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Admittedly I built it but I’ll include it because I built it at first to make my life easier! It’s called [Orderly](https://joinorderly.com) and the goal is to make returns sucks less. Basically you connect your email and it tracks all of your orders, tells you how long you have to return them (+reminders), and lets you schedule a home pickup for them!


I have pretty bad ADHD brain so I built my own pokemon like assistant to help remind me of my tasks, help me get started, provide emotional support and even work wtih my friends to keep me motivated. Its called [Tori](http://tori.gg). https://i.redd.it/6g8m9x7y85ad1.gif


So cool! Looks like if Trello met a Pokedex? Haha


Haha, exactly. Throw in Clippy/Duolingo and you got it.


Love it!!!


That’s actually really neat. I’ll accept the plug because it’s a good idea!


Appreciate it! Give it a try and let me know what you think. Will even throw in a free home pickup on the house for a Reddit homie


Yeah, this looks pretty cool!


Thanks! Give it a try and let me know what you think. Love chatting w/ my users!


Id like to use this but it's not available in Australia. Will that change? You have some if the same brands we do.


Soon! Planning on expanding into Canada and other English speaking countries later this year. Just some regulations we need to make sure we comply with first


Curious about this for my mid market and large cap retail customers in NA. We are putting a few technologies into beer / alcohol / cannabis, and other food & bev companies as well as related retailers. Curious how this competes vs peers and what churn & net $ retention look like.


This is a really good idea. Need this for the UK.


YNAB for managing money. It’s life-changing when you get control of your finances.


I have monarch money is it the same thing


Monarch Money has features beyond budgeting but the two can complement each other


Is it free?




Worth for the price is debatable now, too, imo. Once you get the mindset, the app is just a nice to have to do the tracking.


YNAB is _absolutely_ worth the price. It’s free for college students and $99/year after that.


At $99, it isn't, imo. At $45, it was. YNAB Together is a nice addition that helps offset cost, basically account sharing/family plan.


Find My app! The hours per month I save by not having to find my phone, or wallet or keys makes me so happy to think about ☺️


Oh god this!!! Putting airtags on various things (wallet, keys, headphone case etc) was a game changer. The number of times I've quickly found my keys were randomly in the bottom of a bag/slipped behind a book shelf, all of which would have been a nightmarish hourlong search otherwise. Can't recommend this enough (it's also useful if you travel as you can tell if you've left anything important behind/slip one in your passport case etc)


Finch self care app


Seconding finch! Been using free version every day for 35 days, and I think that’s the most consistent I’ve been with anything. I actually make my bed and exercise everyday now! It’s really helpful for developing good habits by encouraging a bite sized approach and the ability to decorate a cute little bird and its house with the rewards for checking off your to-dos. The friends aspect is also sweet, where you can send each other encouragement whenever you think of it


YouTube, but not for the good


My notes/documents/files are stored on my computer (Mac/iPad) and I use PKMS app Devonthink to store/organize the data Solves the need the data sync’d between my devices Also, I find the native OS file systems inadequate for storage/organization/access My Mac includes an integrated scripting tool; Applescript I use this to create automated workflows




To begin, an Inbox database is provided and I created database *FilingCabinet* for my data I use tags for organization; groups (folders) are also supported




The user support forum is at https://discourse.devontechnologies.com Post your request there and you’ll get lots of help


YNAB for managing money. It’s life-changing when you get control of your finances.


I love Evernote and Remember the Milk. The apps work well together and I never lose anything or miss appointments or deadlines.


Yikes.... no one said ChatGPT, eh? 1) Last week I collaborated with ChatGPT using the voice chat feature and developed training for my organization WHILE WALKING TO/FROM LUNCH. Once we had the outline set up I had it populate the slide content, and we went through a few iterations before I had what I wanted. Then got back to the office and copy/pasted that content into the deck. Cleaned up the formatting and job was done. Otherwise would have taken me the rest of the workday. 1 hour of collaborative fun (including the walk) vs 5 hours of banging my head against my desk. 2) I created my own GPT that I've set to remember events/notes for me. It's got me covered with all the details when I ask "what are my weekend plans?" or "Ron from work, what's are his kids names again?" or "yo when is my moms birthday?" 3) Spent 1 hour the other night having ChatGPT walk me through how to download and install Python, connect an API to a website, then scrap and analyze data that I wanted. It even wrote a script that produced a sentiment analysis on the user feedback data collected. Prior to this, all I knew about Python was that is was a coding language of some sort. Still blows my mind that people aren't using this technology. But yea all good, have fun with your note-taking apps.


Can you share how you learned how to craft prompts for these, or if there is a resource you've used to learn from? Particularly item number 3.


..... have you asked ChatGPT this question?


Touche! Lol.


I couldn’t get to your no.2 paragraph felt like I was reading foreign language. This must be more so for those in the office/business world.


You don’t make plans? Weekend plans? Plans in general?


My ADHD has always made it challenging for me to stick with a productivity system or app. I have started and stopped using many, but the one that I have come back to most often and stuck with for the longest periods of time has been Habitica. I started using in my undergraduate studies and am about a year away from defending my PhD based on my last committee meeting. I’d say I use it for a quarter to half of each year. If you knew me, that would seem very impressive. Plus, the integration with other apps keeps getting better. I’m actually in the middle of optimizing my habits, dailies, and to-do’s so I can stick to the agreed upon timeline from my meeting. Edit: I prefer it for the gamification, the communities within the app, and being able to build parties to do quests with. Keeps me accountable (longer than anything else I’ve tried).


Karmascore, it's amazing for managing relationship


Futo Voice Input (or Futo Keyboard) -- a truly private voice input keyboard for Android. For voice input, this is awesome. It uses the Whisper AI large language model to do all of the voice-to-text recognition locally, does not share its data with Google, and has a trial period that allows you to see how well it works. The requested donation amount to have a fully paid version is only five to ten dollars. This project was started by a fellow at FUTO. Futo is an organization that provides fellowships to work on projects for about three months while they fund the living expenses of the fellowship applicant. https://futo.org/about/what-is-futo/ Read about this, or rather heard about this, during a YouTube video today.  Why is this awesome? Because it means if I own the data and it stays on my smartphone and never gets sent to Google and is not being used to train an AI model, then I can use it for all of my data input that is routine. It's like having my own personal secretary to take down my notes at anything that I am doing. It means that I don't have to depend on a high speed or a decent cell phone connection to be able to dictate what I want to say. I've been using Dragon Naturally Speaking for about 20 years now, and I love it. But I can only use that software when I'm sitting down in front of my computer. With this app, I can respond to routine emails in a few seconds instead of a few minutes. I can put in tasks into my task management software that is confidential that I would not want to share with anything outside of my work. I can send text messages to people that I normally would type out because I wouldn't want Google to have a recording of what I just said. End of my enthusiastic rant over the awesomeness that is this app. I am very grateful to the devs that I do not have to be tied into some tech giant to be able to have the ability to have seamless voice-to-text recognition on my phone at any time without data being used over the internet.


Roots for screen time — it’s the first one I’ve tried I can actually stick to. Great branding and I love the “monk mode” for app limits you can’t skip Insight timer for meditation — I love the variety. It’s like Spotify for mindfulness. It has helped spark my curiosity and be able to approach it in a fun and unstructured way


Google keep and calendar. They just help my wife and I stay on the same page


i hate apps and i never end up using them so my hack is using Notion. I made it so it’s the first page to open when i open chrome on my computer and i have 3 widgets on my phone of notion. Literally anything you can imagine is there. (i have money trackers, subscription trackers, calendars, classes, wish lists, quick links) Plus is completely customizable (with tutorials bc idk tech) so you can’t get bored of it and i can switch it up to my current hyper fixations.


The Forest app and the One Sec app.


for me, i currently run my whole life through anytype


Things 3.




O-launcher. App blockers never helped long term. I would want the app back at some point, disable the blocker and end up back where I was. O Launcher changed my use patterns but just maling it so I couldn't absent mindedly end up on an app. I used it for two yesrs and now dont use it anymore but I'm much happier with how much time I spend on my phone


I just looked at the app in Google Play but don’t see how it would help curb your usage. Can you tell us more about it?


Often people open an app without thinking about it because we see the icon while using our phone to check the time or an email. This means you dont see the icon so you have to decide, I'm going to watch a youtube video, rather than just ending up on youtube mindlessly. You can even hide an app from the list making you type out the name to find it. Those few seconds and the added intention can help you stop and realise that now is not the time. But its not so inconvenient that on a day you just need to just sit around at watch 6 hours of youtube you go "fuck this" and remove an app blocker. If you want you can still use time and launch limmits in addition. The new interface. Can be a little frustrating for a day or two while you get used to it but it doesn't take long Seriously, try it for a week. Thats long enough to get used to the new interface and find out how much it helps you. If it does you might need to stick with it for alot longer for the habbits to change, some people might need it forever. I'm getting to a point where I might need it again for a few months. If you can't stand the interface after a week, I'd recommend and app that simply makes you wait a second after opening an app and confirm to it that you want to open the app. I recommend Ascent over One Sec because you can have multiple apps on the free version. Hope I explained it well, it's a bit confusing because it uses psychology rather than forcing you. Pretty much, adding friction to starting any activity makes you less likely to do it, whether it's a fun activity or not. So adding friction to things we want to do less helps as much as removing it from thing we do want to do.


Oh thanks so much


Let me know how it goes :)


The apps that u don‘t use change your life.


Yoodoo: ADHD daily planner for me. I essentially made it to help me plan my time, turned out everything else loved it too - they all had ADHD. Turns out I had it. It's been in the app stores for just over a year, making money, enough to quit my day job to work on it full time and now got investment to sent it to the moon and help a tonne of people with ADHD better manage their daily lives! :)


I quite like this one. It simple and easy to re structure plans, which you often need with ADHD.


Notion and chatgpt for sure


One app that really changed my life is Notion. It’s incredibly versatile, letting me organize my thoughts, tasks, and projects all in one place. Whether it's managing a to-do list, planning a project, or keeping track of personal goals, Notion helps me stay on top of everything with ease. It’s like having a digital planner that adapts to whatever I need it to be. If you’re looking to improve your life efficiency, I highly recommend giving Notion a try!


Google Keep is my favorite! It’s like sticky notes for your phone. I use it to make lists and keep track of my spending, as well as jot little things down so I don’t forget.


Scrivener is a lifesaver if you're writing anything long-form-- it lets you keep all your notes in the same place, lets you set a word count goal and automatically generates a daily goal for you, and formats your manuscripts. Saves me a LOT of time figuring out which chapter is which, haha!


I have adhd, so I easily get overwhelmed. Long list on todoist? Create a new account on a different email or download another app till it gets full and overwhelming. My main frustration was that I knew I had to do stuff, but didn’t know where to start. Right now I have been using a white board with sticky notes dashboard that is helping me to be productive. First is pretty as it is coloured. Secondly all my projects are there on one page. Each project a different colour for no specific reason than aesthetics. Thirdly each project has only 3 tasks showing, from 4th task onwards they are hiding so no overwhelm. So I open the dashboard and I pick a task from those projects and crack on. For me is all about chasing dopamine, so I challenge myselr to reduce the projects faster than I add new tasks. Not perfect, but at the moment this system is making me more productive. I use xtiles as it is very intuitive. Lacks AI and when I complete a task I need to move it manually or delete it. If you found interesting this method, I got inspired by the youtube brothers Koi and their Kintsuki videos. Also, I learnt the 3 tasks only from adhdVision you tube channel




Rise for sleep health


I’m curious, after about a month, what do you gain from this app? Unless you wake up and sleep at very different times, why not just copy the schedule into google calendar and know your peaks?


For those that often stuggle to fall asleep it can be handy. I am somone who goes to sleep at different times for shift work, so thats really helpfull.


I really like notion. It’s a good tool for organizing


I have tried SO many things because I am a severe procrastinator. Top of my list is Todoist. Absolutely phenomenal for me. Second is Spark Mail. It just really clicks with me, and I love how slick the unified inbox is (I own a business and just personally want personal and work emails going to the same place), and I love the high visibility set aside feature. Those two are top by far. Fantastical also is my favorite calendar app. I have a bunch of calendar systems between personal, multiple work accounts, and then event scheduling in my primary work tools. Fantastical has always synced easily Tried YNAB like…10 times and never had it stick. It’s the app I want so badly to work for me and it never does!


YNAB failure here also. Feels like it requires so much work and it’s not intuitive. Can’t get it to work for me.


I looked up fantastical and it say "2023" is there a "2024" version or is this just the year it was published?


It’s like any other digital calendar that keeps going and isn’t limited to one date, so yeah, covers 2024 too


Thats what I figgured. The name is confusing and the fact that when I looked it up the search suggestions included "fantastical calendar 2024" means I'm not the only one who was thrown off, lol.