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Boring as fuck. Luckily in the prison system I was in we had t.v.s in our cells if we bought them. But mostly is just waiting around. It's super boring, and when it's not boring, it's likely because it's dangerous.... Don't go.


I thankfully never experienced violence but that isn’t to say everyone wasn’t aware that something could pop off at any second. It really was more like One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest as opposed to any jail movie, especially so with the awful nurse being the COs that dehumanize people. I’m glad my stay was boring, and agree that’s the worst part of it. Understand if other people saw more violence, but I’d imagine that was short bursts of violence in an otherwise incredibly boring day.


Lots of weed???




In Salisbury (PCI) I watched a guy trade 20 stamps for a pin joint. I stood at his cell door & watched him smoke it. He got a few good hits & then burned his fingertips & hollered out "fuck!" I didn't ask him but I imagine it wasn't worth it.


Salisbury NC? What pci mean? Nvm it's the name of the Salisbury prison


Yes Salisbury, NC. Piedmont Correctional Institution. It's the high rise prison there that's used for processing inmates. I was told in jail that if you mention mental illness when you arrive at the prison there's a good chance you'll stay there longer than the normal 2 weeks or so. It was literally like a daycare for men so I hung out for a month & had a cell in the main part of the prison on I think the 6th floor. To be prison, it wasn't the worst.


Never went to the prison in Salisbury. I did 9 years at CP ( the "Walls" Central Prison ). Then went to various road camps for the last 6. I got out in '96 from Wagrum. I imagine Salisbury is a lot like CP., a bunch of sitting around doing nothing. Watching TV, lifting weights, playing cards or whatever. When I was in, a lot of the road camps were kinda small. I think Wagrum had less than 100 people there. Road camps were pretty chill, at least the ones I went to were. At Wagrum, most people were on the road crew, you go out of the prison and pick up trash, or cutting brush back from the roads Mon - Friday. Weekends everybody was pretty cool, contact visits on Sundays. When I was at CP you had to visit thru a glass partition. Took me almost 10 years to get my first contact visit. All my people were out of state.


If there’s one drug that I wouldn’t expect to find in prison it’d be weed. It smells strong as hell even when you’re not smoking it, you have to have a fire source, something to smoke it from, either papers or some kind a makeshift bowl, if you make a bowl it’ll stink of weed and be very easy to determine how it was used, the whole f’ing place would absolutely reek of smoke and will for sure trigger a shakedown. And not to mention that your eyes will be a dead giveaway!


Only blunts 🙁


I learned a lot about myself and human nature. I wrote everyday, trained service dogs,participated in the only community outreach program in the BOP, did an extensive drug treatment program, worked at a Power House, helped others with legal work and prison paperwork. Had a daily exercise of patience, tolerance and acceptance. Basically my prison stay was like life, you get out of it what you put in.


Where were you able to train service dogs?


It was a program at FMC Devens. I learned a marketable skill, gave something back to society and plus I had a puppy in my cell (cube, it was a camp) with me. Great experience.


I know people talk shit about non US prisons but this is how you get people back into society. Give them a dog, parole hearings, hope


Well said. My focus was to get the most out of the experience, better myself any way I could. Not everyone gets the “opportunity” and time to do that.


The sad reality is that Ed Gein and some dude who sold a pound of weed share a building, and the general public has difficulty separating the two since they share a wall. The US is very focused on punishment and banishment, which only creates more crime when people serve their sentence to society. Good on you for flipping that shit on its head, love to see people prove the wrong people even more wrong.


Morgantown had dog training but only military veterans were allowed to sign up. After being in county for over a year, getting off the bus and seeing guys in shorts and t shirts walking their dogs and playing tennis was an absolute trip.


Omg! I wish I knew someone who trained service dogs😔 that’s so rewarding


They train dogs at the camp I was at in Montgomery Alabama also.


Genuinely very poetic


I saw that in OZ! It was cool until one dude trained a dog to attack some of the guards. Someone’s always there to ruin a good thing for everyone else. (Yes I’m aware Oz isn’t accurate, at least when it comes to American prisons. It’s probably more like a prison in Latin America. Or South Africa.)


It depends on what prison you go to. Some prisons don't even feel like prison. Butner medium 1 was like a huge party. Lots of weed. Working out with weights. Sports religious services TV and reading books listening to your MP3 player. It can be fun and give you a chance to build your mind and body. Other prisons can be like hell. But the worst thing is to go to solitary confinement or the hole. It is severe psychological torture. Don't get sent to the hole


That’s true the routine is extremely different depending on your security rating


I did some county time once which was a breeze, we literally shot pool, watched Law & Order, and painted a rec center. One of the 6’something dudes sang “Moon River” while painting and the CO’s gave us extra break time because they found it so funny. That’s also not typical, every experience will be different, YMMV


If you go into to solitary, you don't get any entertainment right? No books or anything? Your just stuck in your own head 24/7?


Depends on facility. At worst you can only read religious texts, at best you can get books. Can always write. Depends on the facility and what rules they feel like following that day. I kind of jest, but that’s a big problem with the prison system. We value punishment more than anything else, and some dude making $25/hour and is taught that the dude in the box is sub human, what do you expect? It’s the same propaganda to shoot people in war. In my opinion it’s both unhealthy for the employee who needs to treat another human that way and then go home to a wife and kids or the local dive bar, and it’s unhealthy for the person in the hole that in theory goes back into society. We have a habit of burying our dirty secrets, the issue is that they rear their ugly head in the form of recidivism and crime rates.




I’m actually shocked to hear that and also glad, imo it’s cruel and unusual punishment. If you wanna segregate someone while you figure it out that’s different than dudes doing half their sentence in solitary confinement


This is just my anecdotal experiences, but it's 23/1 or 23.5/0.5 in your cell. When you're out on the "yard" you're also in confinement without interaction with other inmates. You don't see them at all. You will go out of your cell to shower or medical, but that's also purely in solitary. You have access to entertainment. What this is defined as depends on your country, state or even individual block. We had a TV with very limited channels, as well as library cart every third week. You could also write, ask for sudoku or crosswords etc.


I think you can access books in most solitary environments if you're gna be there for a long time. But I'm sure lots of them just do short stays with nothing at all. Yk like "oh you punched so and so in the face so now you're going to the hole for 30 days and you might not get shit to read besides your mail and other materials mailed to you. I have no idea and it def varies by state and varies by levels and all sorts of shit like that


Also, if you have a medical issue, they may put you into medical seg, which is literally just a cell in the solitary block. Same rules apply. You can have a bible. A library cart may come by once or twice a month and you can pick 1 or 2 books if you're lucky. One is probably missing some pages. You'll read them both by the end of the day. .


I was at the one and the deuce


I love all the people up voting this post. That’s literally every prison I been to. I been to state and federal. No wonder a lot of you go back. It’s not a good time no matter what. When it goes co Ed then talk to me. Other wise you’re lying to yourself


Tbh, prison is different things at different times depending on your current mode/mood. You go through phases and changes. I know because I'm in prison and redditing right from my bunk. I've been maintaining a daily journal documenting my everyday prison experiences at r/PrisonDiary. Today is my day #388 and entry #388 loading. You have to read through everything to know what it's like.


Noice (not noice you're clinked up but you'll get through it). Always hear too many folks talking about they know what it's like to do time and really they don't even know the difference between jail and prison. Let alone ever stepping foot in em. Good on you for trying to edjumacate em! Anyway, keep your head up stay safe and get free. Peace


At least some ask questions as opposed to stating what they've read and heard? See below haha


good luck in there dude. I don’t know how much time you have left, but I hope it goes by quickly for you and then I hope you never go back! and thanks for that link, that sub is fascinating


What are you in prison for?


are you in the states ?


Boring as fuck with the occasional outbreak of violence


Weeks and months of claustrophobic boredom punctuated by bouts of horrific and unspeakable violence.


Gruel sandwiches, gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair.


You spend 26 hours a day thinking about how to fill 12 hours.


Lots of sleep if you want it to be. A lot of people were jealous I was able to sleep all day in a dorm setting. In a cell forget it I’m out but you should try to work out cause I got fat as fuck and had to loose all the weight when I left


It depends on your security level but basically it is just really boring. And if you have a serious bid then I can see how depression sets in very easily. Even TV and the securus tablet get old pretty quick.


What's the secures tablet


Securus is a company that oversees incoming/outgoing communications. My experience with them is at the county level where they are the company you hear talking when you first grab the payphones and punch in 1 then the number your dialing and your inmate number etc. Now I'm learning they oversee more than just payphones, and I believe they are a nationwide company. In my state it's 7c a minute for a call I'm sure that varies in diff states maybe even counties and I believe it's cheaper once you mainline (get to your prison if you are going)


Its a device where you can listen to music watch movies and play games


You can download games? Is it on wifi? Do they make you pay extra for the tablet and games?


It comes with a couple free games but it all costs money. $$$


The free games cost money? Or you can download games that cost money? I never knew prisoners had tablets. I'm assuming any chat features apps, zoom or whatever, aren't able to be installed right?


You can download games that cost money. There is a phone app (not video) where you can make calls. There is also a messenger app that costs money too.


Does the prison have a way to listen to the call through the tablet? I'm assuming they do for security purposes


Every call is recorded and subject to monitoring


Last question cause I'm sure I'm annoying you haha. Does the tablet cost money? Or is it just issued to you? And how do they handle theft of tablets? Do they just cut access off because of the security concerns or do they not care?


So Securus oversees all the communication huh?




For quite a while, Washington DOC standard solitary punishment was around 5 to 7 days. Then they started building IMU's (Intensive Management Unit) and wanted to keep them full. I did 16 months straight doing a program in IMU for importing some stuff... You have access to books most of the time - you create problems, and they punish you... After 30 days, you got your radio, and after 90 days, you got your tv.


It's pretty mundane. In my state we had tablets and tvs to use when we were locked down or just wanted to chill. I played a lot of softball and read more than I watched tv or played on my tablet. If you find a couple guys to kick it with on a regula basis, get a job, and establish routine it can become a lot less boring and mundane.


The exact same thing happens 7 days a week it’s like ground hog day the only thing that changes prison regimes is drugs and violence tbh and there is a lot of that in any jail


Boing. So fucking boring After experiencing prison there is no way I will ever be bored in the free world When people say, “I’m bored” I just want to scream: “you have no idea what boredom is!”


I did two deployments on a ship from 2001-2003 and I agree. I can’t compare it to prison but when people say they’re bored, I’m like “you have no idea”.


It’s great actually. My autistic ass loved the structure.


Didn't all the noise and stimulation aggravate your autism?


Being at day care with fully grown men


The best portrayal I have ever seen of how real prison is would the the first season of Orange is the New Black. First season only. The woman who did the real life crime wrote the book and then was a major influence in the show. Obviously, it is lower custody, and every prison runs different. But the day to day and who you will meet? Dead on.






I read this [article](https://inmate-lookup.org/blog/what-is-prison-really-like). Looks like it was written by someone that has been in prison.


Just like the streets except no women's alot of controlled movement an you can't go home. Male the best of it find you a way to make you some money an you will be just find


I was at notorious HMP Barlinnie in Glasgow, Scotland. It was very boring but saw lots of violence and men crying and howling in their cells.


Depends on the prison I’d reckon . . Some give inmates jobs, starting at $0.12 an hr


Boring and repetitive. That's about it.


I was in CMCF in Mississippi. Female side. Honestly it was pretty chill. The time was slow but it wasn’t extreme like I’ve heard of others. I was there 4 yrs and only went through about 3 serious serious situations. The rest of was your normal crap. IT WAS VERY HOT. NO AC IN A TIN BUILDING IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIELD. THE SUMMERS WERE UNBEARABLE. We could buy TV’s but only with headphones because we were in an open dorm with 180 beds. Food was ok because we grew it on site and cooked it fresh. I worked central kitchen so I got all the goodies. At the time cigarettes was still on the canteen so I got my sodas my cigarettes and did my time quietly.


The ins and outs of the prison economy drives what prison is like on a day to day basis


Boring!! Or it can be. If you have a good job it keeps you busy but if your a Houseman your bored. Unless your lucky enough to have family that sends you plenty of money so you can buy movies, music and games on your tablet. The food sucks. Your better off washing your own clothes by hand or paying someone else to because they always come back not smelling clean and there wrinkled. Atleast that's how it was where I was at. You have to be on your bed every 4 hours for count time which can take hours sometimes if they get the count wrong. Prison is much of the same day in and day out.


Boring. Work out , play cards, go for walk eat, play dominos, eat, work out watch so tv and sleep


This sounds like my life not in prison...:(


Mine to. I live in a place that’s 12’ wide and 24’ long. I barely ever leave. I built my own prison


My partner has been inside a year as of yesterday. This is UK so possibly a bit different, but he has done very well inside. Certainly here you can keep busy if you work for it. They wake him at 7 ish. He showers and eats his breakfast pack (given the night before) then usually goes off to his work, or a healthcare or yoga session etc. He's then "back in his box" for 11:30 ish for lunch. Then let back out at about 2 for a couple hours before back in his box. He works a paid job and a couple of voluntary positions mostly around neutodiversity. A couple days ago the head of Neurodiversiry walked upto him and said he was single handedly doing more for supporting mental health then all the prison staff and fellow prisoners put together. Something to be proud of. Out here he was very good at having the exact opposite effect on me so hopefully he's learned something.


In my experience in Maryland. Lots of drugs, violence, Tv watching, inmates talking to girlfriends and family, gangs, making hook ups and various other foods, waiting for food, then waiting for the microwave. Fucking with the guards. Sleeping. Repeat


Totally boring topped with complete fuck shit for everyone all around. Oh yeah! The food is not fit for humans or anything else's consumption. 💯


As a 30-year-old female here in the states, it was the most boring uncomfortable thing I’ve ever done in my life




My husband did 20 years straight no break no parole no early release but if he had not went to prison, he would've probably been dead Prison saved his life he was on path of destruction. He read a lot of books 100s of books wrote a lot of letters, paper letters and tablet letters he got into so many programs. I can't even keep up with all the programs he's been in so he ended up in different dorms mostly school or leadership dorms He has been completely sober for 18 years. He is a minister. He has so many different trades and degrees. I stop counting. I'm very, very proud of him Let's just say my husband could build a church wire it up and preach in it all at the same time lol and he's a biblical scholar. He has several degrees and certifications in ministry Bible scholar and pastoral lol he could do your tax's he teaches GED he's a tutor his favorite subject is math and not just basic math. My husband could be an engineer. He's a nerd loves numbers. He sells real artwork, but he was an artist before he went in now he just mastered it because he had nothing but time Now he wants to get in to art school in free world he wants to own an art studio everything he wants to do. I'm going to let him try it until he fine what he's comfortable with whatever he mentally needs He's considered something like a OG a person of seniority because he was in there so long even respected by COs it's really what you make it but let me tell you there are horror stories if you go in with a bad attitude /personality. My husband also worked out before he went in and while he was in he's 6'2 275 lbs and he benches 600 lds he lift me like a ragdoll lol and I'm 5'5190.lbs


well, you ain't laying around staring at the ceiling in Texas. Working the fields, fixing busses, alot of manual labor. As others have said, head on a swivel because it can be dangerous. The number of convicts with mental issues is ungodly. Yes, boring as hell as well. The segregation of races is automatic.


All the yards in AZ they make you work. Except maybe max/supermax.