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Has the OP actually written something in Java or do they just follow a "twitter trend" to hate Java?


Guess you've never used applications built with java then. You don't have to know anything about java to notice application X is made with it. When the shittiest pieces of software always have this stupid ass coffee cup you just tend to notice it. It's just a good beginner language which is why I'm not sure if it's just junior programmers trying their best or if the language itself is severely lacking. Even one of its most prominent programs (Minecraft) isn't exactly known for being resource efficient.


tell me you dont know who uses java, without telling me... OP will go first! You use java apps all day long my dude. What are you? 13?


Maybe you could name some top quality Java programs for us. You seem to be an expert on the topic. OP mentioned Minecraft as one that has resource issues. My personal expertise has not been positive either. Fought with JSF on a project (was a while ago) and never got it working as well as our prototype worked in rails after like 2 days. Dealt with a lot of websites built over cable systems to configure them. Largely a pain to use but then that could be developers. So can’t say for sure on those.


Boss. If you Java can only do applications like Minecraft, you can't be helped. Java is garbage for front ends, and thats fine. But applications are more than a pretty face using java script. Java is one of the most use languages. Yes, its slowly falling out of favor, but it is still widely used for online services. I recently worked on a project using space dynamics. And guess what? We used java because even when it was not the fastest, we didn't had to reinvent the wheel. Now, tell me, whats your language choice


Microsoft Java :)


Pick your favourite app. I’d make a 50% bet that their servers are written in Java Amazon, Google, Meta, Netflix, etc. Most successful software companies has some or most of their critical part of the tech stack built with Java


I don't think their most critical parts are written in java. that's probably going to be written in c and c++ and as we know many companies are also introducing rust for some critical areas were correctness matters. Java is probably used for the not so critical public facing api's but that's just a guess.


One application I came to think of. The Client for Perforce. P4V? Its written in Java and its shit, but not because of Java. Its just old and badly designed.


OP gonna start a damn war in here today. *Shit, man, I'm down for that! Let 'er rip, tater-chip!*


The reason for using a OOP language is not making programming it easier for beginners, its to ensure that the application is robust and scaleable, which may not be relevant for the code than you write, but is important when creating enterprise applications


Intellij IDEs, Android as a whole are two very efficient Java-based systems. For that matter, Brazil's entire banking system is Java-based and with massive throughput. Hell, the most powerful and stream processing library is Kafka, and it is written in Java! In fact, look at almost anything Apache and you'll likely find Java in it. Don't mistake a game made by a single person with the rest of the world. Java might be resource intensive at first, but there's plenty of knobs that you can turn and make it as efficient and as powerful as many other languages. The only reason it has a bad rep is the same as JS, C++, Python and others: there are so many people using it that it is easier to find bad code written in it.


the idea IDE suit, largely regarded as the best IDEs avaliable, is written in java.


>Even one of its most prominent programs (Minecraft) Tell me you are 15 without telling me you are 15


It’s actually really good for web applications


OP is for sure a twitter trend follower. Nobody with half a brain actually calls it X.


That's pretty fucking funny because I used it as a variable lol.


Tell me you're not really a programmer without telling me you're not really a programmer. All these opinionated non-polyglots.


Java is interesting from a historical perspective. > >JAVA† is a programming language and environment that was designed to solve a number of problems in modern programming practice. It started as a part of a larger project to develop advanced software for consumer electronics. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345758345\_Java\_an\_Overview\_the\_original\_Java\_whitepaper](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345758345_Java_an_Overview_the_original_Java_whitepaper) So the original idea of Java was to describe the function of an embedded device. Thats why they decided to use OOP very strong in Java. Every Device can be an object and interact with each other. Sun always wanted to be THE definitive IoT expert and wanted a programming language to describe IoT. But then some Academics got hyped about OOP and founded the "OOP Church" and all people in CS learned that OOP will save the world. >JAVA: A simple, ~~object oriented~~, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture neutral, portable, high performance, multithreaded, dynamic language. Replace JAVA with Go. And here we are again. They didnt learn from history. They never did ...


They succeeded with their iot goals for a while. In the past there existed devices that hat the Java machine Code as ISA. In other words those chips could run Java natively without a jvm. Technically the jvm is an emulator for the compiled Java code. Nowadays there are some projects that can compile Java bytecode to native instruction sets so there is Java code that is compiled to cpu specific code just like it is done for any other language.


They never succeeded that's why they got bankrupt. And Sun SPOTs never performed.


Yea, because everyone knows how lucrative developing a good programming language is.


You don't know what you are talking about


Love the history. Gives me a very different perspective on Java. I’m not sure what you mean when you say Go is the same. Can you elaborate?


I didnt say Go is the same. But both languages made the same promises.


I know you didn’t say exactly that. I just didn’t feel like typing something more precise. I wanted you to elaborate on how Go is now repeating the history of Java


So that's why there was this "3 billion devices run java" thing in the installer. Now it makes so much sense


Even the best language is useless in hands of a shitty programmer same as a good programmer can do wonders with a shitty language


yes, so we come into conclusion, in java case, both devs and the language are shitty?


GOD I just fucking hate MINECRAFT because it’s made with JAVA and it WORKS


Could work better, could work worse




Every Banking, Finance and Insurance company. Damn OP has 0 clue.


Yeah, but for most people Android is the most known of all, so therefor I point that one out first. Indeed, many other companies also using legacy old Java or even Visual Basic programs. Sometimes I even see an old DOS program


Legacy old Java? haha


Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap.


Oh, here we go. It's 2010 again and people say that Minecraft is a bad game, because it's written in Java.


Funny is how people now hate bedrock edition (c++) because its broken (the amount of posts of people just randomly taking damage) and love java because it works fine with a some what decent performance


so every android app is shitty.


Except for those made in flutter /s


I write my c# code that pays my bills in an IDE written in java


VS is not written in java. VSCode is done in electron (javascript). Ryder? No clue..


Guess once


Your name doesn't make sense bro


GHIDRA is in Java. Not exactly a slouch.


Oh gawd. The horde! I also dont use java, so I dont know why people dont like it or do like it. I use scratch btw.


i mean look at how successful runescape became, i know they use html5 now, but back then it was quite the feat


Rather use Kotlin.


"java is shit" What a brilliant meme /s


Or if the recruiter hired javascript developers for java positions.


What is this trens of just hating languages. Making fun of them is cool, but what do you gain with hating lmao. You prob use tools every day made with every language imaginable


If you have used c#, and are then exposed to java, its hard not to notice how far behind the language, its tools and its whole ecosystem is. Its just terrible in comparison to dotnet.


(then you realize most applications you use are written in java because it is a very effective programming language)


Kotlin ftw


Isn't kotlin just Java with cleaner syntax? Never really used either but from what I've seen...


no it runs on the jvm like java, but i hear it actually exposes jvm capabilities that java doesnt which is useful for optimizing concurrent code. that alone would make it not merely a reskin


Is it really better at concurrent code? What does it offer over something like virtual threads?


i dont know how kotlin concurrency compares to java virtual threads. but it was something about leveraging information in the jvm that is entirely hidden away in java to increase efficiency over traditional java threading (so not talking about virtual threading here). it was something like that in some article i read a year or so ago, basically a jvm implementation detail that is surfaced in kotlin but not in java in some way. sorry i dont recall the details.


More like null safety checks. It has interoperability with Java libraries as well.


Turns out it's both


Yes. (Except Minecraft).


Yes. (Including Minecraft). (I use Minetest btw).


It's true though.... Most database GUI's are made with Java. No thank you.


It's old and the design looks shitty since developers aren't putting time into making the JFrame look good. Java is amazing though