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Not only he swears a lot, he throw clubs


I saw him kick his golf bag at the 22 USOpen. It rolled into the greenside bunker. Caddy raked it smooth and then ran along to catch up.


Francisco Franco fasicists are still alive and roaming the planet. Jon Rahm’s family did despicable things. 


It’s good tv though. The announcers sure enjoyed it. I would have liked to just watch his round. When he gets mad it’s hilarious! 😂


It’s funny because according to him he is very positive when he struggles lol


Saw it on IG. lol. My partner said earlier and I agree: Rahm has lost his competitive edge since he joined LIV.


He still did that kind of stuff when he was on the PGA tour.


He was pretty controlled the last year or two. Like, was going to anger management or something.


He was also playing really well the last year or two so I guess maybe the original comment has a good point 😅


I mean, it’s easy to be in a good mood when you’re hitting good shots, but the commentators were talking about how different his disposition was the last year at the majors. “More mature.” “In control.” I know they just get cure cards with random talking points about each player, but still.


Fucking his hot ass wife should cure all disease, but I see it does not


Did you hear him? He didn’t leave the PGA tour for LIV. He’s still a member of the tour and just suspended. Nothing is different otherwise… ITS FINE.


Is he wrong though? All the PGA Tour had to do was say "sure do what you want independent contractors who work for us, rules aren't changing" Puts it right there for the world to see which guys would still make their 15 event commitment on tour and keep their cards and which guys were actually telling the truth about wanting to play less golf


Yeah, he’s 1000% wrong and super naive for not understanding the existential threat that LIV represents for the tour and that playing for it means you’ve encouraged that threat to grow/continue. And before any LIV bots react, no the reason it’s a threat is not because anyone actually thinks LIV will steal fans or viewers from the tour.


I think it depends on the player. Someone like Brooks I think is great at just getting up for the majors. I think someone like Rahm thrives off of competing week to week so don’t think LIV works as well for him.


Not every person that goes to liv loses his competitive edge he just hasn’t been very good he wouldn’t be throwing clubs if he lost his competitive edge


Well who does LIV have that can still play with Scottie, Aberg, Rory, Clark, or Xander? Koepka can. Phil had a week at the 2023 Masters but every pro golfer can have a week. The rest are not playing like they did when they were on the tour in majors


Bryson has showed up, same for reed, cam smith has been around. Even Dustin Johnson had a top 10 at the us open next year The expectation now is pretty much these guys have to win one of 4 tournaments for people to say they’re not phoning it in but that’s a hard bar to hit.




I wouldn’t say he’s lost his competitive edge. He doesn’t strike me as the type of person to be complacent. I think he’s just in one hell of a slump. On the topic of one losing their competitive edge though, DJ looks like he’s about checked out


When you don’t have to compete anymore, and do not dream of becoming the best golfer, you turn into Jon Rahm or aka all LIV golfers.


Not Bryson and brooksy


Or cam smith for that matter.


When you stop eating, sleeping and breathing golf you let your game go. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. When you play at the highest level just a little means a lot. That doesn’t mean he’s let his game go at all. He could just be having a bad week. The fact that he chucked a club today means he cares. Source: 24 years as a golf pro.




Agreed if he didn’t care he wouldn’t not be throwing clubs


Thanks for stalking my profile, creep. Lol. I like rahm, but he’s lost his edge in my opinion. Which is just that; my opinion. We’re both allowed to have one, fyi.


Imagine being such a pathetic fucking loser that you go into somebody's profile for a lame dig to defend a professional golfer. Holy shit, dude.


Ya that shit is pathetic as fuck


How long have you had a passion for douche-baggery?




So the truth involved stalking someone profile? Thats some weak ass shit bud


As well as the rest of them


He was always a whiner but now that he's playing badly in majors... it's just escalating. But hey, Jonny can go home and lay on a pile of a million LIV dollars. I'm sure it'll make him feel better.


He’s a “fiery Spaniard”. They give you a pass on petulance when you’re playing well.


Yeah, I guess I wasn't super offended by his petulance when he was on his run before leaving for LIV, but I sure am now.


In all honesty, I follow golf a lot, but most of these LIV guys are completely irrelevant after joining unless they're super active on youtube


Love seeing him miserable.


Sort of, but it was like his backswing, if you blink, you miss it!




I don’t think he will, but I do wonder if he would ever consider breaking his LIV contract if he continues to play poorly in PGA majors. He’s so damn competitive and he’s clearly not feeling fulfilled/prepared in the LIV events he plays. It would be something if he just said fuck it, gave back the money and got back to the grind.


iirc the penalty for breach of contract is to pay back the value of the contract x2-x3


would be soo satisfying


Blood in, blood out.


In one of his first LIV tournaments he complained that it was too loud and he wanted to play 72 hole tournaments. I guess you get what you get paid for.


The fuck is a PGA major?


He should be thrown out of the tournament and deported from the country for being a terrorist.