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It's probably Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, the closest thing to a head the Austria-Hungarian army had.


>Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf Thanks!


As in, "he really Hötzendorfed that up"


General Winter kills you whichever side you're on. The ultimate anti-war activist, he's cool like that.


“No fighting. No! Fucking! Fighting!”


cool like that hahaha


So, it's comrade Winter then.


Commissar Winter


The artwork on these posters is always so striking.


Does anyone know why they would have considered General Winter an ally at that time?


In WW1 the German army handled the winter conditions quite well, building prefab huts for their soldiers and generally facing a shattered Russian army. Because they didn’t advance nearly as far as the Nazis, they didn’t suffer as poor supply conditions. Fair to say the winter was indeed on their side (though it took a serious toll on the German home front in 1916-17).


That makes sense. Thanks!


Exactly right.


Possibly because the WW I Russian military was so incompetent that they were undermined by the one thing that should be any Russian army’s ace in the hole, shitty winter conditions.


This is most likely either due to the fact that Russia early on was on the offensive on both German and Austrian fronts and offensive operations are much harder during winter. Or it is a specific reference to the Austrian army creating a front along the Carpathians where they intended to use the mountains and the harsh climate to their advantage in a desperate attempt to prevent Russians from crossing over into Hungary.


And soon to be enemy


Not in the first year of WWI. The Germans and Austro-Hungarians handled the winter period much better than the Russians, It was in WWII that General Winter crushed the Germans, just as he had Napoleon a century and a half before.


general winter never misses! all who’re unprepared freeze


Even the prepared can die of the winter conditions unless they have shelters and ways to navigate icy roads with supply support.


Only to the general winter betray germant and go to USSR


And then the esteemed war hero, disappointed with Germany's defeat and subsequent reorganization, defected to the Soviet Army and became a national war hero for them.