Israel aren’t any better.


Hamas use human shields. Civilian deaths are on Hamas. Who started this war.


The actions of terrorists shouldn’t allow Israel to commit war crimes against the palestinian people, they don’t want to acknowledge the innocent people they are dropping bombs on, and they’ve proven they have very minimal care about the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. Even the israeli war cabinet is split on carrying on the war with 2 of the members quitting this week because Ben Natanyahu won’t back down and agree to a ceasefire


Hard agree! But It was the actions of an elected government, Hamas. Edit: yes Israel is very much divided on the ceasefire agreement. And most Israelis detest Netenyahu. Edit2: it’s a war. It’s not meant to be pretty. But I can’t think of another conflict in which one side gave warning to areas before bombing, or created civilian corridors. Problem is Hamas want martyrs and intentionally use human shields for military HQ. This is on Hamas.


The protests are nothing to do with Hamas. They are about the genocide of Palestinians.


Hamas declared war on Israel and they raped and kidnapped hundreds of civilians and killed thousands. An act of war. Israel like any other country responded in kind and will try to rescue every hostage. Most of the protesters are dressed as Hamas kidnappers. If they were concerned about genocide, they should pay attention to Hamas’ charter. It is a statement of genocide. As is ‘the river to the sea’. As is ‘globalise the intifada’ If they cared about Palestinians they would be protesting against Hamas.


So again, try data rather than propaganda. Honestly you will improve as a result.


The above are verifiable facts but I’m guessing you think October 7 was an inside job. Which I find incredibly sad, as you’d believe any other country but a Jewish one. Let’s hope peace and sanity prevail for all.


Again, we are in protest about a literal genocide that is happening right now, sanctioned by western politicians. Hamas and Israel have committed crimes against humanity, this is not a "whatabout" issue. The ICC in the Hague have requested arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas and Israel for their crimes, there is no doubt over responsibility, the outrage is about the willful starvation and murder of thousands and thousands of civilians. Both western politicians and the writers of the propaganda you read are beneficiaries of AIPAC donations. None of that is conspiracy, all public record.


It’s a war. Where one side does everything it can to protect civilians, and the other only wants to kill all Jews. But it’s clear where you stand and where your sympathies lie. Mine: with humanity.


SCUM and this is why all right thinking people in world STAND WITH ISRAEL


u/SocialistsAreScum is part of several far right subreddits and activaly belives that muslim immigrants should be removed from the country (source is their profile)


DAMN Right


Ethnic Cleansing and burning babies alive!!!! Whoooo!!!!!


hamas are scum for doing that I KNOW


Try data over propaganda my dude, you'll feel better


Am I wrong in saying that Barclays is accused of investing in companies aiding Israel against Gaza? Am I also wrong when I say that Barclays is compelled by law to invest in any company that its customers want them to with their money. If a customer wants to put their money in _the Gaza aid fund_ as they see it as a good investment, they too should be allowed to put their money in the _Israel defence fund_ if they see a good investment in that? That’s not Barclays fault, why are they different from another bank?


People seemed upset that a bank invested money and People put money in a bank for some reason. If People wanted real change they'd go after the companies actually manufacturing weapons and bombs and sabotage them...


100%, my mum’s office got attacked like this because they provide logistics for a shipping company that delivered weapons to Israel 10 years ago, like wtf is that gonna actually affect on the ground!




I'm fairly certain this is over the genocide in Gaza