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tierers are in guppy incase u wanna win the crystals btw


I always choose other teams (unknowingly) :( How can I find out about the tierers team for the next event?


ask reddit or join a sekai tiering server (like R8SS the most popular one) and then u can go into the roles/announements channel and they always announce what team theyre tiering


Or just swap your team depending on what team is the most present in the leaderboard. just before the end of the first time frame.


Okay thank you so much!


I always just choose the one I prefer and yet it always ends up losing xd


I always choose the one I think looks prettiest and it somehow always ends up being the winner 😅


thanks a lot!


Somehow I always choose the tierers group unknowingly. I think I've chosen wrongly twice.


I was gonna go goldfish, but I joined guppy cause the game told me they needed people


Same here lol


me too lol


me too lmao i wanted goldfish but it said "urgent" so i panicked


Same too lol- but that's cause I always join teams that needs more members-


you can switch to the other team! Thats what i did


Guppies are adorable!! That was the reason why I chose that team. Funnily enough, they’re the winning team so far 😭


Guppies are more exotic I think. They do better in larger public aquariums than home ones. So because of that exclusivity and uniqueness, I went team guppy


Ok just bear with me on this random tangent. Guppies actually do better in home aquariums, due to their small size and basically being unkillable(plus they reproduce like rabbits..). Most goldfish you buy at the store, such as comet goldfish grow to extremely large sizes (like 12 inches), and as a result are mostly pond fish unless you can afford to have a 300 gallon tank in your home and your floor won't collapse if you do. Now there is also fancy goldfish which are just a term to refer a different breed that doesn't grow as large and can be kept in fairly reasonable sized aquariums, but in most cases the average person is buying the pond version. As a result, goldfish do better in public aquariums than home ones in 99% of scenarios, but honestly what aquarium is going to keep a run of the mill goldfish, meanwhile I have seen guppies in a few aquariums before. Now, you might be wondering, what about those 4 litre goldfish bowls commonly portrayed in media and at the pet stores? Simply put, they are inadequate and using one is animal cruelty. This doesn't apply to just goldfish either! Almost every single species of fish cannot be kept in a bowl that small, with a few very rare exceptions, and even then it's a massive pain. This is because of the nitrogen cycle(if you've taken high school science you know what it is but aquarium version) and also just the size constraint itself. The small size physically stunts the goldfish which is why you don't see giant goldfish in bowls, and also because they die before living long enough. Goldfish can actually live 10-15 years on average! Completely different from the 2 months you usually except. Ok going back to the nitrogen cycle, why can't you keep small fish like tetras inside a goldfish bowl? This is because fish and fish food produce waste, which turns into ammonia, which is toxic. Normally, this is not an issue. In properly set up aquariums bacteria will convert this into nitrites and then nitrates, which is less toxic and will be diluted in the water until the aquarist performs a water change removing the toxins along with the water(also the ocean is so large that it just dilutes any toxins if you were wondering). However, in the case of a small goldfish bowl, there is not enough water to dilute it any meaningful amount, and as there is no room to set up a filter there is no place for the bacteria to grow, meaning that the toxic ammonia just stays in the bowl with the fish. So you know it's toxic, but what exactly does it do? Ammonia can cause ammonia burns on fish, which is pretty self explanatory but they are chemical burns and will kill your fish. So basically goldfish(or any fish really) should not be kept in bowls as you are physically stunting them and also killing them at the same time, which is why people think they only live for a couple months when that's just not true at all. Also no, your goldfish didn't die from overfeeding, it probably died from ammonia poisoning. And lastly because it's so commonly believed Betta fish can't be kept in cups nor do they prefer smaller tanks like the fish store employee said, they need 2.5( preferably 5) gallons minimum. **Tldr**: Goldfish grow to be massive, goldfish bowls are cruel, way too small and poison your fish, don't keep them in bowls and if you do get a fish just do a simple google search first to see its proper care requirements beforehand. They are pets just like a dog or cat (other pets like hamsters or birds are a whole other can of worms to unpack regarding proper care requirements), and they are actually pretty intelligent! Also kinda irrelevant but the goldfish you see at the pet store are mostly likely feeders for snakes or larger fish lol






I like Guppies more






There's a goldfish pokemon, but there's no Guppy pokemon :3


I’m on guppy :)


Guppies are really cute and I felt bad that the team didn’t have many people so win-win! Getting the “I love guppies” shirt for my cube made my heart melt 😭💖


I actually visited an aquarium the day before the event started, I saw a lot of guppies so I just went with that team


I raised fancy Oranda goldfish for like two years so I chose goldfish


I'm in the guppy team


I'm team guppy. I love guppys. They are pretty silly and cute and some pretty smart fish. You can even teach them tricks! I just live them


I joined the Goldfish team, but I regret it since the Guppy team is winning. I always seem to choose the losing team. :')


you can switch teams btw, i might do that later since i also chose goldfish :')


How and when? I didn't know that :o


before the first tallying(?) period ends, which is in 8 hours from now, should be in the crew area. talk to the teddy bear near the flag, itll ask you if u want to change crews


guppy is blue, blue is better


Team Guppy ​ Because Team Goldfish was full :(


guppy because goldfish was full. But im on goldfish now


Bubble guppies🔥


guppy guppy






Guppy because of R8SS


I went for goldfish! I don't feel strongly about either but I think goldfish are cute so I picked them




I joined goldfish


Goldfish looks way cuter in this and the colorings give koi which is pretty


Don't do Team Goldfish, everytime I join a lobby they always disban


I always choose my teams based on personal preference, not what tierers choose. I went goldfish cause i had a goldfish that lived 5+ years, it would've been a dishonor to him if i didnt pick goldfish




does anyone know how long this event is gonna last?


The event ends tomorrow April 9. But if you're referring to when the event will disappear and get replaced with another then i think it's april 11


tysm :)) !

