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There is no fucking way this is real. Not the picture, we've all seen horror stories, but is your manager really *that* fucking stupid?


Yeah I mean that shower door is clearly off the tracks.


Show it to who, the demolition crew?


I was thinking the haz mat team.


Not only would I not show that apartment but I wouldn’t set foot in there without a full mask/haz mat suit, gloves, boots, etc. That is utterly disgusting.


But the drawer is so clean!


Top of that toilet looks pretty clean.


Not me going back to look at the drawer 😂


Me too 🧐🤣


I'm with you


You have to put toothpaste or some other toiletries in the drawer to make it feel “lived in.”


Former plumber here....people will ABSOLUTELY show places like this




And people will rent this shit?


Have you seen the increasing numbers of homeless people? That population has grown by more than ten percent in the previous year alone. Renting homes is a business, they don't care about the quality of life of the people living there, in most cases.


Thank you for saying in most cases.


Yeah, no prob. I’m not fond of definitive statements, when I can avoid them.


Whoever was living there before and did that to the bathroom didn't care about quality of life either.


I know nothing about them, but they clearly were living a life of low-quality. Probably a shitty experience, if I had to guess. Hopefully it wasn’t someone disabled, who just literally couldn’t understand how to deal with it. That’s one hechuva mess.


"Hopefully it wasn’t someone disabled, who just literally couldn’t understand how to deal with it. That’s one hechuva mess" This is usually the case.. the psychology of dealing with one challenge often contributes to the sort of depression and masochism seen here. I've seen droves of people who feel so isolated and unworthy that their standard of living falls to varying degrees of uncleanness and ill repair. Recently I saw a story where someone was in this situation and accidentally signed up for a cleaning service. It helped their self esteem so well that they kept the service and were able to function better in other parts of their life. I wish it wasn't so shameful and unaffordable for them because I think this would have enormous benefits to the useful lives of the homes as well.


Do you know anyone that’s formerly incarcerated, dirt poor and/or undocumented? Vulnerable folks have limited housing options if they don’t want to live in cars or on the streets.


Yes my family is going thru it right now. I’m grateful we found a nice house that was clean, but definitely lucky we got this place before shit hit the fan..


And rental agencies will STILL have the nerve to charge an arm and a leg for rent!!!


Bet the rents like 1500


I’ve lived in a vehicle for nearly two years and would have preferred to freeze to death inside than live in this shit hole.


Uhm you actually know someone who’s been incarcerated?


Plenty, what bubble do you live in? The US criminal justice system is criminal in itself. The US has 5% of the world's population, but 25% of the worlds prison population. It's modern day slavery where a majority are in for victimless crimes.


I agree with you about the criminal- criminal justice system. The biggest criminals are the ones holding the keys. And I’m definitely not living in a bubble. My “bubble”- been bursted. Veil lifted, and can’t even pretend to be blind to the facts.


You know what else is modern day slavery? Being an American living in America.


Doesn’t everyone at this point?


Yes? lol


Ok cool… I’m just saying bc I don’t know anyone who would let a fellow inmate get away w/ living like that in prison.


I guess I got stuck on the formerly incarcerated part, but I get it- you’re right. There’s limited options for many vulnerable groups of people. (I don’t think undocumented ppl are having a problem with housing now-a- days though).😏


Yeah, I had to come unclog something like this AFTER someone had moved in. The pm called us to deal with it.


No wonder plumbers are so expensive


Fscts haha I’m a plumber too ima see if I can show y’all this house I went to yesterday 🤦🏼‍♂️


I would actually like to see what you’ve dealt with because tbh i can’t imagine anything worse than this??


Check dm


With that plunger just laying there on the floor in front of that toilet, it looks like someone just gave up on that mess (excuse the pun) -- which is filled to the rim!!! 🤮🤮🤮


Guess what's worse? Homelessness


Is it?


Apparently you've never spent time outside dingleberry. Yes it fucking is. Don't be asinine.


Lol! Poop intended?


Shit included apparently.


Well, it does show that work is being done.


But Why?


No words for that….


Can I ask why plumbing seems be a difficult trade to get into? My brother is interested but having a tough time


Oh, they absolutely fucking are. I toured an apartment that was fucking annihilated. Not as bad as this, but it was about to start being renovated and it was horrible. Carpet pulled up and everything. It was the wrong apartment, but yeah, some people are stupid enough to show it. They DGAF.


I think he just wants to troll him 😂😂


I was shown an apartment while the tenant was out of town, and the leasing agent seemed to believe that it was fine for us to walk on top of the 2” thick carpet of dirty laundry that covered the entire floor of the apartment. They also thought we would sign a lease when dirty dishes covered all counters and were stacked to eye level in the sink. Finally, they were surprised that we protested entering the space when no lights anywhere would turn on and we had to view the entire depression nest using only the flashlights on our phones. People absolutely show these places and think you’ll sign. Spoiler alert: I didn’t sign for this place because of the lack of hygiene. There’s bound to be something fucked about that unit that affects the next tenant. I didn’t want that person to be me.


No not your phone flashlights. What the hell is wrong with people? Have they no shame? Sad for that tenant but I could not show a place like that with a straight face


If their manager thinks this apartment is ready for showing, I think they’re working for the wrong manager. No way in ***hell*** I’d show this place to anyone besides a bulldozer driver or demolition expert.


I once had a property manager show me and my friend an apartment that we were looking to rent. The apartment we were showed was still dirty and hand not been thoroughly cleaned before putting it on market. My favorite was walking into one of the cramped bedrooms that smelled like cat urine and seeing leftover cat feces they left behind on the floor. I literally stopped the tour and said we were not interested in anything they have to offer it all their places looked like this. The girl didn't even seem unfazed and said ok. I think we made a right choice not to continue with them.


Right- like, missing a doorstop and the floors need to be swept? Sure. This shit? Dude, like it's not even funny anymore. Now it's just a biohazard.


It's more like the manager is making someone else do it, and when the place doesn't get leased to someone right away, it's this person's fault, not theirs.


Agreed. If they have to ask, then sure show that apartment.


I mean you can always just send him a screenshot of this comment and see what his reaction is...


I wouldn’t even show this to my dog.


Get another job, you’re working for idiots.


I second this i work maintenance and can say you should never show anything but a completely ready unit to a potential resident. Wild.


This looks like a bathroom in resident evil 4


Or Trainspotting.


This is such an underrated comment 🤣




LOL! spot on


You are so right! I'm a 65 year old female who loved playing the first four RE games. The graphics were disturbing but not quite as disgusting 😆🤨😆!


Absolutely not. Not only will it lose you the sale, but people take photos on tours and this will hurt the building’s reputation. If this is real and the PM thinks this is ok, they need to be reported to someone if there’s a regional or someone else in charge of them. And if that person agrees it’s ok or there is no one above them, I think you need to look for new placement because that is not indicative of a well run building/company.


People will be coming just to see it it's as bad as they've heard


NFW. The prospective tenant will never be able to get that picture out of their head. You'll never rent that until its cleaned and painted


They need to burn it to the ground and start over again.


The place I worked at, we had apartments that were not reliably getting water out of the faucet, and a couple of roofs that started to cave in. Even the apartment I lived in had black mold. In case you haven’t guessed, this was not exactly an upper class establishment.


The place looks like a popular place for the local roaches. Cleaning alone won't fix that.


Roaches do exist in dirty places but also appear in clean spots as well.


Roaches are fucking nasty


Tbf they're probably cleaner than this apartment 🤢


Lol no doubt


Only flies would be happy there. 🪰


I see why you aren’t a biology scientist


If YOU are get out.


The common pest German cockroaches CAN carry disease and make people sick with their fecal matter. They're almost as bad as mice and rats in terms of pests.


Not to mention the smell in there is probably legitimately traumatizing. I don't think this place could leave anyone's head for a long time


If I saw this before cleaning, there’s no way I would ever be able to feel like my apartment/house was clean no matter how many times it was scrubbed down.


I would never be able to get the SMELL out of my head


General rule of thumb: don't use pictures of human shit to advertise a unit.


The pretense of biohazard matter, especially human feces is always such a disappointment to potential renters. Like, they are so dramatic! A little dysentery or killer e. Coli outbreak never hurt too many ppm


Has your PM seen these same pictures? Cause there’s no way in hell they’d want this apartment shown like that. If they actually do, you need a new job.


Send it to the owner and tell them pm wants it shown this way.


Shower is remarkably clean


Because this tenant clearly doesn’t use it…at all


It would have come next in the poo queue.


that’s the one thing I noticed 😭


It’s probably never been used


Yeah totally I would have just pooped in there 🤷🏻‍♂️


My ex-uncle rented and had tenants start using the bathtub when the toilet clogged. They never asked him to call a plumber or tried to call over themselves. Just started pooping in the tub.


They were < Animals!


I said the same thing!


Needs cockroaches. This isn't good enough on its own.


And a dead cat 😭


A dead cat that's bloated so you think it's just rotting but in actuality it's full of roaches 🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳




So the manager can have a “dead cat bounce”?


Oh god, that is horrifying. And as soon as a prospective pregnant family with their other 4 year old walks in the bathroom the cat stomach burts open with flying cockroaches and roaches of varying sizes on the mother while the child hauls ass out bathroom and dad breaks down crying on his knees.


to thecrown-92 Their falling from the ceiling. That little child's already got some crawling up their legs. ain't no mother hauling ass. She ran out and caught her thigh on a rusty nail that wasn't hammered in. The pain stoped her and of course she screamed. Palmetto bug flew right in her mouth. Instant vomit looks down now the child is covered from head to toe in roaches. She grabbed her child and ran further into the living room. Tripped and fell face first onto an old couch that was left behind. Lucky no harm to the unborn baby because it was just couch cousions. But when she landed the couch came alive with more palmetto bugs. Finally makes it to the front door but it's so old that it's jammed shut. roaches are crawling falling flying where's the small child gone? Ran away in fear to a bedroom. Mother runs through the house calling the child's name finds them in the bedroom. This room is where all the rest of the dead cats are and there are about twenty the maggots are plenty. The dad crushed a few roaches but he's still in there crying. as the other commenter said. Finally a neighbor kicks in the door and rescues them all. 6 months later the mother gives birth but bacteria entered her body from the gash from the rusty nail. So it was a still birth. When they did the autopsy on the fetus 1000 roaches came crawling out of it. 🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳


D¤pe needles 💉💉💉


Meth bowls, crack stems, used rubbers,dirty panties,and what is that growing in the inside of the Fridge?


You win the award for the number of "Hazardous things one can expect to see in that Filthroom!" 🏆👏👏👏!


Yes! I'm a winner. it's the greatest feeling in the world. No one can ever take this away from me. 🥇


Yessssss, sho Ya right 😆👍🏆🍾🤗!


I would be showing it as soon as I evicted this disgusting mess of a person.


Sad part is that there are sometimes kids living there.


Nope. Nope. Nope.


No. Your manager is bonkers if he thinks that is okay to show to anyone but hazmat. Check the lease, it should state that the tenant is to keep the place tidy then give them a deadline otherwise you will hire a cleaning crew for a health code violation and it will be at the tenants expense.




There is no way the tenants are still there, right?!? 🤣


You'd be surprised what people will live in.


Is your manager suffering from some type of brain injury or trauma? If not,then they are complete idiots who should not be responsible for handling the coffee bar in the clubhouse, much less dealing with applicants and residents! Nobody would think that it was acceptable to show that cesspool of a unit to anybody but Biohazard Cleaning Crews, Remodeling Contractors and Priests trained on the rites of exorcisms. It’s NUTS. to think that potential renters would totally be able to just breeze over that or ‘see the possibilities’ of the unit after a little scrub and a fresh coat of paint , to begin with. The damage to your complex’s ’reputation’ could be devesting. Someone would have a Tik Too up within a day calling out the entire nightmare fuel and it would be a losing to be rather, though. This has got to be a joke.


I wouldn't even go in that bathroom until an environmental cleaning crew had done their work. You're braver than I am even venturing in for a pic.


Whole building needs EPA clearance 💀


Seriously.... They're inhaling biohazard waste!


I’m gonna need an old priest and a young priest…


What’s the matter afraid of a little hepatitis?


To whom? A hazmat crew? Demolition team?


Maybe from the street.




I simply would not lmao. This is awful.


A property management company asked me to "jack up the apartment unit"... So yes, I believe sometimes when a property management company asks the property manager to show a unit. I think the property management company, in your case, is telling you to clean up the mess and make it rentable. Property management companies, in my opinion, are always looking for that "mark" who will do whatever to have a job and roof over their head.


I wouldn’t even walk in that bathroom bro get out


Your manager has lost the plot. They're fucking MENTAL to think it's okay for a prospect to see this. If you stay in property management, leave your employer and never look back.


Yes, show it. Let the renters know that your property management company is willing to do anything to make a buck. You'd put someone in a moldy biohazard environment and still try to charge what the next place costs. No but really, I would stop managing that property and force the owner to get involved. This place needs tens of thousands of dollars worth of work. Likely the building needs to be condemned. Knowing owners who are so uninvolved that they don't visit a property for years and make the tenant pay for prop mgt, they'd probably try to go sell it for an inflated price. But it's time they spend some money. Don't make this your liability anymore, and INTERVIEW RENTERS BETTER. YOU CAN DISCRIMINATE JUST NOT UNDER A PROTECTED CLASS LIKE RACE, GENDER, ETC. You can absolutely call previous landlords and tell the renter no, I heard you destroy(already messed up) units.


Your manager needs to be the one to show it.. or fired.


I do showings for a pm. If I tell him we cant show it until it's clean, then we book the cleanup crew asap. That's why you have the deposit, it'll at least get them started on this literal shit show, even if it doesn't cover the whole cleanup cost.


I'd say that's at least $1600/month as is


Troll post I’m guessing


So you work for a slumlord? Find a new job.


Thats a biohazard...


I'd show it to ServPro


How TF does a toilet even get like that? Somebody help me understand


I wouldn't show it, I wouldn't rent it, I also wouldn't sleep in a pile of fresh dog shit. Why is this posted here? It's a fucking apartment. Get it cleaned up, for fuck's sake.


What is this crime scene I’m looking at?


I see places (mostly trailers) on Facebook that look like this. It's unbelievable that people can't clean the place up before pictures. I see it with used vehicles for sale by individuals too. Sometimes appliances and the person will write something like, "just needs a good cleaning." Yeah...


Hell no


I would only show this to this city, and only on the condition that it was immediately condemned.


You just did.


How are the tenants not being evicted immediately? Do they have neighbors below them? Dear god I hope not


Looks like a crack house


Lemme pile on here. Absolutely disgusting. As a prospective tenant if I see this my first thought is how all the other tenants live. Am I gonna get bed bugs? Monkey pox, maybe the black plague.


Yes….. to social services


To the producers of Hoarders


Karma farming much?


3/10. I would call a hazmat team for that apartment.


Do we work for the same company? I had a supervisor tell me to just show the roach infested unit, that “some people don’t mind.”


Have him show it!


Did they loose deposit ?


I think you spelled burn wrong


I would show it to the guy with the bulldozer.


lol wtf is growing in that toilet?


Thank you for reminding me why I don’t want to be a landlord


If that were my introduction to your apartment complex, I would run.


Is this a fucking joke?


I'm amazed by the items on the counter... Starting from left to right. A pair of scissors, a toothbrush whose bristles are wrapped in toilet paper to protect it from errand feces, and some fingernail clippers. Clearly this person cares about their hygiene. Above that is a bar of Irish Spring, and a travel sized tube of toothpaste. Something tells me that's a 5 year supply for this person. Now, to the right of the sink, things get more interesting. That appears to be a bucket of Sherbet ice cream, cleaning fluid for a dry erase board, and a can of tuna. These items are the real mystery.


Please don’t post photos like this with out blurring.


Sad to say, but people are so desperate to find a place to live, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually got somebody to sign a lease. I actually know somebody right now that is so desperate to find a place, she would probably offer to clean it herself if it got her a place to live.


That is not an apartment, it is a biohazard. Your boss is delusional. What the actual fuck kind of tenant does he think he's going to get in if anyone actually sticks around for more that 5 seconds in this hellhole? I guess he doesn't care, because it's going to be your problem, not his!


abso-fucking-lutely NOT. Because if i walked into an apart like that i would FIRE YOU and obviously not live there


Yo as a nurse you need to call a hazmat team in first. For your health and everyone else’s. Fuck your manager I wouldn’t even send my clinicians in there. That’s a health inspector call asap Reference:worked in community health for 19 years.


Burn it fuckin down


What… happened… to this tenant? Elderly? Mentally ill? Handicapped?


Whoever was managing did not do their monthly checks or yearly checks. That’s a lot of munge.


No, because at the very least, it’s a safety hazard. It would also scare away 99% of prospective tenants.


Why are you in there call hazmat😂👍


I'd show it... On Hoarders


Hell to the no


Absolutely fucking not. Report them to Corp. they need fired and not making them any money and hurting their business and reputation. It is standDd that you don’t show an apartment until it is flipped back, professionally cleaned, and only then can it be shown. They need fired. I wouldn’t even be able to respect myself if I showed that


They clearly never used that bar of soap sitting on the sink and yuck someone’s toothbrush is right next to all that filth.


Half the houses I go into as a Cop/EMS provider look like this.


Typical landlord. Wants to raise the rent too I bet.


What was the manager's response after seeing the condition of the "available" unit?


🤣 got a good laugh here


lol I’m sure perspective tenants will fight over it


Is your manager the owner of the property, b/c those people are that stupid. If this person is your leasing manager and has seen these pictures, they are in the wrong industry. Why would they want you wasting their time. Are you in-house or out-of-house, b/c if you are out-of-house, I would have my maintenance team putting together a reallllly big quote for a whole new bathroom.


I would show it to the neighborhood arsonist !


Absolutely. Looks ready to go and clean as a whistle for next squatter.


I'd show it...to an environmental clean up crew, then a contractor.


You can show it, i guess they don’t want to rent it to anyone. Can’t think of any other reason why they would make you show it


If one of my team showed this apartment, they wouldn’t be working for me anymore. Holy hell. Your manager is ridiculous.


No. You do not show this at all. This needs a month of rehab. Probably has rotted floors.


Show it? Yes I would show it fire, lots of fire.


How do people live like this?


Just show it who cares


Did he shit himself multiple times and was forced to leave the pants on each occasion? My God.


Show it to an exorcist! Place is cursed.




Plot twist: manager had taco bell and dookied in that bathroom


This is literally a shit post! 😂


After a renovation I’d show it.