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my first home server was a laptop that had no screen. lcd completely removed, no lid or anything. also removed the cdrom to add a 2nd HDD for raid1


Using an old laptop as a home server is great. Is energy efficient, compact, and has integrated UPS in a single device. Hell, I could have all my data on the go, in my backpack, over WiFi. Take that Xeon rack servers!


That's the way I did it with my first laptop, acer extensa, bought in 2010. Few years later I bought new laptop and because that piece of crap somehow didn't die, I used it to host all my movies, music. Additionally, if I wanted to use it as a video renderer, I just copied project files there and ran the video editing software. Sure, old Core 2 Duo isn't the best way to render videos, but that freed my main laptop to do other stuff. And also, you can use your old PS2 to play games directly from SMB on whatever computer you have, so yeah, it hosted them too.


I've got an old Compaq Presario with Pentium-whatever (2010) doing his job as a Kodi HTPC, ocassional SD transcoder and file server. I'm really curious about the SMB->PS2 thing


Basically, you need: - modded ps2 (from what I know softmod will do, but I can be wrong) - open ps2 loader(opl for short) installed on memory card - ps2 and host pc within the same network (connected via ethernet cable, because loading times over wifi sucks, believe me, I tried) - host pc preferably with static IP, otherwise you'd have to update ip in opl every time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk6ps8jTSxY that tutorial explains it. What can I add is for some games, you'd want to convert them the same way you'd do if you wanted to put them on external hdd using (software I can't remember nor find for god's sake, I'd give it a deeper look tommorow) instead of normal .iso, because, at least for me, opl didn't see the all isos. Also, what I did differently, was to just make new "dummy" account for ps2 sharing, because opl didn't want to connect to guest account, but for bizarre reason, account "ps22" with password "ps22" worked well.


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This is great. I have a modded PS2 somewhere in my parents' house so I will try this out when I get there. Thanks for the deliver!


Software name is USBUTIL. Basically, it converts iso to more friendly format, that can be used for playing games from hdd or SMB. And also can rip the games, but nowadays it's redundant. And no worries man. one advice - try to avoid shovelware, I was testing few cheap games, each and every with virtual memory card, went to save the game and it asked me to format the mc. I clicked ok and lost all data on my physical memory card. Not gonna lie, I was furious. And worse thing, that could happen with any game, so it's worth mentioning, just to be careful. Anyway, happy gaming :) I used it mostly to play guitar hero hacks, and with virtual memory card saves didn't overwrite each other.


RemindMe! 3 hours "Mira esto"


My first laptop had a grayscale screen, 8 MB of memory and a 45 MB hard drive. I was so excited.


Seems a little weird to put a laptop on your home server.


First time I've spit out my tea over a Reddit post. Have all of my up votes.


You can make quantum servers with anything these days!


Your laptop must love them magnetic fields 😂


Yeah, the hard drive has a hard time.




That would cause some packetloss, but I think the impact on wifi would be even worse.


Wi-Fi is completely unusable when the microwave is turned on


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/654/)


It should, both work in the 2,4~2.5Ghz band. And the MW uses a lot more power for it too.


Lol, I had Bluetooth headphones for a while and they worked great and I could continue listening to music away from the computer until someone would turn on the microwave.


The patina on the microwave, such a classic piece..


OH SHIT I have the same computer as you, and it's also running ununtu


High five! Which means you can't let it run Windows because it overheats by doing literally nothing and its battery is 100% dead?


New windows = newest hardware New Linux = we don't car that you still use 32 bit


Ubuntu dropped 32 bits


Arch too


> New Linux = we don't car that you still use 32 bit Isn't Ubuntu dropping 32-bit support soon? - . . . Anyways, have I told you about my MSI U100 running FreeBSD?


Arch did. I know because I read https://www.archlinux.org/ before updates to look for any intresting ( alarming really) news. I use arch btw.


is that like gentoo but for people who are afraid of compiling stuff?


Hey gentoo user (I hope) I'm curious and I have a serious question about updates . Do they tend to be smaller than binary updates such as pacman uses?


It's been a decade since I last used gentoo now :D


Really? Is that just x86? I dont remember if my beaglebone is 32bit. I dont think its 64.


Puppy to the rescue!


Had the one with AMD, had to overheat the laptop upside down to use it 30 minutes after it turns off (I use Blankets to overheat)


I have an Intel one, I can't use it if it's on a hard surface. I lay it on the screen to use it. Since it's now a server, I don't directly interact with it very often so it's not a bother.


Motherfuckin g42. So it wasn't just me.


Our battery literally broke and we had to get a new one... it lasts about 30 minutes on a good day


Oh, so you changed it! I didn't, I don't have the money :(


Self-deprecating joke. Also, my hair are looking fancy in this reflection!


sed s/are/is/


Self-deprecating joke. Also, my hair is looking fancy in this reflection! --- ^^reddit ^^sedbot ^^| ^^[info](https://github.com/ndri/reddit-sedbot)


Good bot!


With 1gb of ram, my server can't afford any sort of gui


On Ubuntu, you can `CTRL` + `ALT` + `F2` to switch to a terminal, no GUI involved. My applications are running like this. If I have folders to move, I'll switch to GUI because I'm not that hardcore and I need visual cues to be reassured.


I didn't know that! I've got a headless install, as I ssh into the machine and I'm rarely in the same physical location. I might look into some sort of GUI solution down the line with this in mind though


The GUI is still running in the background tho.


I log out for good measure, so only part of it is active


I have an old laptop running Ubuntu with a 5 TB HDD attached that hides behind my couch and works as combination Plex server & seedbox.


So you can seed torrents to get good karma wile keeping your main PC turned off, that's cool actually. I use this one to host my Discord bots and Minecraft Servers.


Good man. I just noticed the ethernet cable. Wifi plus old microwave ovens are a bad mix. If you do use wifi avoid the 2.4ghz band.


Stuck with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi card. It's a *really* old laptop.


Appropriate use for that G62.


Am I the only one that is mad that the "server" has the ubuntu-desktop package installed? at least ctl-alt-f1 to get to a getty prompt or something.


There's a Minecraft Server, two Discord bots and an IPFS node in other terminals! `ubuntu-desktop` is just to show off. I stay logged out of the GUI.