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It’s probably safe to assume if it’s not mentioned, it’s sc. there’s no way an hc player will miss an opportunity to say they’re hc




Well, its kind of True... But, the point is the same, feedback of SC/HC vs HC/SC is different and therefor we should now who we are replying to/ who replies on our questions. Thanks for helping ;)


I love this 😂


As a HC player myself, I take offense to this. While I ONLY play PD2 HC, I really don't think it's fair to assume that there's some sort of pretentiousness, or holier than thou attitude coming from HC players. Sure, it's true we HC gamers play the objectively more rewarding and challenging game mode, but that doesn't mean we think we're better than anyone else. It's just a game after all. And we certainly don't ALWAYS have to mention the fact that we play HC, even though it's true, we DO play HC and we're all bad asses for it.


While j do feel a bit offended bij it, it is most of all a (good) troll. Therefor j just take it as a boss and troll back: Yeah, most vegans are bitches. Never the less, we all should eat less meat and more veggies. Therefor, HC people are basically doing what everyone should do, dont we ;P


Hahaha thx Sir, thanks for that


It's like how New Yorkers love to tell you they're from New York. They're the vegans of PD2.


As a HC player myself, I take offense to this. While I ONLY play PD2 HC, I really don't think it's fair to assume that there's some sort of pretentiousness, or holier than thou attitude coming from HC players. Sure, it's true we HC gamers play the objectively more rewarding and challenging game mode, but that doesn't mean we think we're better than anyone else. It's just a game after all. And we certainly don't ALWAYS have to mention the fact that we play HC, even though it's true, we DO play HC and we're all bad asses for it.


Preaching to the choir! I once did a whole season playing HC, landed me a good girl and had a couple of kids because of it too. Now that I’m a father though, I just can’t take the same risks as I did before.


Is a user flair something associated with a user, rather than with a post? I personally I have no idea how to apply such a thing? Any hints there? (assume I'm using old reddit)


For old reddit its on the right sidebare near the top, right under where you click subscribe to the sub. Itll say ben_sphynx (edit) Also yes its different, user flair shows up by your name under every post and comment within a sub, and it always does unless you change it. Post flair is just on the post and you have to select it every time.


Found it (eventually)


I just went and did it now lol


But I play both


Good point, how should we do that? Make a 3rd option "both" or make you select them both? I think the second one could be done by accident and would be inefficiënt because of that. Any ideas?


The hardcore flair is a bit redundant since people will always let you know


The joke has already been made, but thanks for the reply anyway. I see you got a flair to, so i'm happy ;)


Mandatory? Nice try hitler.


Holy moly, that escalated quickly