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It honestly just comes down to practice. Also if you're looking for a practice mode, you could always look into the app Sonulous. You can play all the Proseka Charts up to current updates in JP. You can even slow down or speed up songs for those particularity nasty charts so you can just practice it... But slower.


Use the Lv. 21-22 Expert songs to work your way into Expert. They incorporate some of the patterns you'll see in Expert songs. Alternatively, aim to FC the Lv. 22-23 Hard songs. It should be a good challenge for someone at your level.


increase your note speed in small increments and keep practicing/playing. in the options you can turn on late/fast(or early) indicator which can give you a general idea of how to adjust your note speed. the more you play the more natural it becomes. good luck


Start with the easier ones I began doing it for the ranked gems and now I mostly play expert


start with hitorinbo envy (my first ever expert AND master fc, imo it’s a perfect song to learn/practice a new difficulty with) and lower level songs like that to expose yourself to expert-like notes and charts, then slowly crawl up in numbers. exposure therapy.


Just keep on grinding and retrying until you master a specific songs then learn how to do patterns that may appear in more than one song


Patterns with hold notes and tap notes might be able to be practiced without having to start up a song. Just practice holding down one finger while tapping with the other, then try getting the other finger to tap in different areas, then try moving the held-down finger like there's a slider. If you can do all of that simultaneously with both fingers, you should be good. After that, sort by song level and start with the easiest levels on Expert. If you can't do those, try the higher levels of Hard first.


Idk how youve been doing it, but honestly I just started with the really low songs and kept trying them over and over until I could clear them. Don't try for an FC or to unlock Master, just sort by level and work your way up.


I played "Goodbye" on endless loop before going to bed for like a week until Experts made sense and I had enough ambidextrous dexterity to not just fumble through everything. Having a full team of healers helps. Once I was used to Goodbye I started poking at other low BPM charts, namely Meru Reborn Jishomushoku Kanadetomosusora When the Morning Glory Falls Made to Order Heartbeat Nostalogic one upon a dream Copycat Double Lariat Which are all really good for easing yourself into Experts. Once you're clearing them semi-consistently, you can add slightly trickier ones! Aoku Kakero from Y to Y Near Love Trial dreamin chuchu Just Be Friends Echo Aun no Beats Sweet Magic 1925 \[insert any 24 and under N25 here\] Tell Your World Hand in Hand Ten Thousand Stars And then to practice 25+'s I actually recommend the *Master* charts of Ten Thousand Stars Echo Heartbeat Nostalogic Copycat Goodbye But the real trick is not getting discouraged or giving up. This is a process that takes time. You are in fact rewiring your brain to be able to process moving your hands separately from each other in a manner similar to playing piano. And that's *hard* and will take time.


just stop thinking about it, that's how I did it :P


Boost/upgrade healer cards and make a full team of healers U can also turn up the speed but if its too difficult try just playing hard first and then work ur way up


Increasing speed made a pretty immediate difference for me. Most ppl (including me) play somewhere between 10-12; I can’t remember exactly when I started being able to do expert but it was lower than that. I would recommend increasing in increments of 0.5, getting used to it on hard, and then trying out expert at the new speed to see if it’s made a difference


Any is a very general term, So you can also practice the song on Sonolus too, for example playing that song on 50% speed and then gradually increase speed the more you get good at it. AP your 5s and work up if needed, and watch online on slow speeds how the pros does it. And also playing ranked matches 6 hours/day. Also did you clear Tell Your World? If Yes How about [This one?](https://cc.sevenc7c.com/levels/chcy-A6Rz66BbMrgpRaZ4jZE4bcr)