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Man, the smile on that guy’s face when they were singing to him. That was great.


This is why some of us do it. Good on these two for making one person happy in this world.


"You allergic to nuts?" "Hell nah" Had me cracking up.


Awww. More people should reach out (maybe not to 9-1-1, but I think he's a tad slow) when they need a little something like this. 


Couldn’t figure out if he was disabled or just drunk as hell


Yeah.... On the one hand, I genuinely like to see this stuff. On the other hand, I don't need people calling me asking for a happy birthday. Like... The people who call me to "order a pizza," instead of just telling me what their damn problem is, because they heard about it on Facebook a few years ago is stupid.


Unrelated, but I once took a breaching class taught by a guy from Jersey. I could listen to stories told by that accent all day long. Makes you feel like insta-friends.


Kinda sounded like Denzel Washington from Training Day- “Chris, I didn’t know you liked to get wet!”. But in all seriousness, some good dudes right there. 👍🏼


nice story but dude might not want to keep putting his hands in his pockets like that. just sayin.


Regular folks in regular police interactions don’t have nor do they need a manual as to how to place one’s hands. Additionally this guy appears to be in the spectrum or something along those lines.


I was getting a autistic sad boy vibe. Was a great thing they did for him


What? You talking about the guy in *this* video? It's a friendly community relations gesture, not an enforcement scenario. Good lord


Not every scenario needs to be treated as if we're about to fight the guy. Chill out


Google pre-assault indicators my friend


interesting AF. so are you saying they can tell by his other behavior that he probably isnt reaching for a weapon? i assume they are experts. i am just saying when i am contacted, i keep my hands visible. i try do do everything i can to make it easy and comfortable. not sure why so many down votes. but whatever