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Stay off security’s radar. Keep your bunk area clean. Help keep the cell clean. Flush, a lot. Shit when the cell is open and everyone else can leave. If you are going to cry, keep that shit to yourself. If someone else is crying, no, they are not. If someone comes back from a hearing and looks upset, they are, just stay the hell away from them. If they weren’t your friend on the streets before you came in, they aren’t your friend now.


Emphasis on the flushing and minding your business. In case this isn’t already implied, don’t ask people about their charges/convictions.


I’m confused, because on 60 days in, the participants (particularly in the women’s jails) always ask what their charges are in the first interaction. This happens in every jail every season. 


The thing about asking people what their charges are, that’s usually people who are already in and they’re asking the newbies. When you’re the new guy on the block, you don’t ask the questions.


Yes tf u do. Someone asks u what u in here for? Then you ask them back. It’s just acquainting yourself. Jails usually house inmates by their charge tho.


Gotta remember this is Reddit with all the internet tough guys


You might be thinking of prison. Prison is along term home with its own politics Jail is a different animal.


60 days in is a show about jail.


It happens in real life jail too lol not shit else to do. Idk what that guy is talking about where imm from you can guarantee you'll be asked the first 5 mins in the block


The difference between asking questions and being asked questions 😂


I mean jail is a lot different than prison. In jail, most people are just waiting to do their time or for their hearing or transfer, I don’t think most people in jail really care about anyone else unless they are completely unhygienic. In prison yeah, some lifers just have nothing to lose and will always be looking to get at someone with bad papers.


They absolutely care about others idk why you'd think they wouldn't


When I was in intake 10 steps in the jail door. People were asking what other people were in for. They had all just walked in the door. I didn't even want to know what people were in for. People would just come out, and tell the pod. One person asked, and everyone knew. I would say there was less chance that people didn't know what you were in for.




I believe you do ask ... my husband is always asking new cellies about paperwork.... you don't want dirty paperwork mind you he's in state not county


Your husband is doing God's work. They check papers to see if you're a diaper sniffer. If you are, you deserve what's coming to you. If not, just show them and mind your own business about everything. Dont be too friendly, dont be rude.


Your husband sounds like he should mind his own business. All the important guys know what everyone is in for as soon as they show up because the CO’s tell ‘em.


It's different depending where you are. It sounds like her husband is checking for bad paperwork. Nobody wants someone with funny papers as a cellie


He should not mind his business. It’s his business who he lives with. If he lives with someone with bad charges then he is the same as them. Where the fuck did you do your time where everyone just gets a new celly and minds his own business. Fuck that I wanna know exactly what you did and if you had a co defendant I want your discovery so I know if your a fucking 🐀 . Maybe you are being sarcastic and I’m missing it or something?


Nah dog they gon check paper work 💯 it's normal in state or federal. Maby not county tho


You don't go around asking to see papers when you're the newbie


Yeah ppl will check your paperwork. If you're here asking how to behave in prison you shouldn't EVER ask to check anyone else's. If you get a celly with a fucked up charge ppl will let you know that shit. Just hope they don't make you fight them.


I Sense your speaking from experience?I was gonna run down almost the same list lol.i would also add don't get in debt to anybody and don't gamble.


No debt! There’s no money to settle them so it’ll be a rough beating or worse.


I keep seeing the don’t gamble, but what if you are a good gambler on the outside and can afford the losses is there more to gambling than meets the eye (ie you will get cheated and or even if you win you may have problems collecting and problems if you don’t?


I'm sure it's different in every jail but when I was locked up in county.i did gamble and there's nothing wrong with it.it helps run down your time.but if you're a first timer and you start gambling there gonna try and cheat.and trust me they are people in jail that make it look easy.and if you gamble everything is put in upfront.no credit.less trouble that way.and they like to play some crazy games too.might be different now don't know.


You pretty much summed it up bro. I’d add, do not borrow, don’t talk to the CO’s more than you have to ( people will assume you’re snitching), keep your hygiene up, drop one flush twice, do not gamble, be careful when ordering commissary so that nobody sees you putting in your information, because people are good at watching you put your information in, and if you see that someone has a problem with every one in there..stay away from them.


if you’re a white collar guy, and don’t have an assertive or confident energy, It also helps if you can fight a bit or are not scared of fighting. You don’t even have to be good at it, but if you’re able to take a punch and give them back, you’ll be straight. People are mostly giving you advice to avoid any potential issues but some ppl just look like they can be taking advantage of and ppl are always doing all sorts of tests to see who can be taking advantage of. If you’re not from the streets or degenerate institution, you won’t be able to recognize it and failure to react assertively and nip it in the butt tends to progress into more and more harassment for anything u might have. ESPECIALLY commissary. Don’t EVER let anyone “help” you with your phone or commissary info lol. If u ever see anyone trying to help you for no reason, just be like “i’m good breh”. If you ever feel a push, make sure you draw your boundaries. Make it be known that you recognize where things are heading and that you don’t want no problems but it should be know also that you are not scared of a problem.


Yea this ^^^ do not hesitate !! And do not think the COs will save you!! They like to sit back and watch a good fight every now and then.


I don’t know man; I’ve seen some felony fights and this guy who actually knew how to fight destroyed this neo nazi, knee dropped him and probably left him brain dead. It’s pretty easy to get killed in a serious fight.. it’s not like the movies.


I had a drug problem once, and long story short, I spent time in this state run rehab because I couldn't afford better. For all intents and purposes, this was jail because many of those people bounced from institutions to jails. I remember my first time there, and a counselor told me this: Remember who you're in here with. Don't share anything. Especially cigarettes. Give one, and you'll be marked as a mark. And most importantly, nip a problem immediately in the bud. There are predators in there just like in jail.


Bud. Nip it in the bud.


barney fife I do believe you're jealous. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSyueBoC9mE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSyueBoC9mE)


I stand corrected. I saw it spelled the other way as well.


Not bad. This pretty much sums it up.


Flush every time you fart or as you're dropping a log. Bring 150 for commissary, but don't tell anyone you have it.


Seconded the list and this tip, not only don’t tell anyone how much you have in commissary, don’t buy more than the bear minimum when you do get items. Also it’s always good to have a craft, I used to draw stuff like envelopes or letter embellishments, tattoo designs for dudes heading back to the pen.




I learned this lesson. They did not like it. Lol.


Missed a big one; Stop talking about getting out it’s fucking annoying to everyone. Everyone wants out of jail. We get it.


If they were your friend on streets, chances are they probably shouldn’t remain your friend. I’m all for people bettering your life but just because your in jail with a homie you were doing fuck shit with doesn’t mean you should be loyal to them, especially if your genuinely trying to better your life.


I agree and don’t mean loyalty. But too many people try and make friends inside on short term. If you just met this dude, in 60 days or less they need to be out of your life. Don’t borrow, don’t lend, don’t exchange outside contacts, don’t tell secrets.


Never been in so I am gathering the line from *American Gods* is pretty accurate? "*Prison friendships are good things: they get you through bad places and through dark times. But a prison friendship ends at the prison gates, and a prison friend who reappears in your life is at best a mixed blessing."*


Prison is a bit different than jail. Jail is short term with high turnover. You may spend 10 years living in the same cell with the same bunkie in prison if both of you get along and have your shit together. There was a guy in FL that spent 23 years in the same cell, never caused a problem for security and did a bunch of handyman things around the prison, if he got a cellie that they didn't get along the other guy got moved. Almost all his cellies lasted less than a week or several years. Those can become good friends. Inside and outside. But you can get a feel for the real person in that sort of time.


“If someone else is crying, no, they are not.”😳 my heart dropped to my butt💔


Yeah I forgot the friend one. There's a lot of unempathetic con guys in county. They will take whatever they swindle you out of. Keep your funds to yourself too. Don't share your phone pin if that's still a thing ppl will use it


That's a shame about the crying. I guess I was extremely lucky my only time in county. Maybe because we're women, or maybe it's only the trustee pod, but the majority of people I met were overwhelmingly kind. I had nothing in my commissary account, and without their generosity, I would've been filthy, starving, and unable to write or call my family. And anyone crying there was immediately fussed over by most of the pod, hugging, talking about their problems, and giving little treats. I remember one new girl came in and was crying because she hadn't spoken to her kids in weeks, (transferred in) and the pod took turns letting her use their phone cards for a few minutes every day.


Women’s jails and prisons can not be compared to men’s jails or prisons. And prisons are very different than jails since they are more long term.


Women prison is daycare compared to mens lmao


Agree there is a gendered aspect to this


You’re not wrong overall. I’ll say it a million times over that I don’t think I would’ve handled incarceration as well if I was a man, BUT in my units you would’ve been gotten after 100% for crying and you’re definitely paying for that phone time and any commissary given is an auto 2for1.


Wow. Men and women really are different creatures. I cried twice when I did my year bid. The first time was the night I was kicked out of drug court and learned that I was going to be away for a while and going to be a felon forever - dreams shattered. Luckily I had a cool empathetic celly who understood and pretended not to hear anything, but I also kept it as quiet as I could. The second time was when I found out during visitation that my dog died because my dumbass younger brother stole my mom's car at night, got drunk and high and didn't close the door all the way when he got home and my dog ran out in the street and got hit by a car. That time, even though I really got along with a good celly who understood and was empathetic, I knew to stay in my cell when I got back from visitation to let it all out by myself because I knew I could not let everyone see me crying. There were a couple female COs who wanted to take me to a table by ourselves to play a boardgame with me - in front of everyone - to take my mind off of it, and I wanted to, but I couldn't because I knew what the consequences of that would be. God that was a dark time in my life. And yes I got my punch in on my brother when I got out.


Forgive me, but This is a ridiculous response to OP. To the point I thought you may be trolling. Absolutely zero of what you said applies to what a male will experience. “Maybe” bc you’re a woman? Of course that’s why. You’re comparing Apples to Used car parts


bro dont act like you haven't taken a couple juicy bites of an alternator or a sway bar before buddy


Man, this was funny. Solid quip my guy. Solid quip


The catalytic converters taste the best, that's why they're always getting stolen! Stereos taste pretty good too, but I swear they tasted much better back in the 90's!


Proud of my gender.


What if you snore super loud?




oh god, I'd be cooked


This one is very important! Don’t masturbate in any way that’s noticeable to your cellies


I work in a prison and these are all great answers. Keeping off the officer's radar is the best one. If your name is not known by the officers, then you are of no concern to them. If they know you, they will learn who you live with and what rule-breaking activities your cellies are doing.


This is the way


Share your commissary meals with your bunkie! One of the best ways to make an alliance, and have someone watch your back!


Swapping works too.


Good rules! DROP & FLUSH, don't use the words bitch, pussy, or punk they are fighting words. I mean DON'T. other than your Kelly's, don't make unnecessary eye contact, mind your own business, don't talk to a guard One on one bring someone with you if you have a grievance, embrace fighting-win, lose, or draw you will gain honor just as long as you don't back down!


i’ve been to jail a few times so i wanna just touch on the flushing. some jails, you’ll only have so many flushes for so many minutes. the one i was in, toilet would only flush 3x per hour. be mindful of that. if you absolutely cannot help it & have to go right then, communicate w the cell mates, soak a towel & lay the wet towel over the toilet. don’t soak it to the point it’s dripping obvi, but def cover w a wet towel. preferably your own or an extra.


Don't gotta scroll far to see the best advice.


100% true to all of this except the last one, I've meet some people whilst doing a little time who have since become very close and dear friends. There are good any anywhere!


I met my very best friend and closest person in my life outside my immediate family in prison over 10 years ago and we’re still like 2 peas in a pod 🙏 we were cell mates and had so much fun just laughing together all night long in that miserable hell hole.


This is great advice. And if you see a fight, you didnt see it.


*CURTSY FLUSH* don’t nobody wanna smell that!


Just chill, that’s basically it. A tiny little dorm is nothing. You pretty much got it, main thing is just to stay clean, and don’t start shit. It’s just county, basically adult daycare, anyone that tries to act like they’re all hard for being there is a twat.


This is exactly the way. Plus 60 days? You won’t even be there long enough to do anything else other than get comfortable and by the time you’re comfortable youll be going home. I’ve also only been to prison not county. Keep your eyes open and your head up, you’ll be fine.


You’re really not going to get with anyone who wants to start problems in county. Everyone is super chill. Reason being is that you’re in a reclassification block usually. Which means everyone in your block is there for close to the same reason you are. For OP, probably just dudes doing a little bit of time but going home soon. Jail lockdown is something nobody wants. You fight someone, you get put in a 23 and 1 cell for 30 days. It fucking sucks. It’s not worth it. The only thing Ive HEARD of people fighting for in county is stealing. If someone steals from you, you gotta fight.


Courtesy flush when you poop.


I’ll never forget the time when I was in state prison and went to take a shit in the middle of the night (we were in a dorm). I was tired AF and got too comfy and proceeded to poop like I was at home (no courtesy flushing). The dorm was completely silent and then suddenly a voice from the stall right next to me screamed “FLUSH!!!” I had no idea anyone else was there and jumped so fking high. I can still hear the echo in my head. I was so embarrassed and grateful that no one else was awake to know that I had broken that cardinal rule and have remembered to courtesy flush ever since (including at home even tho I live alone lol).


Non prison person here, who the fuck doesn't flush even if they do shit in the middle of the night.


Dudes talking about sitting on a toilet for ages and letting a stink build instead of flushing every so often after producing.


Excellent clarification


I’m fucking dying laughing


He’s talking about flushing right when your turd hits the water, not just flushing in general


Sometimes the toilets make a ton of noise that will wake up your cell mate or possibly the entire dorm/cell lock, so it can be looked down upon to flush after lights out sometimes too, in which case u shit during the day.


I wish people would do that everywhere.


Man I had to run into The Walmart ( I hate that F'ing Place ) for the Ole Lady , so on my way to pick up her stuff I ran into the pisser , there was some dude in one of the stall's taking the F'ing Nastiest Dump the stink was someone had uncapped a Septic Tank Stink . Like full on bathroom noises , Straining & Grunting huge booming Gasser's like someone blowing one of those big ass Matterhorns ( Swiss Alps) . And like all that wasn't BAD enough, The Walmart had a Stevie Nicks song playing " Stand Back" - kinda fitting for the moment ya know . Anyway what made it so bad was the dude trying to sing it in a high voice, and he was really belting it out . Like F Me Man I couldn't piss fast enough 🤣


You won the internet today.




Not just that. Every piece of poop. Literally. Like if it comes out in 2 segments, You flush the first jawn, and then the second. Also flush farts. Don’t be the one guy stinkin up the cell or worse, the pod . 😅


Don’t talk too much. Flush after every piece.


Like every turd chunk?


Don’t even let them hear the splash




I like the advice of listening more than talking. That’s also really good advice in the workplace esp when you’re new


Prison/jail are extreme versions of reality. Things that are rude like reaching over someone’s tray at lunch to grab a napkin, could possibly be the last time you use that hand. Even using your left hand to give someone a fist bump could get you knocked out.


Don’t be telling the folks in there you in for 60 days or they gonna be thinking you on that TV show


Not only that... Some folks get a kick out of fucking with short timers.




Just maliciousness. The short timer isnt gonna risk getting in trouble and possibly having time added so they're less likely to fight back. Not so much a thing in jail as in prison where you can lose your Gain Time.


You aint wrong!




Oh I seee. No sound that way?


Less smell.


Both but more for the smell, "flush while it's dropping" will be angrily yelled at you cells down if they catch a whiff of you enjoying a nice sit and shit sesh. Another big rule is cleanliness, unless you run your cellie you better be trading days to mop your cell and be quick to grab the fresh water before it gets ran thru 20 cells before you, brush your damn teeth and keep shoes and feet off the bed... his and yours


Do people have sit and shot sesh if they think it’s alone time? Shitting is kinda relaxing and a luxury some take? I’ve never been locked up this is fascinating to me. The dynamics. And what’s valuable. Like do some boss guys do shit and chill sessions. There’s actually a human instinct to smell inspect our faces for health. Think about it. Have you ever taken a shot and not looked at it ? It’s an instinct. Just to make sure we are healthy. Well it sounds like in jail you don’t ever (*get?)do that….


What a question bro.


Keep to yourself. Read. By polite. They are just like you in county. The real bad guys go off to prison. And in some cases overcrowding can get you out early. I was supposed to do a few months and the second night at midnight, the guards told me to pack up then kicked me out to freedom at 1 am. It's gonna be alright. I've had worse times at walmart.


Real bad people are in county as well. Some county prisons are hell holes. There are plenty of murderers in county waiting for court and prison


That had to feel amazing


I would not mention 60 days period to anyone. That show might get you in a position that you can’t get out of. If just one inmate knows your doing 60, you will automatically be a target! This is just a reminder to shut up and keep to yourself.


I was wondering how far down I would have to go to see this. Although I never cared about short timers. I mostly ignored them as they weren't going to be around long enough to worry about. It really depends on the county. They might have dorms split up depending on crimes and length of time.


Piss sitting down


Yep, also when you’re taking a sh*t, never have your pants around your ankles. Pull one leg completely out. Happens more in prison but sometimes people will try to jump you when you’re shi**ing, and you don’t want to have your pants around your ankles where you can’t move.


Jeez what a visual. That’s some real sh*t


there's simply no way to avoid piss drops spraying around if you go standing up. it's a matter of respect and hygiene to sit down.


Some cells have spit in the toilet only rules also. Sink is for drinking and washing things like clothes or dishes or teeth. Communicating about the schedules for cleaning is always appreciated. As in: what day do we sweep and mop? Or, want me to clean this toilet every day or every other day? Never bs. Avoid conversation about generalities. Give space to get space. If the door is open be out of the cell. Always ask cellmate about future cell time needed. Exercise regularly to show self respect.


I know


i was agreeing with you. my comment was for op.


So backwards from the outside world. When I was a kid I pissed sitting down once and my dad told me I was pissing like a bitch 😂😂😂


Don’t cause drama and stay showered. Courtesy flush.


"a good celly sleeps on his belly"<---- stupid joke I heard too many times during my bid.


1). Never any under circumstances touch anything that is not yours 100 percent ..find out who's it is and ask them if you or them can move it or throw it away or whatever 2) get comfortable in the day room and leave the cell to the others when they want it 3) clean up everything ..when you brush spit in toiletoikrt and flush and wipe up any water or anything to reasonable point 4) Keep the talk cordial and engage but don't over engage .. 5) be nice ..but I wouldn't share too much commissary or offer things to make friends or be generous..in jail most people keep their stuff ..I would find a nice indigent person and offer them a cup or coffee or a snack like every other day .. 6) if you play cards or chess that helps


fuck this prison shit is giving me social anxiety


Someone asks how long you have give them the wednesday.


the what?


Them: When you getting out? You: Wednesday. Them: Oh foreal?? You: Yeah, Wednesday let me out. *Laugh* I assume that's what he meant*


The character Wednesday. Just don’t answer lol.




DO NOT BE A LOUD MOUTH Why you yelling bro?


I’ve always heard Keep your shoes pointing towards the door, ready to walk out. If you start reading a book and don’t finish it by the time you leave, throw it up against the wall or you will be back to finish it. And DONT write or carve your name into any walls or areas, or you will be back to see it again.


I only noticed after my comment that you were doing such a short Jail term; most of what I wrote would primarily apply to a longer *prison* sentence; that said, they are all still good rules to follow for Jail as well. *Lots of respect* is key. As to the first sentence: *bad advice.* Generally, you *don't* want to be focused on getting out for two reasons; 1.) The more you focus on getting out, the slower your time goes, and it will make you miserable *constantly;* 2.) This goes *BIG TIME* for prison, where lots of guys are *never* getting out, or have decades. As for County Jail, the times are much shorter, however many guys can wait *years* for trial (I was in County *2* years out of 14, and I had a buddy spend *5 years* while his multiple cases wound through the courts) and even guys doing a *2* year finite sentence in County can feel like it's *forever* if they're not used to doing time. The *last fucking thing* you wanna be doing is talking about a coming *"out date."* People doing long sentences get *very fucking irritated* hearing about other people almost out the door; I'm *not kidding you* when I tell you they'll fuck you up just out of *spite;* or worse, get you tangled *up* in disciplinary bullshit just to make you *miss* your out date. It almost goes without saying inside: don't even *tell* anyone when you're getting out. Let it be a surprise for *everyone* when they call your name for release. The other shit is nonsense.


>throw it up against the wall or you will be back to finish it.  What does that mean?


It’s a superstition


Never bitch about having to do short time. You'll be in there with dudes facing long stretches and they won't want to hear that nonsense. And jail is just like life, if you let the other person talk about themselves, they'll find themselves liking you more.


Just respect them and don t take shit. If you show weakness You want have there respect. Be friendly but not weak, Don t be nosy and ask question that not your bizz. You should be fine .


60 days is a long time to not take a shit


Well I think I better throw this out there: I'm all for preparedness but don't mind the fear-mongering people. I did 90 days for a DUI (second offense). Many of the advice you received here is good but there will be lots of 60 Days In show fans who have never set foot inside of jail or prison, that will talk like they know what they're talking about. The show is designed to show you the most intense moments in a given 24 hour period. Sometimes they squeeze 2 days or more into 1 episode. They also designed that show in such a way to create suspense (sound effects, camera angles, etc). The producers of these shows know a thing or two about how all these different things can affect the viewers moods. Anyway, I'm a soft suburban guy who did just fine in jail. I didn't go in there acting like I was the toughest guy to ever exist. I just treated others the way I wanted to be treated and that worked out just fine for me. At my jail, we were allowed to have small pencils. We'd also get hard boiled eggs on Wednesdays for breakfast. One day when I was bored in my cell, I discovered that I could sharpen certain pencils with egg shells, it was a bit tedious but I eventually became so good at it that other inmates would trade me a few Jolly Ranchers, or an extra empty Gatorade bottle for me to sharpen their pencils. You might be asking, why would I want an empty Gatorade bottle? Well, we also had laundry bags. I'd fill up these water bottles with water, gather enough of these bottles and you could create a makeshift exercise weight by throwing them into your laundry bag. With these bags of water bottles, you could do curls, wrist curls and arm raises. Believe it or not, the people who were freaking out the most about my stay in jail were the people who had never gone to jail. They were the one's "researching" for me by watching 60 Days In, watching suspenseful jail and prison movies, mind you, jail and prison are not the same thing, they're similar but not the same. There's actually 5 security levels to prisons. I wasn't even going to prison, I was going to jail. They weren't gonna throw me in with the Ted Bundy's and Michael Myers's. I was told that a few of the really bad guys do in fact pass through jail on their way out in some cases but I was also told that if that were the case, it's because these guys were turning over a new leaf and successfully overcoming prison and their old ways so even if that were the case, after spending so much time locked up, they weren't gonna risk screwing up their time by screwing up at the end of their stay when they can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. So while some movies and TV shows do in fact show what does, has, and can happen in lockup, there are no 2 jails, or prisons that are exactly the same. There are some common unspoken rules that one ought to abide by (the ones mentioned in many of these comments). But Hollywood needs suspense in these movies to get you to pay attention, otherwise you'd just be watching inmates playing checkers, reading books, making ramen, playing chess, doing push-up, walking laps, joking around or just sleeping for hours. During my stay, I saw 2 confrontations happen, I can't really say that either of them were fights. Why? Because the first situation happened between 2 guys who were walking laps. Apparently 1 of the guys was walking too close behind the other one and they almost fought but the CO's came in to break it up. 1 of the inmates was more hot-headed than the other, he was also the one who almost fought a CO too. The next confrontation took place several weeks later during chow time when an inmate wouldn't pull his pants up while everyone was eating. The guy just had his ass-cheeks hanging out while he was sitting there eating. Of course nobody wanted to see that, especially not while we were eating. Many inmates respectfully asked him to pull up his pants, he refused. He refused several more times and even smart-mouthed someone. Well, lets just say the old man didn't really choose his words wisely, nor his movements when Trent (built like a tank) got up in his face. The old man stood up but before he could fully stand up, he found himself on the floor. I actually felt the thump on the floor and you could hear it too when it happened. So Trent simply pushed him to the ground hard. Kind of the old man's fault because he had already been doing all kinds of disrespectful stuff prior to this incident. He also stood up without speaking a word in response to what Trent was asking him to do for the 5th time. Jail was surprisingly enlightening. It helped me in many ways as an undisciplined guy. I got into a routine of working out everyday, waking up early and I got into reading books and math. Jail even healed my crippling social anxiety.


Glad you got something good out of this experience


This is solid advice. Jail can really help you grow as a person. I'm a white soft boy too and have done multiple stretches. Jail really ain't shit. I almost got in trouble for being too sarcastic but if you mean well, you can get out of it. Don't call anyone a bitch or anything. It really just depends on who you are. It's great if you have a niche though like you did. If you can freestyle, know some martial arts, know fitness, or have some other good skills/talents, everyone will love and appreciate you, heck, I loved listening to dudes who could sing in there.


Bro, 99% of these people commenting have never been to jail. If you’ve been to jail, you know it’s all BS from the media they are spewing lol. Just go in, be fucking normal, and get out. There’s nothing special about it. “DONT MENTION YOU ONLY HAVE 60 DAYS!!” - these people have no fucking clue how little other inmates care 😂. Nobody gives a shit about you because they’re too busy worrying about themselves.


Honestly, just mind your own business. If the cellmate is upset, angry, crying, sad, anything like that, just mind yourself. When someone's in a cell, and going through a lot of emotions, the last thing most people need is some guy asking if he's okay. If you get to talking to the cellmate, be civil, calm, probably don't give out personal information, and don't ask for personal information. Much like a mental hospital, I wouldn't recommend trying to keep in contact with this person after you're both out, whenever that may be. They may come off as kind, but you do not know who they are outside of the jail, and you may not even find out why they are there in the first place. Self preservation is key. Obviously be as hygienic as you can. Flush the toilet often, clean often, make sure you smell tolerable. Do not get yourself in trouble, and don't make the stupid move of sneaking random shit into your cell. This puts securities eyes on both of you, and is likely to stress your cellmate out. Respect silence, always. If your cell is silent, keep it that way unless there is a legitimate reason it needs to be broken. Good luck, man, wishing you the best and wishing you a drama-free, smooth experience.


R u in da show?


Keep to yourself. Be respectful. Be quiet. **Don't accept loans.** Avoid making friends in there. And most importantly: do not pick up any more charges. Do your 60, get out and don't go back.


Why avoid making friends? You need people in there that will stand up for you. The guards don't care. When I was in, there was a guy spasming on the floor in a holding cell I was in. The guards didn't care. We had to pester them for quite a while before they did anything. They just don't care. I made friends, and I think it was the right choice.


I think they meant like “you’re not there to make friends, keep to yourself” type thing. Like don’t let anyone take advantage of you.


This exactly. Be nice, but stay distant.


No such thing as friends in jail.


60 days in 🤦🏾‍♂️😬🤐


I just prefer to piss while kneeling, that way it won’t make such a loud noise and you won’t have to deal with wiping the rim everytime you do pee. If you have to shit with your celly in the cell, see if you can hang a bedsheet somewhere, when you are shitting flush while your pushing type deal, stay clean, mainly shower every single day no matter what your activity level, be the clean guy in the cell and sweep your floor everyday plus washing it with soapy water once a week with shampoo and lotion makes it smell nice. You might find more respect towards you inside than out in the larger world .


Sit down when you pee. Be hyper respectful of your and others space. Have an ocd approach to cleanliness. Meditate. Remain reserved.


Make sure you keep your feet clean…overall hygiene up…but nobody wants stinking feet in their face!


For sure man.have to take care of them feet.dont never go in the shower without them shower shoes.you can catch shit in that shower that the CDC don't even know about.


Don’t leave honey buns on your celly’s pillow


You gotta' go in with that confident energy so make sure you real loud when you first arrive and announce you ain't taking no shit from anyone, if they wanna' try you, they can find out. Everyone will be impressed. Next up if you get to your cell and you got a top bunk, tell your cellmate you will need the bottom bunk and vice versa if you got the bottom bunk. That way you establish a sense of belonging and immediately get respect. Got build that up right off the jump. Call people of a different nationality that you are, "fools" (it's a term of endearment in this type situation) even in just normal conversation. Like, "sup fool? How'd you sleep last night?" If anyone asks how long you are there for just tell them they'll know when you ain't there no more. Leave it at that. If someone tries to challenge you or "accidently" bump you, or they don't respect your personal space, even though you already set the tone when you was loud when you first came in, even if you can't fight, always swing first. Don't hesitate. That 1rst punch sets the tone. Like dude walking too close to you. No warning. NO questions. Just swing on his ass. You don't even need to connect, just throw that punch. Other dude will be like, "we cool, may bad." Others will back away too. You can say, "yeah that's what I thought with your bitch ass." If you mess with the punks make sure you agree on a price before anything goes down. But if you can't afford it, tell them you'll owe them next time you go to commissary but all you got to do is keep pretending you forgot. "Oh shoot, yeah dang I forgot again. Lemme get you next week." Eventually they will let it slide and before you know it you're already out. If you need to use the phone you can barrow a cellphone. You gotta' know who has it, so ask around and they'll tell you who to connect with. Some CO's are cool but don't spend too much time talking with them, just make sure you are friendly with them now & then. Pull them aside and try to chat with them away from the group. 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there. You don't want anyone in your business, so be discreet. CO's can do you favors when you need a favor. Just don't tell too many people that you're in good with the CO. Too many haters. Remember: Keep the I-am-the-Captain-now mindset and attitude Naw, don't do any of that. Seriously...None of that.


This is actually good advice. It shows the type of attitudes to avoid, and therefore the type of ones to be wary of. This was a fun read


Cup the balls, stroke the shaft, and swallow the gravy!


These are the answers OP seeks.


Courtesy flush




Common courtesy, there's some things guys get bent over though... Never reach across someone's plate/ food.. if you need to bend down and pick something up look behind you make sure your ass isn't going to be in somebody's face... Kind of goes without saying but some guys can be like 4 ft away from you and still get pissed.. don't talk to the guards or as little as possible, try to get into playing handball basketball makes the time go by better not that you're doing a huge bid


No farting no burping. zero shit talking to anyone even if it’s a joke when ya gotta shit and Piss watch the protocol for that. When you get in just be humble and ask what you need to


Don't accept any candy bars left on your bed 




Know when to hold them and know when to fold them…


This guy's getting ready for the next season of 60 days in.


I hope you don’t snore. Snoring alone will make your bid rough.


Keep quiet but be social. Don't discuss important stuff. Courtesy flushes are a must. Keep your area and the cell clean at all times. If you are on a top bunk be respectful of the bottom bunk when going up/down. It's only 60 days just keep your head down and do your time. Don't tell anyone how long you have just be vague about it, like I'm waiting for another hearing or something. If they find out you are short-timer they will pick on you and some will try to get you another charge just because they are jealous you are leaving soon. And don't watch the food channel, the chicks in my pod did that all the time and it was like slow torture.


Try to bring books if they let you, but definitely get into reading even if you aren’t. It’s a great way to escape and kill time.


600 pages in 2 days. I read the fuck out of some books.


Shut up and only share what youd talk to a stranger at a lunch counter about. Mind your business. Shitting is an agreement. One guy shits, the others stay out. Typically a napkin on door handle indicates someone needs privacy, stay out of cell. Survival/comfort tip.. if and when books are available, grab the thickest one regardless of condition. You're not reading it, its your new pillow.


ill never flush if i go to prison. i just let it sit in there and go sleep.


Yeah If anyone asks you just blame it on your celly


Don't ask invasive questions. Don't cultivate drama. Keep your space tidy.


Gay for the stay🤙🤣


Sleep on your belly.


To hide erections?


Courtesy flush. Always courtesy flush


Don't eat the candy on your pillow


I feel as if I could survive a short stretch inside, but for one thing. I fucking snore like a howling pig on heat. And nobody will get any sleep. Not even in the adjacent cells. I fear that I might wake-up dead.


Hold on. This flush thing. So some of you all don’t flush when you shit ?


They’re talking about flushing while you shit, so as soon as it hits the water you’re flushing as to not stink up the place. If it comes out in more than one piece then you flush each time (within reason). Then you wipe and flush again. “Courtesy flush” to keep the smell down.


Turn the other cheek, I mean bun


Don’t hog the phone.


Imo a good cellmate is clean, courtesy flushes, if you have any contraband it better be where they can’t find it cuz everyone in the cell goes down for that. Also if I’m reading or writing or focusing on something or sleeping thats not the best time to start a convo. Having good convos are good and help the time pass but you gotta read the room. Basically just act like you want your cell mates to act and you’ll be good


Don't snore, don't be a snitch, and don't steal my stuff.


Take part in Fifi Friday.


Keep to yourself as much as you can, stay in your “car”, don’t borrow or get in debt, don’t ask a lot of questions, keep your commissary private, don’t talk about your outside life much (if people think you have something of value, they’ll try and take advantage of that)


Don’t tell them you’re part of the A&E show, “60 days in”.


Just fight the first guy you see as soon as the door closes. They will all be amazed by your tenacity, which will make you the default leader of the cell. Good luck.


Do NOT sit on your cell mates bed unless you have permission first. And I you walk into your cell and a honeybun is sitting on your pillow DO NOT EAT IT. And one more thing …. DONT slam the damn cards!!!


Can you explain the reasoning behind the honey bun scenario?


Yeah, and what exactly would you do with it? Like, guys, I need the owner of the honey bun to please remove it from my pillow.


have self help books sent to you immediately and share them with anyone willing to read them. there is a massive void of positive self help material. one book can change the entire vibe on the block. which could save lives in the short term and long term. stay strict on the push ups and burpees routine. its a waste to do any time and not come out well read and physically fit. plus its contagious.


My husband always says if you know you’re going down go to college and do a barbering course while you’re waiting.


I’ve only ever spent one night in jail and it was awful but my (almost) husband said to make sure you keep your toilet paper on you. Guard that bitch. Best way to handle jail is, according to him, sleep. If you have friends/family reach out to them about paying for phone cards and your commissary or icare. Just be hygienic like you already are! Edited to say keep abreast of it; my fiancé said he forgot one- “and this is the motherfuckin worst place for your life if you jerk off anywhere.”


Mind your own business. Do not discuss your charges are why you are there. Do not ask other people about their charges or why they are there. Do not play cards. Don’t gamble or bet. Do not accept anything from another inmate. Don’t give anyone anything, even if they promise to pay it back. Do make phone calls from your account for anyone else. Memorize your PIN number to use the phones and rip the piece of paper up the guards wrote it down on. Like immediately. If you don’t all your money will be stolen via the phone. Do not sit on other peoples beds. Especially don’t put your ass on their pillows or where their heads lay. When someone yells “throw some water on that” they mean flush the toilet as soon as your dookey hits the water. Even if you aren’t finished. Even if you are still going. Flush 2 or 3 times. Dont go 2, 3, 4 days without showing and Use deodorant. Watch tv as much as you can and Read books. Jail is EXTREMELY boring. Some guys literally go crazy in there because they are weak minded. Those people will cause you problems. When you first get to jail, don’t interact with or talk to the first people that introduce themselves, be respectful but keep it moving. Pay attention to who hangs out with what groups. Don’t try to be friendly or make friends in there. Every single person has ulterior motives.


Don’t let anybody eat your corn bread


I don’t have advice from experience, so I’m curious to know from others who do…for someone who doesn’t know how to fight or have confident energy, would acting sort of schizophrenic unhinged influence other inmates to steer clear?


Don't borrow...dont put up with someone talking shit go ahead and fuckin bust there head ..you walk in they gonna be like fresh meat talking shit go ahead and fight asap ..and flush your shit a lot ..sneak in some cigs then you will have power soon as u walk in


Ask questions... is this ok? How do I? Don't be too loud or too quiet Don't ever shit after lockdown Many crims are way cooler than the average dude on the street. Not all though. Tread warily, tread lightly. Don't borrow money Don't arrange to meet up after you get out Try to read read read and read and learn something Avoid learning how to commit crimes. You will almost certainly pick some tricks up in conversation, but just remember where you met the guys that taught you. They didn't do great.